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der. Th e knowledge of how to make
In every-day life, in almost every Last of a Series of Five Articles Dealing with a correct analys is or estimate of
~ctl on of the individual and col-
lective body, certain definite quest-
Military Questions, by the Commander of the "ituation is also the fo undation
for issuing corred field orders, oral
ions arise in a definite sequence. the Battalion of Instruction N.O 1.5 o r w ritten, during an action, a nd
These questions ha,'e to be an swe-
since so much depenus upon the
red, even if not consciously, anti MAJOR ALLAN JOHNSON brevity, concbeness and clar ity o f
they are what, why, where, ho"
these field orders, it is quite obvious
~nd when. Just as in nery other
"trength and their wea kness, and Cl'ssary it is a g'ood experience for that before they can be either clear,
I,hase of life. so in military opera-
once again by elimination we Ch004 ,; nho rdinate commanders to pr~c tise concise o r brief, their essence must
tions, large and small , these sanll' making estimates o f the situation
'" thl' 1I10st probahle pla n tha t ,,'e be th"rollg-hl y uIH.lerstoud , No com-
'It:estions must be answered before
can use. T his plan is then finally at a ll ti llles, in order to familiarise !!lander ca n issue such an order
a decision can be reached on which
'H ittl'n Ollt into the fifth pa ragraph thcmselves with the mallY possibi- and ca r ry it Ollt with "ctermination
t" hase any military plan of o pera -
ui the t'~ timate .,f the ~i tuati o n as lities th~ t a rc open to th l'l lI, Es!'l'- 11111 e:-.:; he kl1o\\'s exactly what the
tion. The answering o i th es~ 'i ues -
O liO' decision, It is upon thi s decision " ,a ll y ullder modern conditio ns ui , itua tio n is alld how he is going to
ti on ~, in other words the analysis
that the fil'ld oreler is ba sed. ,,'ariare where a grl';;t dca l o f lati- carry into effect the decis ions he
that is required, is called the esti-
Alth ollgh all thi s work may tilde and in itiative lies within th e docs reach and knows exactly how ,
mate of the s itua tion. It is made,
appear ~ imple and ~ometim cs l1nnc- rea lm of the su bor d inate comman- wh en and where these must I)e done.
not only by commanders 0 i large
units who ha\'e to actually ,,,rite
their analyses down to entirely ~ s ­ ........................... ..................................................
slIlIilite them, but they are also ma -
d,! bv suhordinate commanders and
e,en- indiridual soluiers ,
GEORGE FLETCHER of the British Battalion
A mong those ,,'100 recei \'eu good kno,,'s ",ha t it means. rn hi s opinion
PLAN BASIS OF ACTION service awards at Christmas was tloe forma lities o f discipline, far
"flo" content of the estimate of the Lieutenant George Fletcher. Lik e irom compli cating a soldie r 's lik,
si tuation fa ll s into a certai n formu- (, th e r~
fr ulll L ancashi re, he is a llIan lIIa ke it easie r. E\'en in an IlIIpe-
la , The reason ior sticking to Ihis with a gcnial manner ; but it is a riali , t army he fo und that out,
standard is to habitua te sold iers to ha rd j ub to lIlake him ta lk. Hi , t ll "ug-h di scipline the re is not used
thinking in definite terms in o rder own pa st histo ry intc,' fl' sb hill} iar , ,,Id y fn r (he purpose of ra isin!:
that in ll H.II11<.'llts of cr i", i::; they may k~s than Spain 's prl':-ocllt mOlll(,llt. the s(lI,lier's le\'e1 o i efficiency.
he hahituated tn carry this out He CUlllln,nub th t: macliinl'-g ull \\ 'he re 10" traces the main differen-
withuut loss of momentum. company of the Briti , h Battalion. ce i, in till' illlportance that the He-
The form gt'llerally req uired in H e has heen a soldier since 1915, puhlican Army a ttache,; to the de n'-
all ~rmi es is : when he j!liIlC<i tht: L anca·sh ire I()pm ent oi intelligence in the pri-
First paragra ph -Til ...lJissioll- Fu :, il ier!'i. Hl' l'llj(ly~:.ill ou tduo r Ii ie \ ~!tl' :--111c1i c r, on the a ssumption tha t
In other wn n b the answe r to •• \vhat II I action , and IH.' d(ll'~n't ca re ior lloe 1II0 re " llIan know s the better 10,,'
am I to do, what i:-; my ge ne ral :-- itting :-;till. a:i those \\'l1u ha n! ii f~ ht,; , An Imperiali st arllly is
task"? Sl'C'OIHI p<!rag-raph is all heard hi :. ia11lou :-> ~un ~ lI it .. J\: l'l'P rOlllpel1ed by it:-> 0\\' 11 cundi t ions to
ao,alvsis (Ii the - O/,/,osillg " or- onl' i illg'l'r Illu\'i ng " will unders- di:-;e{/urage the ran k and file from
CI'S~ and is suo,Ii"i,led into (a) the tand, k now ing' t oo I111H:1I about what i ~
fo;ces of the enemy, their number, iJuring the world wa r he took ~()i;lg" 011. ill case it occurred to
their material cOlI(iition and equ ip- pa rt ill the ( ;allip" li action, a nd thl'1I 1 (ha t tht'y we re be ing used in
ment. their physical conditi on , thc i I' made the difii cult 1anding, which e x per ience with l ire-a rm s flf all ~ ()IJ1 t.'n l l(: ('he's interest.
morale, their reserves, thei r pos it- he d l':,c rih<.' :-i as an cxpl'ril'llc(' ra ther sorh \\'a :; an a:-~(.· t a t tht' tr;lining- Till' di :.; till r ti o n l' rea tes a 11('\\0'
ion on the terra in and so fo rth, Th e morl' exci t ing" than the warmest ralllp, whl're hl.' :'111111 pickel l up t ilt.' :ltlllO:-- plll.TC ill which a m all can get
se(on<i parag raph (~,) is a ~ im ila r hl0llll' n t:o: at Brul1ctt', Il" hc Tm J...:s ;-;pcci:ti tcalun'S u f til..! \\,c:tPOl1S tn gl'i p ~. w ith ili s jo1>. Discipline
anal\'sis of ou r own forces. The h",1 la id barbed w ire ull(kr the \\hich the l\ •.:puhli l..'a ll :\nll Y \\·a . . dt.';tl':- - the air and mak('s c \·crything
next' main parag raph i ~ th e enemy's " 'a teI', all<l t his had to he pass,',1 lI:" illg-. and Ix.·gall to instrllr ( tllo_. . ~· t,·;,:-,II..:I' ttl illliu\\' . F ur th.: illdi "idl1a l
situation and intentions. \Ve know IInd er ,;ht'lI-iire from batte ries Ull \\.'j tl1 it's .. ; l' xpc ril'lll'l..' thal1 hill bl..'li . it b l.·!' ·.IIlW .... a ma tter oi practical
his streng-th , approxilllately, and his the h ill , ~ b(lye shore. One would \-\'IH..' 11 the sectiol1 s competed ill dj~­ :-;. uld ic ring, t'tjui\'alellt tc) keeping'
j:!c:ncral condition . \ \'e ou ~ ht to g ue" that this was the toughe,;t lila ntling- and rl·a:-:':"t' lIlhl ing-. the ir hi ~ ri f le dea n Clr h is ft·<:t il1 tri m.
know the g-l'neral la ,' of the la nd n""",'n t of Lt. Fletcher's liie u p to arms. Fletcher could bl'a t anyhody. F or th e ..\ rilly a·:-\ a wh(lle it is a
;011(1 then \n' "naly s~ in detail. if thl' preselll tillll', but he doesn't 1-1 1..' ha:-- (ki t fin g-l'r:- and an ;u.' ( ur;ltl' 11I(,';I:--ure that mak e . . tlu' mach ine:
po" ,ih"'. plans, They may he ei ther ""Y milch a hout it. On ce the heach eyl'. In tra in in.!.:-. and :-i llC'C', he h;:,:. 111 \1 1'1.' COIllP:\Ct. ru ts Utlt delay and
to attack or defend in some special \Va:-- reached the <ii f iicuhies cn:ncd IHt. ' \'l'd hilll:"l'I i a iirst-da!'-s ri f1 e illtTt.'ases the jc .rcc ul if:... st~ikillg­
manner. By elimina tion \\T choose out a lilll<-. and the rest of th e aet - "loot. l'()\\ cr.

the 1I1",t prohablr o f thc,;e plans i OIl \Va·:, ca:-; it'r work than the fi glit H(' fir:--t sa \\" acti,'c se n 'icc in The ddt iing n , ,.i Lt. Fletdl<'r
amI consider them ~c rinu s l y. The jill' .:\ fo"tJuitu Crest. ~pai ll at 13runl'te. where he was are pu t t{l !HallY u"t,· ...:. During h i ...
II{' xt paragraph is onr possihle wound ed in thl' :--iluuld<.:r. \\-heIl hi s traillill !.!· da\':" Ill' con~titu t C'd fiit,·
EXPERIENCE USEFUL p<.: r . . t,·I;t uf the ( 'olllp:my Band, fc I~I
plans. hased u pon our a naly ~ i s oi wound wa s f ina lly healed, he W[I:;
the plalls open tn the e lll' IIlY , " ' e Aiter the wa r , Fletcher remained oifl'rt.:d a 1'1I:o:it ioll at tlw new train- \\·J.i rli b · pru \'idt'd i'ercl1 ~:.; i {) n witll
consider wha t po~s ihle plan s we (an ill the sc r ricl', anti ~ pl'nt :-;uml..' years ing r; lIl1p . hut p rcle rrctJ to rejo in :1 p:lir (,i :-- POOI}:-i. ll l' ca n a lw{I \'s b~
usc and in some detai l we analyse ill India. By IY3() ht.> \\'as CUBktll 4
th e ~attalitm. He \\'l'Ilt il1tll a(:ti uTl n ·1il·d (Ill tur a g'o()d 1Illllliler· at :t
these possihil ities. W e we ig h , seri- pla ting- ;t rt'turn to ci"ilian Ii ic and ag-nin at Fu~ ntt: s de Ehro. "'I,ci al (."· l ·nillg". Tht' otlh· surcc:,'i hi '
ously. for installce , the poss ibility had cel"tain specul ative ideas ~b()lIt lay:- (!aim t() j~ tl'dt ' ] 1(, brougil t
of att;t{:'king and defendi ng in some Il!ar riag-e. He W;} ~ ou t of 50Idi~rill g­ h ·ar~ lo tilt· \it'aldt.' :-; \',\{':-\ with h i . .
sp"cial positi on. \\'e di scuss the for ~i x IlH)J1th s, l)ut the appt.:a ra·nrc 1.1. F k lelle r h ~, wat ch('d iii,,' ;\1 I"H!qtir 'ling-hit. lit· th ink.. . . t h i ~

