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This study investigates the effectiveness of customized promotions at

three levels of granularity (mass market, segment specific, and individual
specific) in online and offline stores. The authors conduct an empirical
examination of the profit potential of these customized promotion
programs with a joint model of purchase incidence, choice, and quantity
and through optimization procedures for approximately 300 conditions.
They find that (1) optimization procedures lead to substantial profit
improvements over the current practice for all types of promotions
(customized and undifferentiated); (2) loyalty promotions are more
profitable in online stores than in offline stores, while the opposite holds
for competitive promotions; (3) the incremental payoff of individual-level
over segment- and mass market–level customized promotions is small in
general, especially in offline stores; (4) for categories that are promotion
sensitive, individual-level customized promotions can lead to a
meaningful profit increase over segment- and mass market–level
customized promotions in online stores; and (5) low redemption rates are
a major impediment to the success of customized promotions in offline
stores. Optimal undifferentiated promotions should be the primary
promotion program in this channel, and firms can benefit from offering a
combination of optimal undifferentiated and customized promotions for
suitable categories in offline stores.

Keywords: customization, profit optimization, retail strategy, competitive

promotions, loyalty promotions, mass market level, segment
level, personalization

The Effectiveness of Customized Promotions

in Online and Offline Stores

Customization is considered a key solution by marketers with offering customized promotions for corporate spon-
looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of promo- sors. For example, the online grocer Peapod offered special
tions. Development of innovative technologies has brought promotion services to consumer product manufacturers
unprecedented opportunities to deliver customized promo- through its Peapod Interactive division, which implemented
tions. The interactive and one-on-one nature of the Internet and monitored various customized promotions to selected
makes it an ideal channel to offer customized marketing households for each manufacturer sponsor (Holleran 1997).
activities. As a result, online retailers have experimented Customized promotions have also gained popularity in
bricks-and-mortar retailing through loyalty programs.
These programs prescribe promotions to selected house-
*Jie Zhang is Assistant Professor of Marketing and Harvey Sanders holds using preferred shopper card data. The promotions
Fellow of Retail Management (e-mail: jiejie@rhsmith.umd.edu), and are usually delivered through printed coupons, either gener-
Michel Wedel is PepsiCo Professor of Consumer Science (e-mail: ated at checkout registers or sent by direct mail. In most
mwedel@rhsmith.umd.edu), Robert H. Smith School of Business, Univer- cases, these customized coupons offer price reductions for
sity of Maryland. The authors thank Information Resources Inc. and an
anonymous online retailer for providing the data used in this study, as well
specific brands of products. They can be redeemed at sub-
as Feray Adigüzel for her assistance in data processing. They are grateful sequent shopping trips. Some retailers administer cus-
to the two anonymous JMR reviewers and Dick Wittink for their many tomized promotion programs using in-house experts (e.g.,
valuable comments and suggestions and to participants at the Marketing CVS), and others rely on consumer marketing companies to
Science Conference for their input. This project is supported by a Market- implement the promotions. For example, Catalina Market-
ing Science Institute research grant (No. 4-1192). Sunil Gupta served as
associate editor for this article. ing is an industry leader of targeted marketing services for
retailers and manufacturers.

© 2009, American Marketing Association Journal of Marketing Research

ISSN: 0022-2437 (print), 1547-7193 (electronic) 190 Vol. XLVI (April 2009), 190–206
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 191

Customized promotions are primarily funded by con- environment. On the basis of a study of a large number of
sumer packaged goods companies on the basis of special product categories, Danaher, Wilson, and Davis (2003)
agreements. In business practice, there is usually only one report that brand loyalty is substantially higher in online
corporate sponsor in a given product category at a given stores than in bricks-and-mortar stores. Although Fox,
time for a given promotion program, such as the services Montgomery, and Lodish (2004) call for more research that
provided by Peapod and Catalina Marketing. Therefore, in investigates why differences in promotion effectiveness
addition to improved targeting capabilities, customized pro- occur across channels, none of the previous studies has
motion services offer manufacturers the advantage of being compared promotion effectiveness in online and offline
shielded from competitive retaliations because of the exclu- stores. Our study provides these insights.
sive sponsor arrangement. The promotions are offered to Most research on customized promotions has been done
selected households in a covert manner and are not easily in the context of bricks-and-mortar stores. For example,
observed by competitors; thus, it would take substantial Shaffer and Zhang (1995) examine the impact of targeted
time and effort for competitors to monitor and respond to coupons in perfectly competitive environments using a
these promotions, if they respond at all. As a result, more game-theoretical framework. Rossi, McCulloch, and
and more manufacturers have participated in customized Allenby (1996) were the first to empirically quantify the
promotion programs. At the same time, retailers are benefits of adopting one-to-one pricing. In a brand choice
embracing customized promotions because these programs modeling framework, they demonstrate how household
can help increase store visits and shopping basket sizes and purchase history data can be used to offer individual
build consumer loyalty to their stores. For example, cur- household-specific pricing and achieve higher profit. More
rently, Catalina Marketing alone provides services to more recently, Zhang and Krishnamurthi (2004) proposed an
than 170 supermarket and drugstore retailers in the United approach for offering customized promotions that went one
States to offer customized in-store promotion programs.1 step further: Promotions are not only tailored to individual
Along with the development in business practice, cus- households but also dynamically updated on each shopping
tomized promotions have also received increasing attention trip. They show that such promotions can lead to substantial
among marketing academics (e.g., Rossi, McCulloch, and profit increase over the current practice in an online shop-
Allenby 1996; Shaffer and Zhang 1995; Zhang and Krish- ping environment. Nonetheless, their study does not com-
namurthi 2004). Although the methodologies for prescrib- pare online and offline stores, nor does it compare promo-
ing customized promotions and the technologies for deliv- tion programs customized at different levels of granularity.
ering them in practice have been developed, some critical The main objective of this study is to examine the profit
questions remain to be answered. Is more granular cus- potential of various customized price promotions in online
tomization always better? What is the incremental benefit and offline stores. We examine customized promotions with
of offering individual-level over segment-level or mass different strategic orientations and at different levels of
market–level customized promotions? What types of cus- granularity (mass market, segment, and individual levels).
tomized promotions are more profitable in online versus For each type of promotion, we derive a profit-maximizing
offline stores? What is the more suitable channel for offer- plan based on a comprehensive consumer purchase behav-
ing individual-level customized promotions? In this study, ior model and optimization procedures built on the model.
we provide insights to answer these questions. Using optimization procedures enables us to compare the
best potential for each type of promotion program.
Two broad types of customized price promotions have
been implemented in practice according to whether a con-
The purpose of this study is to investigate the profit sumer purchased the target product previously. For exam-
potential for promotions customized at various levels of ple, Catalina Marketing’s Checkout Coupon service deliv-
granularity in online and offline stores. We focus on price ers “loyalty coupons” to consumers who purchased the
promotions, which are arguably the most important form target brand on the prior purchase occasion and “competi-
of sales promotions. Our research is related to two streams tive coupons” to consumers who did not purchase the target
of literature: that on comparison of purchase behavior brand on the prior purchase occasion. A manufacturer can
in online and offline stores and that on customized choose to offer either or both types in a promotion cam-
promotions. paign through Catalina. Following this practice, we distin-
Previous research has investigated how purchase behav- guish these two types of customized promotions and adopt
ior differs across retail formats, including differences Catalina’s terminology for ease of exposition. Specifically,
between online stores and traditional supermarkets (e.g., we define “competitive promotions” as those aimed at con-
Danaher, Wilson, and Davis 2003; Degeratu, Rangaswamy, sumers who did not purchase the target brand on the previ-
and Wu 2000; Fox, Montgomery, and Lodish 2004). ous purchase occasion, and we define “loyalty promotions”
Degeratu, Rangaswamy, and Wu (2000) suggest that Inter- as those aimed at consumers who purchased the target
net shoppers are likely to be more convenience conscious brand on the previous purchase occasion. We implement
and less price sensitive, but Alba and colleagues (1997) both types simultaneously in our optimization. For pur-
postulate that online consumers may be more or less price poses of various comparisons, we first report the results of
sensitive depending on the accessibility of information on competitive promotions and loyalty promotions for their
price and nonprice attributes in the electronic shopping respective subsamples separately, and then we show the
results of jointly offering the two types for the entire sam-
1Source: http://www.catalinamarketing.com/retail_services/how_it_ ple. As a benchmark, we also derive the optimal undifferen-
works.html (accessed September 24, 2007). tiated promotions, which assign the same price discounts to

