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Step 4 or generating ideas is when you narrow your options down to two ideas � True

Identifying the problem is stating the goals and objectives of the problem � True

Generating ideas is the fourth step in the engineering design process � TRUE

This is the eighth step in the engineering design process - Refine the idea

Why is it important to build a prototype - to work out any design problem


Brainstorm possible solutions is the third step in the engineering design process �

The sixth step in the engineering design process is selecting an approach � True

Stating limitations and specifications are an example of what step - criteria and

Exploring possibilities is listing pros and cons of your ideas � True

What is the first step in the engineering design process - defining the problem


This shows the number of observations falling into each of several ranges of
values. Frequency can be portrayed as tables, histograms, and polygons - frequency

This is a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with a solution to a

problem � engineering design process

Research should be applicable not only to the small sample involved, but also to
the greater population � True

A flowchart symbol that means the beginning/end � oval

In this activity, all ideas are accepted � brainstorming

This is a diagram that shows step-by-step progression through a procedure or system

especially using connecting lines and a set of conventional symbols � Flowchart

Parallelogram is the basic flowchart symbols which means input/output � True

Design is anything that has been created or built to solve a problem based off of
human needs and wants � True

The 7th step in the engineering design process is building a model or prototype �

This is repeating the construct and test step of the design process until the
prototype meets all of the project criteria � iteration

This uses statistical techniques � Quantitative Analysis

These are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study - Descriptive

This tells whether scores cluster together or are spread out - measures of

Which data presentation is shown in the picture? ( NOTE : Without number) - bar

Data Presentation is the section that organizes the data into logical, sequential,
and meaningful categories and classifications that is appropriate for study and
interpretation � False

This refers to a measure in one direction � dimension

Which data presentation is shown in the picture? (NUMBER 4) � histogram

This is a basic flowchart symbol which means a decision � diamond

Field trip is the best example of gathering through observation � True

Which data presentation is shown in the picture � ( NUMBER 2) - line graph

This produces a complete and detailed description of the data � Qualitative


Data Interpretation entails making sense of the results in order to support or

disprove the hypothesis � True

Constraints is something that limits the ability to design � True

This is the method of gathering information that can be conducted in person or over
the telephone � interview

This is a basic flowchart symbol that means a process step � rectangle

The discussion part is a presentation of the principles, relationship and

generalization evidenced by the results � True

This is used when trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data
alone - Inferential Statistics

This chapter includes a summary of the main findings of the thesis, and states the
deduction/s obtained � discussion

The fifth step in the engineering design process is exploring possibilities � True

This is a question approach which is important in engineering design process - 5W1H

The second step in engineering design process is identifying criteria and

constraints � True

A person who designs any of a variety of things to solve practical problems, using
science, technology, and math � Engineer

The interpretation of ____________ is important when considering its implications

both in specific and general cases � results

This is a written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria, and
its constraint - design brief
Which data presentation is shown in the picture? (NUMBER 3) - pie graph

The researcher's conclusions may have impact not only on purely theoretical
concerns but also on practical applications � True

This is one value that summarizes all the scores - measure of central tendency

If applicable, the results need to be compared and interpreted with previously

published works � True


Only upon successful completion of Thesis A (or NFE mark has been removed) will the
student be allowed to enroll in Thesis B - Agree

Research is part of the Bachelor�s Curricula. This is linked together in response

to an academic assignment and in conducting a major _______________ � thesis,
dissertation, capstone, and design project - research project

When a student reaches senior standing, he/she becomes eligible to enroll in Thesis
A � True

Change of thesis topic and group members will not be allowed once the thesis
proposal was submitted, defended and approved � True

Students from the same college may form a group of at most three (3) members to
conduct one specific thesis, research or design project � True


The capstone project shall provide the students with an experience that brings
together the technical knowledge that they have acquired on �real-life� projects or
application � True

Cross-disciplinary thesis or design projects will be subjected for approval of the

Academic Affairs Department � True

The Capstone Project should be in the form of a systems application or an

enterprise resource plan. It has a total of______units, divided into Capstone
Project 1 and Capstone Project 2 � 3

This is a final project meant to encapsulate all things learned in the IT and IS
program of study - capstone project

undergraduate thesis/dissertation involves faculty�s supervision and support

extended to the students for the completion of their research or thesis requirement
needed for the fulfillment of a degree � mentoring


Biographical Sketch � V

References � III

Appendices � IV

Review of Related Literature � 8

Significance of the Study � 4

Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Framework � 7

For undergraduate thesis, a pool of adviser is created by the ________________ with

the approval of the Dean - Program Head

Names and affiliations of authors � Author

What do the findings mean? Interpretation of results, conclusion/s, future

directions, and recommendations � Discussion

Recommendations - Discussion

Summary of Results - Discussion

Data Interpretation - Results

Aside from academic and/or teaching personnel, a non-academic employee and/or non-
teaching personnel of the branch and Head Office shall be allowed to sit as defense
panelist provided he/she meets the requirement to become a panel member in terms of
educational background, discipline, and expertise � True

A panel member is allowed to be part of the oral defense in at most _____________