plohlel1l:o' in each case. their addsa- uf anlled i a:-.C' i ~ 1l1 in Spain chang-l'" J.," rllwt h o i di ... (· ipliul...· ;lIld f)r;.!'alli ~a t ­ 111ll:-- t III t1h' n·; ; .... " 11 \\ 11,' hI." n'ct'i\'ed
hilit~· or illacl\,j~,hility. a nti ad\'an 4
hi s plan, ~g-ain. Il l' "rri "e,1 in tloi ,; ion ill till' J~ l'p l1 hiil'all :\1'1 11." wit ll I.i, :I\\·", rd. .
ta g"C':, and cli :--:ul\'C'\ntag-C':o:, their COlllltry ill JI llY fli last yt'ar. ] 1I:"' lli t' :"ali :..iar titlll II! :Ill IIld h:t1ld . I k :'1. T.

used to them. Then you 'Come to

a peaceful country, and you have
different kinds of worries. When
you go to meetings there's a lot
of talk but little action . They do
not understand the meaning of .Ayudar, organizar y capacitar explicarle como se debe proteger
discipline, as men do who have a la juventud •. Palabras dichas
FROt..\ por el Secretario general de la
J. S . U . Palabras, que necesitamos
de los ataques de los aviones, como
se construyen refugios. Cada sol-
dado veterano debe hacer todo 10
aplicar inmediatantente. Pronto posible para que 10 que el ya sabe,
llegaran a las U nidades j ovenes 10 sepa' tamblen el nuevo recluta.

HOME reclutas. Sangre joven y dispuesta

a luchar. Pero todav!a can poca
experiencia. Desde el momento en
que el Tecluta Begue a la Unidad
EI recluta debe aprender a escri-
hir a leer. Para ella, cada vete-
rano Ie debe prestar su maxima
ayuda. En los ratos de tTanquilidad
empieza nuestra tarea. Hay que debe dejar por unos momentos el
ayudarles desde todos los puntos fusil a un lado, y empuiiar las
Stay as Lone as You de vista. Si no saben COIIIO hay otras armas que son el papel y la
Can, Advises Veteran que aprovechar el terreno, hay plul1la. Se deberan organizar es-
que enseiiarselo concienzudamente, cuelas de Transl1lisiones, Sani-
Dear T ..... dad, etc. para los nuevos reclutas,
donde este pueda lIegar dentro del
Your letter arrived, as usual, bee" .jlt war. Another thing is that menor_ espacio de tiempo a poder
more than a montll'after yon had thtn~s go too slow ... I wish h was lIev..-, • por la capacitacion obte-
written it. Received The Volun- pOSSIble for me to return to be nida, galones ganados l1Ierecida-
teer for Liberty and the other ma- in Spain still . In Spai n we "'ere mente. Se les debeni dar chru:las,
teriallong before - the song books able to be always with lIlen who explicandoles por que deben lu-
and other little booklets, and then were men, mel; who spoke a., caar a muerte hasta el aplasta-
the F rench book of the 15th Bri- friend s and did not hay< - could miento final del fascismo. Si son
gade. Could you tell me if they not ha,'e - anything to hide .. labradores, se les deber:!. dar ,c har-
are going to print that book in ,,'e1l, Pat, Dan and the boys las de 10 que la Reptlblica del
E ngli sh ? I showed it to a number send their h<e st regards. The boys Prente Popular ha dado a los
of people and all of them said they say that whatever you do, stay campesi nos y a los trabajadores de
would like to buy it if it were in En- there in Spaiu as long as you can ... la tierra. Si son obreros, se les
g li sh. Most of the material you Salud! explicara el cambia operado en
haYe sent I'ye given to the Friends las ciudades, en el que y_a no
of the Brigade ; the rest I use
myself, showing things to diffe-
rent people. The song books 1 am
going to lend to different choruses
... lln,f. FRAIT
exist e un solo paTado! Todos ell
pie a recibir a los nuevos reclutas,
y a capacitarlos para que Jleguen
British Labor M. P ., a Ser una de las armas mas pode-
aTound here. Ted Williams, Hears roSas p ·ra aplastar a la invasion
The Phiadelphi a Friends of the fa.,cista !
from Miners federation
Lineoln Brigade are now at lor [ F. N.
l'hestnut St ., Room SI8. They IUlre Dear Ted:
also been receiyjn~ Yohmtcer. and
posters. Dan Elk1l1s, secretary of During the yjsit you and your ........•........•..................•.......••
the FLB, asks tha t you send him colleagues an' making to Spain ,
as lIlany cards, posters and o ther kindl y com 'ey to the l",roic pcopl~
material as possibl e. They could of that country the deepfe\t grati-
be sold or used as prizes t o popu - tude of the British minus in their 21 BOMBARDMENTS FAIL
larize their work. fight for the cause of economic
The boys who haYe rdurned are fr eedom .
Wa1coff, Hy komeT, Harry \\"a· 'fa the miners of Asturias, those TO DAUNT VALENCIANS
1Iach, Jacobs, Rodlester, Chime- giant gladiators of itl'measurable
lofsky, :\ldnkoff. Harold London ga llantry , gi" e a real British mi··
from the ,,'ashingt on lIattalion . ners' appreciation for their glo- .Children first " is the motto of huilt tocomlllunicate with a bomh-
and Brenner. who was an aviator. rious work. the Junt a Passive Defense of Va- • proof shelter in which a special ope-
\\'e hare already established a Wherever you go, whoever you lencia, which has just published rating theatre can be set up.
chapter of the \'eternns; it is met! among the fighters and wor- data concerning its work in the The Junta has also built an e m~r­
called the \\'kkman-BarreI1i Chap- kers for Spanish liherty as against first seYen 11I0nths of its exi stence . gency hospital with two operating
teT ... tyranny, thank thenl in our name . The J"nta, its work hastened be- theatres and twelve beds. It ·h as
You mention in " our letter that Their good caUSe must sprea,1 l'ause of the 2 J botnhar<lluents built three homb-proof shelters
you often wonder whether it is throughout the length and hreadth which Val ~ ncia has undergone, has inside the cit" and two in the
possibl .. to fe·adjust onesd f COIll- of thl- world . h<egun the <"onstruction of eight
pletely a!t~r lladng o.,en 10 war. Ya ms £rat~rnalh', . 1:)Q,nb-pro0t ~he lt <:rs a<!joi nin!( outskirts. It looks aft er the upkeep
Well, it is difficult . When o ne is " bby T:dward , . .'icc.y . schools, an1l It ha., rarned alit of the sheltelt predously rollS -
at war there aTt.' u nUJ11h,,: f of ~[in Hs, F(' d ~ration works to protect four clinics. In truct ed and the installation of pa-
things that happ~n ; aud Ollc get' (; ( r£ot a Britain one of these a tu nnel had to he weI ful air-raid warning sirens.

r"' ' ' ' ' I' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'iI ' I I' ' ' ' 'I I,"I~' :':' ' ' ' I I;';':":" ' ' :":' ~'d' ;' :~' :'~' :':' "' ' ' ' ' ' nr'
r"rII; II If.JrI1II\U:II II 11111 1IIIIIIIIIIInniliiOili

cseneiales para veneer
".:' ' !::il il .. 'UlHilii:I!I':!I:BII Hiillill!il:llllillilill!lIlillllll!l!Il11,iIt!lIliililil!iIlI,IIIIIII!llIlllIllIlIIlIll!lIlillll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:1I1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlii!lIilliiiiillllll::I:llll1ll1l11ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1illll1111I1I1111I1WIIlIIlIlIlIlIIiIIlIlIlIIIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIIIlIIl,lIl11lilllllll1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1!~

Vol. II • SPECIAL No.9 Barcelona. March 17 • 1935


cada posicion
En Guadalajara el In Guadalajara the
enemigo poseia instru· enemy possessed more
mentos de combate nu· numerous and better mantener fuertes
Defend every merosos, mejores y ma-
t an ours nuestras Iineas.
yores que los nuestros
conquered posi- then_ However, first the FORTI FICA R,
entonces. Sin embargo,
tion; hold our li- , · 'd enemy was held back,
f ue prlmero contenl a FORTIFICAR,
nes fi rm IYi FOR- y despues aplcstado. then beaten .
EI f ac t or d eClSIVO e
I The decisive factor of
es el gran deber
FORTIFY, THIS IS aquel gran episodio. that great episode, was
THE DUTY OF como tiene que serlo the brilliant morale of del soldado, man-
EVERY SOLDIER junto a nuestros mejo- our troops, Ihe strength, dos y comisarios.
res elementos de com the couragp. of our com-
bate en la lucha de manders and Political
Brigadas Internacio- manana fue la MORAL Ayuda a los Comisa-
Commissars. With this
les, congregacion gene- INQUEBRANT ABLE DE rios para que no e x is-
rosa y espor.tonea de same morale we can ta un solo combatiente
hombre .• de los Cinco NUESTROS SOLDADOS
smash through the que ignore para que
partes del Mundo, que l<.l ~rn.eza, la decision
pedian uno plaza para Fascist · Offensive and lucha y que es 10 q'Je
y el coraje de nuestros
morir par 10 libertad . va a ganar con 10 vic-
MANDOS Y COMISA- hold high the Banner
DR . JUAN NEGRIN toria .
RIOS POLITICOS . of the Republic

grita la u. G. T. a los Oficiales y soldados
de la XV Brigada
i Celebremos hoy una victoria de un i- el destino victorioso de la REPUBLICA.
dad, conseguida por las masas de la i NUESTRA ESPANA NO SERA DE
U. G. T. Y de la C. N. T., que han sellado LOS INV ASORES !
su pacto de UNIDAD DE ACCION! Defendemos nuestra tierra, nuestras ca-
i Que este firme paso para preparar las sas, nuestras vidas y nuestro porvenir.
condiciones de la victoria, que afianza la i No p.odemos retroceder un solo paso!
unidad de toda la Espana antifascista, i Unidos, inquebrantablemente unidos
sirva para impulsar la bravura de nues- en la resistencia!
tras armas y tensar los pulsos de nuestros i Firmes en las trincheras! i Nosotros
soldados ! estamos firmes en las fabri..as!
i NO QUEREMOS SER VASALLOS DE i Atnis, los enemigJs del pueblo!
dos, resistir; para la retaguardia, trabajar. i RESISTID, FORTIFICAD, Y NUNCA
Y por encima de todo, fe; absoluta fe en PASARAN!