all consumers in a given week regardless of their purchase manabhan (1999), and Zhang and Krishnamurthi (2004).
history. We build on the latter model and extend it in various ways
Furthermore, we compare customized promotions deliv- to suit the purposes of this research. Let Iit = 1 if household
ered at the following three levels of granularity: First, a i makes a category purchase in week t and 0 if otherwise,
mass market–level customized promotion is defined as one let Bikt = 1 if household i purchases alternative k in week t
in which the same amount of price discount is offered to all and 0 if otherwise, and let Qikt = household i’s purchase
relevant consumers (i.e., buyers or nonbuyers on the previ- quantity of alternative k in week t. The utility of alternative
ous purchase occasion). Currently, this is the most common k in week t for household i can be expressed in a general
customized price promotion in practice (e.g., Catalina’s equation:
competitive and loyalty checkout coupons). Second, a
(1) U ikt = Vikt + ε ikt = β 0 ki + X ktβ1i + β 2 i D ikt
segment-level promotion is one in which the depth and fre-
quency of the price discount are customized to each seg- + β3i D ikt Fikt − β 2 i Δ k , j + ε ikt ,
ment of relevant consumers but are not further tailored
toward individuals within a segment. Third, an individual- where Xkt is a vector of marketing-mix variables (regular
level promotion is defined as one that is personalized price and price cut for the online data and these plus feature
for each consumer. This type of promotion represents advertising and display for the offline data), Dikt equals 1 if
customer-centric marketing at the most granular level. Note alternative k was chosen by household i on the previous
that the distinction between previous buyers and nonbuyers purchase occasion and 0 if otherwise, Fikt equals 1 if alter-
is necessary for the mass market and segment levels of cus- native k was on price promotion at household i’s last pur-
tomizations, but this is not the case for the individual-level chase occasion before week t and 0 if otherwise, and Δ k, j
customizations, because such promotions are determined is a measure of distance between alternative k and the alter-
for each household and thus would differ between previous native chosen by household i at its previous purchase occa-
buyers and nonbuyers anyway. sion, ji, and is obtained from a survey and normalized to
For each of these promotion programs, we derive the fall between 0 and 1. By definition, Δk,k = 0. We include the
weekly optimal price discounts that maximize the manufac- distance measure for similarities/dissimilarities across alter-
turer’s gross profit of the target brand. We work from a natives. In Equation 1, β0ki are alternative-specific con-
manufacturer’s perspective because most price discounts stants, with the last one fixed to 0 for identification pur-
for consumer packaged goods are funded by manufacturers poses; β1i are coefficients of marketing-mix variables; β2i
through trade promotions. In addition, manufacturers are reflects state dependence; and β3i captures the moderating
sponsors of the vast majority of customized promotion pro- effect of price promotion on state dependence. We expect
grams in practice. They provide financial support to retail- β3i to be negative because state dependence should be
ers and/or consumer marketing companies for administer- reduced if the previous purchase was made on a price pro-
ing these special promotions for their brands. motion (Gedenk and Neslin 1999).
We compare the expected optimal profits of various pro- We model purchase incidence by assuming that house-
motion programs in online and offline stores, which will hold i makes a category purchase in week t if and only if
provide insights to help marketers choose the proper level the utility of at least one alternative in the category exceeds
of customization for each channel and direct their resource a threshold, which is specified as follows:
investments to the most worthy types of promotions.
Specifically, we intend to answer the following questions: (2) U i 0 t = Vi 0 t + ε i 0 t = θ0 i + θ1i R i + θ2 i LQ it + ε i 0 t ,

•What is the profit potential of offering optimal customized where θ0i is a constant, Ri is household i’s purchase fre-
promotions over current practice? quency in the initialization period, and LQit is the mean-
•Are competitive promotions aimed at consumers who did not centered purchase quantity made by household i on its last
buy the target brand on the prior occasion more effective category purchase occasion before t. This variable captures
online or offline? What about loyalty promotions that are the effect of inventory in spirit (Chintagunta and Haldar
aimed at consumers who bought the target brand on the prior 1998; Jain and Vilcassim 1991). Note that it would not be
occasion? Do the patterns differ by shopping channel?
appropriate to include an inventory variable in our model,
•What is the incremental profit of offering individual-level pro-
motions over segment-level and mass market–level customized because its computation requires the use of interpurchase
promotions in each channel? Does a firm always benefit from duration, which is endogenous to purchase incidence (Chin-
offering finer levels of customization? tagunta and Haldar 1998).
•What is the more suitable channel for individual-level cus- To model purchase quantity, let Q*ikt be a latent variable
tomized promotions? that drives household i’s purchase quantity of alternative k
•What factors affect the profit potential of customized promo- in week t. The observed purchase quantity Qikt = Q*ikt if
tions in a given channel? Iit = 1 and Bikt = 1; otherwise, Qikt = 0. We specify Q*ikt as
PROCEDURES (3) Q*ikt = Z ikt φi + ξ ikt = φ0 ki + Ykt φ1i + φ2 i Q i + φ3i LQ it + ξ ikt ,
A Model of Purchase Incidence, Choice, and Quantity where Ykt is a vector including marketing-mix variables for
Our model is a joint model of purchase incidence, alternative k (regular price and price cut); Q i is household
choice, and quantity decisions, similar to the approaches by i’s average purchase quantity in the initialization period,
Hanemann (1984), Chiang (1991), Bell, Chiang, and Pad- which we use as a control variable; and LQit is household
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 193

i’s purchase quantity on its last purchase occasion before t, where qg is the probability of belonging to segment g, T is
as described previously. Parameters φ0ki are brand-specific the number of weeks in the data, and the other terms are as
constants, φ1i represents the effects of marketing-mix described previously.
variables, φ2i is the coefficient of average purchase quantity, Implementation of Customized Promotions
and φ3i captures the effect of last purchase quantity on cur-
rent purchase quantity and is expected to be negative.2 We adopt an exclusive manufacturer sponsor model to
We make the following assumptions about the distribu- implement customized promotions. This is the most com-
tions of error terms in the previous equations: (1) εikt, k = 0, mon arrangement in retail practice for customized promo-
1, 2, …, K, in Equations 1 and 2 follow a generalized tion programs—for example, in the case of Peapod Inter-
extreme value distribution, which leads to the nested logit active marketing services (Holleran 1997). In these
formulation for purchase incidence and choice decisions programs, a retailer offers customized promotion services
with parameter λi ∈ [0, 1] capturing the similarity among to corporate (manufacturer) clients. Usually, there is only
choice alternatives, and thus alleviate the independence- one sponsor for this service in a given product category at a
from-irrelevant-alternatives problem with standard multi- given time, but the retailer may accept other regular trade
nomial logit models; (2) ξikt in Equation 3 follows a logistic promotions. These customized promotions are funded by
distribution with a location parameter 0 and scale parameter manufacturer sponsors and are implemented by the retailer.
δξ; and (3) ξikt and ε *ikt = max(Vijt + ε ijt ) − ε ikt follow a The retailer is compensated for administering the promo-
flexible bivariate distribution that involves a parameter ωi ∈ tions and may get a share of the incremental profits gener-
[–1, 1], reflecting the correlation between incidence/choice ated by the service. Under the arrangement described here,
and quantity, where ωi < 0 indicates a positive correlation the retailer essentially works as the manufacturer’s agent,
and ωi > 0 indicates a negative correlation (Zhang and and thus it has a common profit objective for the cus-
Krishnamurthi 2004). These assumptions on the error terms tomized promotions. In practice, customized promotions
lead to a closed-form expression of the joint probability of are often administered by third-party consumer marketing
purchase incidence, choice, and quantity: companies (e.g., Catalina Marketing), in which case the
marketing service company would act as the manufacturer’s
(4) Pr ( I it , Bikt , Q ikt ) = agent and use the manufacturer’s objective function to pre-
− λi scribe the promotions.
⎛ ⎞

e Vikt ⎜ e Vijt ⎟ In a study by Villas-Boas (2007), the vertical contract
⎝ j=1 ⎠ δ ξ eδ ξ (ZZ ikt φi − q ikt )
between manufacturers and retailers in which the profits of
1 − λi 2 both are jointly maximized received dominant empirical
⎛ ⎞ ⎡1 + eδ ξ ( Z ikt φi − q ikt ) ⎤

e Vi 0 t + ⎜ e Vijt ⎟ ⎣ ⎦ support. The implied margins under this arrangement are
⎝ j=1 ⎠
those of a vertically integrated monopolist, which shields
⎧ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
− λi ⎫ the manufacturer from competition within the category. It

⎪ ⎢ e Vikt ⎜ e Vijt ⎟ ⎥ δ ( Z φ − q ikt )
⎪ also increases the retailer’s incentive to monitor the imple-
⎪ ⎢ ⎝ j=1 ⎠ ⎥ −1 + e ξ ikt i ⎪ mentation process carefully because the profit will be
⎨1 + ω i ⎢1 − 1 − λi ⎥ δ ξ ( Z ikt φi − q ikt ) ⎬
⎪ ⎢ e Vi 0 t + ⎛ Vijt ⎞
+ ⎪

⎥ 1 e shared by the manufacturer and the retailer. These theoreti-
⎪ ⎜⎝ e ⎟ ⎪
⎢⎣ j=1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ cal advantages of the exclusive manufacturer sponsor
⎩ ⎭
model are another reason we adopt it in this study.
where Vikt and Zikt are the systematic components in Equa- We assume that there are no competitive reactions in
tions 1–2 and Equation 3, respectively. We estimate the constructing the manufacturer’s objective function. Empiri-
parameter ϕi = arcsin(ωi) to ensure that ωi ∈ [–1, 1]. cal evidence in the marketing literature suggests that com-
To capture consumer heterogeneity, we employ a finite- petitors are unlikely to react to customized promotions,
mixture specification in which all parameters in Equations especially not in the short run. Leeflang and Wittink (1996)
1–3 are segment specific (Kamakura and Russell 1989). document that competitors tend to underreact to one
The finite mixture specification has been shown to be another’s marketing actions. Nijs and colleagues (2001)
empirically equivalent to approaches based on continuous conclude that the dominant form of competitive reactions to
distributions, such as the hierarchical Bayes formulation, to conventional price promotions is no reaction. Pauwels
represent consumer heterogeneity (Andrews, Ainslie, and (2004) and Steenkamp and colleagues (2005) confirm this
Currim 2002). The log-likelihood function is given by finding. Given the covert nature of customized promotions,
competitive reactions to them are even less likely to occur,
N ⎧ G T ⎡ especially not in the short run, because even if a competitor

