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“ ”
Cluster analysis helps us identify groups or

segments that are more like each other

than they are like members of other

groups or segments.

Tom Myers, Senior Vice President,

Client Services Manager, Burke, Inc.

Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to: ]
1. Describe the basic concept and scope of cluster analysis and its importance
in marketing research.
2. Discuss the statistics associated with cluster analysis.
3. Explain the procedure for conducting cluster analysis, including formulating
the problem, selecting a distance measure, selecting a clustering procedure,
deciding on the number of clusters, and interpreting and profiling clusters.
4. Describe the purpose and methods for evaluating the quality of clustering
results and assessing reliability and validity.
5. Discuss the applications of nonhierarchical clustering and clustering of

Cluster Analysis

Overview Like factor analysis (Chapter 19), cluster analysis examines an entire set of interdependent
relationships. Cluster analysis makes no distinction between dependent and independent
variables. Rather, interdependent relationships between the whole set of variables are exam-
ined. The primary objective of cluster analysis is to classify objects into relatively homogeneous
groups based on the set of variables considered. Objects in a group are relatively similar in
terms of these variables and different from objects in other groups. When used in this manner,
cluster analysis is the obverse of factor analysis, in that it reduces the number of objects, not the
number of variables, by grouping them into a much smaller number of clusters.
This chapter describes the basic concept of cluster analysis. The steps involved in
conducting cluster analysis are discussed and illustrated in the context of hierarchical cluster-
ing by using a popular computer program. Then an application of nonhierarchical clustering
is presented, followed by the TwoStep procedure and a discussion of clustering of variables.
Finally, we discuss the use of software in cluster analysis. Help for running the SPSS and SAS
Learning Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four ways: (1) detailed step-by-step
instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can download (from the Web site for this book)
computerized demonstration movies illustrating these step-by-step instructions, (3) you can
download screen captures with notes illustrating these step-by-step instructions, and (4) you can
refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual, a supplement that accompanies this book.
To begin, we provide some examples to illustrate the usefulness of cluster analysis.

Real Research Ice Cream Shops for “Hot” Regions

Häagen-Dazs Shoppe Co. (www.haagen-dazs.com), with more than 850 retail ice cream shops in over
50 countries in 2009, was interested in expanding its customer base. The objective was to identify poten-
tial consumer segments that could generate additional sales. Geodemography, a method of clustering

Häagen-Dazs increased its

penetration by identifying
geodemographic clusters
offering potential for
increased ice cream sales.


consumers based on geographic, demographic, and lifestyle characteristics, was employed for this
purpose. Primary research was conducted to develop demographic and psychographic profiles of Häagen-
Dazs Shoppe users, including frequency of purchase, time of the day they came in, day of the week, and
other product use variables. The addresses and zip codes of the respondents were also obtained. The
respondents were then assigned to 40 geodemographic clusters based on the clustering procedure
developed by Nielsen Claritas (www.claritas.com). For each geodemographic cluster, the profile of
Häagen-Dazs customers was compared to the cluster profile to determine the degree of penetration. Using
this information, Häagen-Dazs was also able to identify several potential customer groups from which to
attract traffic. In addition to expanding Häagen-Dazs’ customer base, product advertising was established
to target new customers accordingly. New products were introduced. As of 2009, the Häagen-Dazs brand
was owned by General Mills. However, in the United States and Canada, Häagen-Dazs products were
produced by Nestlé under a preexisting license.1 ■

The Häagen-Dazs example illustrates the use of clustering to arrive at homogeneous segments
for the purpose of formulating specific marketing strategies.

Basic Concept
Cluster analysis is a class of techniques used to classify objects or cases into relatively homoge-
neous groups called clusters. Objects in each cluster tend to be similar to each other and dissim-
ilar to objects in the other clusters. Cluster analysis is also called classification analysis, or
numerical taxonomy.2 We will be concerned with clustering procedures that assign each object to
one and only one cluster.3 Figure 20.1 shows an ideal clustering situation, in which the clusters
are distinctly separated on two variables: quality consciousness (variable 1) and price sensitivity
(variable 2). Note that each consumer falls into one cluster and there are no overlapping areas.
Figure 20.2, on the other hand, presents a clustering situation that is more likely to be encoun-
tered in practice. In Figure 20.2, the boundaries for some of the clusters are not clear-cut, and the
classification of some consumers is not obvious, because many of them could be grouped into
one cluster or another.

An Ideal Clustering
Variable 1

Variable 2

A Practical
Variable 1

Variable 2

Both cluster analysis and discriminant analysis are concerned with classification. However,
discriminant analysis requires prior knowledge of the cluster or group membership for each
object or case included to develop the classification rule. In contrast, in cluster analysis there is
no a priori information about the group or cluster membership for any of the objects. Groups or
clusters are suggested by the data, not defined a priori.4
Cluster analysis has been used in marketing for a variety of purposes, including the following:5

䊉 Segmenting the market: For example, consumers may be clustered on the basis of benefits
sought from the purchase of a product. Each cluster would consist of consumers who are
relatively homogeneous in terms of the benefits they seek.6 This approach is called benefit

Real Research The Vacationing Demanders, Educationalists, and Escapists

In a study examining decision-making patterns among international vacationers, 260 respondents provided
information on six psychographic orientations: psychological, educational, social, relaxational, physiological,
and aesthetic. Cluster analysis was used to group respondents into psychographic segments. The results
suggested that there were three meaningful segments based upon these lifestyles. The first segment (53 percent)
consisted of individuals who were high on nearly all lifestyle scales. This group was called the “demanders.”
The second group (20 percent) was high on the educational scale and was named the “educationalists.” The
last group (26 percent) was high on relaxation and low on social scales and was named the “escapists.”
Specific marketing strategies were formulated to attract vacationers in each segment. In order to recover from
the aftermath of the economic downturn in 2008–2009, Thailand made a special effort to reach the “escapists”
segment in 2010, because the country would appeal the most to these vacationers, given its many relaxation
opportunities rich in natural beauty.7 ■

䊉 Understanding buyer behaviors: Cluster analysis can be used to identify homogeneous

groups of buyers. Then the buying behavior of each group may be examined separately,
as in the department store project, where respondents were clustered on the basis of
self-reported importance attached to each factor of the choice criteria utilized in selecting
a department store. Cluster analysis has also been used to identify the kinds of strategies
automobile purchasers use to obtain external information.
䊉 Identifying new product opportunities: By clustering brands and products, competitive sets
within the market can be determined. Brands in the same cluster compete more fiercely with
each other than with brands in other clusters. A firm can examine its current offerings com-
pared to those of its competitors to identify potential new product opportunities.
䊉 Selecting test markets: By grouping cities into homogeneous clusters, it is possible to
select comparable cities to test various marketing strategies.
䊉 Reducing data: Cluster analysis can be used as a general data reduction tool to develop
clusters or subgroups of data that are more manageable than individual observations.
Subsequent multivariate analysis is conducted on the clusters rather than on the individual
observations. For example, to describe differences in consumers’ product usage behavior,
the consumers may first be clustered into groups. The differences among the groups may
then be examined using multiple discriminant analysis.

Statistics Associated with Cluster Analysis

Before discussing the statistics associated with cluster analysis, it should be mentioned that most
clustering methods are relatively simple procedures that are not supported by an extensive body of
statistical reasoning. Rather, most clustering methods are heuristics, which are based on
algorithms. Thus, cluster analysis contrasts sharply with analysis of variance, regression, discrim-
inant analysis, and factor analysis, which are based upon an extensive body of statistical
reasoning. Although many clustering methods have important statistical properties, the funda-
mental simplicity of these methods needs to be recognized.8 The following statistics and concepts
are associated with cluster analysis.