........................... ................._-_........-_..
- - ..",;.;;, ..........
............... ~-- ..........-................


A great victory in the rearguard has been sealed -_.- a OUR SPAIN SHALL NOT BE THAT OF THE
pact of UNITY between the U. G. T. and the C. N. T. INVADERS!
This tremendous victory means the doubling of all We are defending our land, our homes, our lives
our efforts to help win the war. and our future!
It means we shall be able to send you more and We cannot and must not retreat a step!
better war material to defend yourselves against the UNITE, unite in the resistance!
bestial fascist murderers. BE FIRM AT THE FRONT WHILE WE WORK AS
In this critical moment there must be one slogan: FIRML Y IN THE WAR FACTORIES 1
For the rearguard : SPAIN SHALL NEVER
Comrades: Now is the time when unity and courage
and hard work are needed more than ever before. Every
drop of blood shed by our comrades on the fields of
Spain is blood spilled in the protection of our own lands
- blood spilled in the war to exterminate German
Nazism and Italian Fascism.
Comrades :, whatever our nationality, whether we be
Amcrican or British or Spanish let us fight shoulder to
shoulder together in this critical time as we have worked
side by side :n past battles! Let us resist with strength,
Above .\11 you must PEOPLE.
and turn thc fascist offensive into a crushing defeat and
keep FA ITli, abs'olute faith RESIST! FORTIFY!
rout, as our comrades did at Guadalajara a year ago!
in the victorious destinY
oi the I<F.P( IRI Ie. - ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 PASS! THE YSHALL NOT

fedtraci6n Local de Sindicatos de Barcelona, If. r.. T,

Vol. II • SPECIAL No. 10 Barcelo.. a, March 11 • 1958


,Aragon sera para
segundo Guada-
Make Aragon a se- lajara!
cond Guadalajara
,Soldados! ,Combatientes
for the Italians! todos! Nuevos herman os
vuestros. Nuevos medios de
lucha van a ayudaros, y
Reinforcements of arms con ell os y con vuestro he-
and men are on their way. roismo y vuestro patriot/s-
These new weapons, with mo hay que aplastar a los
your courage and heroism, extranjeros que asaltan la
Una sola preocupaci6n politica en todo el patriae Todo el pueblo esta
can be used to halt and
pais y en todos los antifascistas: a vuestro lado. Toda la pa-
destroy the enemy. tria se movi j :a en un
All of Spain is with you. i'Uni~a~ contra el enemiao comun!
mismo lat/do de guerra
The whole nation is mo- .. __ ww • • • __ . . . . . . .-• • • ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .·. -• •-• •-. . . . . . ... . . contra los invasores•
bilizing in a feverish war
tempo against the fascists.
uCada metro de tierra DESCARGAD COMO
Fling your whole strength espanola tiene ahora un BLE TODA LA FUERZA
against the invaders! valor de kilometros para DE VUESTRO DESPRE-

nuestro destino y el de la CIO, DE VUESTRO 0010
(Dd ... iscurso dd ~lini stro de In strued()1l
YOUR OWN HOMELAND! l'tiblka. call1a rada J cst'ts I-I crl1{tlldcz.j VUESTRA LIBERTAD.

__ ••••e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________________ . . . . . . . . . _ ••• ____ • ________________ . . . . . . . . ______ ••••••


It is twenty months, almost to a day since the have already arrived. Other large shir',.c1ts are on
traitor generals, the Benedict Arnolds of Spain, began the way.
their rebellion of blood against the Spanish people. This flow will not be interrupted a moment!
I wenty months since the combined forces of German Artillery, planes, ammunition- these are now turned
aJ1d Italian fascism have despoiled the land. out, and will continue to be turned out, in abundance.
It has also been twenty months of stiff resistan- Sufficient to turn every attack into a counter-attack
ce ·-tv,enty months during that will win back for Loyal
wllich the enemy has been Spain the land which rig-
., lopped at all vital points, htfully belongs to the peo-
,iC in Madrid, as in Gua- ple with whom we fight
'.: ;ajara, and the J arama shoulder to shoulder.
;,ey. These materials, added
Today the people of
to our will to conquer,
;",in work harder than
will go a long way toward
,;',. before to turn out the
"'.erials of war - mate-
The workers of the rear
!; which we, the soldiers
,he Republic, can trans- 1.u.cf.Mi,.s ~oJ.d.ac:to.~ dd puJd"" t(l.d", ee a1&.- pledge that the flow of war

J into materials of vic- 1t!.Q#tW'.to- ~ MUJiUiJ pQ1&.Q a~, co"'" v~tw. materials to the front shall
'1.oR..o-\. IJ v"':.Jt..\.Q. peJt.i.cio., "i..c.J:.oJIiA.J cUu:i.siv4oI ell to. not cease.
~.o. pO)r. i.4 tl~ de UpClii4.
",,Jar suppli"s flow stea- Dr .1I./[:'(jfIlY Pr,-sidHu.' They - and all Spain-
de/ Corls.j;) ,ii' :\fillh{f(_~

toward the front. Some await our answer.

Vol. II • SPECI.-%l So. 11 Barcelona, Mu,b 15 • 193&


EI enemigo emplea una nueva tactica. Contra nuestros
hombres. nlliquinas. Pero en la guerra el factor fundamen-
tal es el hombre. EI hombre dotado de la conviccion heroica
de que esta empenado en la mas grlinde lucha por su Jiber-
tad. Porque cada joven que lIega a nuestro Ejercito, cada
antifascista que se encuadra en el, cada espanol simplemente
lIamado al cumplimiento de su deber militar saben que estan
luchando porque la Patria no sucumba bajo un poder ex-
tranjero, porque nuestras minas, nuestros campos, m:estras
mujeres, nuestra dignidad no sean botln de un invasor.
lid di.'Cllr:-;o Jd ~Jinl~tT() de Instn]('cii)11
] 'lllllic;i. t::unarada J eS11." lIt'Tn3.11dez.)

Cui dad y conservad las
armas como el tesoro mas
.Camarada comisario!
preciado que el pueblo es- La consigna de todo nuestro pue.
panol ha puesto en vues- blo es: j Resistir al enemigo!
La defensa del terreno hasta el
tras manos. heroismo mas grandioso la han he-
cho nuestros soldados en docenas de
Cada fusH, cad a maqui- bat alias durisimas.
Basto que nuestros soldados com-
na, ha costado a nuestra prendiesen bien la necesidad impe-
patria dificultades y sacri- riosa de cerrar el paso al enemigo
para que cada combatiente popular
ficios inmensos obtenerlo. se transformase en una muralla que
no pod ian franquear los ejercitos
No abandones jamas tu invasores.
fusil. EI es tu mejor com- EI trabajo politico de nuestros co·
i Camarada soldado! misarios, la fortaleza moral y la re-
panero. Tu mejor instru- EI deber sublime de todo luchador antifascista en estas solucion de heroismo y sacrlflcio que
horas es resistir al enemigo. Resistir frente a todos lOS transmitian a cada soldado, el ejem-
mento de defensa. obstaculos y dificultades. plo personal de clentos de comisa-
rios en momentos declsivos hlzo de
Por cada lusH que se La resisteneia ardiente del pueblo en otras etapas dificiles cada soldado un ejemplo brillante
permiti6 eonvertir las ofensivas fascistas en victorias de disclplina y arrojo.
abandona 0 se estropea se republicanas. Como en otras tantas batallas, en
presta un valioso ~e"rYicio a :.lj las balas, ni los obuses, ni las bombas de la aviation Madrid, en Guadalajara, en el Jara-
faseista pueden impedir que nuestros combatientes se peguen rna, en Pozoblanco, en Teruel, hoy
tus peores e06migO$: a los a la tierra y no la abandonen. EI terreno no 10 oeupan los en Aragon, los comisarios tlenen
traidores c'oQio
1 canones ni los aviones: 10 oeupanlos hombres, 10 ocupa la
que ser los hombres decislvos de las
situaciones dificiles.
los sCllOs. J .a los mercena- infanteria. Y eada soldado del Ejercito Popular vale diez jComlsarios! EI epiJogo de la ba-
veees mas que los soldados obligados a luchar por Franco y talla de Aragon tiene que ser, por
rios de Jlltler y Mussolini los mercenarios traidores de ltalla, Alemania y Marruecos. vuestro trabajo, el mismo del 18 d.
que Invaden nuestro pais. maTZO en Guadalajara.


« Our people has always known how to defend itself, These are the spiritual virtues of our innermost Spa-
our whole history, the history of the people's liberties nish being. This is the spirit which must be aroused to
in our country is a lesson in heroism. Our people never the highest pitch and in that spirit our Army and our
tolerated the yoke of foreign rule, was never willing to people must be trained. - The unconquerable spirit of
be a subject nation. With a sublime heroism the people resistance. To cling to the ground, to protect it with a
of Numancia buried themselves in the ruins of their city. body that prefers death to slavery, to guard it with our
With epic bravery our grandfathers defended Spanish unyielding resolve not to let them pass. Every yard of
soil against the Napoleonic eagles. And it is from this Spanish soil today has the worth of miles for our destiny
home of heroes, this brood of Titans, this virile, undying and for the destiny of all civilised mankind. To resist
blood that our people spring. Yesterday, armed with is to conquer. firm in the defence, firm on Spanish
shot guns sticks, knives and shears, this people defeated land! from our victorious resistance will spring the im-
the invasion. Today, with that spirit which glows ,through pulse for our overwhelming offensive.»
the whole history of Spain it will never tolerate any fo-
reign rule. The whole spirit of the present war blends
with our people's past, with its detennination to be in-
dependent, to be free • Minister of Public Instruction

.............................. -.•....... -............................................... _- ....