(5) LL = ∑ log ⎨ ∑ ∏ ⎢⎢⎣Pr (I
⎪⎩g = 1 t =1
g it = 0)1 − I it wanted to, it would take considerable time and effort to
i =1 monitor customized promotions, let alone implement
K ⎤ ⎫⎪
∏ Pr (I
k =1
g it = 1, Bikt = 1, Q ikt = q ikt ) I it × Bikt ⎥⎬,
⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
Optimization Procedures
We derive the optimal price discounts that maximize the
gross profit of a brand/alternative under each promotion
plan.3 In doing so, we assume that regular prices take on
2In our empirical analyses, φ was insignificant in three of the four 3Hereinafter, we use the term “brand” for “brand/alternative.” A manu-
samples, and thus we dropped it in the final model for these cases. facturer decides the product unit for customized promotions. The model

values as they were in the data. The general approach For mass market customized promotions, the promotions
involves first obtaining parameter estimates of the model; to be derived are the same for all relevant households in a
subsequently forecasting incidence, choice, and quantity in given week τ. The profit function
a 40-week holdout period to compute the expected profit; N G
and simultaneously deriving profit-maximizing price dis-
counts on the basis of these predictions. We account for
(8) Π Ψ ( ) ∑ ∑ qˆ i,g (Ψˆ )Πi,g ( Ψˆ )
ˆ =
i = 1g = 1
uncertainty in the parameter estimates when computing
expected profits. Note that the objective (profit) functions is maximized with respect to {PCk,τ, PCk,τ + 1, ...,
are formulated independent of the likelihood specification, PCk,τ + T – 1}, a common set of T price promotions for all
as Allenby and colleagues (2002) advocate, because the ˆ ) = qˆ L /[∑g qˆ L ] is the poste-
households. Here, qˆ i,g(Ψ g i|g g i |g
likelihood function reflects consumer behavior while the rior probability that household i belongs to segment g, and
profit functions reflect the company’s objectives for deci- Li|g is the likelihood of household i given membership in
sion making. segment g.
Let brand k be the target brand, and let all parameters in For segment-level customized promotions, the optimiza-
our model be denoted by the vector Ψ with maximum like- tion is performed for each segment separately, and the opti-
lihood estimates (MLE) Ψ̂ and asymptotic covariance mal promotions are the same for households within a seg-
matrix Σˆ Ψ . A manufacturer’s expected gross profit of brand ment but are different across segments in a given week τ.
k from household i during a period of length T, given seg- The profit functions
ment g and MLE Ψ̂, is as follows: N
T (9) ( ) ∑ qˆ i,g (Ψˆ )Πi,g ( Ψˆ )
ˆ =
Πg Ψ
(6) Π i ,g Ψ( ) ∑ Pˆg ( Iit = 1, Bikt = 1|Ψˆ )
ˆ =
i =1
t =1
are maximized with respect to {PCg,k,τ, PCg,k,τ + 1, ...,
( ˆ M − PC
E g Q ikt |II it = 1, Bikt = 1; Ψ k ,t )(
ik , t , ) PCg,k,τ + T – 1}, a set of T price promotions common for all
households in segment g.
where Pˆ g(I it = 1, B ikt = 1|Ψ ˆ ) is the expected probability of For individual-level customized promotions, the promo-
household i buying brand k in week t, given segment g; tion decision is derived for each household in a given week
ˆ ) is the expected purchase quantity
Eg(Q ikt|I it = 1, B ikt = 1; Ψ τ, and thus they are completely individual specific. The
of k, given that k is purchased by household i in week t, profit functions
given segment g; Mk,t is the manufacturer’s regular profit G
margin of brand k without a price promotion at t; and PCik,t
is the amount of brand k’s price discount for household i at
(10) ( ) ∑ qˆ i,g (Ψˆ )Πi,g ( Ψˆ )
ˆ =
Πi Ψ
g =1
time t. It can be shown that (Zhang and Krishnamurthi
2004) are maximized with respect to {PCi,k,τ, PCi,k,τ + 1, ...,
(7) E g ( Q ikt |I it = 1, Bikt = 1) = PCi,k,τ + T – 1} for each household i in week τ.
To account for uncertainties in parameter estimates from
1⎡ eδ ξ Z ikt φg ⎤ the model estimation procedure, we integrate each of the
δ ξ ⎢⎣
( )
⎢ log 1 + e ξ ikt g − ω g × (1 − A )
δ Z φ
1 + eδ ξ Z ikt φg ⎥⎦
profit functions over the asymptotic distribution of MLE Ψ̂,
which is a multivariate normal distribution denoted by
Φ (Ψ ˆ , Σˆ ). Thus, the final objective functions are as
wheere Ψ
− λg
⎛ ⎞


e Vikt ⎜
⎝ j=1
e Vijt ⎟

(11) E ⎡⎣Π ⎤⎦ =
∫ Π (Ψˆ ) Φ (Ψˆ , Σˆ ) d Ψˆ , where Π (Ψˆ ) = Π(Ψˆ ),

1 − λg
⎛ ⎞

K ˆ ), or Π (Ψ
ˆ ).
e Vi 0 t + ⎜ e Vijt ⎟ Π g (Ψ i
⎝ j=1 ⎠
The integral in Equation 11 is approximated by simulation
To complete the computation of the expected gross profit (Kamakura and Wedel 2004). We take 500 draws from the
of a brand from weeks τ to (τ + T – 1), as given by Equa- asymptotic distribution of Ψ̂ and approximate the integral
tion 6, we compute the incidence and choice probabilities at as the average value across the draws.
any future time after week τ by enumerating all possible For each week τ in the holdout sample (τ = 1, …, 40)
incidence and choice outcomes and their conditional occur- and for every promotion program, we maximize the final
rence probabilities at previous times through a conditional expected profit function in Equation 11 numerically using a
branching process. Equation 6 is computed for each house- simplex algorithm with respect to the appropriate set of
hold in each of the 40 weeks in the holdout sample. We price discounts (for all relevant households, for every seg-
then compute the objective function for a particular promo- ment, or for every individual household) at a sequence of T
tion program in a given week on the basis of Equation 6 time points. The optimization is done under the following
and the nature of the promotion decision, as we describe constraint: 0 ≤ PC*k, t ≤ . 5RPk, t , ∀ t. The upper bound
next. reflects the deepest discount observed in the data (“buy one
get one free”) and is set to capture the notion that manufac-
estimation and optimization should incorporate this decision and be car- turers tend to avoid extremely deep discounts for fear of
ried out at the same unit consistently, as is the case in our study. eroding brand equity.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 195

In the empirical application, we set T = 3 and update the customized promotions are administered by a third-party
promotion decision in each week τ using data up to week consumer marketing company, such as Catalina.
τ – 1. For a particular promotion program in week τ, we Nonetheless, our customization procedures can be modi-
obtain the optimal price discounts {PC*τ , PC*τ + 1, PC*τ + 2}, fied to accommodate situations in which retail pass-through
each at the appropriate level of granularity (mass market, is known and is less than 100%. Using a pass-through rate
segment specific, or individual specific). The term PC*τ rep- c < 100% in the optimization is essentially equivalent to
resents the optimal price discounts offered in week τ. In using a higher retail margin and, thus, a lower percentage
week τ + 1, the same procedure is repeated, and the new profit margin mm(1 – mr) in the original procedure. Let
PC*τ + 1 replaces the previous one obtained in week τ and PC*S, c and Π*S, c be the optimal price cut and expected profit,
becomes the optimal price discounts offered in week τ + 1. respectively, with mm(1 – mr) = S and pass-through rate c.
cS,100%/c and ΠS,c = ΠcS,100%/
We can show that PCS,c * = PC* * *
This procedure is repeated one week at a time until we
c. For example, the optimal price cut (expected profit) with
derive the optimal price discounts for the entire 40 weeks
of holdout sample. In other words, we examine a moving mm(1 – mr) = 40% and a 75% pass-through equals the opti-
window of three weeks of forecasting horizon for the pro- mal price cut (expected profit) with mm(1 – mr) = 30% and
motion decisions of each week. In this continuously a 100% pass-through divided by .75. Therefore, we can
updated process, PC*τ is the actual optimal price discounts obtain optimization results for c < 100% by taking the
offered in week τ, and PC*τ + 1 and PC*τ + 2 are auxiliary proper transformation of results with c = 100%. For these
variables in the optimization. We advocate the idea of reasons, we present detailed results only for cases with
updating promotion decisions every week, which allows 100% pass-through and discuss the implications of other
firms to use the latest purchase data and use a shorter fore- pass-through rates subsequently.
casting horizon in the planning process (T = 3 in our case). Our optimization procedures account for a key difference
between the online and the offline shopping environments
In addition to computational convenience, another advan-
in terms of deliveries of customized promotions. On the
tage of employing a short forecasting horizon is that pro-
Internet, the store interface can be modified for individual
motion decisions can be made based on the most recent
customers when they log in, and thus customized promo-
actual purchase behavior, instead of needing to predict
tions can be offered for the current shopping trip. In con-
future purchase outcomes for many periods and make deci- trast, for offline stores, customized promotions are deliv-
sions based on such predictions. Our approach may become ered through printed “coupons” at cash registers when a
computationally intractable beyond T = 5 or 6. This is not a shopper checks out, or they are mailed to individual house-
problem if firms can update their promotion decisions every holds. Thus, a customer must redeem the coupon at a future
week, but if they must use a forecasting horizon longer than shopping trip. This difference in the delivery mechanism
5 or 6 weeks, Bellman’s (1957) approach is more appropri- leads to a drastic difference in the effective redemption
ate to evaluate the entire state space. Note that our approach rates between the two shopping environments (online is
is conceptually equivalent to Bellman’s approach for a short 100%), which may have a pervasive effect on the profitabil-
forecasting horizon because our approach completely enu- ity of customized promotions in online versus offline chan-
merates the entire state space. nels. Therefore, we take into consideration the redemption
In practice, the wholesale and retail margins are known rates when evaluating the effectiveness of offline cus-
to the parties involved in a customized promotion program. tomized promotions.
However, this information is unavailable in our data. There-
fore, we assume a range of values for the wholesale and EMPIRICAL ANALYSES
retail margins in the optimizations, which provides greater Data Description
generality because the results are not dependent on specific We use household purchase data provided by Informa-
margins. We express Mk,t, the manufacturer’s regular profit tion Resources Inc. and a major Internet grocery retailer to
margin of brand k (without a price cut), as a percentage of calibrate the model. The data are from the same market and
its regular retail price RPk,t. Let mm and mr denote the regu- cover the same period (approximately two years between
lar percentage wholesale and retail margins in absence of 1997 and 1999). In this market, the Internet retailer pro-
promotions, respectively. Then, Mk,t/RPk,t = mm(1 – mr), cured products through a bricks-and-mortar supermarket
which is called the “percentage profit margin” in this study. chain during the period of data collection. Products ordered
We vary the value of mm(1 – mr) in our empirical analyses online were hand picked by the online retailer’s staff in the
to investigate customization under different scenarios. offline retailer’s stores and delivered to online customers’
The optimization procedures we have outlined assume homes. We use Information Resources Inc. data containing
100% pass-through of price discounts by the retailer to con- only purchases made with this offline retailer in the same
sumers, which represents the best-case scenario for manu- market. This minimizes differences in pricing and merchan-
facturers. In a customized promotion program, the retailer’s dising between the two channels and creates a comparable
service can be compensated by the manufacturer sponsor base to assess the profitability of promotions online and
either in the form of fixed payments or by sharing the incre- offline.
mental profit. Therefore, the contract can be structured in We do not adjust for differences in consumer characteris-
such a way that retailers agree not to pocket any price dis- tics between the two samples because it is not desirable for
counts, as opposed to in traditional trade promotions, in this study. The purpose of this study is to compare the over-
which retailer pass-through is consistently below 100%
(Dhar and Hoch 1996; Kim and Staelin 1999). In addition, 4The results from our numerical optimizations are consistent with this

