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1. Who do you usually get donations from?

Response: Our largest donations come from corporate clients such as banks, insurance
companies, pharmacies, but we get a lot of smaller donations (onesies, twosies) from
average people who are looking for a place to get rid of their e-waste.
2. How often do you get donations?
Response: We get larger donations one or two a week and we have our 24-hour drop
box. We get donations every day; probably 2 to 3 a day.
3. Instead of people dropping off donations at your site, do you go out to get everything
from them?
Response: For larger clients and larger donations, we do charge a pick up fee but we will
pick up. We also work with a couple other companies like moving companies and trash
companies who will pick up and drop off for us.
4. Is this your only site or do you have other sites around the island?
Response: This is our only physical site. We do have a couple donation boxes at a few
buildings where people can drop their items off in our donation boxes.
5. What are the most common items that are donated?
Response: Our most common items are computers.
6. After you get donations, what do you do with them?
Response: First we triage them. If they obviously look old, they go straight to the scrap
heap. If they look like they’re useable, we put them aside and then we’ll go through and
see if they can be refurbished or fixed.
7. How many people work here? Do you have a lot of volunteers?
Response: We have myself and one full time worker and one part time and we have a
few people come in from time to time to volunteer.
8. When you refurbish or repurpose computers, what do you do with those?
Response: First of all, if anyone needs a computer, like a nonprofit or an organization,
we donate to them but, being a business, we also have bills. So, a lot of our refurbished
computers are shipped to our partner recycling company in California where they are
further refurbished then sold off, usually ending up in schools or other large facilities.
9. How can people find out more about you and what you do?
Response: Most of our information is on our website but we get a lot of people who will
stop by and ask what we do.
10. Is there anything else that you’d like people to know about your company?
Response: Well, besides we’re the only e-waste recycling facility in the state, and we
have all the permits and licenses, so we can track where everything goes, and we’re an
environmentally friendly company so all of our downstream partners are also certified
and we know where everything goes and nothing goes in the landfill.

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