The city of Barcelona suffered, during the days of A year ago, Madrid inflicted heavy blows on the
March 16, 17, and 18, the heaviest and most concen- fascists at Jarama and Guadalajara. The 15th Brigade
trated aerial bombardment that any city has received played a leading role in stopping the fascists at Jarama.
in the history of the war. Despite this, the people have Madrid was NOT taken.
not wavered.
Instead of buckling to the brutality of fascism, the Now the 15th Brigade can once again playa leading
people are uniting . more c10- and historic role in the Spanish war by again stopping
sely than ever. The C. N. T. the fascists dead in their tracks. We can duplicate the
and the U. G. T., Spain's Guadalajara triumph of
giant trade union organiza- a year ago.
tions, have completed a Unity The enemy may have
Pact that will bring the wor- advanced and won
kers of all fields into one ground, but one victory
powerful front against the in- they shall not win -
vaders. The war factories and that is THE fiNAL
hum busily. Industry is rea- VICTORY.
ching a vigorous war tem- That last victory can
po. Catalonia will not give be, AND WILL BE,
in to fascism. OURS.

'II1p. Ellu., •• na y L'~. Caml, E. C.• Torr" Amal, 9 . Barcelo...

Vol. II - SPECIAL No. U Barceloaa. March %8 - 19M


Se han dado muchas ordenes, de que inmcdiatamente
despues de la entrada en una posicion se deben cons·truir
fortificllciones. Pero muehos de nuestros· camaradas nn
piensan en crearse, siendo csto 10 primero de todo, una
\erdadera defensa, con la cual estit ase/lurado contra arti o
IIcria y aviacion. Los ultimos eombates en Teruel nos· han
demostrado, que eada soldado que no se ha fortificado bien,
esta perdido en el terreno.
t. Que es 10 que debe teoer siempre consi/lo un soldado
de Infanteria? Un fusil para disparar y una pala, con la
cual se pueda fortificar en todo momento. Pero a pesar
de esto, estas necesidades. elementales no nos han entrado
en la cabeza como nos debian haber cntrado.
teOmo son en su mayor parte una de nuestras posicio o No eI hora mal que de lener un 1010 penllmi.nto y una lola
nes? Tomemos como ejemplo un hoyo de tirador. Un agu, yolunlad, aplaslar al enemigo. Aplaslarle, luchando en el Irenle, Iraba-
jero grande, no JI1uy hondo, pero ancho, de forma que pue o jando mil en la relaguardia, persiguiendol. y dflenmascarindole cuando
da conten~r uno 0 dos hombres. Ademas, las piedras s·a o Ie O(ulta entre nOlolrol.
0,. NEGRIN. Pr•• ident. eMl ConMjo d. Miniltr".
cadas del agujero son colocadas en la direccion del tiro
-.- ..- ......
~,- ~ ..- ..-. ~
-,..dc» ,, ;;~
dclante del a/lujero de tirador. Por la anchura del hoyo,
eada a\iador esta en condiciones de poder tocar al tirador
que se encuentra en el IIOYo. La3 piedras colocadas delante
del agujero, pueden convertirse muy filcilmenlc en me o Excmo. Sr. "residente del Consejo de Ministros.
tralla en el momento en quo una bala hace blanco en elias Los soldados, Clases y Comisarios del 55 Batallon de
lit 14 Brigada Mixta, piden a V. E. emplee mano dura
y hieren al combatiente que se encueiltra detrits.
contra los enemi/los del pueblo que pretenden esclavilar·
t Como se debe cons·truir un hoyo de tirador? En una nos con s·u reRi men tiranico.
"rofundidad de 1'10 m. y en una anch u ra de 70 a 80 em. ; Los combaliellles de este Batallon estamos dispuestos
esto es compldamente suficiente y tiene todas las exigen o a derramar toda nuesh'a sallgre hasta aplastarlos definiti,
cias de una buena proteccion, que neeesita el tirador. La "amenle, porque de esto depende el biencstar dt todos los
trabajadores., haciendo al mismo tiempo vieja y firme
tierra saeada se debe eolocar en la direccion de tiro, y
nuestra consigna de 11'10 pasaritn y pasaremo,, !
proporciona una buena cazadorll de balas contra los liros Nos oponemos termin3ntemente a pacto de ninguna
de Infanterill, sin que eI comblltiente que rc cncuentra de , clase con los as · sinos de n ur:.tros hermanos de c1ase, por
trits sell herido. Las piedras sacadas se tiran a algunos tener plena ~guridad tn Iluestro ruerte Gobitrno del
metros de distanda detrits del hoyo de tiradflr. Se debe Frente Popular.
Queremos que en nuestra reta~uardia cunda nuestro
poner una especial atencion en eI « ~al1lullajt » . La tierra ejemplo, intensifkando su trabajo en la producciilD de ma o
fresca acabada de sacar se tiene que ajustar al tureno y terial de guerra, y de esta lorma, trabajando conjunta·
no se tiene que diferenciar por nada de los alrededores. mente retagllardia y vanguardia, el fascismo ~e tstTellara
Este trabajo Sl! pu~de realizar en una noche y a la maiiana en Espada.
siguiente el soldado tiene una prote~don s·uliciente contra Felicitamos a !suestro Gobierno por su correcta actua-
el fuego de Infanteria cnemigo y contra el ' u ·go de las cion.
I Vha nuestro glorioso Ejercito y eJ frente Popullir 1
ametrlllladoras de los aviones. Sigltcn 5'-' fit'm as


NEW YORK. - The hos- hostile towards Soviet Russia .
tilit v of the American people Among some of the pas sages
agaInst the Ncutr alitl' act is in the editorial arc :
growing daily . This Ad, pas- .The Governmelit of the
sed in Ma.~, 1937, was desig- U . S. S. R. propoSes that the
neu to prevent wa r shipml'lIb directing members of the Lea-
from being sellt from the Ulli- gue of Nations with .t he Uni-
ted States to loyal Spain. Th<: ted States have a conference
. :t\'ew York Times. in a sen- to discuss the international si-
sational editorial calls for th<.:. tuation.
repeal of the Neutralit y Act. .The object would be to
A Spanish paper reports combine all forces to preserve
th at evcn the arch-conservati- peace, This is precisely th.e
ve "Herald Tribune » attacks practical path waited for by
the fasci sts and predicts th at many years by millions of Bri-
the democracies will align tishers, who would liked t o ha-
themselves with Russia aga- ve seen this initiated by their
inst the militarists. own Government. The initia-
tive, instead, came from the
On March 2nd the tri al .It's immaterial where it
began ~fore the Military Co- cal11e from. W hat is important
llegion of the iSupreme Court is that it has come and it is
of tile U. S. S. R. of the mem- indespensable to not let this
bers 'of the criminal conspira- opJ?orunity pass by not bac-
king it. All who believe in co-
cy group of the .bloc of Rights
and Trotskyists • .
Among the accused are fiv e
READY TO DEFEND llective sec urity as the only
medium to avoid world disas-
whose n'lmes are generally
known throughout the coun-
try. They are Bukharin , Ry-
SPAIN'S LIBERTY ter must support the Soviet
Government's proposal enthu-
siastically, • .
kov, Yagoda, Krestinsky and
ve», write 6r Bishops of 36
states of the North American
In lhe dock stands the for-
mer leader of the «Left Com- Confederation, in a letter di-
Once again the enemies ofthe Spanish people have rected to the catholic Bishops,
munists. , Rykov, who later,
in company with Bukharin, been conducting strong milit~ry operations against .that the war in Spain, begun
T omsky. and others, became the independence of Spain. With foreign troops and as a military rebeilion, has
the organising traitor of the been transformed into a rea-
right-wing restorers of capi-
imported war material, the servants of international lization of part of a. general
talism . In with him are the. fascism are attempting to subject new territories to program of conquest by the
bourgeois Nationalists: Ikra- fascist nations. We knOw that
a regime of slavery and degradation. t he catholic church of the U ni-
mo'v, Eaisula" Khoadjayev
and others; the ex - ~Ienshi­ In twenty months of struggle we have faced many ted States has shown favorable
viks like Chernov and former tendencies toward Franco. Re-
enemy offensives. A thousand times the traitors have gardless, we ask the church to
Social Revolutionaries like
Grinko; pasti and present pro. announced that Spain would be totally subdued. intervene against fascist bar-
vocateurs of the Czarist A thousand times, too, the people and its Army barism .•
Okhrana, like Zeiensky and The lettter of the North
Ivanov , and people wh.) used have demonstrated that a nation continues to be Evangelic Church protests the
their diplomas as doctors allli free when it is ready to defend its liberty and its savage bombardments of Bar-
professors to poison somc of c~lona and expres:.es the hope
future with weapons, and sacrifice the life of its sons that the catholic Bishops wi ll
th e best men of the proleta-
rian Revolution : Kubvshev . for the banner of independence. protest tQ Salamanca.
Menshinsky and Gorky'. VIENNA. According to
At all times the Republican Fighters have known the latest news, mbre than
NEW YORK.- In Times how to surpass the odds of war material against 1 000 suicides have been re -
Square recently. 5000 ~'oun g them with a strong morale and powerful conviction gistered in Austria during the
people burned a n effigy of past week, The legitimate
which neither franco's soldiers nor those of Muno- Austrian chief, Coronel \Volf,
Hitler. The demonstration pa-
ralyzed traffic for half an houT. lini have ever, or can ever, have. Our rifles and was reported to h ave commited
suicide after he shot at so-
our equipment, insufficient as it ha~, been, have me Ge.-man officials . ' Viele
L O?\DON. - An editorial
in the .Daily Herald., orgali successfully oposed all the weapons sent to Spain sc·alc a rrests. continue,
of the Labour Party approves by Italians and Germans in order to assassinate us. PARIS , The French Go-
of the idea of a conferen ce for vernment together with the
JX'ace as proposed by the So- The tenacity and the sacrifice of our soldiers will British Government has sent
vid Govc~·1l111ent. This edito- transform into gun-powder and into an unconque- to th e Spanish Rebels a note
rial is particularly sigh:ficant expressing horror of the UII-'
,,"hen it is remembered that rable cry the banner and slogan of antifascist Spain: calletl for bombanlments of the!
IIJi ~ paper has always been THEY SHAll NOT PASS I city of Barcelona..
\' 01. Il No . 13 8ar,,,lona. April 2 19)8