Agglomeration schedule. An agglomeration schedule gives information on the objects or

cases being combined at each stage of a hierarchical clustering process.
Cluster centroid. The cluster centroid is the mean values of the variables for all the cases
or objects in a particular cluster.
Cluster centers. The cluster centers are the initial starting points in nonhierarchical
clustering. Clusters are built around these centers or seeds.
Cluster membership. Cluster membership indicates the cluster to which each object or
case belongs.
Dendrogram. A dendrogram, or tree graph, is a graphical device for displaying clustering
results. Vertical lines represent clusters that are joined together. The position of the line on
the scale indicates the distances at which clusters were joined. The dendrogram is read
from left to right. Figure 20.8 is a dendrogram.
Distances between cluster centers. These distances indicate how separated the individual
pairs of clusters are. Clusters that are widely separated are distinct, and therefore desirable.
Icicle plot. An icicle plot is a graphical display of clustering results, so called because it
resembles a row of icicles hanging from the eaves of a house. The columns correspond to
the objects being clustered, and the rows correspond to the number of clusters. An icicle
plot is read from bottom to top. Figure 20.7 is an icicle plot.
Similarity/distance coefficient matrix. A similarity/distance coefficient matrix is a
lower-triangle matrix containing pairwise distances between objects or cases.

Conducting Cluster Analysis

The steps involved in conducting cluster analysis are listed in Figure 20.3. The first step is to
formulate the clustering problem by defining the variables on which the clustering will be
based. Then an appropriate distance measure must be selected. The distance measure deter-
mines how similar or dissimilar the objects being clustered are. Several clustering procedures
have been developed and the researcher should select one that is appropriate for the problem at
hand. Deciding on the number of clusters requires judgment on the part of the researcher. The
derived clusters should be interpreted in terms of the variables used to cluster them and profiled
in terms of additional salient variables. Finally, the researcher must assess the validity of the
clustering process.

Formulate the Problem

Perhaps the most important part of formulating the clustering problem is selecting the variables
on which the clustering is based. Inclusion of even one or two irrelevant variables may distort an
otherwise useful clustering solution. Basically, the set of variables selected should describe the
similarity between objects in terms that are relevant to the marketing research problem. The
variables should be selected based on past research, theory, or a consideration of the hypotheses
being tested. In exploratory research, the researcher should exercise judgment and intuition.

FIGURE 20.3 Formulate the problem.

Conducting Cluster
Select a distance measure.

Select a clustering procedure.

Decide on the number of clusters.

Interpret and profile clusters.

Assess the validity of clustering.


To illustrate, we consider a clustering of consumers based on attitudes toward shopping.

Based on past research, six attitudinal variables were identified. Consumers were asked to
express their degree of agreement with the following statements on a 7-point scale (1  disagree,
7  agree):

V1: Shopping is fun.

V2: Shopping is bad for your budget.
V3: I combine shopping with eating out.
V4: I try to get the best buys when shopping.
V5: I don’t care about shopping.
V6: You can save a lot of money by comparing prices.

Data obtained from a pretest sample of 20 respondents are shown in Table 20.1. A small
sample size has been used to illustrate the clustering process. In actual practice, cluster analysis
is performed on a much larger sample such as that in the Dell running case and other cases with
real data that are presented in this book.

Select a Distance or Similarity Measure

Because the objective of clustering is to group similar objects together, some measure is needed
to assess how similar or different the objects are. The most common approach is to measure sim-
ilarity in terms of distance between pairs of objects. Objects with smaller distances between
them are more similar to each other than are those at larger distances. There are several ways to
compute the distance between two objects.9
euclidean distance The most commonly used measure of similarity is the euclidean distance or its square. The
The square root of the sum euclidean distance is the square root of the sum of the squared differences in values for each
of the squared differences variable. Other distance measures are also available. The city-block or Manhattan distance
in values for each variable. between two objects is the sum of the absolute differences in values for each variable. The

TABLE 20.1
Attitudinal Data for Clustering
Case No. V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
1 6 4 7 3 2 3
2 2 3 1 4 5 4
SPSS Data File 3 7 2 6 4 1 3
4 4 6 4 5 3 6
5 1 3 2 2 6 4
6 6 4 6 3 3 4
7 5 3 6 3 3 4
SAS Data File
8 7 3 7 4 1 4
9 2 4 3 3 6 3
10 3 5 3 6 4 6
11 1 3 2 3 5 3
12 5 4 5 4 2 4
13 2 2 1 5 4 4
14 4 6 4 6 4 7
15 6 5 4 2 1 4
16 3 5 4 6 4 7
17 4 4 7 2 2 5
18 3 7 2 6 4 3
19 4 6 3 7 2 7
20 2 3 2 4 7 2

hierarchical clustering Chebychev distance between two objects is the maximum absolute difference in values for any
A clustering procedure variable. For our example, we will use the squared euclidean distance.
characterized by the If the variables are measured in vastly different units, the clustering solution will be
development of a hierarchy influenced by the units of measurement. In a supermarket shopping study, attitudinal
or tree-like structure.
variables may be measured on a 9-point Likert-type scale; patronage, in terms of frequency of
agglomerative visits per month and the dollar amount spent; and brand loyalty, in terms of percentage of
clustering grocery shopping expenditure allocated to the favorite supermarket. In these cases, before
Hierarchical clustering clustering respondents, we must standardize the data by rescaling each variable to have a
procedure where each mean of zero and a standard deviation of unity. Although standardization can remove the
object starts out in a influence of the unit of measurement, it can also reduce the differences between groups on
separate cluster. Clusters variables that may best discriminate groups or clusters. It is also desirable to eliminate
are formed by grouping outliers (cases with atypical values).10
objects into bigger and
Use of different distance measures may lead to different clustering results. Hence, it is
bigger clusters.
advisable to use different measures and compare the results. Having selected a distance or
divisive clustering similarity measure, we can next select a clustering procedure.
Hierarchical clustering
procedure where all
objects start out in one
Select a Clustering Procedure
giant cluster. Clusters are Figure 20.4 is a classification of clustering procedures. Clustering procedures can be hierarchi-
formed by dividing this cal, nonhierarchical, or other procedures. Hierarchical clustering is characterized by the devel-
cluster into smaller and opment of a hierarchy or tree-like structure. Hierarchical methods can be agglomerative or
smaller clusters. divisive. Agglomerative clustering starts with each object in a separate cluster. Clusters are
formed by grouping objects into bigger and bigger clusters. This process is continued until all
linkage methods
Agglomerative methods of
objects are members of a single cluster. Divisive clustering starts with all the objects grouped in
hierarchical clustering that a single cluster. Clusters are divided or split until each object is in a separate cluster.
cluster objects based on a Agglomerative methods are commonly used in marketing research. They consist of linkage
computation of the methods, error sums of squares or variance methods, and centroid methods. Linkage methods
distance between them. include single linkage, complete linkage, and average linkage. The single linkage method is

