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refreshing. But the sense in which the Virgin Meggers suggests (p. 43) that an anthro-
Islands have a cultural distinctiveness of pological approach to problems of human
their own, to be contrasted with the distinc- ecology in the Amazon Basin must be piece-
tiveness of other West Indian islands, is not meal and at the level of particular institu-
as evident in the book as this anthropologist tions and cultural practices. She is successful
would like. in showing how certain practices work to
Gordon Lewis is a political scientist, and keep population levels more or less in equili-
a very good one. He may reject, therefore, brium, but she is less successful in suggesting
an anthropological yardstick as the measure how a total cultural system might be arti-
of his work. But the issues he raises are too culated as an adjustment to its setting.
important-both to the scholarly community Reichel-Dolmatoff’s recent book, Amazon-
and to the people of whom he writes-not to ian Cosmos, treats the same problem in a
be the subject of diverse academic comment. way which I would regard as more “anthro-
pological.” He is able to demonstrate with
References Cited total clarity how most Desana cultural prac-
Brathwaite, Edward tices relate to a consistent theory of man
1971 Development of Creole Society in and his relationship to limited resources in a
Jamaica, 1770-1820. Oxford: Oxford finite universe. Since ecology can be handled
University Press. only within a structure like systems theory,
Westergaard, Waldemar and not within a framework of simple cause-
1917 The Danish West Indies Under effect relationships, Reichel-Dolmatoff’s
Company Rule. New York: Macmillan. systemic approach has far more promise in
terms of ultimate understanding of these
problems, but Meggers’ simple and straight-
Amazonia: Man and Culture in a Counterfeit forward discussion will be a good introduc-
Paradise. BETTY J. MEGGERS. Worlds tion for the layman.
of Man: Studies in Cultural Ecology. It would be unfair to review this book as
Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1971. vii + if it were a serious scientific contribution.
182 pp., figures, illustration, maps, tables, The problems of the dynamic relationship
bibliography, suggested reading, glossary, between cultural systems and the various
index. $7.50 (cloth), $2.95 (paper). environmental niches afforded by the
Reviewed by DONALD W. LATHRAP Amazon Basin are complex, and in recent
University o f Illinois, Urbana years have given rise to a considerable body
of excellent, technical literature. The fact
This concise, well written book makes at that the works of Carneiro, Harner, Gold-
least two important points and makes them man, Denevan, Reichel-Dolmatoff, and
well: the Indian cultures still surviving in the Murphy are missing from Meggers’ bibliog-
tropical forests of the Amazon Basin are raphy indicates that she had no pretensions
depleting the key resources of their environ- to intensive scholarship. The mass communi-
ment at a much slower rate than is modern cation of scientific information relevant to
industrial society; and a full exploitation of man’s survival is an important endeavor and
the Amazon Basin through the agricultural we must be grateful to Meggers that she has
and industrial systems developed in the done her job so adequately.
Western tradition will inevitably lead to a
total environmental disaster for the Amazon Reference Cited
Basin and quite possibly for the whole Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerard0
world. If man is to survive beyond this 1971 Amazonian Cosmos. Chicago: Uni-
century he must realize that the resources of versity of Chicago Press.
this world are finite, and that any cultural
system which depletes these resources rapid-
ly and irreversibly is in the long run a Town and Country in Brazil. MARVIN
non-viable system. Any book which is effec- HARRIS. Columbia University Contribu-
tive in getting these points across is, of tions to Anthropology, N573. New York:
necessity, a good book, and Meggers’ book is W. W. Norton (The Norton Library),
effective . 1971; Toronto: George J. McLeod, 1971.

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