Thesis or Capstone or Design Project title in any set schedule � 5

Statistical Treatment of Data � 6

Research Design � 1

Conclusion - Discussion

Data Analysis � Results

Selection and/or assignment of thesis adviser must be done upon enrollment to

thesis course � True

Title Page � A

Data Presentation � Results

Every defense session must have ___________ panelists with one sitting as Chair of
the defense panel. � 3


is the obligation of every member of AMAES, and breaches of academic integrity

constitute serious offenses - Ethical Conduct

This is taking the words, ideas, data, illustrations or statements of another

person or source and presenting them as one�s own � Plagiarism

This refers to the the fraudulent or dishonest presentation of work or presentation

of others� work as one�s own � Cheating

This is an assistance or an attempt to assist another student in an act of academic

dishonesty � Collusion

AMAES upholds academic___ at all times - Honesty and Integrity


Submitting another author�s published or unpublished work, in whole, in part, or in

paraphrase, as one�s own work, without fully and properly crediting the other
author with footnotes, citations or other bibliographical reference � Plagiarism

Use of books, notes, calculators, Internet, communication or collaboration with

others, which has not been authorized by the faculty member � cheating

Doing work for another student � collusion

During examination, copying from another student�s examination paper, facilitating

other students� copying and allowing other students to copy from one�s own paper -

Submitting or presenting assignments, take home exams or any work written, prepared
or completed in full or in part by someone else � cheating

This is a dishonest presentation of work or presentation of others� work as one�s

own � fraud

This is used to predict, singly or in combination, from among the independent

variables the dependent variables � Multiple Regression

Submitting as one�s own original work material produced through unacknowledged

collaboration with others is a form of fraud � False

is the statistical computation used in order to reduce a great number of

variables/factors - factor analysis

is used to test independence of group membership. It is applicable find the

independence between two (2) nominal variables - Chi Square

Providing a student with an advance copy of a test is an example of collusion �


To test hypotheses that are more complex than what the t-test can handle_can be
used � ANOVA

Submitting as one�s own original work any material, including data, tables, graphs,
charts, or other visual material obtained from any source, without acknowledgement
and citation of the source is a form of plagirarism � True

Calling a student on a mobile phone while taking an exam and providing information
is an example of cheating � False

The transfer of ownership of an IP to a third party, most often for the purpose of
commercialization � Transfer of rights

capstone project � NOT

recommendation and suggestion � Not

protection of undisclosed information � IPR

geographical indication � Ipr

service mark � ipr

copyrights � ipr

trademark - ipr

industrial design � ipr

lay-out design of integrated circuits � ipr

patents - ipr

This is used to find the degree of the association of two sets of variables, X and
Y or to test the significant relationship between the two variables � Pearson-
Product Moment

Handing in the same assignment simultaneously in two or more courses without the
full knowledge and approval of all faculty members involved is a form of cheating =

Anything that is a product of an original creative thought - Intellectual Property

The tangible resources provided by AMAES to creators, including office, laboratory,

wages and salaries and studio space and equipment - AMAES resources

The purpose of the IP Policy is to enhance the reputation of AMAES as an academic

research institution that pursues the highest ideals of scholarly activities and
that confers the benefits of these scholarly activities on the community � Tru

This an exclusive right issued to a creator to make, use, sell, or import the
product of his/her invention within the Philippines in exchange of his patentable
information or disclosure � patent

Leaving inappropriate materials behind at the site of an exam or test is an example

of fraud � false

The author, inventor, and/or researcher of an original intellectual property. This

term encompasses staff, faculty, and student researchers/inventors. � Creator

Designing or producing a project for another student is an example of collusion �


This is fabrication or invention of any information or citation in an written work,

listing sources that were not used in the academic work, reporting of statistical
analyses, tests, or other studies never performed; manipulating or altering data or
other manifestations of research to achieve a desired result - falsification

Using previously completed assignments to satisfy the requirements of another

course without the permission of the instructors involved is a form of cheating �

can determine whether there is a significant difference between two groups - T-test

The purpose of the IP policy is to provide a mutually beneficial reward scheme for
the creators of IPs and AMAES in relation to the financial gain resulting from
technological transfer and/or commercialization � true

is used to determine the degree of how one variable affects another � regression
This is used to get average or central value � Mean

This chapter presents the data gathered and the information obtained from them -
Chapter III

This is payment made for the use of the property, especially a patent, copyrighted
work, franchise, or natural resource � royalty

This is the misrepresentation of one�s own or another�s identity for academic

purposes - Inappropriate Proxy

This is the office in charge of research undertakings and will manage the IPs of
AMAES - Research and Publication Office

This is used to test if the independent variables have influence on the dependent
variables - Multiple Correlation

This is basic flowchart symbol that means directional flow.

d. arrow

This is the process of presenting a topic or project to an audience.

presentation X

Why this paper? The problem, what is not known, the objective of the study, related
literature, and the paper�s contribution to knowledge

What are the findings of the study?


How was the study conducted?


Details of papers cited


A stand alone, short narrative of the entire paper


Words other than those in the title that best describes the paper.

What the paper is about? This should give a general idea about the paper.
Purpose/Objective of the Study
Rationale/Background of the Study
Significance of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Framework
Review of Related Literature
Scope and Limitation

Approval Sheet
List of Tables
List of Figures
Table of Contents
Title Page
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols

Research Instruments
Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
Description of the Respondents
Data Collection or Data Gathering Procedure
Research Design
Statistical Treatment of Data

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