A Classification of Clustering Procedures

Clustering Procedures

Hierarchical Nonhierarchical Other

Agglomerative Divisive TwoStep

Linkage Variance Centroid Sequential Parallel Optimizing

Methods Methods Methods Threshold Threshold Partitioning


Single Complete Average

Linkage Linkage Linkage

single linkage based on minimum distance or the nearest neighbor rule. The first two objects clustered are those
Linkage method that is that have the smallest distance between them. The next shortest distance is identified, and either
based on minimum distance the third object is clustered with the first two, or a new two-object cluster is formed. At every
or the nearest neighbor rule. stage, the distance between two clusters is the distance between their two closest points (see
complete linkage Figure 20.5). Two clusters are merged at any stage by the single shortest link between them. This
Linkage method that is process is continued until all objects are in one cluster. The single linkage method does not work
based on maximum well when the clusters are poorly defined. The complete linkage method is similar to single
distance or the furthest linkage, except that it is based on the maximum distance or the furthest neighbor approach.
neighbor approach. In complete linkage, the distance between two clusters is calculated as the distance between
average linkage their two furthest points. The average linkage method works similarly. However, in this method,
A linkage method based on the distance between two clusters is defined as the average of the distances between all pairs
the average distance between of objects, where one member of the pair is from each of the clusters (Figure 20.5). As can be
all pairs of objects, where seen, the average linkage method uses information on all pairs of distances, not merely the
one member of the pair is minimum or maximum distances. For this reason, it is usually preferred to the single and
from each of the clusters. complete linkage methods.
variance methods The variance methods attempt to generate clusters to minimize the within-cluster vari-
An agglomerative method ance. A commonly used variance method is Ward’s procedure. For each cluster, the means for
of hierarchical clustering in all the variables are computed. Then, for each object, the squared euclidean distance to the
which clusters are cluster means is calculated (Figure 20.6). These distances are summed for all the objects.
generated to minimize the At each stage, the two clusters with the smallest increase in the overall sum of squares within
within-cluster variance. cluster distances are combined. In the centroid methods, the distance between two clusters is
Ward’s procedure the distance between their centroids (means for all the variables), as shown in Figure 20.6.
Variance method in which Clusters are generated so as to maximize the distances between the centers or centroids of
the squared euclidean clusters. Every time objects are grouped, a new centroid is computed. Of the hierarchical
distance to the cluster methods, average linkage and Ward’s methods have been shown to perform better than the
means is minimized. other procedures.11
centroid methods The second type of clustering procedures, the nonhierarchical clustering method, is
A method of hierarchical frequently referred to as k-means clustering. These methods include sequential threshold,
clustering in which clusters parallel threshold, and optimizing partitioning. In the sequential threshold method, a cluster
are generated so as to center is selected and all objects within a prespecified threshold value from the center are
maximize the distances grouped together. Then a new cluster center or seed is selected, and the process is repeated for
between the centers or the unclustered points. Once an object is clustered with a seed, it is no longer considered for
centroids of clusters.

FIGURE 20.5 Single Linkage

Linkage Methods
of Clustering

Cluster 1 Cluster 2

Complete Linkage


Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Average Linkage

Cluster 1 Cluster 2

FIGURE 20.6 Ward’s Method


Centroid Method

clustering with subsequent seeds. The parallel threshold method operates similarly, except that
nonhierarchical several cluster centers are selected simultaneously, and objects within the threshold level are
clustering grouped with the nearest center. The optimizing partitioning method differs from the two
A procedure that first assigns
threshold procedures in that objects can later be reassigned to clusters to optimize an overall
or determines one or more
criterion, such as average within-cluster distance for a given number of clusters.
cluster centers and then
groups all objects within a
Two major disadvantages of the nonhierarchical procedures are that the number of clusters
prespecified threshold value must be prespecified and the selection of cluster centers is arbitrary. Furthermore, the clustering
from the center(s). results may depend on how the centers are selected. Many nonhierarchical programs select the
first k (k  number of clusters) cases without missing values as initial cluster centers. Thus, the
sequential threshold clustering results may depend on the order of observations in the data. Yet nonhierarchical
method clustering is faster than hierarchical methods and has merit when the number of objects or
A nonhierarchical clustering
observations is large. It has been suggested that the hierarchical and nonhierarchical methods be
method in which a cluster
used in tandem. First, an initial clustering solution is obtained using a hierarchical procedure,
center is selected and all
objects within a
such as average linkage or Ward’s. The number of clusters and cluster centroids so obtained are
prespecified threshold value used as inputs to the optimizing partitioning method.12
from the center are Other clustering procedures are also available; one of particular interest is TwoStep cluster
grouped together. analysis. This procedure can automatically determine the optimal number of clusters by comparing
the values of model-choice criteria across different clustering solutions. It also has the ability to
parallel threshold create cluster models based on categorical and continuous variables. In addition to euclidean
distance, the TwoStep procedure also uses the log-likelihood measure. The log-likelihood measure
Nonhierarchical clustering
places a probability distribution on the variables. It also accommodates two clustering criteria:
method that specifies
several cluster centers at
Schwarz’s Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) or the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
once. All objects that are Choice of a clustering method and choice of a distance measure are interrelated. For
within a prespecified example, squared euclidean distances should be used with the Ward’s and centroid methods.
threshold value from the Several nonhierarchical procedures also use squared euclidean distances. In the TwoStep proce-
center are grouped dure, the euclidean measure can be used only when all of the variables are continuous.
together. We will use the Ward’s procedure to illustrate hierarchical clustering. The output obtained
by clustering the data of Table 20.1 is given in Table 20.2. Useful information is contained in
the “Agglomeration Schedule”, which shows the number of cases or clusters being combined at
partitioning method
Nonhierarchical clustering
each stage. The first line represents stage 1, with 19 clusters. Respondents 14 and 16 are
method that allows for later combined at this stage, as shown in the columns labeled “Clusters Combined.” The squared
reassignment of objects to euclidean distance between these two respondents is given under the column labeled
clusters to optimize an “Coefficients.” The column entitled “Stage Cluster First Appears” indicates the stage at which
overall criterion. a cluster is first formed. To illustrate, an entry of 1 at stage 6 indicates that respondent 14 was

TABLE 20.2
Results of Hierarchical Clustering
Case Processing Summary a,b
Valid Cases Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
SPSS Output File 20 100.0 0 0.0 20 100.0
a Squared Euclidean Distance used
b Ward Linkage
Ward Linkage
Agglomeration Schedule
SAS Output File
Stage Cluster First
Cluster Combined Appears
Stage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Coefficients Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Next Stage
1 14 16 1.000 0 0 6
2 6 7 2.000 0 0 7
3 2 13 3.500 0 0 15
4 5 11 5.000 0 0 11
5 3 8 6.500 0 0 16
6 10 14 8.167 0 1 9
7 6 12 10.500 2 0 10
8 9 20 13.000 0 0 11
9 4 10 15.583 0 6 12
10 1 6 18.500 0 7 13
11 5 9 23.000 4 8 15
12 4 19 27.750 9 0 17
13 1 17 33.100 10 0 14
14 1 15 41.333 13 0 16
15 2 5 51.833 3 11 18
16 1 3 64.500 14 5 19
17 4 18 79.667 12 0 18
18 2 4 172.667 15 17 19
19 1 2 328.600 16 18 0
Cluster Membership
Case 4 Clusters 3 Clusters 2 Clusters
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 1 1 1
4 3 3 2
5 2 2 2
6 1 1 1
7 1 1 1
8 1 1 1
9 2 2 2
10 3 3 2
11 2 2 2
12 1 1 1
13 2 2 2
14 3 3 2