manufacturers can bypass retailers in applications in which analytical result.


all profit potential in the two venues, given their customer sample size was 115 households for butter and 105 house-
compositions. Therefore, the proper comparison should be holds for liquid detergent. The sample sizes for the online
made between a sample that is representative of online con- butter and liquid detergent data are 129 and 108 house-
sumers and a sample that is representative of offline con- holds, respectively.
sumers, which is the case in our data. Our optimization pro- For both categories online and offline, we use data from
cedures and the results reflect the differences in both the the same first 48 weeks for model estimation and the next
shopping environments and the consumer characteristics, 40 weeks for the holdout period. The Bayesian information
which is appropriate. Note that our models account for dif- criterion statistics (Schwartz 1978) point to a two-segment
ferences among consumers within each channel. model as the best representation of consumer heterogeneity
We calibrate the model using two product categories for for all four samples.5 We present model estimation results
which data from both retailers were available during for the butter category in Table 1 and for the detergent cate-
exactly the same period: stick butter and liquid detergent. gory in Table 2. The signs of all significant coefficients are
The primary reason for using these two categories was the as we expected, and there are marked differences between
availability of data. In addition, they differ in purchase fre- the segments. For both categories, online consumers are
quency and promotion sensitivity in the online and offline more state dependent (relative to their responsiveness to
stores, which enables us to observe different patterns across price promotions) than their offline counterparts.6 Note that
categories. To control for differences in product assortment the parameter λ in the nested logit model is consistently
between the online and the offline stores, we analyze the
major brands that appear in both channels. This procedure 5The small number of segments describes consumer heterogeneity in
yields the top four brands/alternatives in each category. our data well, which is partly due to the modest sample sizes that resulted
They accounted for 99.4% of total category purchases for from the need to match the online and offline samples properly.
butter and 62.2% of total category purchases for liquid 6Note that the parameter estimates for brand choice are not directly

detergent for the offline retailer and 95.3% and 74.5%, comparable between samples, because they are identifiable only up to a
scale factor (Swait and Louviere 1993). However, the ratio of any two
respectively, for the online retailer. For offline data, we parameters is identifiable and can be compared across samples. Our infer-
include in the sample customers who made at least 90% of ence is based on comparisons of the average ratio of the price cut parame-
their category purchases from the retail chain; the resultant ter to the state-dependence parameter.

Table 1

Online Offline

Variables/Parameter Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 1 Segment 2

Brand Utilities
Land O’ Lakes: salted .542 (1.230) 2.042 (3.680) 1.881 (5.067) –3.554 (–3.312)
Land O’ Lakes: unsalted .143 (.327) 1.437 (2.489) –1.035 (–1.509) –1.024 (–3.362)
Store brand salted .344 (1.005) 2.364 (5.051) 2.289 (6.181) –.362 (–1.538)
(Store brand unsalted) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Regular price –.823 (–1.800) –.570 (–.978) –.149 (–1.256) .206 (.178)
Price cut 1.075 (2.751) .923 (3.370) .579 (4.064) .680 (2.620)
Display or feature advertisement 1.200 (6.817) .842 (2.593)
State dependence (β2) 2.439 (12.656) .590 (3.284) .637 (6.030) .663 (4.331)
Last purchase on prom on β2 .070 (.210) .024 (.699) –.254 (–1.749) –.369 (–1.352)

Category Threshold
Constant 2.998 (7.751) 2.880 (3.210) 5.976 (9.632) 4.805 (7.116)
Purchase frequency –5.837 (–14.526) –1.417 (–1.132) –8.569 (–15.250) –7.936 (–10.737)
Last purchase volume .295 (.443) 4.408 (2.999) 1.503 (2.275) .368 (.307)

Purchase Quantity
Land O’ Lakes: salted –.543 (–1.107) –.555 (–.653) –.634 (–1.531) –.635 (–.497)
Land O’ Lakes: unsalted –.602 (–1.179) –.585 (–.690) –.666 (–.842) –.610 (–.676)
Store brand salted –.515 (–1.187) –.551 (–.756) –.607 (–1.622) –.585 (–.734)
Store brand unsalted –.586 (–1.327) –.588 (–.654) –.621 (–1.314) –.573 (–.721)
Regular price –.324 (–.255) –.196 (–.089) –.090 (–.086) –.236 (–.110)
Price cut .507 (.288) .394 (.136) .339 (.274) .366 (.165)
Average purchase volume 1.194 (1.047) .482 (.284) .910 (.701) .966 (.388)

ϕ –1.570 (–16.893) –1.573 (–10.624) –1.253 (–15.930) –1.110 (–9.060)

λ (brand similarity) .736 .666 .173 .105
Segment size 72.0% 28.0% 73.6% 26.4%

–Log-likelihood 3549.9 3109.3

Number of parameters 39 41
Notes: t-values of parameter estimates are in parentheses.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 197

Table 2

Online Offline

Variables/Parameter Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 1 Segment 2

Brand Utilities
Wisk –.489 (–1.120) 2.807 (3.368) .361 (1.029) .487 (1.012)
All –.436 (–.369) –3.884 (–1.760) –.242 (–.231) –1.406 (–1.311)
Tide .985 (3.068) 3.349 (4.265) .672 (1.844) .252 (.572)
(Cheer) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Regular price –.277 (.505) –2.461 (–2.479) –.117 (–.244) –.595 (–1.226)
Price cut .642 (3.263) .601 (2.439) .440 (1.339) 1.080 (1.917)
Display or feature advertisement 2.092 (10.184) .509 (.247)
State dependence (β2) 1.950 (11.028) 1.838 (6.299) .546 (5.002) 2.896 (4.880)
Last purchase on prom on β2 –.856 (–2.480) .044 (.085) –.101 (–.409) –.251 (–.938)

Category Threshold
Constant 2.662 (3.732) .758 (.467) 5.484 (2.070) 2.566 (.828)
Purchase frequency –4.614 (–11.367) –6.802(–11.224) –13.418 (–9.814) –10.237 (–7.853)
Last purchase volume .038 (2.514) .018 (1.759) .008 (.045) .070 (3.132)

Purchase Quantity
Wisk 3.802 (1.977) .579 (.066) 7.860 (2.375) 2.741 (.489)
All 4.706 (1.939) 10.562 (1.949) 8.643 (2.308) .939 (.263)
Tide 4.598 (1.820) 2.966 (2.342) 8.045 (2.396) 1.733 (.300)
Cheer 4.863 (1.340) 6.900 (3.836) 7.945 (2.473) 2.304 (.443)
Regular price .052 (.009) –.402 (–1.033) –.788 (–.978) –5.317 (–2.675)
Price cut .279 (.216) 4.849 (2.613) 2.681 (1.728) .289 (.242)
Average purchase volume .457 (2.403) .896 (4.055) .185 (3.698) 1.101 (1.827)
Last purchase volume .017 (.781) –.272 (–6.489)

ϕ –.897 (–6.178) –.099 (–.779) –1.032 (–7.260) .009 (.045)

λ (brand similarity) .807 .827 .142 .019
Segment size 59.4% 40.6% 67.2% 32.8%

–Log-likelihood 4732.7 2754.3

Number of parameters 39 43
Notes: t-values of parameter estimates are in parentheses.