DISCIPLINE: The Difference l iB R A V 0 POR I

L.. OS
por el tenlente oyudonte
Between Troops and Rabble i QUINTOS! de operociones


"I(I<r~ 'II,,~I
b. it ... mell, .. en; lit 'Ih~ X V Bru:aut who haH not ~
- sf/ne •• me or another wilnes.ell a larlle ,-eremonial parade and. ~ . _, _ _ _
.' ha"""t' r ~ other feelings the,' may ha\o'f had. admired the precision § los que~n~mo s cono,<·.1tuentoilar(,.;.dt la 'hicha que Sf desafrolla tn Espana. t 5ta -
". , . ". ' . M h ' d t =: bamos con cldos dt\'CIu~JO"s rt"'UJutas.~ a pes ar de no habe rH incorporado volunt8-
and accuracy of the.1r~orS In mo\ement •• ~$t 8,e , rea a some ~ riamtntet las filas de,nuestro glorioso Ejef('ito Popular, tampoco 10 hirieron a la
time or another of, InCidents such as the !Oelge of \ erd~ ,n. or t.he ~fuerza~ ¥ & com~ forzosos se puedp sOlo des i~nar a los hij os de ... eSBS casias
formin~ of the British infantry square at Waterloo. and If such la , == que s,empri -1sclavlzaron a Espana y que Ingraron poner~e a salvo durante
cidents be analysed it will be found that the~- were lOS primero~ dias 0 bien fuer~ n eJiminados por la justicia del pueblO.
en 1\- rendered rossihle b,,' a bigb stan2Jard or dis- Por e'S to esti bamos convenCidos de que ~i no se habia" incoqtOrado
c.i iine - antes era p o~que much os estaban al frente de import:mtes c rg os
p . de retaJ!'uardl. , y otros e!'tahan ocupados en el no menos imponante
Discirline has heen held to be that which difreren . frente de la produccion; pero Qu e tan pronto Co mo el (jo);ierno los
tiat~s a body 01 tro0l's hom a rabhle. Those amont:! lIamara a fil as no dud ari.n ni un momento en venir 8 rumpHr con
!~S "t;I!'h~ im:iriine that discipline is a measule sole;y un fusil en ,a mane, el mismo debe:- que cu~ ji an ante~ al frente de
o unit ma'!u io p., eft un harad <I 0 de una (lficina, con el espiritu que
created lor their person,i' discomfort would do weJl po setm('~ to (l'(l ~ 1<~ t~p2.ii(llt'!' hijos de e!'e pue-blo de Espana rica y
to remember tbat no campaign has ever heen suc · fe('und:l, alt'pl? v tt1l2, y qu I.' durante !'i~lr,s esas castEs ~ubl"vadis
cessfully waged hy an ill-discirlined arm~' . hut that tuvie rC'lf! cC'ln \frtida en ('.mpC' s de conctntrarirn y ~us ciudades en
on the contrary diSCipline is the ke)' stone of military presjd ir ~ , pero C;Uf rt'an do \'ina n ql.:t crmepzaba a ('Jarear el alba
~Dccess. Many are also I'fone to for~et although tbey que 2f1onciat a la jl:q iria, fa Iibertad y el progreso, no fu vieron in-
wUlindlv impose various actions of discipline upon ('om e~ie ~ le ~ ni e~(' n; puI M en de;;enc adenar est. hC'lrrible tragtdia
,.. que Dlll t lJn Iratoaj 2do r de ~ t aba n, hubiera sido rap2z de acarrear.
them sel"e~ . thev are amongs the fir s t to resent dis . Per c;, aur ql:e e!-1 21! ; mos co r.nn cid(l~. avn n(lS faltaba 1I1J!:0 v rso es
cipline imposed ' on them by others, oblivious of the 1o ql t n C! ~ t<atti~ d2do ; I. ('c,nfirm.rion, ya qur los reclufas del 24
fact that such disciplinary measures are almost in- han ~;' bic1 o h.flcer h(lno r a la tradition del Batallon y de la Brigade
variahly in their own interests, and undouhtedly in demoslra ndo a In , rte ranos que, 8unque sin ningun8 experiencia.
the interests of the .\rmv . as a whole. sab.en ~ar el pecho: sab~n ('ruzar las espesas Cortinas del fuego de
artillerra y a~llantar va!lellh'mrnte 8 la a\'iaciil n y hacer retroceder
Those who feel subversive should consider Ihe a las hordas salvajes Que t stiln manCinando nuestra Espana.
state ef an arm y in the field lacking the means for Estos braves Cf.l"8udn fl U difren tin t je mplo tn la primer.
cohesive action. Not only will it be impossible 10 actuac i6 n de la Brfgsdl en es ta ultima clmpaiia, rumpliendo con su
achieve any measure of success bul Ihere will be an ('ometido sin miedo y entonando cant05 guerrtros, pues bnto soldl-
appalling loss 0'
life as a resull of this.
dos como oficiales y ccmislri(ls estuvier(ln tod os a la altura de su
deber _. el que mb pudo mis hizo. Mis, entre tod os sitmpre hay
In the case of olficers and S. C. 0.'5 it will he qultn resllta y destaca. y en la operacion de est di. 10 fueron entre
fODnd Ihat if they are llenDinely inlere~led in the otros muchos Jusn Niliiez, t. EI Conejo », Quitn despufs de habet
rnatado a los que halli s n htr ido a un c(; mpaiiero , if solo, arrastrado
welfare of Ihose under Iheir command, they will be por el enfusia rmo y ardor antifascist., oui ~o stJir en per<lifCucion de
respecled, and hy sDch respect di scipliDe' will he los cChardes. cuar:do estes huilln. TImb lin cito con em oclOn el caso
easily mainlained. Commissars In parlicular nte res· de Feliciano Mllii. qur despurs de que Ie hubitron cundo las hetidas
ponsible for keeping up Ihe disciplinary lone of Iheir del bruo, fut preciso la intervencion enirtica del capiUn Brage
unit by their personal ex ample bolh on and off para de . plra qu _- no subitra a II tr incl'l e,. cemO el tozudarnente putendia .
The nearer a unit is 10 aclDal combat, Ihe more Dr· Tamll oco olvido al ncIu' • .5.nfon io Barrios, qUt Sfg:~n fI capitan de
su ccmp,iiia y C<'mp;ofier(ls que Ie rodeaban, (on gran serenJdad y
gent Ihe iSSDe of discipline becomes. eertera punferia Ie (ontarrn dfu y seis fascisfss que entre el y su
III-di sciplined troops in action haVe damagingi fu s il u f' trintar tl n 10. Hay otro digno de rnenci6n - ese veierano
eff~t on morale. At Waterloo, Wellinglon, Ihough
Jes{s Pulpll " . que ("on ~u milquina y en pleno c.aiioneo enemigo fu~
tI terror de los legionarios. to ClmiJIero sr destac6 cuando mas in-
numericaliV inferior. had some Ihousands of Iroop > tenso ua el fuego de la artilleria fn(miga: ti l solo trlnsportO el
marched from Ihe scene of actio II to avoid the harm carro de un. miquina con cuatro cintas. Tlmbiin 1'111;0 prodirios de
f., eff«t Iheir lack of di sciplint was having on Ihe bravura y destreza fI cabo de un fusil amrtrallidora ; y en 'in mu-
army as a vhole. Tbe professio .. al fascbl Iroops have a chos mis o1ue de cJtarJos.-ta lista seria innumerable. J

long di sciplinary Iraining behind them, and allhough Hay que hacer h() nor aT 24 Batanon a los volunfariOls y reclutas
their methods will never be ours, at Ihe same lime offcialts y comisarios qur, lundidos en un solo bloque luchlron como
we are nol going 10 lei Ihem lake lead of us in Ihis luchan los espanoles que defienden su patrla y como trabajldores
necessary military accomplishment . que no quiertn srr esrlavos. Y para termlnar, permUidme que re-
cuerde a los veteran05, y oftuea a los
The siandard of diSCipline 01 an reclutas - que por cierto af rrciblr tJ
army can be measured by Ihe esteem bautilo de fuego, ya han deJado de
In which it is held by the civil ro- seriO - el verso del poet. del ,.taD6a
pafafion . Good relalions bet.. een que dice:
tbem depend dirtcfly upon Ihi ,;
wlandard. Tbis Is 10 be Ihe year of
liberation for the Spanish peopie. Terminada I.... peracl6n
Let Discipline be Ihe moUo of Ihe Qued. tl imando .ali"tcho
Army_ tbat is to drive tbe fascisl Habei, cumplido un debtr
invader ODt 0' Spain. Se .. J'Csena un dotecho.