TABLE 20.2
Results of Hierarchical Clustering (continued )
15 1 1 1
16 3 3 2
17 1 1 1
18 4 3 2
19 3 3 2
20 2 2 2

first grouped at stage 1. The last column, “Next Stage,” indicates the stage at which another
case (respondent) or cluster is combined with this one. Because the number in the first line of
the last column is 6, we see that at stage 6, respondent 10 is combined with 14 and 16 to form a
single cluster. Similarly, the second line represents stage 2 with 18 clusters. In stage 2, respon-
dents 6 and 7 are grouped together.
Another important part of the output is contained in the icicle plot given in Figure 20.7. The
columns correspond to the objects being clustered, in this case respondents labeled 1 through 20.
The rows correspond to the number of clusters. This figure is read from bottom to top. At first, all
cases are considered as individual clusters. Because there are 20 respondents, there are 20 initial
clusters. At the first step, the two closest objects are combined, resulting in 19 clusters. The last
row of Figure 20.7 shows these 19 clusters. The two cases, respondents 14 and 16, which have
been combined at this stage, have in the column between them, all Xs in rows 1 through 19. Row
number 18 corresponds to the next stage, with 18 clusters. At this stage, respondents 6 and 7 are
grouped together. The column of Xs between respondents 6 and 7 has a blank in row 19. Thus, at
this stage there are 18 clusters; 16 of them consist of individual respondents, and two contain two
respondents each. Each subsequent step leads to the formation of a new cluster in one of three
ways: (1) two individual cases are grouped together, (2) a case is joined to an already existing
cluster, or (3) two clusters are grouped together.
Another graphic device that is useful in displaying clustering results is the dendrogram (see
Figure 20.8). The dendrogram is read from left to right. Vertical lines represent clusters that are
joined together. The position of the line on the scale indicates the distances at which clusters
were joined. Because many of the distances in the early stages are of similar magnitude, it is dif-
ficult to tell the sequence in which some of the early clusters are formed. However, it is clear that
in the last two stages, the distances at which the clusters are being combined are large. This
information is useful in deciding on the number of clusters.
It is also possible to obtain information on cluster membership of cases if the number of
clusters is specified. Although this information can be discerned from the icicle plot, a tabular
display is helpful. Table 20.2 contains the “Cluster Membership” for the cases, depending on
whether the final solution contains two, three, or four clusters. Information of this type can be
obtained for any number of clusters and is useful for deciding on the number of clusters.

Decide on the Number of Clusters

A major issue in cluster analysis is deciding on the number of clusters. Although there are no
hard and fast rules, some guidelines are available:

1. Theoretical, conceptual, or practical considerations may suggest a certain number of

clusters. For example, if the purpose of clustering is to identify market segments,
management may want a particular number of clusters.
2. In hierarchical clustering, the distances at which clusters are combined can be used as
criteria. This information can be obtained from the agglomeration schedule or from the
dendrogram. In our case, we see from the “Agglomeration Schedule” in Table 20.2 that
the value in the “Coefficients” column suddenly more than doubles between stages 17
(three clusters) and 18 (two clusters). Likewise, at the last two stages of the dendrogram in
Figure 20.8, the clusters are being combined at large distances. Therefore, it appears that
a three-cluster solution is appropriate.
NUMBER OF CLUSTERS 18 19 16 14 10 4 20 9 11 5 13 2 8 3 15 17 12 7 6 1
1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
12 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
17 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
18 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
19 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Vertical Icicle Plot Using Ward’s Procedure

SPSS Output File SAS Output File


FIGURE 20.8 14
Dendrogram Using
Ward’s Procedure 4

Case Label Number

SPSS Output File 7

SAS Output File

0 5 10 15 20 25
Rescaled Distance Cluster Combine

3. In nonhierarchical clustering, the ratio of total within-group variance to between-group

variance can be plotted against the number of clusters. The point at which an elbow or
a sharp bend occurs indicates an appropriate number of clusters. Increasing the number of
clusters beyond this point is usually not worthwhile.
4. The relative sizes of the clusters should be meaningful. In Table 20.2, by making a simple
frequency count of cluster membership, we see that a three-cluster solution results in
clusters with eight, six, and six elements. However, if we go to a four-cluster solution, the
sizes of the clusters are eight, six, five, and one. It is not meaningful to have a cluster with
only one case, so a three-cluster solution is preferable in this situation.

Interpret and Profile the Clusters

Interpreting and profiling clusters involves examining the cluster centroids. The centroids repre-
sent the mean values of the objects contained in the cluster on each of the variables. The centroids
enable us to describe each cluster by assigning it a name or label. If the clustering program does
not print this information, it may be obtained through discriminant analysis. Table 20.3 gives the
centroids or mean values for each cluster in our example. Cluster 1 has relatively high values on
variables V1 (shopping is fun) and V3 (I combine shopping with eating out). It also has a low value
on V5 (I don’t care about shopping). Hence, cluster 1 could be labeled “fun-loving and concerned
shoppers.” This cluster consists of cases 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, and 17. Cluster 2 is just the opposite,
with low values on V1 and V3 and a high value on V5, and this cluster could be labeled “apathetic
shoppers.” Members of cluster 2 are cases 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, and 20. Cluster 3 has high values on V2
(shopping upsets my budget), V4 (I try to get the best buys when shopping), and V6 (you can save
a lot of money by comparing prices). Thus, this cluster could be labeled “economical shoppers.”
Cluster 3 comprises cases 4, 10, 14, 16, 18, and 19.

TABLE 20.3
Cluster Centroids
Means of Variables
Cluster No. V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
1 5.750 3.625 6.000 3.125 1.750 3.875
2 1.667 3.000 1.833 3.500 5.500 3.333
3 3.500 5.833 3.333 6.000 3.500 6.000

Often it is helpful to profile the clusters in terms of variables that were not used for clustering.
These may include demographic, psychographic, product usage, media usage, or other variables.
For example, the clusters may have been derived based on benefits sought. Further profiling may be
done in terms of demographic and psychographic variables to target marketing efforts for each
cluster. The variables that significantly differentiate between clusters can be identified via discrim-
inant analysis and one-way analysis of variance.

Assess Reliability and Validity

Given the several judgments entailed in cluster analysis, no clustering solution should be
accepted without some assessment of its reliability and validity. Formal procedures for assessing
the reliability and validity of clustering solutions are complex and not fully defensible.13 Hence,
we omit them here. However, the following procedures provide adequate checks on the quality of
clustering results.
1. Perform cluster analysis on the same data using different distance measures. Compare the
results across measures to determine the stability of the solutions.
2. Use different methods of clustering and compare the results.
3. Split the data randomly into halves. Perform clustering separately on each half. Compare
cluster centroids across the two subsamples.
4. Delete variables randomly. Perform clustering based on the reduced set of variables.
Compare the results with those obtained by clustering based on the entire set of variables.
5. In nonhierarchical clustering, the solution may depend on the order of cases in the data set.
Make multiple runs using a different order of cases until the solution stabilizes.
We further illustrate hierarchical clustering with a study of differences in marketing strategy
among American, Japanese, and British firms.

Real Research It Is a Small World

Data for a study of U.S., Japanese, and British competitors were obtained from detailed personal interviews
with chief executives and top marketing decision makers for defined product groups in 90 companies. To
control for market differences, the methodology was based upon matching 30 British companies with their
major American and Japanese competitors in the U.K. market. The study involved 30 triads of companies,
each composed of a British, American, and Japanese business that competed directly with one another.
Most of the data on the characteristics of the companies’ performance, strategy, and organization were
collected on 5-point semantic differential scales. The first stage of the analysis involved factor analysis of
variables describing the firms’ strategies and marketing activities. The factor scores were used to identify
groups of similar companies using Ward’s hierarchical clustering routine. A six-cluster solution was developed.