higher in the online sample than in the offline sample for maximizing price discounts for undifferentiated promo-
each category, implying that the brands/alternatives show tions, which are the same for all consumers in a given
stronger similarity compared with the “outside good” in the week, regardless of their purchase history (i.e., no distinc-
online channel than in the offline channel. We skip discus- tion between competitive versus loyalty orientations).
sions of the other parameter estimates here. Furthermore, as we mentioned in the previous section,
our optimization procedure incorporates the difference in
Optimal Promotion Results delivery methods of customized promotions in online and
We perform the optimizations on data of the holdout offline stores. Whereas customized price promotions can be
period of 40 weeks. We derive profit-maximizing price dis- offered online for the current shopping trip and thus can
counts for the four brands/alternatives in the two categories achieve 100% “redemption rate,” offline customized pro-
for two promotion orientations (competitive versus loyalty motions need to be redeemed at a future shopping trip, and
promotions), at three levels of granularity (mass market, some consumers will not remember to do so. In the main
segment level, and individual level), for three levels of per- results, we use a redemption rate of 15% on the next trip
centage profit margins (20%, 30%, and 40%), and in the for offline stores because, to the best of our knowledge, this
online and offline channels. The profit margins we used is the highest redemption rate of customized promotions
here cover the range of actual margins for the categories reported by a retailer.8 We choose this high-end estimate to
studied and enable us to examine how the results may vary give offline stores the benefit of the doubt. A lower redemp-
with these scenarios.7 As bases for comparison, for each of tion rate will result in even larger online and offline differ-
the cases, we compute the expected profit of the current ences than those we report subsequently. In the optimiza-
price promotions in the data and also derive profit- tion, each targeted household in the offline store has a 15%
chance of getting a customized price discount and an 85%
7According to research of the popular press and trade publications, the
chance of ignoring the discount and, thus, paying the regu-
wholesale margin is approximately 30%–35% for butter and 40%–50% for
laundry detergent. The retail margin is approximately 20%–25% for butter
and 18%–20% for liquid detergent. Therefore, the range of percentage 8CVS reported that the best-case scenario of its targeted promotions was
profit margin is 23%–28% for butter and 32%–41% for liquid detergent. 15%.

lar price. We draw from a Bernoulli distribution with a account for minor sample size differences, we convert
probability of .15 to determine the outcome of redemption expected profits to dollar per brand/alternative for 100
(1/0) using a different random number seed for each house- households in the 40-week holdout period for both cate-
hold in each week. To investigate the impact of redemption gories. All butter alternatives are of the same size (16
rate, we computed and compared additional results for ounces) in our data, and thus we report price cuts in dollars
redemption rates of 30% and 100%. We assume that the per pound for this category. Liquid detergent comes in dif-
redemption rates are the same for all households in our ference sizes. For ease of exposition, we convert all prices
main computations. We also examined various scenarios in into the price for a bottle of the most common packet size:
which redemption rates are allowed to vary with con- 100 ounces. Therefore, we report price cuts in dollars per
sumers’ promotion sensitivity and found that the main bottle of 100 ounces for liquid detergent. We describe the
results do not change within realistic ranges of redemption results in detail in the following subsections.
rates. We discuss the details subsequently. Benefits of optimal promotions versus the current prac-
We present optimization results for the butter and deter- tice. As we show in Tables 3 and 4, optimized promotions,
gent categories in Tables 3 and 4, respectively, in terms of regardless of the level of customization and promotion ori-
promotion frequency, depth of optimal price cut, and entation, result in substantially higher expected profit than
expected profit. We measure promotion frequency as the the current practice for both product categories in general.
percentage of households to which a price discount is The improvements are especially large for butter in the
offered. We measure promotion depth as the average online store. For example, in the online store, at the 30%
amount of price cut, given that a discount is offered. We profit margin, which best represents the butter category, our
average these quantities across brands for each category optimal mass market promotions lead to 311% higher
because the patterns across brands are similar, and we are expected profit for competitive promotions and 121%
not primarily interested in the differences across brands. To higher expected profit for loyalty promotions over the cur-

Table 3

A: Competitive Promotions
Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)
Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 96.7 .23 64.59 0 0 162.74
30% 100.0 .70 119.96 12.5 .02 244.11
40% 100.0 1.16 222.88 78.8 .22 325.83
Segment 20% 94.1 .36 64.67 0 0 162.74
30% 100.0 .83 120.97 9.4 .05 244.11
40% 100.0 1.27 226.82 62.5 .22 325.85
Individual 20% 96.7 .28 65.63 .5 .02 162.74
30% 100.0 .72 124.39 16.8 .05 244.11
40% 100.0 1.16 235.23 74.1 .24 325.88
Current practice 20% –62.34 36.08
30% 46.9 1.32 29.16 49.4 .76 152.25
40% 120.65 268.41

B: Loyalty Promotions
Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)
Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 1.9 .01 503.11 0 0 295.75
30% 38.8 .19 757.43 4.4 .02 443.62
40% 58.1 .37 1,029.57 29.4 .12 591.57
Segment 20% 10.5 .04 503.04 0 0 295.75
30% 44.8 .26 757.57 3.9 .04 443.62
40% 58.9 .47 1,033.10 30.3 .14 591.57
Individual 20% 4.08 .04 503.13 0 0 295.75
30% 43.8 .21 758.59 5.1 .02 443.62
40% 62.5 .41 1,035.11 36.2 .15 591.57
Current practice 20% –40.68 145.28
30% 46.9 1.32 343.49 49.4 .76 325.97
40% 727.93 506.67
a% profit margin = m (1 – m ), where m is the regular % wholesale margin and m is the regular % retail margin.
m r m r
b% prom = percentage of cases with a price cut promotion, averaged across all brands.
cWe measured average price cut as the average across all cases with a price cut, in $/bottle of 100 ounces for liquid detergent,
and then we averaged across
all brands.
dWe measured expected profit as the expected gross profit per brand in dollar amount for 100 households in 40 weeks, averaged across all brands.
eRedemption rate applies to the three levels of customized promotions.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 199

Table 4

A: Competitive Promotions
Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)
Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 56.9 .14 23.94 5.60 0.04 28.81
30% 100.0 .85 37.58 69.40 1.02 43.56
40% 100.0 1.63 56.80 88.13 2.13 60.47
Segment 20% 57.7 .14 24.00 30.40 1.07 28.86
30% 99.2 .95 37.77 58.83 1.28 43.86
40% 100.0 1.64 57.13 84.95 1.76 61.24
Individual 20% 46.7 .21 24.06 19.03 0.71 28.90
30% 92.3 .80 38.04 63.70 1.01 44.15
40% 100.0 1.53 57.99 84.21 1.81 61.70
Current practice 20% 15.28 27.50
30% 46.3 .84 32.66 29.40 .55 42.99
40% 50.04 58.48

B: Loyalty Promotions
Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)
Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 0 0 247.39 03.1 .01 087.49
30% 05.6 .01 370.99 78.1 .35 132.12
40% 16.3 .11 494.90 99.4 .87 179.96
Segment 20% 0 0 247.39 10.0 .07 087.53
30% 06.2 .03 371.09 55.7 .29 132.23
40% 18.3 .16 495.08 86.3 .82 180.32
Individual 20% 0 0 247.39 16.3 .13 087.36
30% 07.1 .03 371.09 68.1 .47 132.75
40% 19.0 .16 495.12 89.4 .99 181.17
Current practice 20% 164.94 085.45
30% 46.3 .84 300.16 29.4 .55 131.27
40% 435.38 177.09
a% profit margin = m (1 – m ), where m is the regular % wholesale margin and m is the regular % retail margin.
m r m r
b% prom = percentage of cases with a price cut promotion, averaged across all brands.
cWe measured average price cut as the average across all cases with a price cut, in $/bottle of 100 ounces for liquid detergent,
and then we averaged across
all brands.
dWe measured expected profit as the expected gross profit per brand in dollar amount for 100 households in 40 weeks, averaged across all brands.
eRedemption rate applies to the three levels of customized promotions.

rent practice. These profit increases are even higher for depth. However, we cannot draw general conclusions about
segment- and individual-level promotions. For butter, in the whether promotion frequency and depth should be
offline store, optimal mass market promotions lead to 60% increased or decreased over the current practice. It depends
and 36% profit increase for competitive and loyalty promo- on the actual profit margin, product category, promotion
tions, respectively. orientation, shopping venue, and the nature of the promo-
For liquid detergent, the profit increases due to cus- tion plans that are currently used.
tomization in the online store are lower than for butter, but Competitive versus loyalty promotions. We implement
they are still substantial. For example, at a 40% profit mar- competitive and loyalty promotions simultaneously for the
gin, which best represents this category, optimal mass mar- holdout data. For purposes of various comparisons, we
ket promotions increase the expected profit by approxi- report the results of the two types of promotions separately
mately 14% for both competitive and loyalty promotions. in Tables 3 and 4, followed by results of the two types com-
However, the increases in profit from optimization for liq- bined in Tables 5 and 6. Tables 3 and 4 show that optimal
uid detergent in the offline store are small. These differ- loyalty promotions are more profitable than competitive
ences between categories and shopping venues are due to promotions under all conditions. The expected profit is
several factors, which we elaborate on in subsequent higher when promotions are offered to consumers who pur-
sections. chased the target brand on the previous purchase occasion
Tables 3 and 4 also indicate that the magnitude of profit than when they are offered to those who purchased com-
gains from optimal promotions tends to increase with the petitors’ brands previously. The optimal promotion fre-
percentage profit margin. If the percentage profit margin quency and depth are lower for loyalty promotions than for
falls below 20%, in general the optimal strategy is not to competitive promotions. These patterns also hold at the
promote. As the percentage profit margin increases, the individual brand level, except for two offline butter
optimal promotion offerings increase in both frequency and alternatives.