1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIlIillllIllIllIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIllIlIllIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIlII111111111111111111111111111111111111 illlllillllllllllllllllllllllllillll:IIIII!:rIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli


(.;EstilJla<io:'o t': l1llar~l(l as : denal. ])c ('sia manera l1enaha ull

Xun~ ~ a como t: tl l'stos lllotll l'nt os
Ita Ih:dlO ~ \·idl'IItt.· ntl'stra {'la-
lioule t'OlIH.'tido : C,,'strl'dtar los lazu:,
tic call1aT~Hh: ria COli los cOlnhatil·u . BARCELONA U. G. T. OFFERS
riddl'llcia dl' octubre dd l(} al de-
cicliros, con t'll1odonaute gesto ,
luchar par la causa ,kl plle-blo es
tes en gl'lIl'ral, ya que no olvidamos
que en vuestra Brigada, como en
todas las Internacionales hay un
paiu :l . y ~:ad a hora qUl' pase, ('011 porcenta .. e importantisimo de 501- . A deci sion t o aSSll1l1e pa tronage
la trag<:<iia a q w..' (liu tras dia St' dados espanoles: y hacer patente " . th., 15th I\rigad,' ill o nkr to
ye illlpdi,lo el Illun,!o par las a ll- nuestra Iraternidad con los heroicos ,. t'l'l1H'llt the fro ut alld the rear »
<1udas dd fa scislllO , calla Yez COIl y abnegados camaradas de todas las was l'x]>rl'''l''! in a ll'ttcr to the
JII3 YOr eleSt.'uro. \"l" Il( lr ~l a clar a tendencias ~ntilascistas que, a hall Urigad t' hy the L o('al Feckration
\"u~stra aportal'i('m a la <{ (.'ft'lIS a de d o nall<l ·, ) sus }Jadlicos pab\.·:-; :- :-;1I "':' "f thl' Ban'dona t". (.;. T. This
llllestras libl'rt a( k~ lit ratL',t!;·:)ria ,Ie ll uh. l'lltral1al)1l'~ aft·(,to:-;. SltpieT()ll ktter was publish",! ill thl' :lIarch
gl'sto profl·tko. in-ntl' los ( P ll' arril':,-g,lrlo tollo por l'1 sl.lprl'lll l l l otl\ isSU l' of I .({$ ,Y"lir;"",, organ
hasta "act' IIlU Y poco. ,' II SlI ('(:- il'a l dl' h I huuaui.) ad. la lihl'ftacl of the l- . C . T . of Catalollia.
gucra 0 l ' l1 Sll l:g\)islIlO, Ill) han po· d t, los h Ulllbn:s y dt., los p lll.: hlos. Part of the ktter reads :
dido 0 11 0 han qUl'ri(lo "l'r (llh'" l'r a lh· ald . C<llll<lr:uIa:-:., las callsas , The war will still be a hard and
10 qUl' Sl' Y(.'lltilaha t:l1 Ilut.'s tr a pOT las qw: 1:1 F c"'r kral'iI'>1I Local possibly a long one. 't is necessary
gut·rra . II<: B a n ' l.' ]olla de In I" , (; . T , Ita to establish a very strong link bet -
Para vosotros IUf, desde que to - d t.'cicli<io apaclrinar \"llt'slra gri- ween the front and the rearguard ,
masteis la decision de abandonar galla, a cuyas razones se han ana- a link which will extend Irom the
vuestros hogare ~ para acudir en dido las del conocimienlo que tent most advanced front line posts to
ayuda de nuestro pueblo, un deber mos de vuestros nu merosos y h e- the coast 01 the Mediterranean, all
de pura solid arid ad que os imponia roicos hechos de armas que tienen lighters, marching and working in
vuestra conciencia de hombres li- los nombres gloriosos de Jarama, unison with one final goal in view;
bres. ).;0 qlli ~i(:ra1l1os clu e en d ias Bru ', ete, Belchite y otros, trozos a victorious war. It
futuros VUl"stros pais( s, los paist.'s «Ie SHeIo eSl'atlol que regasteis ('Oil The It-tt('r l'xplains that the Lo-
dt.'lllocraticos , tu\'ierull qUL' l' C) Ill';a- \'u('stra Stll1gfl' al d t· rrotar e n dios ca l F.,<l eration of the r. G. T. has
graros COtllO a ~j (: lllplan' s patrio t as al f a sci~'Hno, decided to adopt the Bri gade be-
que se a ntidparoll a IIdc"'luier su L os :-;indkatos d e Uarcdonu , re~ la que desde ahora teneis que ver cause.
propia p a t ria, ya allll"na 'l.;!tlu d t.'sd t' p rt·S(·ntatlos por esta Fclleraeion el hogar del camara da Iraternal
el 11lOlllellto ell que t'lllpt.·zarotl U Local os ofrecen , Call fiU p adrinaje, . ... we know your numerous he-
donde siempre se os atender ? con roic deeds that bear the names of
lIegar a E spa.-w, lIlya<li l'lI(iola , los su incondidonal ay nda para resol- carino y a donde siempre podels
m ercenarios de IIitler \' :lfussolilli. ve r '·lI('stras llcccsiuaucs e n rela- the glorious Jarama, Brunete, Bel-
acudlr en la seguridad de encon chite and others) plots of Spanish
Tra nscurrido ce rca ,ft· ~.llio v ille- cion COl1 la rt:lag uardia, Sll prop{)- trarnos dispuestos a prestaros nues-
dio dt'sde que inidasteb yu~·stras sito t:l1tllsiasta <it· prol'uraros ('n la soil on which you have shed your
tra colaboraclon, blood to help destroy fascism.
heroicas actuaciOllL'S ell ti erra his- med ida d e 10 posi]'lc aquellas casas La Pederaci6n Local de la C- .G.T.
pana, ya form ad o l'l gran Ejcrcito a las qUl' 11 0 llega la cOlllplic da de Ba rcdona q uiere hoy mislllo, , The l ' lIiolls of Barcelona, re-
:Popular Regula r pas,,;s a ser, a o rganizacion olidal, par ser reque- al ofreudaros su padrinaje, empe- present ~< ! hy thi s Local Federation
medida que d "" lulllen y la p oten- ridos sus t'sfuer7.os Y su a t enci6n zar una labor efediva y se complace offers, with its patronagl', their
cialidad de 0ste va en allmento, par otras lIIas apreliliant"s y tal en an unciaros una proxitlla visi ta nnconditi onal wish to assist in
sabre todo UII simbo lo y WI ej,,1U- \"cz nl{lS nlTl'Sarias. su cordial di s~ a VUl·stro cuartel general, "n la que resolving YOUr necessities in rela-
plo, ya que nUln~rit-atllentc sois Ij0sicion para atendcros en cual- se de comienzo a esa ayuda a la 15 tion to the rearguard and has an
una parte valiosisima, pero pe- quier problema que lI('cesite resol- Brigad a Internacional. enthusiastic aim to procure mea-
queiia, del Ejerci to ,\lItifascista . v er en los dias d e descanso cual- R ecibid los mas cordiales salu- sures to ail! in securing those things
Y es par esto precisamente J)or quiera de Yosotros, aUIl " n los de dos antifascistas de los Sindicatos yon nl'ed , to which often you can-
10 que nosotros q ucrelllos rendl ros indole p articular, proporcionaros de Barcelona de la U. G_ T. not give your tillle because of your
hOIlll'najc de gratitll<l y admira- IIlCd ios d e rdacionaros con eletuen- Par la Federaci6n Local de Bar- pressing activities. We extend our-
clc'm t os de ret aguardia que ofrezcan celon6 de la U. G. T. , seh-es to you in your days of rest
La guerra sera aun muy dura, po- segura garantia de antlfascismo y, T. Salvado and offer to acquaint you with
sible mente larga, y es mils necesa- en suma, nuestra Casa socIal, en Secn'tario de I'ropaganda ele11l('nts of the rearguard of good
rio cad a dia establecer muy estre- antifascist character. In addition
chos lolZOS entre el Irente y la reta - . . . . . . . . .·• ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :ii:;j..... ::ai ·• • • • :ia.-• • • • • , . .. . . . . ... . we thro w open our Social House
guardia, hast a conseguir que desde where you will find a fraternal
las lineas avanzadas hasta las cos-
tas medlterrilneas todos nos sinta-
mos combatientes, marchando y
WANTING TO KNOW spirit and where you will be atten-
dee! to with generosity and are
frce to come and feel assured in
I.borando al unisono con una sola .. Hemem ber that tillle We were , \\'ell. I didn't see any hlood findi"g us always ready to colla-
Ilnalldad; I. guerra victoriosa. a ssaulting up tht:: h ·rraccs? J) the and I said so. iJorate with you.
He aq ui por que IIl1a d " las d eci- v o lunte(."r s aid. I · Rt'lllClllhcT how (I 'Guess it was a stOlle or S0111C- "The Local F ederation of the
siones lIIas dl·stacadas del 111 (011- Wl' dashl'd "l' uudl'r the t errace thing', he said, and looked pr"tty r. C. T. of Barct'iona wishes to
gH'SO de 1" l ' llio ll L elleta l <ll- Tm- wa ll. and stllt: k to it as if ,n' was relieved . H e sl'ttled down to the begin an effective "'ork ane! is
haja<iorcs d e Catalu!", file la de n aill-d on : job again , and so'did 1, and I happy to announce a proposed
que nuestros Silldica!os apa,lrina- /, Right h('side nu: wa~ young dare say the matter was p assing visit to your general barracks in
sen unidades ,lei Ej0rci t o, la 11I :1S Sanl . He hulkre,l out . I sai,l, out of his mill,! the same as mine, t he near future.
eficaz y 1I0hie '!lalll'ra <I e Ii ~ar la , \\'hat 's the math'r " lIe said , Whl'lI slldd" lIly he hollered again .
vangua rdia con la re t ag uardi a. something hit him , and wantl'd to .[ am wo unded ' he said. 'Look , We send you our 1II0St cordial
Y aWlando u rnbas r uzonl'S , 1a kll ow if he was wounded. here - Look at this I' antifa.<;cist salutations from tbe
Federaci6n I,ocal de Silldicatos d,' ,. I said , he sho llh.L klHm hl'tt,'r , H e held out his halld, and there l'niOl"; of the Barcelona U. G. T .
I1arcdona de la r. (;. '1' .. que ellen- than lIIe, hut he said he couldn 't was hlood 011 it all ri ght. It cam., ,. For the Loeal F ederation of th~
ta t-n su seno a lI1uchos 5illuicatos run arollnd himself and ha ,-e a frolll his shollld"r. II Imllet had Barcdona U. (;. 'f.
que apaclrinan lltlidalks (1<: ('Oln- look, in fact under the circulllstan- gone right t.h iOUgh.
hatientes , ha acord ad o que la que ces he eoul,ln' en'lI turn round II SO that ·s h ow young Sam got T . Salvado
dla apadrinas(' I," 'lUf) t a l F(·dt' ra· safel y. MayJx, r could sec "lood to Jk ni easilll . ;)
ion fucsc ull a nrigada IIItt.:Tn a · SOlllt::whetl:s , s<'·c ret ary of Propaganda

