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It's entirely possible to make some more "basic" bodyweight movements

incredibly challenging. Just adhere to a structured training program for several

weeks at a time to allow yourself to implement progressive overload over time
and reap the most benefit out of your workouts.


How should you eat when you can't train as hard as you typically do?

If you were previously pursuing fat loss and eating in a calorie deficit
(depending on how much you're able to train) it may be a good idea to hit the
pause button on dieting for the time being and switch over to maintenance.
Putting your body in a catabolic environment without the mechanical stimulus
of training puts you at higher risk of losing lean body mass (6, 7). However,
these losses can be mitigated during fat loss if you're consuming
sufficientprotein to the tune of a minimum of 1.4g protein per 1kg, or .64g
protein per pound of total bodyweight per day (8, 9).

If you do have the means to keep up some form of resistance training, you're
fine to continue as normal with your nutrition. Note that your new maintenance
levels may drop a bit if your overall energy expenditure has gone down.

This may be the case if you're walking less throughout the day and generally
moving less than before (non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT). It
may be worth scaling back your daily intake by anywhere between 50-200
calories if you suspect that this may be you. Monitor changes to the scale and
to your body composition and make adjustments from there.

For dieting purposes, there are many variables that go into determining your
calorie needs. Some factors include:

 Activity level
 Genetics
 Dieting history
 Bodyweight
 Body composition
 Timeline (if any)

A good way of determining calorie requirements for fat loss involves

subtracting anywhere between 200-500 calories from your current
maintenance intake.

The problem with this approach is that many people don't know what this
number is. If you'd like to go this route, track your usual intake for a week,
taking into account not only what foods you're eating, but also using a food
scale to weigh out your food amounts so you can be as accurate as possible.

Keep track of changes to your bodyweight throughout this time. Any changes
by the end of the week might be indicative of where your calorie intake is
relative to your maintenance levels:

 If you've gained weight, you're likely eating in a calorie surplus.

 If you've lost weight, you're eating in a deficit.
 If you've maintained, you're right around your maintenance levels.

However, this can be a true pain in the ass. The next strategy is arguably an
oversimplified version, but it's a starting point.

Remember, any equation or formula that helps you determine your calorie
needs is ultimately an educated guess at best. However, this is more or less
the approach I've been using with my clients for the past several years with
great success.

What you're going to do is take your current bodyweight and multiply it by 10

to 13. Don't immediately jump to the 10 times bodyweight multiplier! Most
people want to do this in an effort to see the fastest progress, but that can be
a recipe for disaster, especially when the diet starts out overly restrictive.

Err on the higher end of the range if you're younger in age, more physically
active, and/or have a good amount of lean body mass on your frame already.
If you're older, sedentary, and with higher levels of body fat, you can start at
the lower end of the range.

Of course, this is just a guideline. You may find that you can get away with
eating at 14 times bodyweight or even 15 times bodyweight. But the vast
majority of individuals will fall somewhere in the 10-13 range.
Here are two examples:
1. Let's say we have a guy who's 250 pounds, moderately active, with 25%
body fat. Assuming that we don't know his maintenance intake, his activity
level and body fat would put him towards the lower end of the bodyweight
multiplier range: maybe 10 or 11 times bodyweight would work well for him.
This comes out to between 2,500 and 2,750 calories a day. At this rate, he
could expect to see a loss of roughly .5% bodyweight per week.
2. Now let's say we have a 180 pound female, highly active, with 22%
body fat. As a leaner individual with higher activity levels, she could probably
get away with consuming more calories. Put her at the higher end of the range
at 13 times bodyweight to start. This comes out to just over 2,300 calories a

If you want to maintain your bodyweight, adjust the multiplier to 14-16.

Yes, this "formula" is admittedly oversimplified. But it really doesn't need to get
any more complicated than this. You don't need to know your resting
metabolic rate, nor do you need to calculate your daily total energy
expenditure down to the exact calorie. All you need is a rough approximation
to start, and be as adherent to this intake as you can over the course of your
fat loss plan.

As far as what to eat, the guidelines should always remain the same for body
composition purposes:

1. Consume mostly minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods to cover

your micronutrient bases.
2. Eat adequate protein to retain or gain lean body mass.
3. Be consistent with your eating behaviors from day to day.
What If I Can't Eat Normal Healthy Foods?

Understandably, you may be in a situation in which the above is simply not a

reality. Perhaps having access to many nutrient-dense foods isn't an option at
this time, or maybe you have extremely limited food resources and the only
items you can easily get your hands on are chockfull of carbs (such as rice
and potatoes).

If that's the case, here are the two nutrition variables that matter the most for
body composition, in order:

1. Calories:If all else fails, make sure you're consuming adequate food.
While food quality obviously matters, calories are king when it comes to
retaining muscle and shedding body fat. 
2. Protein:It's the ultimate macronutrient for gains. As much as you can, try
to make sure you're hitting the minimum threshold of 0.64g per pound of total
bodyweight. But if you fall short, rest assured that any resistance training
you're doing will help attenuate losses in muscle mass. 

Don't worry about too much else – nutrient timing, meal frequency, low
carb/low fat, etc. Eat in a way that suits your personal preferences and
lifestyle while adhering to the above points as much as possible. And if you
can't, then simply do what you can and let that be good enough.

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