Particularly noteworthy is the comparison between difference between the three levels for butter in offline
online and offline stores for the same promotion orienta- stores. For butter in the online store, however, the differ-
tion. While loyalty promotions are more profitable in online ences among the three levels are meaningful. On average,
stores than in offline stores, competitive promotions are individual-level customized promotions can lead to 4%
more profitable in offline stores than in online stores. This increase in expected gross profit over mass market–level
result holds across levels of customization, profit margins, customized promotions (which are only differentiated on
brands, and categories, as well as for the current practice. It the basis of previous purchase outcomes) for competitive
is driven by differences in the impact of past purchase out- promotions and 1.4% increase in total profit for the two
comes relative to that of current promotions between the types of promotions combined, and these differences are
two shopping venues. Our model estimation results (Tables statistically significant. Our findings imply that there is lit-
1 and 2) indicate that online consumers are more state tle incremental benefit to offer individual-level customized
dependent relative to their responsiveness to current price promotions in offline stores, and (optimally allocated) mass
promotions than their offline counterparts in both cate- market–level customized promotions are sufficient in this
gories. This means that it is easier to induce consumers to channel. If individual-level customized promotions are to
switch from the brand they purchased previously in offline be pursued, they would be more effective if implemented in
stores than in online stores, and thus competitive promo- online stores. However, such promotions may pay off in
tions are more profitable offline. In contrast, loyalty promo- online stores only for some product categories.
tions are more profitable online because consumers are The different patterns between the categories and shop-
more inertial, and thus it is easier to prevent them from ping venues are caused by differences in promotion sensi-
switching brands. These findings imply that online and tivity. In addition, customized promotions can be delivered
offline stores each have their unique advantages in terms of on the current shopping trip in online stores, but in offline
promotion effectiveness. Online stores are a more appealing stores, consumers must redeem customized promotions on
channel for retaining a brand’s existing customers, and a future shopping trip, which lowers their effectiveness and
offline stores present a better channel for attracting com- reduces the gain from customization. As we show subse-
petitors’ customers. quently, the redemption rate factor plays a crucial role in
Level of customization. Our results show that among the determining the effectiveness of customized promotions in
three levels of customized promotions, the increments in offline stores.
expected profit for more granular levels of customization Customized versus undifferentiated promotions. We now
are small in general, but in some cases, the differences are report the combined results when competitive promotions
meaningful. The pattern depends on the product category and loyalty promotions are implemented simultaneously.
and shopping venue. Liquid detergent shows little profit Because these promotions are targeted toward different
increase as the level of customization becomes more granu- households in a given week on the basis of their previous
lar in both online and offline stores. There is virtually no purchases, the total expected profit for the entire sample

Table 5

Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)

Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 73.1 .23 567.74 0 0 458.48
30% 84.4 .64 877.38 12.1 .02 687.73
40% 88.8 1.03 1,252.46 67.9 .21 917.39
Segment 20% 72.9 .35 567.85 0 0 458.48
30% 85.5 .75 878.54 08.5 .05 687.73
40% 89.3 1.13 1,259.92 52.6 .21 917.42
Individual 20% 73.6 .28 568.76 00.5 .02 458.49
30% 85.3 .65 882.98 15.8 .05 687.73
40% 90.15 1.03 1,270.34 63.2 .24 917.45
Undifferentiated 20% 3.1 .01 565.68 0 0 458.48
30% 53.1 .19 853.84 06.3 .02 687.74
40% 85.0 .43 1,175.86 40.0 .15 919.26
Individual + undifferentiated 20% 00.1 .02 458.49
30% 08.0 .05 687.76
40% 48.9 .21 919.31
Current practice 20% –103.01 181.37
30% 46.9 1.32 372.65 49.4 .76 478.22
40% 848.57 775.08
a% profit margin = m (1 – m ), where m is the regular % wholesale margin and m is the regular % retail margin.
m r m r
b% prom = percentage of cases with a price cut promotion, averaged across all brands.
cWe measured average price cut as the average across all cases with a price cut, in $/bottle of 100 ounces for liquid detergent,
and then we averaged across
all brands.
dWe measured expected profit as the expected gross profit per brand in dollar amount for 100 households in 40 weeks, averaged across all brands.
eRedemption rate applies to the three levels of customized promotions.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 201

Table 6

Online Offline (Redemption = 15%e)

Level of % Profit Average Expected Average Expected
Customization Margina % Promb Price Cutc Profitd % Promb Price Cutc Profitd
Mass market 20% 42.0 .14 271.32 5.1 .04 116.30
30% 75.9 .84 408.57 71.7 .86 175.69
40% 77.46 1.59 551.70 90.7 1.83 240.44
Segment 20% 41.6 .14 271.39 25.4 .92 116.39
30% 75.2 .93 408.86 57.1 1.02 176.10
40% 78.0 1.57 552.21 85.0 1.51 241.56
Individual 20% 32.6 .21 271.44 18.5 .58 116.56
30% 69.6 .79 409.14 64.2 .85 176.90
40% 78.0 1.48 553.11 85.4 1.60 242.88
Undifferentiated 20% 0 0 270.92 3.8 .01 116.29
30% 13.8 .08 406.42 74.4 .39 183.33
40% 50.0 .32 543.48 94.4 1.05 279.56
Individual + undifferentiated 20% 6.4 .43 116.43
30% 75.1 .46 184.44
40% 94.6 1.14 284.84
Current practice 20% 180.22 112.95
30% 46.3 .84 332.82 29.4 .55 174.26
40% 485.42 235.57
a% profit margin = m (1 – m ), where m is the regular % wholesale margin and m is the regular % retail margin.
m r m r
b% prom = percentage of cases with a price cut promotion, averaged across all brands.
cWe measured average price cut as the average across all cases with a price cut, in $/bottle of 100 ounces for liquid detergent,
and then we averaged across
all brands.
dWe measured expected profit as the expected gross profit per brand in dollar amount for 100 households in 40 weeks, averaged across all brands.
eRedemption rate applies to the three levels of customized promotions.

when both strategies are used simultaneously is the sum of ferentiated promotions. For butter, under the most likely
the expected profits from the two programs. We compare percentage profit margin (30%), such differentiation leads
the combined promotions at three levels of customization to 2.8% profit increase if done at the mass market level and
with optimal undifferentiated promotions, which are the 3.4% profit increase if done at the individual level. For liq-
same for all consumers in a given week regardless of what uid detergent, under the most likely percentage profit mar-
brand they purchased previously. In Tables 5 and 6, we gin (40%), such differentiation leads to 1.5% profit increase
report the promotion frequency, average amount of dis- if done at the mass market level and 1.8% profit increase if
count, and expected profit for these promotion programs done at the individual level. Although the percentage
and for the current practice for butter and liquid detergent, increases (compared with profits of the optimal undifferen-
respectively. A salient pattern across categories and shop- tiated promotions) are modest, their importance is substan-
ping venues is that optimal undifferentiated promotions tial. Under the margin scenarios we mentioned previously,
generate substantial profit increases over the current prac- the profit increment from undifferentiated to mass market–
tice. The comparison of combined mass market–level cus- level customized promotions is 4.2 times that from mass
tomized promotions and undifferentiated promotions illus- market–level to individual-level customized promotions
trates the benefit of differentiating the two promotion (23.5 versus 5.6) for butter and 5.8 times for liquid deter-
orientations. gent (8.2 versus 1.4). These results imply that most of the
Note that for offline stores, undifferentiated promotions benefit from customization can be achieved by differentiat-
can be marked down directly on price tags, and thus, unlike ing promotions according to whether a consumer bought
customized promotions, they do not need to be redeemed the target brand on the previous occasion rather than further
on future shopping trips. In other words, undifferentiated fine-tuning the discounts for specific segments or individual
promotions can achieve “100% redemption” in both offline consumers.
and online stores. Therefore, the profit differences between However, the patterns in the offline store are different.
customized and undifferentiated promotions in online Here, expected profits of customized promotions at each of
stores reflect the benefits of distinguishing the promotion the three levels are lower than those of the optimal undiffer-
orientations, while the profit differences in offline stores entiated promotions for both categories. The differences are
are confounded by the impact of redemption rates. Thus, especially large for liquid detergent under the 40% profit
we focus on the online store to examine the benefit of dif- margin scenario, in which the expected profit for mass
ferentiating promotion orientations according to house- market–, segment-, and individual-level customized promo-
holds’ previous purchases. tions is 13%–14% lower than that of the undifferentiated
As Tables 5 and 6 show, for both categories in the online promotions. The reverse pattern in the offline store is
store, differentiating promotions into competitive and loy- caused by the low redemption rate in this channel.
alty orientations (i.e., by consumers’ previous purchase out- To tease apart the impact of customization and redemp-
comes) leads to higher expected profits than optimal undif- tion rate in the offline store, we computed the expected