1Ii1i1ll,1I111111111i!i; i' :""!", IIIH1l l1ll11 illllliu: rl lrl:UlI i llllll' : : ll lIlilliiiiliil! I;lIl1l1l1l1hl!IiIlIIlIIlIl Il BII!i : ' i !,:: ~i!!II I1 !i1l1 lillllllllllllllllllllllli1II1I1I1II1I1I1II1II1I1I1I1I1II1I1 II1I1I1II1I11II1 II1I1I1 II1I1I1illllll !III ' I!i 'l!llIlIlIlI: i11I1I1II1I1II1I1I1I11I1I1II1II1I1I1II1IlIlIlIlIll ,,:,"llIiI'H: :'iiilllllll lllll l iillililll1 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIni




'II1m11l:;'" .' ;, ·.i:,;I'.:;:'; •.',:::I:,.:.:,,:I:I:IIII!I::!lIli.I.· . " .;:ili1iil!!1111II1I1I1II1I11II1I1I11II1I1II1I1I11II1I1II1I1i1l11ll1l1l1l11l111l11ll1l1ll1l1l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,: 1I11H:liillllllllllllllllillIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIllIlIllIIlIllIlIllIllIIlIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIIlllIlIlIIlIlIlI11I1I1I11I1I11II11II1II1I1II1I1II1I1I1II1IIml~


SUL TO EN LA liNEA, A luittl:e began to function in ~pain MUSSOLlNI, HITLER Y
a year anu a half ago . Toclay the
INGLATERRA organization has 17 base hospitals 'OLIVEIRA SALAZAR
anel u mobile surgical units, ,,-ith
,;ihralt ar, - :\1 ,,,, de den per- a total of 5,028 beds: rr6 ambu- Paris. - Tharaud ha publica-
~otJalidad(.'s in~k'sns n ."sit..ll."utl'S en lances of various sizes, 53 large do en • Paris-Soir 0 el segundo ar-
('~ta plaza a~isti(:r()n el d0111ingo trucks, [ 3 light trucks, 23 t ouring ticulo sobre la Espana faeeiosa. A
lHtilno . eJl La Lint,' a , at acto en el cars, 7 Illobile olK'rating theatres, pesar de ser franquista. Tharaud
curso d .... l cllal e l t:S g.'.·t1cral ~lucipo ha quedado impresionado por la
7 (Ii,infc·etion trul'ks, and a num-. "norme can tid ad de carteles es-
de 1.1al1o prOlll1l1cii) una sl'T it.: inin- ber of gas-proof ambulances.
terrllltlpida d l' sandt.,cl's insllltando pec taculares que se encuentran en
a Inglall·rra. There are 16.\ foreil,'II doctors todos los pueblos ocupa· loS por los
~('gt'ul han tnanifestado los tes- a nd (,8 Spanish doctors in the Fo- faceiosos. Estos carteles presentan
ti .~os , (:Iltrc los a ... ist l' lltl'S a aqlld reign :\h'uical Aitl. Among these grande~ retrato~ d e Hitler, Musso-
a . .·to fignTahun nil ntietllbro del theTl~ an.' In foreign surgeons and 9 lini y Oliveira Salazar. Mussolini
( o lls..:jo Ejecntiyo y y a rios indivi- Spanish surgeons. to Deccm- ' -1' est a fot ografiado en actitudes tea-
duos peTtcne<..'ieutl. ·s a la <, Justicia her .I I, [ 937, the base hospitals trales.
!h.: Pnz; ,I, 'folios los ingh.: sl's que of the F orcil,'II :lfcdkal :\ld atten-
St.: etlcontraba 'l pn.·st.'nh·s cuanda deel to 27,01 5 IVOllIHkd and sick, ,T•••• - ip" • • • • •- , • • • • • • • • if'
fludl'o ,Ie Liano I'ronunciil las most of whom were evacuated
palahras insnltando a Inglat erra
abandonaron d local. r egresando
from Foreign :\Iedical Aid frout
hospitals by Foreign :lIedical Aid
PHER " in Spain. Bill Rogers, who- FOUR N'MES OF SILVER
r;ipielalllente a ,;ihraltar .. se lather, Will Rogers, was known
a mbulances.
to millions throughout the world
There have heen a number of who saw him on the stage and SCreen, Four glorious names
casualties. T,,-o Divisional !lft-dieal has the Fifteenth Brigade
ICuatro nombres de plata I Commandc'rs, one Brigade :\Iedi-
has just ended a visit to Spain, du-
ring which he travelled several
Four Battalions of steel
emerged from its depths.
cal COlllmander, and three Batta-
Cuatro Nombres gloriosos thousand kilometers throughout the In the year since its birth
lion Meuical Commanders bave
tiene la xv Brigada, been killed. One doctor died of a
country_ Through "The Volunteer" your four sons of the soul
cuatro Batallones de hierro he sends his best wishes lor victory reared to great heights
contagious disease at the front, the name that you gayly
salieron de sus entraiias. one died of illness in the rear, and to the People's Army, especially to
AI aiio de nacer the Fifteenth Brigade, and "especia- gave them at birth:
Ius cuatro hijos ~el alma, one disappeared. A considerable Mackenzie-Papineau,
number of stretcher bearers, am- lly to the fellows from the West
pusieron en alto nivel English,
bulance drivers and others enga- Coast. " Rogers was in Barcelona lincoln, and the Twenty-fourth_
el nombre que tu
alborozada ged in auxiliary services have bee·n when the intense forty-hour fascist These are the four names
les pusiste al nacer: lost. bombardment occurred, and he ex- that emergcd from nothingness
Mackenssi-Pappino In addition to its medical " 'ork , pects to do things about it when he transforming themselves
Ingles, the Foreign Medical Aid has or- returns to his native California_ into Battalions of soldiers
Lincoln y Veinticuatro. Among other things, Rogers said that loyal to our Spain.
ganized seven children's hon"". You can be contented,
Estos son los cuatro nombres housing more than 6 00 orphan ._. support for the Loyalists is growil)g
que salieron de la Nada. Fifteenth Brigade,
1'0 h elp these homes the wOUl1<leel steadily in the States, and that ever- for your sons know how to win
Para convertirse en Bat all ones yone back home is proud of, and
de soldados leales a soldiers of the International Bri- in thousands of batUes I
Espaiia. gades have contributed 200 ,000 follows anxiously, the work of the What is better than lighting well-",.
I Content a puedes estar p esetas. Americans in the Fifteenth Brigade_ me" ,
madre XV Brigada, lighting as they fight
tus hijos saben vencer lor the proletarian cause?
There is no diflerence,
en miilares de Batailas'
l Cual es el mejor de todos
cuando luchan con las armas?
Luchando como Ellos luchan
THE BELOVED WEED They are lour names of Silver.
They engraved themselv~ in Brun -
The scarcity of tobacco in Spain great a pleasure a cigarette can They engraveo themselves at Jarama
por la Causa Proletaria, produces many odd ph{' nomenu, g ive out h ere. So much so that
no hay diferencia alguna one of which is a certain type of men stop when they see a ciga-
son cuatro nombres de Plata_ They engraved themselves at
small cigarette which is issued to r ette butt in thdr pat h , and if it Quinto and Belchite,
I Se grabaron en Brunete! the army from time to time. The looks any good a t all, pick it up
i Se grabaron en Jarama ! Teruel and in many other battles.
Spaniards call these thing,; " Mata- and add it to' their ,·olkdioll . And they shall remain engraved
Se grabaron en Quinto y Belchite, quintos., which means "Rooky- The arnl\' has little. the dvilians
Teruel y muchas batallas. together forever -
busters •. To others they are known less. An t <:nglish volu llteer wal- these four names of Silver:
Y quedaron grabadas siempre as e, Anti-tanks '>, because they arc king with a Spaniard. offered him
sus cuatro nombres de Plata. A nd when !he war ends
small but very nasty. A third fac- a cigarett e fwm a kw he had T<' - with the people's vldory
Y cuando la guerra termine ti on rders to them as the Asbestos cein'd in a letter. An old peasant
con la victoria Proletaria, the whole of Spain shall sing of you,
brand. for two reasous, one ob- hapP<'1ll:d to be passing. The Spa- Fifteenth Brigade;
'Espaiia entera cantara vious, the other odious. They say niard handed his cigarette to the
a Ii XV Brlgada of your four battalions
that these cigar.. ttes are as good old man , beca llS<." as he afterwards engraved in names of Silver:
por tus cuatro Batallones as any Illaele iu Spain which re- explained , the fellow loved a
grabados en nombres de Plata. Mackenzie-Papineau,
lUark is in it sdf a good example smoke but very seldom got OIl(' . English,
I Mackensi-Pappino, of war's unnecessary hardships. If our friends a t home want t o
Ingles, Lincoln and Twenty-fourth-
Tobacco see illS a little thing wheu do tiS a good turn , to send tobacco your four sons of the soul!
Lincoln y Veinticuatro, a country is at war, hut it is still one of the best. The more
tus cuatro hijos del alma! m akes the strain v ery much {'askr we n"(,4...'i Yt, frotn hOlue. the mOTe SANTIAGO LOPEZ
SANTIAGO LOPEZ t o bear. Those who still smoke in is rdeaSc"[ h ere for the civilian
(XV Brigade Ingenieros) peace may not under,t a llu how po]>ul" tion. (15th Brigade Engineers)

iIIlIllllit:inn'!I"Ii'!IIII:'::: 'iiil'!::,;" ;:,:',T:: :;,':nPI;ili'lllIlIii:illlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lI!!!l111IIIlIillllllllllllllllillllllllll!lIl1!l!lilil!lIl1illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111i11l1l1l11l1ll1l11l1l1l1l11l1l1l11l1l11l1l1ll1l1l!lIlIIlIillilllilliil!1!l1:iiliimillllllllllllllilllli'l




EN D-IEZ Millares y milia res de j6venes entusiastas y decididos,
empunan espontaneamente el fusil para defender sus Ii-
DfAS! bertades amenazadas, para conquistar sus derechos. Son
voluntarios de la libertad, heroes de nuestra magnfflca ju-
ventud, que,con su esfuerzo,lograra vencer definitivamente
al fascismo.
Las masas populares del mundo entero la juventud
mundial, que actual mente redoblan su esfuerzo para ayu-
darnos, saludan a estos nuevos voluntarios. EI pueblo an-
tifoscista saluda tambien a esta juventud gloriosa, que
marca el camino de victoria movilizando sus recursos. Y los
combatientes, los veteranos y los que acaban de incorpo-
rorse, sienten elevorse su moral, cuando saben que la ju-
ventud esta dispuesta a dar todo su esfuerzo, a movilizar
hasta su ultimo recurso para aplastar al fascismo invasor de
nuestro sagrado suelo.
Las dos divisiones de la Juventud, que han encontrado
eco entusiasta en toda nuestro Espana, en toda Cataluiia
amenazada, van forjandose con el calor y el entusiasmo de
esos millares de j6venes que transmiten por pueblos y ciu-
SPANISH YOUTH. The J. s_ U. is in the midst of its great campaign to recruit dades, por fCbricas y talleres, su consign a de victoria:

.... ..
thousands of young people for the army. Its slogan, which has already gone
far toward complete fulfilment, is: .. Raise Two Divisions of Youth in j DOS DIVISIONF'i EN DIEZ DIAS!