Strategic Clusters
Cluster I II III IV V VI
Quality Price Product Mature Aggressive
Name Innovators Marketeers Promoters Marketeers Marketeers Pushers
Size 22 11 14 13 13 17
Successful (%) 55 100 36 38 77 41
Nationality (%):
Japanese 59 46 22 31 15 18
American 18 36 14 31 54 53
British 23 18 64 38 31 29

Membership in the six clusters was then interpreted against the original performance, strategy, and organi-
zational variables. All the clusters contained some successful companies, although some contained significantly
more than others. The clusters lent support to the hypothesis that successful companies were similar irrespective
of nationality, because American, British, and Japanese companies were found in all the clusters. There was,
however, a preponderance of Japanese companies in the more successful clusters and a predominance of British
companies in the two least successful clusters. Apparently, Japanese companies do not deploy strategies that are
unique to them; rather, more of them pursue strategies that work effectively in the British market.

The findings indicate that there are generic strategies that describe successful companies irrespective of their
industry. Three successful strategies can be identified. The first is the Quality Marketeers strategy. These compa-
nies have strengths in marketing and research and development. They concentrate their technical developments
on achieving high quality rather than pure innovation. These companies are characterized by entrepreneurial
organizations, long-range planning, and a well-communicated sense of mission. The second generic strategy is
that of the Innovators, who are weaker on advanced R&D but are entrepreneurial and driven by a quest for
innovation. The last successful group is the Mature Marketeers, who are highly profit oriented and have in-depth
marketing skills. All three appear to consist of highly marketing-oriented businesses. Foreign investment in the
United Kingdom continued to be robust. In 2009, the United Kingdom was leading other European countries in
terms of foreign direct investments. The United States and Japan continued to be major investors.14 ■

Applications of Nonhierarchical Clustering

We illustrate the nonhierarchical procedure using the data in Table 20.1 and an optimizing parti-
tioning method. Based on the results of hierarchical clustering, a three-cluster solution was
prespecified. The results are presented in Table 20.4. The “Initial Cluster Centers” are the values
of three randomly selected cases. In some programs, the first three cases are selected. The classi-
fication cluster centers are interim centers used for the assignment of cases. Each case is assigned
to the nearest classification cluster center. The classification centers are updated until the
stopping criteria are reached. The “Final Cluster Centers” represent the variable means for the
cases in the final clusters. In SPSS Windows, these are rounded to the nearest integer.

TABLE 20.4
Results of Nonhierarchical Clustering
Initial Cluster Centers
1 2 3
SPSS Output File V1 4 2 7
V2 6 3 2
V3 3 2 6
V4 7 4 4
SAS Output File V5 2 7 1
V6 7 2 3

Iteration History a
Change In Cluster Centers
Iteration 1 2 3
1 2.154 2.102 2.550
2 0.000 0.000 0.000
aConvergence achieved due to no or small distance change. The maximum distance
by which any center has changed is 0.000. The current iteration is 2. The minimum
distance between initial centers is 7.746.

Cluster Membership
Case Number Cluster Distance
1 3 1.414
2 2 1.323
3 3 2.550
4 1 1.404
5 2 1.848
6 3 1.225


TABLE 20.4
Results of Nonhierarchical Clustering (continued)
7 3 1.500
8 3 2.121
9 2 1.756
10 1 1.143
11 2 1.041
12 3 1.581
13 2 2.598
14 1 1.404
15 3 2.828
16 1 1.624
17 3 2.598
18 1 3.555
19 1 2.154
20 2 2.102
Final Cluster Centers

1 2 3
V1 4 2 6
V2 6 3 4
V3 3 2 6
V4 6 4 3
V5 4 6 2
V6 6 3 4
Distances Between Final Cluster Centers
Cluster 1 2 3
1 5.568 5.698
2 5.568 6.928
3 5.698 6.928
Cluster Error
Mean Square df Mean Square df F Sig.
V1 29.108 2 0.608 17 47.888 0.000
V2 13.546 2 0.630 17 21.505 0.000
V3 31.392 2 0.833 17 37.670 0.000
V4 15.713 2 0.728 17 21.585 0.000
V5 22.537 2 0.816 17 27.614 0.000
V6 12.171 2 1.071 17 11.363 0.001

The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters
have been chosen to maximize the differences among cases in different clusters.
The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be
interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal.
Number of Cases in Each Cluster
Cluster 1 6.000
2 6.000
3 8.000
Valid 20.000
Missing 0.000

Table 20.4 also displays “Cluster Membership” and the distance between each case and its
classification center. Note that the cluster memberships given in Table 20.2 (hierarchical
clustering) and Table 20.4 (nonhierarchical clustering) are identical. (Cluster 1 of Table 20.2 is
labeled cluster 3 in Table 20.4, and cluster 3 of Table 20.2 is labeled cluster 1 in Table 20.4.)
The “Distances Between the Final Cluster Centers” indicate that the pairs of clusters are well
separated. The univariate F test for each clustering variable is presented. These F tests are only
descriptive. Because the cases or objects are systematically assigned to clusters to maximize
differences on the clustering variables, the resulting probabilities should not be interpreted as
testing the null hypothesis of no differences among clusters.
The following example of hospital choice further illustrates nonhierarchical clustering.

Real Research Segmentation with Surgical Precision

Cluster analysis was used to classify respondents who preferred hospitals for inpatient care to identify
hospital preference segments. The clustering was based on the reasons respondents gave for preferring a
hospital. The demographic profiles of the grouped respondents were compared to learn whether the
segments could be identified efficiently.
The k-Means clustering method (SPSS) was used for grouping the respondents based on their
answers to the hospital preference items. The squared euclidean distances between all clustering
variables were minimized. Because different individuals perceive scales of importance differently, each
individual’s ratings were normalized before clustering. The results indicated that the respondents could
best be classified into four clusters. The cross-validation procedure for cluster analysis was run twice, on
halves of the total sample.
As expected, the four groups differed substantially by their distributions and average responses to the
reasons for their hospital preferences. The names assigned to the four groups reflected the demographic
characteristics and reasons for hospital preferences: Old-Fashioned, Affluent, Value Conscious, and
Professional Want-It-Alls.15 ■

Applications of TwoStep Clustering

The data of Table 20.1 were also analyzed using the TwoStep procedure in SPSS. Since all of
the variables were continuous, we used the euclidean distance measure. The clustering crite-
rion was the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The number of clusters was determined
automatically. The results are shown in Table 20.5. As can be seen, a three-cluster solution
was obtained, similar to that in hierarchical and nonhierarchical clustering. Note that the AIC
is at a minimum (97.594) for a three-cluster solution. A comparison of cluster centroids in
Table 20.5 with those in Table 20.3 show that Cluster 1 of Table 20.5 corresponds to Cluster 2
of Table 20.3 (hierarchical clustering), Cluster 2 of Table 20.5 corresponds to Cluster 3
of Table 20.3 and Cluster 3 of TwoStep corresponds to Cluster 1. The interpretation and impli-
cations are similar to those discussed earlier. In this case all three methods (hierarchical,
nonhierarchical, and TwoStep) gave similar results. In other cases, different methods may
yield different results. It is a good idea to analyze a given data set using different methods to
examine the stability of clustering solutions.