profits for both categories, assuming 100% redemption. expected profit of individual-level promotions would still
The patterns are now similar to those for the online cases. be lower than that of optimal undifferentiated promotions.
The changes are especially drastic for liquid detergent: Linear interpolation suggests that the two types of promo-
Under the most likely margin scenario, customization tions would break even if the redemption rate is approxi-
would have led to 6.6% profit increase over optimal undif- mately 60%, under the assumption that all consumers have
ferentiated promotions if done at the mass market level and the same redemption rate. This rate is not feasible given the
12.7% profit increase if done at the individual level, had the current technology.
redemption rate being 100%. This suggests that the current Impact of promotion sensitivity. Another important deter-
redemption rate substantially reduces profitability of cus- minant of the effectiveness of customized promotions is
tomized promotions in the offline store. Next, we examine consumers’ promotion sensitivity, in terms of both its mean
the impact of redemption rate on profits in greater detail. and its variance. If we assume 100% redemption, the higher
Impact of redemption rate. We focus on the liquid deter- the promotion sensitivity and variation in it among con-
gent category to examine the impact of redemption rate for sumers, the greater the profit increase would be from more
offline stores because butter shows small profit differences granular customizations. To compare promotion sensitivity
among the undifferentiated and the three levels of cus- across samples, we compute price cut elasticities because
tomized promotions even at 100% redemption. Table 7 the price cut coefficients in Tables 1 and 2 are not directly
presents the expected profits of the customized promotions comparable. The equations of household-level price cut
at 15%, 30%, and 100% redemption rates, as well as of elasticities for our joint model of purchase incidence,
undifferentiated promotions and the current practice. The choice, and quantity appear in the Web Appendix (http://
results in this table reveal drastic differences in payoffs of www.marketingpower.com/jmrapril09). For each category,
customized promotions across the redemption rates under we compute the price cut elasticity for each observation in
the most likely profit margin scenario. Had the offline the data. We use the same price cut value for the target
redemption been 100%, customized promotions would have brand in the elasticity computation for both online and
been substantially more profitable than undifferentiated offline stores (the average price cut values of the two chan-
promotions. In addition, the incremental benefits of more nels) to control for differences due to discrepancies in price
granular customization would have been much higher. For cuts between the stores, while keeping the values of all
example, individual-level customization would have led to other marketing-mix variables the same as in the data.
a 5.6% ($16.8) profit increase over mass market–level cus- Table 8 presents the mean and standard deviation of the
tomized promotions, instead of the 1% ($2.4) increase at price cut elasticity by brand/alternative, category, and chan-
15% redemption. These patterns indicate that the redemp- nel. It shows that the average price cut elasticity for butter
tion rate factor substantially reduces the potential benefits is higher in the online store than in the offline store, and so
of customized promotions for offline stores. Note that the is its variation among consumers. In contrast, the mean and
15% redemption rate we used to present the main results is standard deviation of the price cut elasticity for liquid
already on the high end for offline stores. Table 7 shows detergent are higher in the offline store than in the online
that even if the redemption rate could double to 30%, the store. These contrasts are likely due to differences in prod-
uct characteristics and how consumers shop the category in
Table 7 an online versus offline grocery store and reveal the need to
EXPECTED PROFITa FOR COMBINED PROMOTIONS BY examine promotion sensitivity in a given channel on a
category-by-category basis. The pattern of price cut elas-
ticities across categories and channels is consistent with our
Redemption Ratec
Level of % Profit Table 8
Customization Marginb 15% 30% 100% PRICE CUT ELASTICITYa BY BRAND, CATEGORY, AND
Mass market 20% 116.30 116.31 116.35 CHANNEL
30% 175.69 177.51 185.53
40% 240.44 250.45 298.14 Online Offline
Segment 20% 116.39 116.60 117.07
30% 176.10 178.28 190.16 Category Mb SDb Mb SDb
40% 241.56 251.19 308.57
Individual 20% 116.56 116.87 117.75
Land O’Lakes: salted .597 .233 .272 .020
30% 176.90 179.61 193.00
Land O’Lakes: unsalted .688 .189 .305 .016
40% 242.88 253.69 314.97
Store brand: salted .568 .292 .281 .043
Undifferentiated 20% 116.29
Store brand: unsalted .844 .216 .334 .018
30% 183.33
Average .674 .232 .298 .024
40% 279.56
Current practice 20% 112.95
Liquid Detergent
30% 174.26
Wisk .440 .113 .451 .155
40% 235.57
All .537 .134 .540 .186
aWe measured expected profit as the expected gross profit per brand in Tide .306 .220 .617 .203
dollar amount for 100 households in 40 weeks, averaged across all brands. Cheer .416 .077 .429 .141
b%profit margin = m (1 – m ), where m is the regular % wholesale
m r m
Average .425 .136 .509 .171
margin and mr is the regular % retail margin. aPrice cut elasticity refers to elasticity of the expected purchase quantity.
cRedemption rate applies to the three levels of customized promotions. bWe computed mean and standard deviation across all observations.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 203

optimization results that at 100% redemption rate, the profit egy. To keep results comparable to the main findings
increments from customized versus undifferentiated promo- reported in Tables 5 and 6, we assume that all consumers
tions and from segment- and individual-level customiza- have the same redemption rate of 15% in this computation.
tions versus mass market customizations are higher online Each targeted household in the offline store has a 15%
for the butter category but are higher offline for the liquid chance of receiving a customized price discount in a given
detergent category. Nonetheless, the potential benefits of week, if the customized promotion is greater than the undif-
customization due to high promotion sensitivity are ferentiated price discount of that week. Otherwise, the
swamped by the redemption rate factor for liquid detergent household receives the undifferentiated price discount for
in the offline store. the week, if there is any. We do not allow a household to
Impact of consumer heterogeneity in redemption rates. In receive both the customized and the undifferentiated dis-
our expected profit computations, we assumed that all con- counts because of the common policy in practice that deals
sumers have the same redemption rate under each scenario. cannot be combined. Moreover, offering the sum of both
In reality, promotion-sensitive consumers are more likely to discounts would lead to lower expected profit due to over-
redeem price discount coupons than those who are not pro- promotion. We report the results for combining individual-
motion sensitive. To examine the impact of consumer level customization and undifferentiated promotions in
heterogeneity in redemption rates on the findings reported Tables 5 and 6 because they generate the highest expected
in previous sections, we compared a range of scenarios in profits among the three levels of customizations. For the
which redemption rate is assumed to be positively corre- butter category in the offline store (see Table 5), combining
lated to a household’s price cut elasticity. We find that for individual-level customization and undifferentiated promo-
comparable levels of overall redemption rates and within tions leads to a minor (almost unnoticeable) increase in
realistic ranges of variation, the expected profit of optimal expected profits over undifferentiated promotions alone,
undifferentiated promotions is still higher than that of the which suggests that firms should focus on optimal undiffer-
three levels of customized promotions, though the differ- entiated promotions for this category. The benefits of the
ences are smaller than in the cases of homogeneous combined strategy are greater for liquid detergent (see
redemption rates. This result can be illustrated with an Table 6). Under the most likely percentage profit margin,
extreme-case scenario, in which we assume that households on average, combining individual-level customization and
belonging to the top 15% of price cut elasticity always undifferentiated promotions leads to a 1.9% increase in
redeem and that the other households never redeem. For expected profits over undifferentiated promotions alone and
liquid detergent, this is an approximate break-even point a 17.3% increase in expected profits over individual-level
between optimal undifferentiated and customized promo- customization alone, and both differences are statistically
tions. Across brands and percentage profit margins, the significant. We also examined the strategy of combining
average expected profit (for 100 households in 40 weeks) is optimal undifferentiated and mass market–level customized
$193.09 for optimal undifferentiated promotions and promotions and found similar results, except with slightly
$192.90 and $196.17 for mass market– and individual-level lower expected profits in this case. In general, the differ-
customized promotions, respectively. Note that this ences in expected profits between “undifferentiated promo-
extreme-case scenario is not directly comparable to the case tions + mass market–level customizations” and “undifferen-
of 15% homogeneous redemption rate we report in Tables 6 tiated promotions + individual-level customizations” are
and 7, because it leads to an effective average redemption similar to those between mass market–level customizations
rate of 35.8% for individual-level promotions across brands alone and individual-level customizations alone, which are
and percentage profit margins. This is because the opti- small, as we discussed previously (less than 1% in general).
mization procedure already accounts for each household’s This suggests that combining undifferentiated and mass
promotion sensitivity, and thus households with a high market–level customized promotions would be sufficient in
price cut elasticity tend to receive promotions more fre- offline stores, though using individual-level customization
quently, and the amount of price discounts they receive also may generate slightly higher expected profits.
tends to be higher. With the current technology, a 35.8% To summarize, the incremental profits from implement-
redemption rate is unrealistic, even if it is contributed by ing (more granular) customized promotions depend on con-
the top 15% of households in the marketplace. Thus, our sumers’ promotion sensitivity to the category in a given
analysis suggests that expected profits of customized pro- channel as well as the redemption rate. Our analyses indi-
motions offline are unlikely to be greater than those of opti- cate that a high mean and variance of promotion elasticity
mal undifferentiated promotions within realistic ranges of are necessary conditions for customized price promotions
redemption level and variation. Although consumer hetero- to pay off, but the redemption rate plays a more prominent
geneity in redemption rates is unlikely to change the direc- role in the differences in effectiveness of customized pro-
tions of the relevant findings reported in this study, our motions between online and offline stores. The key reason
results indicate that it affects the expected profit. This calls online individual-level customization may pay off for cer-
for more in-depth analysis of redemption patterns across tain product categories is that the promotions can be offered
consumers; however, we leave this for further research. to individual consumers on their current shopping trip. The
Effects of combining undifferentiated and customized categories in question also need to exhibit a high mean and
promotions in offline stores. The results we presented previ- variance of promotion sensitivity in online stores. The
ously indicate that firms may benefit from offering a com- results of both categories in the offline store indicate that
bination of undifferentiated and customized promotions in optimal undifferentiated promotions should be the primary
offline stores. We examine the expected profits of this strat- promotion program in this channel. In addition, combining