~ ~.~
Ten Days!"
~.~.~ ... ~.~~.- ..... -.•.•.........•. ..... ..•.•.....•.....•.........••..


~[oc ks to. l'ollllllalltiing the Fifth took lhe se,'en'st strain of the figh-
The Wonnd",l and I "'pv llIlant, .\nny Corps. citt,,, th,' XV Jlrigac\e ting ill this hattIe. alld s"ffen 'd The lIIinistry of Agriculture has
Aid CommiU,,,, of ):ritains hasj ust for its work o utsidl' 'fe rnl'l ",hilt, th" I,,'a\'lest casualties, pu rchased 30 tractors whi ch it is
iss w.: d a Tl'port (If it s firs t s ix the action \,,'as ill PTC"bTfl':O;S . .\ fur · III his note to the Division during distrihuting in th\.' following 1I1a11·
ulonths work . l' p t o :\on:lllh(' r 30 , ther complime llt was paid to t he th,- a,·tion at Segura, (:ener a l \\-al- ner :
19,17, it had ('olhd ",1 on'r 1.1,000 British Battalion for its good dig- h :r said, Six to the farm 'hoo!,; "'lahli-
pou tllis and this had In,'{'1l g iV l'Il ging , whieh san:d lll <.U I Y h\'c:s. Th\..' shed bv the I nstilL e of A l.: ra r i'"1
to maintain tht' LlInilies of th t' , I am grateful to the soldiers,
hOllor of Jx-illg 1'rOlllot"(1 0 11 the officers and cOllllllissars of the two R e fonil in Valencia, CUl'll'ra and
I3ritishers with tht' Iuternational fidel to their present ranks was Albacete, where they will 1>e lise, I
Brigade ane! to aid th" ,,",HlIlch-d ac,'or,led to Major Smith a",1 Cap - Brigades. espedally the XVth, for
to instruct the pea,..;.:mts in tractor-
who have return(.'< I hOllh.'. tai" Diaz of the :,Iacl'aps, all cl thdr excelknt work . ant! wish
The func] is ofjiei:!]]v snppor\\,,] l 'aptain Akxandn of th.. British, then1 tll:tny tHOTe victories over the
Five 10 Aragon,

-... ...
fascist hordes, \)

bv the Tra(h' Cnio1l l'()llgn,:~s ,11\(1 Thvs{' W('n,' the two Battalio11s w\to Eighteen to diiferent part s of
niany llJ;.l.1on EXl'('uti\'\..' l'o'lI11lliUt 'L'S
h avt: u(l\.:isnl tlwir 11ll'lUIH'rs t o ---•••.......• ~ ~~-.~
N ew Castille. where the [lrt'[lara -
tion of the land for the !'priog
,:.:-i\,t~ contrihutions, :\lllOl1g thnsl' RALPH FOX ~() \Vin g is most hehind hand,
who have dona.ted 1I101l<'V aTl,: One to the (&neral Admini <t ra t-
.!,O()() local aw l l>btrict , I.:,bo ur, ion of Prison s, to aid in Iht , wor k
Trade l·nioll and p o liti c al nrga· of land drai nage I)l'ing ralT i('d Ottt
nisat io1ls. in Ihe pcnal col",,!, of ;\I1>"lcr".
The :l1l1algal11aled 1 ': lIgi ll l'l'r~ The " ; ,, o f thest' Irarlors will o"t
1 ~ lIiol1 BrallciH'''; h an' h l':ukd the on ly compensate fo r the..' deerea ...;e in
list with O\' l'r y)" (1II11<1tioll:' . ()tll l ' r :lnil1lab work ing" the land . hut wi ll
' ~ l1i()lb wIdel l ha\'l' g-h't'll \,oll s h ;· a lso :WL" l1:-.tOIll thl' pea ~~ lI1f :, til nltl -
t l 'llt support art' tlw :'\fill t'rs, J~ ail. den} a.t::r icultural Illt.,th o<!:, 'Illd \\'ill
Ill e Jl, I Ji sl rilmti\'l' \rork l'Ts ;tl}(i [lrepar,' thcm for a furlhn ,I<-",'Iop-
Printer s. Jl1Cllt in thi s respect.
111 I(I{) factorit·s l'()lkt,ti nll~, ha n!
l'L't.' tl taken, SOllJL: ('Yl'ry wCl,k, III
oil\..' printing work~, Odhans Pn.' s~.
the printers of th,' Paily lIl'ral,I, ARRANGING
til(> wvn huyc susl'rihvd /)1)' ) p( )lIt1d s
ill six Illollths, THINGS
:--;iucc the report ha s bC(,11 i.,;s llt'c l
a ChriStlllaS appeal r ('s1 ill e d ill
.! , ,:;(1) poullds lwillg s uhscril w d,
'fhis <:lla1.l('d tIlt.' l'oll1 l1l it.t.'t, ! \) TIu' young battalion \'o l1l1l1i :--s;l r.
:->(.'11«1 '....'hri s tulUs part:d s to :-:'p;d ll, with a g rill as bro no a s hi s shOll }·
~ivt.." extra financi a l assi :,t<1ll n : to c\ers. h,'arc\ that the fasdsts had
the WOIIl(' 1l and l'hild rC>II, alld or· s truggh-cl into Tl'rud again . lIi s
:..:anisc bi~ (!lri ~ tJ1las part i\':'; at grin grew bToadl'T sti)l.
which a ll the children reed""" ANTI-FASCIST CLUB in Barce lona named in their honor. At a meeting of , Last time th,.y went Ollt of
present s. the English-speaking section. the members unanimously voted to name that tCl\I1I._ he sai;] • • th,." Idt it
'fill' Blotto of the l'ornmiti{'c ;s their group the Ben Leider-Ralph Fox Club, III memory of two outstanding full, If lhey·rl' coming I;ack in.
/. SC) lU1lg itS the lllt.'Il in Sp:lill \',UT )' C:od knows they 'li tind it ,'mpty,
on Wl' abo carry Oil " men, one American, the other English. who gave their Jives to the fight L et's gh'c them tillle t o till it up
E. H. 11\ZOW:-.I agains t ra >ci~m in Spain. lwfoTj ' We throw tlH'lll 011t again"

VOL. II - Spedal Supplement No. 14 Barcelona • April 3, 1938




(Th e lollowin ,t; is til l' s pr('c/! dell- have done this after ha,-illg
ver£'d by J)" . Juan :V'ep,yin . put up superhuman resistance
PrinJr NJil1i ster 01 th e Spani sh to the combined attacks of tho
Republic. on .1iarch. 28. I938) foreign air force, artillery, and
tanks. The invading army has
been ahle to nrify that ib
Spatliards: is no easy undertaking, what-
Th e. :nan who i:, :,pcakiug- e,,-er means may be cmplove(i',
tv VOll, a :' hea(l <lnd in thL' to drive back an armv -like
nanie of the Cm;ernlllClJt, h:l:' ol1r own, consisting of Spa.-
a right to (lemand of you C0111- niards who are defending the
plde confidcncc 'in his ,Yords, dignity and the i1ldepende nce
for he r,epeatecily warned you, of their countrv and, at the,
an(l in happier time:', of the same time, the principles of
approach of days of crll ;:,1 tests law, .iustice and peace_ These
such a:' ~he extremdy difficult principles are dear to all peo-
days throug-h which We arc ples, and however disdained
at present passing. ~ . they may be in other parts,
We are passin:~ through 'hard times. The they retain their everlasting virtue in Spa in.
invading army lia:, undertaken a very vio-
lent offensive in , which it is employing a HEQOISM OF THE AQMY AND Am
. huge quantity of war material. This offen. FOQCE
sive, by the very manner in which it is beiu~
carried out, reflects in ' reality the frightened In tTpper and Lower Aragon, our soldiers,
baste of the invaders to modify the map of. the Spanish soldiers, are carrying out acts
t:urope in their own favour by annexin~ Spai'1 of heroism which ex~ ~ny rec,o rded by
hefore they are asphyxiated by the wave of history. Even the foreign press, which is hos-
indignation which is sweeping the world as tile to us, has been oMiged to admit with
a result of the designs of the agressors on what fortitude and mavery the Republican
peaceful peoples" nay by day this indignation :\nny has borne the avalanches of fire of the
is mounting. and it is beglnllling to assume foreign air forces and artillery; how onr sol-
tremendous proportions. diers have fearlessl" faced the hundreds of
tasks of the invade rs; how they have allo-
But in the very haste with which they are at- wed themselves to be crushed by these tanks
teuipting to convert our country into a co- rather than open the coil of our fatherland
lony lies the S'eed of their failure becausl' to them. A.nd the enemy has not merelv en-
our glorious Army, with the entire Spanish countered resistatlce. Th-e Army of the ]{epu-
people at its side, is undertaking to couvert blic has fought with such heroism that in
this haste into a pause. Om solliiers haw sOl11e battles it has captured Italian priso-
hl'Cll obliged to abandon positions, but they ner" a 11(1 tanks. _\l1d Ollr a\'iators, the avia-

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