Decision Research Sony: Attacking the Market Segment by Segment

The Situation
Headquartered in Tokyo, Sony Corporation (www.sony.com) is a leading manufacturer of audio, video,
communications, and information technology products for consumers and professional markets. Sony’s
main U.S. businesses include Sony Electronics, Inc., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony BMG Music
Entertainment, Inc., and Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. Sony recorded consolidated annual
sales of $88.7 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008. Sony’s consolidated sales in the United
States for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, were $29 billion. According to the Harris Poll
(www.harrisinteractive.com), Sony has been chosen as the number one brand for the third year in a row, and
for the fifth time in the last eight years.

TABLE 20.5
Results of TwoStep Clustering
Akaike’s Ratio of
Number of Information Ratio of AIC Distance
Clusters Criterion (AIC) AIC Changea Changesb Measuresc
SPSS Output File
1 104.140
2 101.171 -2.969 1.000 .847
3 97.594 -3.577 1.205 1.583
4 116.896 19.302 -6.502 2.115
5 138.230 21.335 -7.187 1.222
6 158.586 20.355 -6.857 1.021
7 179.340 20.755 -6.991 1.224
8 201.628 22.288 -7.508 1.006
9 224.055 22.426 -7.555 1.111
10 246.522 22.467 -7.568 1.588
11 269.570 23.048 -7.764 1.001
12 292.718 23.148 -7.798 1.055
13 316.120 23.402 -7.883 1.002
14 339.223 23.103 -7.782 1.044
15 362.650 23.427 -7.892 1.004
a The changes are from the previous number of clusters in the table.
b The ratios of changes are relative to the change for the two cluster solution.
c The ratios of distance measures are based on the current number of clusters against the previous number of clusters.

Cluster Distribution
N % of Combined % of Total
Cluster 1 6 30.0% 30.0%
2 6 30.0% 30.0%
3 8 40.0% 40.0%
Combined 20 100.0% 100.0%
Total 20 100.0%
Fun Bad for Budget
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Cluster 1 1.67 .516 3.00 .632
2 3.50 .548 5.83 .753
3 5.75 1.035 3.63 .916
Combined 3.85 1.899 4.10 1.410
Eating Out Best Buys
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Cluster 1 1.83 .753 3.50 1.049
2 3.33 .816 6.00 .632
3 6.00 1.089 3.13 .835
Combined 3.95 2.012 4.10 1.518
Don’t Care Compare Prices
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Cluster 1 5.50 1.049 3.33 .816
2 3.50 .837 6.00 1.549
3 1.80 .835 3.88 .641
Combined 3.45 1.761 4.35 1.496

Cluster analysis can help

Sony segment the U.S.
electronics market based on
psychographics and

The main focus of Sony’s marketing strategy is to get closer to the consumer. Ryoji Chubachi,
Sony Electronics CEO, says, “It is hard to differentiate products today. . . . Differentiation is our mission. We
must see the customer first, sell as much products to those specific consumers as possible through the right retail
channels.” In order to implement this idea, Sony has divided its target market into the following segments:
Affluent Alphas (early adopters), Zoomers (55), Small Office/Home Office, Young Professionals (25–34),
Families, and Generation Y (under 30).
These six demographic segments make up the Diamond Plan. Instead of individual products being
marketed by product managers, Sony plans to assign executives to these demographic segments. This new
approach to marketing will affect product development and design, retail merchandising, advertising, and
consumer loyalty programs. Media dollars will also be adjusted to effectively target the new segments.
However, before a full-scale implementation of the Diamond Plan, Ryoji Chubachi would like to determine
if there is a better way to segment the U.S. electronics market, such as by psychographics and lifestyles, that
will lead to increased sales and market share.16

The Marketing Research Decision

1. What data should be collected and how should they be analyzed to segment the U.S. electronics
market based on psychographics and lifestyles?
2. Discuss the role of the type of research you recommend in enabling Ryoji Chubachi to increase sales
and market share.

The Marketing Management Decision

1. What new strategies should Ryoji Chubachi formulate to increase sales and market share?
2. Discuss how the marketing management decision action that you recommend to Ryoji Chubachi
is influenced by the data analysis that you suggested earlier and by the likely findings. ■

Segmenting the Market for Nordstrom
Conduct an Internet search using a search engine and your library’s online database to obtain information on
the type of consumers who shop at high-end department stores such as Nordstrom.
Describe what data should be collected and how they should be analyzed to segment the market for
a high-end department store such as Nordstrom.
As the CEO of Nordstrom, how would you segment your market?

Clustering Variables
Sometimes cluster analysis is also used for clustering variables to identify homogeneous
groups. In this instance, the units used for analysis are the variables, and the distance measures
are computed for all pairs of variables. For example, the correlation coefficient, either the
absolute value or with the sign, can be used as a measure of similarity (the opposite of distance)
between variables.
Hierarchical clustering of variables can aid in the identification of unique variables, or variables
that make a unique contribution to the data. Clustering can also be used to reduce the number of
variables. Associated with each cluster is a linear combination of the variables in the cluster, called
the cluster component. A large set of variables can often be replaced by the set of cluster components
with little loss of information. However, a given number of cluster components do not generally
explain as much variance as the same number of principal components. Why, then, should the
clustering of variables be used? Cluster components are usually easier to interpret than the principal
components, even if the latter are rotated.17 We illustrate the clustering of variables with an example
from advertising research.

Real Research Feelings—Nothing More Than Feelings

As it faced stiff competition in digital cameras, Nikon (www.nikon.com) was marketing its Coolpix line in
2009 with the tag lines such as, “passion made powerful,” “brilliance made beautiful,” and “memories
made easy.” The campaign was designed to evoke emotional feelings in consumers.
Nikon based this campaign on a study conducted to identify feelings that are precipitated by
advertising. A total of 655 feelings were reduced to a set of 180 that were judged by respondents to be
most likely to be stimulated by advertising. This group was clustered on the basis of judgments of
similarity between feelings, resulting in 31 feeling clusters. These were divided into 16 positive and 15
negative clusters.18

Positive Feelings Negative Feelings

1. Playful/childish 1. Fear
2. Friendly 2. Bad/sick
3. Humorous 3. Confused
4. Delighted 4. Indifferent
5. Interested 5. Bored
6. Strong/confident 6. Sad
7. Warm/tender 7. Anxious
8. Relaxed 8. Helpless/timid
9. Energetic/impulsive 9. Ugly/stupid
10. Eager/excited 10. Pity/deceived
11. Contemplative 11. Mad
12. Proud 12. Disagreeable
13. Persuaded/expectant 13. Disgusted
14. Vigorous/challenged 14. Irritated
15. Amazed 15. Moody/frustrated
16. Set/informed

Thus, 655 feeling responses to advertising were reduced to a core set of 31 feelings. As such, advertisers
now have a manageable set of feelings for understanding and measuring emotional responses to advertising.
When measured, these feelings can provide information on a commercial’s ability to persuade the target
consumers, as in the case of Nikon cameras. ■

Cluster analysis, particularly clustering of objects, is also frequently used in international

marketing research (as in the next example) and could also be useful in researching ethical eval-
uations (as in the example after that).