optimal undifferentiated with customized promotions can promotions at mass market, segment, and individual levels
lead to meaningful increases in expected profits for suitable under a 15% redemption rate. This rate is already on the
categories in offline stores. high end given the current technology. So, in practice, the
differences may be even smaller than what we reported in
this study. In addition, because of the redemption factor,
The development of innovative technologies has brought optimal undifferentiated promotions that can be marked
unprecedented opportunities for improving promotion down directly on price tags are likely to be more profitable
effectiveness through customization in both online and than customized promotions in offline stores (within realis-
offline channels. Yet many important questions regarding tic ranges of the level and variation of redemption across
customized promotions remain unanswered. In this study, consumers). This suggests that optimal undifferentiated
we conducted an empirical investigation of the profit poten- promotions will remain the primary promotion program in
tial of various promotion programs customized at different offline stores and that marketers should invest in informa-
levels in the two channels. We derived and compared the tion technology that calibrates, optimizes, and updates pro-
expected profit of these promotion programs across a com- motions en masse on a regular basis. In offline stores, firms
bination of approximately 300 conditions. The key findings can benefit from combining optimal undifferentiated with
are as follows: customized promotions for suitable categories (those
•Optimization procedures lead to substantial profit improve- exhibiting sufficiently high mean and variance of price cut
ments over the current practice for all types of promotions, elasticities). In addition, our analysis indicates that if cus-
including customized and undifferentiated promotions. tomized price promotions are to be implemented in offline
•Loyalty promotions offered to consumers who purchased the stores, mass market–level customizations would be suffi-
target brand on the previous occasion are more profitable in cient, and there is no need to further fine-tune the promo-
online stores than in offline stores, while the opposite holds tions to segments or individual consumers.
for competitive promotions that are aimed at those who pur- It is worth noting that our results for the offline promo-
chased competitors’ brands on the previous occasions.
tions are not due to the idiosyncratic nature of the data used
•The incremental profit of individual-level over segment-level
promotions and of segment-level over mass market–level cus- in this study. Price elasticities of the two categories in our
tomized promotions is small in general, especially in offline data are similar to those reported by Bell, Chiang, and Pad-
stores, for which the differences are less than 1% on average. manabhan (1999) and Bucklin and Gupta (1992).9 Without
•For categories that are promotion sensitive, firms can gain considering the redemption factor, the profit increase from
meaningful profit increases from individual-level over individual-level customized promotions over undifferenti-
segment-level customized promotions and from segment-level ated promotions would have been 12.7% for liquid deter-
over mass market–level customized promotions in online gent under the most likely percentage profit margin, which
stores. If individual-level promotions are to be implemented, is similar in magnitude to those reported by other studies
the Internet is the more suitable channel. that did not consider redemption in offline stores. For
•Customized promotions at all levels are more profitable than
example, Rossi, McCulloch, and Allenby (1996) find gains
undifferentiated promotions in online stores, but this is not the
case in offline stores. Low redemption rates are a major of 7.6% of individual-level pricing over blanket pricing
impediment to the success of customized promotions in offline based on a choice model, and Duvvri, Ansari, and Gupta
stores. Given the current technology, expected profit from (2007) report gains of 1%–3% to 8.3% of personalization
individual-level customized promotions may be lower than based on purchase incidence models. The differences
that generated by optimal undifferentiated promotions. Opti- between our results for the offline channel and those
mal undifferentiated promotions should be the primary promo- reported in prior customization literature are primarily
tion program in offline stores, and firms can benefit from driven by the redemption factor.
offering a combination of optimal undifferentiated promotions We used 100% retail pass-through for the main results
and customized promotions for suitable categories in this presented herein. As we explained previously, the results
with other pass-through rates can be obtained by taking
The results from this study highlight the importance of proper transformations of results with 100% pass-through.
accounting for the redemption factor, which has not been Our analysis indicates that the optimal price cut and
considered in previous research on customized promotions. expected profit decrease as retail pass-through drops, but
Our analysis indicates that though both promotion sensitiv- the extent of the pass-through effect varies substantially by
ity and redemption rate affect the effectiveness of cus- promotion orientation and product category. In general,
tomized promotions, the redemption factor plays a more pass-through has minor effects on expected profits for loy-
critical role. The key reason online individual-level cus- alty promotions and categories with low promotion sensi-
tomized promotions may pay off for certain product cate- tivity. Conversely, the impact of retail pass-through is much
gories is firms’ ability to modify the store interface for indi- greater for competitive promotions in promotion sensitive
vidual consumers on the Internet so that customized categories. For example, for butter, in the online store, at a
promotions can be delivered to them on the current shop- fairly high pass-through of 75%, the expected profit would
ping trip. However, these categories must also exhibit a
relatively high mean and variance of promotion sensitivity
among consumers for more fine-tuned customizations to
9Both studies report price elasticities instead of price cut elasticities. In
pay off in online stores. addition, Bucklin and Gupta (1992) only consider incidence and choice
In offline stores, even if a category has a high mean and elasticities for liquid detergent. Therefore, we converted the parameter
variance of promotion sensitivity among consumers, we estimates in our models to compute various price elasticities (incidence,
find little differences in the optimal profit for customized choice, quantity, and overall) for the comparison.
Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores 205

drop by approximately 19% across profit margin scenarios channels. It is an important direction for further research to
for individual-level competitive promotions, while at a empirically examine profit impact of customized promo-
fairly low pass-through of 50%, the drop would be merely tions for multichannel retailers and for other types of
1.5% for individual-level loyalty promotions. We advocate products.
the idea that manufacturers should insist on 100% retail A concern about implementing customized promotions is
pass-through when entering customized promotion agree- that some consumers may be offended if they receive less
ments and compensate retailers on the basis of total profit of a price discount than others (Feinberg, Krishna, and
increments instead. For situations in which it is difficult to Zhang 2002). Although this problem could be serious if the
enforce 100% retail pass-through, it would be worthwhile same consumers consistently receive less of a price dis-
to study how pass-through may vary with the depth of dis- count in most categories, it is less likely to be an issue if
counts and to account for this relationship in designing different consumers receive discounts in different product
optimal promotion strategies. Because pass-through infor- categories or if discounts are tailored according to con-
mation is not available in our data, we leave this for further sumers’ past purchases. The virtue of customized promo-
research. tions is to deliver discounts when and only when a con-
Previous research has compared various aspects of con- sumer values them. It does not mean that a marketer should
sumer purchase behavior between online and offline stores ignore the less promotion-sensitive and more loyal cus-
(e.g., Alba et al. 1997; Danaher, Wilson, and Davis 2003; tomers. Rather, he or she needs to think of better ways to
Degeratu, Rangaswamy, and Wu 2000). Our study adds two reward them. These customers should be provided with
additional insights to the picture. We find that online con- rewards that are mutually beneficial for them and the mar-
sumers exhibit a higher degree of state dependence com- keter. For example, they could be offered free samples of
pared with the effects of current marketing activities. In products they are interested in, discounts based on the total
other words, past purchase outcomes appear to have greater expenditure of the shopping trip, speedy checkout lines in
impact on online consumers than the impact of current pro- bricks-and-mortar stores, and free delivery to online store
motions. This is likely due to features available in online customers.
stores, such as personal shopping lists and records of previ- Our analysis indicates that the main findings on redemp-
ous orders, which may train consumers to be more reliant tion rate are unlikely to change direction if redemption rate
on past purchases when making current purchase decisions is positively correlated with promotion sensitivity, within
and thus make them more state dependent. This is the key realistic ranges of redemption level and degree of variation
reason behind our finding that loyalty promotions are more
across consumers. Nonetheless, who redeems the promo-
profitable online than offline, while competitive promotions
tions makes a difference to the expected profits of cus-
are more profitable offline than online. Conversely, if the
tomized promotions. An extension of our study would be to
impact of past purchases is held constant, online consumers
endogenize redemption rate in the optimization procedure
can be more or less responsive to current price promotions
for offline stores, which demands adding redemption as an
depending on the product category. As Table 8 shows,
online consumers exhibit a higher mean and variance of integrated component in the consumer purchase model and
price cut elasticity than offline consumers in the butter cate- incorporating the effects of potential drivers of redemption
gory, but the liquid detergent category shows the opposite rate (e.g., consumer characteristics, situational factors).
pattern. Our findings caution against generalizing online Such an exercise would require individual-level redemption
promotion sensitivity. Instead, it should be examined on a data and related covariates. Because household promotion
category-by-category basis. Note that our results on state redemption information is unavailable in the current data,
dependence between online and offline stores are based on we leave this topic as an important direction for further
data of grocery products. We do not intend to generalize it research. Finally, it should be pointed out that our results
to other types of products. may not generalize to other types of customizations at dif-
An issue of possible concern is cannibalization across ferent levels of granularity, such as customized e-mail com-
channels. Because of the nature of the available data, we munication systems (Ansari and Mela 2003) and cus-
treated online and offline demand as independent, which tomized product offerings (Syam, Ruan, and Hess 2005).
does not impose a major problem in our case, because the Further empirical research is needed to examine incremen-
online and offline retailers are independent companies. tal benefits across different levels of granularity for other
However, potential cross-channel cannibalization is an types of customizations.
important issue to consider for retailers that sell the same In conclusion, this study sheds light on many important
merchandise both online and offline. If promotions in one issues pertaining to customized price promotions in online
channel take away sales from another channel, the overall and offline stores. We have examined several key factors
profitability of customized promotions for multichannel that influence the profit potential of various customization
retailers would be lower than our study suggests. A recent programs, including shopping venue, promotion orienta-
study by Ansari, Mela, and Neslin (2008) on consumer tion, level of customization, consumer promotion sensitiv-
durable and apparel products sheds light on channel migra- ity, and redemption rate. Our study helps identify the condi-
tion issues. They find that marketing effort is a key driver tions under which individual-level customized promotions
of channel migration and that there is a negative enduring may be worth pursuing and provides many insights that are
effect of online migrations on sales. It would be worthwhile useful for promotion practices. Because more retailers and
to investigate whether the same phenomena occur for con- manufacturers are exploring innovative customization
sumer packaged goods and to incorporate these possibilities strategies, we hope that our study will stimulate further
when studying customized promotions across multiple research in this important area.

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