Real Research Perceived Product Parity—Once Rarity—Now Reality

How do consumers in different countries perceive brands in different product categories? Surprisingly, the
answer is that the product perception parity rate is quite high. Perceived product parity means that
consumers perceive all/most of the brands in a product category as similar to each other, or at par. A new
study by BBDO Worldwide (www.bbdo.com) shows that two-thirds of consumers surveyed in 28 countries
considered brands in 13 product categories to be at parity. The product categories ranged from airlines to
credit cards to coffee. Perceived parity averaged 63 percent for all categories in all countries. The Japanese
have the highest perception of parity across all product categories at 99 percent, and Colombians the lowest
at 28 percent. Viewed by product category, credit cards have the highest parity perception at 76 percent, and
cigarettes the lowest at 52 percent.
BBDO clustered the countries based on product parity perceptions to arrive at clusters that exhibited
similar levels and patterns of parity perceptions. The highest perception parity figure came from the
Asia/Pacific region (83 percent) that included countries of Australia, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea,
and also France. It is no surprise that France was in this list because, for most products, they use highly
emotional, visual advertising that is feelings oriented. The next cluster was U.S.-influenced markets
(65 percent), which included Argentina, Canada, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Mexico, Singapore, and United
States. The third cluster, primarily European countries (60 percent), included Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and Germany.
What all this means is that in order to differentiate the product/brand, advertising cannot focus just
on product performance, but also must relate the product to the person’s life in an important way. Also,
much greater marketing effort will be required in the Asia/Pacific region and in France in order to differ-
entiate the brand from competition and establish a unique image. A big factor in this growing parity is, of
course, the emergence of the global market. A recent study explored the issues underlying the factual
informational content of advertising under the conditions of product parity and product type. The data for
this study were derived from content analysis from more than 17,000 newspaper advertisements and
9,800 television advertisements. Analysis showed that advertisements for low-parity products contain
more factual information than their counterparts. When the two conditions were seen together, parity
influences factual informational content but not to the same degree as product type. The study revealed
that overall, when it comes to including factual information in advertisements, advertisers respond more
to product type than product parity.19 ■


Going Global Is American!

Visit www.americanairlines.com and search the Internet using a search engine as well as
your library’s online database to obtain information on consumers’ airline preferences for global
As the CEO of American Airlines (www.aa.com), how would you segment the global market for
travel by air?
What data should be obtained and how they should be analyzed to segment the market for global air

Real Research Clustering Marketing Professionals Based on Ethical Evaluations

Cluster analysis can be used to explain differences in ethical perceptions by using a large multi-item, multidi-
mensional scale developed to measure how ethical different situations are. One such scale was developed by
Reidenbach and Robin. This scale has 29 items that compose five dimensions that measure how a respondent
judges a certain action. For illustration, a given respondent will read about a marketing researcher that has
provided proprietary information of one of his clients to a second client. The respondent is then asked to
complete the 29-item ethics scale. For example, the respondent marks the scale to indicate if this action is:

Just: ___:___:___:___:___:___:___: Unjust

Traditionally acceptable: ___:___:___:___:___:___:___: Unacceptable
Violates: ___:___:___:___:___:___:___: Does not violate an unwritten

This scale could be administered to a sample of marketing professionals. By clustering respondents

based on these 29 items, two important questions should be investigated. First, how do the clusters differ
with respect to the five ethical dimensions—in this case, Justice, Relativist, Egoism, Utilitarianism, and
Deontology? Second, what types of firms compose each cluster? The clusters could be described in terms
of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industrial category, firm size, and firm
profitability. Answers to these two questions should provide insight into what types of firms use what
dimensions to evaluate ethical situations. For instance, do large firms fall into a different cluster than small
firms? Do more profitable firms perceive questionable situations more acceptable than less profitable firms?
An empirical study conducted recently compared Taiwanese and U.S. perceptions of corporate ethics.
A self-administered questionnaire was used that consisted of five measures. One of the measures, individ-
ual moral values, was measured using the Reidenbach and Robin scale. Results showed that in both national
cultures, individual perceptions of corporate ethics appear to determine organizational commitment more
than individual moral values.20 ■

Statistical Software
We discuss the use of SPSS and SAS in detail in the subsequent sections. Here, we briefly
describe the use of MINITAB. In MINITAB, cluster analysis can be accessed in the
Stat Multivariate Cluster Observation function. Also available are Clustering of Variables and
Cluster K-Means. Cluster analysis is not available in EXCEL.

SPSS and SAS Computerized Demonstration Movies

We have developed computerized demonstration movies that give step-by-step instructions for
running all the SPSS and SAS Learning Edition programs that are discussed in this chapter.
These demonstrations can be downloaded from the Web site for this book. The instructions for
running these demonstrations are given in Exhibit 14.2.

SPSS and SAS Screen Captures with Notes

The step-by-step instructions for running the various SPSS and SAS Learning Edition programs
discussed in this chapter are also illustrated in screen captures with appropriate notes. These
screen captures can be downloaded from the Web site for this book.

SPSS Windows
In SPSS, the main program for hierarchical clustering of objects or cases is HIERARCHICAL
CLUSTER. Different distance measures can be computed, and all the hierarchical clustering
procedures discussed here are available. For nonhierarchical clustering, the K-MEANS
CLUSTER program can be used. This program is particularly helpful for clustering a large
number of cases. The TWOSTEP CLUSTER procedure is also available.
To select these procedures using SPSS for Windows, click:
Analyze Classify Hierarchical Cluster . . .
Analyze Classify K-Means Cluster . . .
Analyze Classify TwoStep Cluster . . .
The following are the detailed steps for running hierarchical cluster analysis on attitudinal
data (V1 to V6) of Table 20.1.
1. Select ANALYZE from the SPSS menu bar.
3. Move “Fun [v1],” “Bad for Budget [v2],” “Eating Out [v3],” “Best Buys [v4],” “Don’t Care
[v5],” and “Compare Prices [v6]” into the VARIABLES box.
4. In the CLUSTER box check CASES (default option). In the DISPLAY box check
STATISTICS and PLOTS (default options).
5. Click on STATISTICS. In the pop-up window, check AGGLOMERATION SCHEDULE. In


enter 4. Click CONTINUE.
6. Click on PLOTS. In the pop-up window, check DENDROGRAM. In the ICICLE box
check ALL CLUSTERS (default). In the ORIENTATION box, check VERTICAL. Click
7. Click on METHOD. For CLUSTER METHOD select WARD’S METHOD. In the
8. Click OK.

The procedure for clustering of variables is the same as that for hierarchical clustering
except that in step 4 in the CLUSTER box check VARIABLES.
The following are the detailed steps for running nonhierarchical (K-Means) cluster analysis
on attitudinal data (V1 to V6) of Table 20.1.

1. Select ANALYZE from the SPSS menu bar.

3. Move “Fun [v1],” “Bad for Budget [v2],” “Eating Out [v3],” “Best Buys [v4],” “Don’t
Care [v5],” and “Compare Prices [v6]” into the VARIABLES box.
4. For NUMBER OF CLUSTERS select 3.
5. Click on OPTIONS. In the pop-up window, in the STATISTICS box, check INITIAL
6. Click OK.

The following are the detailed steps for running TwoStep cluster analysis on attitudinal
data (V1 to V6) of Table 20.1.

1. Select ANALYZE from the SPSS menu bar.

3. Move “Fun [v1],” “Bad for Budget [v2],” “Eating Out [v3],” “Best Buys [v4],” “Don’t Care
[v5],” and “Compare Prices [v6]” into the CONTINUOUS VARIABLES box.
7. Click OK.

SAS Learning Edition

The instructions given here and in all the data analysis chapters (14 to 22) will work with the
SAS Learning Edition as well as with the SAS Enterprise Guide. For a point-and-click
approach for performing cluster analysis, use the Analyze task within the SAS Learning
Edition. The Multivariate Cluster Analysis task creates hierarchical clusters from data
that contains either coordinate or distance data. If the data set contains coordinate data, the task
computes Euclidean distances before applying the clustering methods. Alternatively, the
task can create nonhierarchical clusters of coordinate data by using the k-means method. The
task also produces dendrograms.
To select this procedure using SAS Learning Edition, click:

Analyze Multivariate Cluster Analysis

The following are the detailed steps for running hierarchical cluster analysis on attitudinal data
(V1 to V6) of Table 20.1.

1. Select ANALYZE from the SAS Learning Edition menu bar.


3. Move V1-V6 to the ANALYSIS VARIABLES task role.

6. Click RUN.

The following are the detailed steps for running nonhierarchical (k-Means) cluster analysis on
the attitudinal data of Table 20.1.

1. Select ANALYZE from the SAS Learning Edition menu bar.

3. Move V1-V6 to the ANALYSIS VARIABLES task role.
4. Click CLUSTER and select K-MEANS ALGORITHM as the CLUSTER METHOD and 3
5. Click RUN.

SAS does not provide TwoStep cluster analysis.

Project Research Cluster Analysis

In the department store project, respondents were clustered on the basis of self-reported importance
attached to each factor of the choice criteria utilized in selecting a department store. The results indicated
that respondents could be clustered into four segments. Differences among the segments were statistically
tested. Thus, each segment contained respondents who were relatively homogeneous with respect to their
choice criteria. The store choice model was then estimated separately for each segment. This procedure
resulted in choice models that better represented the underlying choice process of respondents in specific

Project Activities
Download the SPSS or SAS data file Sears Data 17 from the Web site for this book. See Chapter 17 for a
description of this file.

1. Can the respondents be segmented based on the factor scores (that you generated in Chapter 19) for
SPSS Data File the 21 lifestyle statements? Use Ward’s procedure to determine the number of clusters. Then conduct
cluster analysis (use the k-means procedure) by selecting all the factor scores.
2. Can the respondents be segmented based on the importance attached to the eight factors of the
choice criteria? Use Ward’s procedure to determine the number of clusters. Then conduct cluster
analysis (use the k-means procedure) by selecting all the factors. Interpret the resulting benefit
SAS Data File segments. ■

Cluster analysis is used for classifying objects or cases, and Clustering procedures may be hierarchical or nonhierar-
sometimes variables, into relatively homogeneous groups. chical. Hierarchical clustering is characterized by the develop-
The groups or clusters are suggested by the data and are not ment of a hierarchy or tree-like structure. Hierarchical meth-
defined a priori. Figure 20.9 gives a concept map for cluster ods can be agglomerative or divisive. Agglomerative methods
analysis. consist of linkage methods, variance methods, and centroid
The variables on which the clustering is done should be methods. Linkage methods are comprised of single linkage,
selected based on past research, theory, the hypotheses being complete linkage, and average linkage. A commonly used
tested, or the judgment of the researcher. An appropriate variance method is Ward’s procedure. The nonhierarchical
measure of distance or similarity should be selected. The methods are frequently referred to as k-means clustering.
most commonly used measure is the euclidean distance or These methods can be classified as sequential threshold,
its square. parallel threshold, and optimizing partitioning. Hierarchical

A Concept Map for Cluster Analysis

Past Research, Theory consider Formulate the Problem select Variables for Clustering
Euclidean could be City-Block or Manhattan
Distance Measure could be
could be could be
Chebychev select Other Measures

could be Clustering Procedure could be Nonhierarchical

could be
consist of consist of decide Other: TwoStep
Divisive consider Theory/Practice
Number of Clusters
could be could be nonhierarchical Ratio of Within-Group to
could be Centroid interpret consider Between-Group Variance
Variance hierarchical
Linkage Relative Sizes of Clusters
Profile Clusters
consider Centroids
Distances at Which Clusters Are Combined assess

Variables Not Used in Clustering

Validity of Clusters nonhierarchical
use Different Order of Cases
Different Distance Measures delete
use split the data
Variables Randomly
Different Clustering Methods

Clustering on Each Half

and nonhierarchical methods can be used in tandem. The clustering, the distances at which the clusters are being
TwoStep procedure can automatically determine the optimal combined is an important criterion. The relative sizes
number of clusters by comparing the values of a model-choice of the clusters should be meaningful. The clusters should
criteria across different clustering solutions. The choice of a be interpreted in terms of cluster centroids. Often it
clustering procedure and the choice of a distance measure are is helpful to profile the clusters in terms of variables
interrelated. that were not used for clustering. The reliability and
The number of clusters may be based on theoretical, validity of the clustering solutions may be assessed in
conceptual, or practical considerations. In hierarchical different ways.

Key Terms and Concepts

agglomeration schedule, 632 euclidean distance, 633 Ward’s procedure, 635
cluster centroid, 632 hierarchical clustering, 634 centroid methods, 635
cluster centers, 632 agglomerative clustering, 634 nonhierarchical clustering, 635
cluster membership, 632 divisive clustering, 634 sequential threshold
dendrogram, 632 linkage methods, 634 method, 635
distances between cluster centers, 632 single linkage, 635 parallel threshold
icicle plot, 632 complete linkage, 635 method, 636
similarity/distance coefficient average linkage, 635 optimizing partitioning
matrix, 632 variance methods, 635 method, 636

Suggested Cases, Video Cases, and HBS Cases

Running Case with Real Data
1.1 Dell

Comprehensive Critical Thinking Cases

2.1 American Idol 2.2 Baskin-Robbins 2.3 Akron Children’s Hospital

Data Analysis Cases with Real Data

3.1 AT&T 3.2 IBM 3.3 Kimberly-Clark

Comprehensive Cases with Real Data

4.1 JPMorgan Chase 4.2 Wendy’s

Video Case
23.1 Marriott

Live Research: Conducting a Marketing Research Project

1. The hierarchical and nonhierarchical methods should be used 2. Choose different clustering methods and different distance
in tandem. First, obtain an initial clustering solution using a measures and examine the effects on the cluster solutions.
hierarchical procedure, such as average linkage or Ward’s. Use
the number of clusters and cluster centroids so obtained as
inputs to a nonhierarchical method.

The steps involved and the salient concepts in clustering may be summarized by the acronym

C entroid methods
L inkage methods
U nderlying problem: selection of clustering variables
S imilarity or distance measures
T ype of clustering method: hierarchical vs. nonhierarchical, other
E rror sums of squares or variance methods
R eliability and validity assessment
I nterpreting and profiling clusters
N umber of clusters
G raphical aids: dendrogram and icicle plot

1. Discuss the similarity and difference between cluster analysis 7. What are the two major disadvantages of nonhierarchical
and discriminant analysis. clustering procedures?
2. What are some of the uses of cluster analysis in marketing? 8. What guidelines are available for deciding on the number of
3. Briefly define the following terms: dendrogram, icicle plot, clusters?
agglomeration schedule, and cluster membership. 9. What is involved in the interpretation of clusters?
4. What is the most commonly used measure of similarity in 10. What are some of the additional variables used for profiling
cluster analysis? the clusters?
5. Present a classification of clustering procedures. 11. Describe some procedures available for assessing the quality
6. Why is the average linkage method usually preferred to single of clustering solutions.
linkage and complete linkage? 12. How is cluster analysis used to group variables?

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