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Drs. Adrefiza, M.A Ph.D

Arranged by : Izzatul Ulya

Number of Student : P2A419018




English for Entrepreneurship

Program ini di rancang khusus bagi para

pembuka usaha atau pembisnis agar
mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan
Bahasa Inggris dalam memasarkan

English for Academic Writing

Materi yang diberikan berkaitan dengan

pemakaian Bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan
akademis, seperti thesis, paper dan jurnal
dalam Bahasa Inggris

English for Job Hunting

Program persiapan bagi para pencari kerja

yang materi utamanya adalah startegi dan
tips dalam menghadapi wawancara kerja
dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Request

Member bisa mendapatkan materi kursus

sesuai permintaan atau keinginan.

Jl. Orang Kayo Hitam,
Muara Bulian, Batanghari,

Educational Unit : Jambi English           

Class. : Intermediate Class     
Subjects : English
Main Material : Entrepreneurship Mind-Set             
Sub Topic : Entrepreneurship and its characteristics             
Meeting To : 1st meeting             
Time Allocation : 100 Minutes             

The course aim to train students to think and act creatively in order to create and
run a business unit relating to their study program or other field of work which
meets their major or minor expertise



1. Discussion the meaning of 1.1 students must have discussed the

entrepreneurship meaning of entrepreneurship

2. Defining entrepreneur 2.1 students must have defined


3. Identifying and explaining the 3.1 students must have identified and
characteristics of a successful explained the characteristics of a
entrepreneur successful entrepreneur


(appendix 1)


Method : Discussion, Stimulating, Case Study, Collaborative,

Cooperative, Project Based Learning (PJBL) dan Problem Based


Media : Video about Entrepreneurship.

Tools : Laptop, whiteboard, and LCD projector, pictures, boarmarker

Learning Sources :
- Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition, pp.9-16, 48-58
Dr. Robert, D. Hisrich, Cartolina, and Dr. Michael Peters
- T.L.E in the 21st Cemtury pp. 302-306
Dr. Rosario Claridad Cruz


Activities Activities Description Time Allocation

Preliminary - The teacher says greeting by saying 30 minutes

activities greetings or other greeting sentences.

- The teacher checks the presence of


- The teacher gives questions about

students’ dream to be submitted such

What are your dreams in life?

What do you want to be in the near future
What motivates you to pursue that dream?
Who inspires you to pursue that dream?
- After asking those questions, the teacher
will emphasize to the students that
there are those individuals who are
motivated to fulfill their dreams in life
because of their statu of living.

- The teacher gives a clear example of a

particular person who is considered
“the richest man in Indonesia Michael
Hartono as BCA Owner

The teacher will show the video about

Story of Michel Hartono

Lesson Proper Pre- activity

- The teacher will introduce the topic and 60 minutes

present the objectives of the lesson
- The students will be asked about their
ideas on entrepreneurship base on the
motivational activity
- The teacher will ask the students with
the following questions:
 What is entrepreneurship ?
 What do you call to a person engaged
in entrepreneurial activities?
 What are the characteristics that an
entrepreneur shoud have to possess?

Activity Proper

- The teacher will divide students into

four groups. Each group should has five
members who will present the output

- The teacher asks students to work

cooperatively in identifying the different
characteristics of successful
entrepreneurs that are five in the box.

- The teacher will check the output of

each group.

Post Activity

- The scored will be tallied.

- The teacher will give additional
information on the part which she
thinks was not fully understood by the

Closing - The teacher conclude learning outcomes 10 minutes

related to what was learned at this
meeting by asking question:

Please give the advantage and

disadvantage of entrepreneurship!

- Students will write the short answer in


- Students are given the task “Matching

Type” by using Hot Potatoes Application

- The teacher provides information on

learning materials for the next meeting.

- Closing

G. Assessment

1. Assessment of Presentation


  5 □  Easy to understand and has a native
  speaker accent
  4 □ Easy to understand even with certain
  3 □ There are pronunciation problems
  that make the listener have to
Pronunciatio concentrate fully and sometimes
n there are misunderstandings
2 □ Difficult to understand because there
is a pronunciation problem, often
asked to repeat 
1 □ The pronunciation problem is serious
so it can't be understood 
  5 □ No or few grammatical errors 
  4 □ Sometimes it makes grammatical
  mistakes but it doesn't affect the
Grammar 3 □ Often make grammatical mistakes
that affect meaning
2 □ Many grammatical mistakes hinder
meaning and often rearrange
1 □ Grammatical errors are so severe that
they are difficult to understand
  5 □ Use vocabulary and expressions like
  native speakers 
  4 □ Sometimes it uses inappropriate
  3 □ Often using inappropriate vocabulary,
conversations become limited
because of limited vocabulary
2 □ Using vocabulary incorrectly and
vocabulary is limited so it is difficult
to understand 
1 □ Vocabulary is so limited that
conversation is not possible 

The calculation formula:

Total score = score obtained x 100%

maximum score

Jambi, 2020


Izzatul Ulya, M.Pd


Educational Unit : Jambi English            

Class : Intermediate Class      
Subjects : Entrepreneurship
Main Material : Bussiness Plan
Sub Material Subjects : Concept of Bussiness Plan
Meeting to : 2nd meeting             
Time Allocation : 100 minutes           


The course aim to train students to think and act creatively in order to create and
run a business unit relating to their study program or other field of work which
meets their major or minor expertise



1. identifying what are the market needs 1.1 students must be able to identify what
based from the problem of the community are the market needs based from the
problem of the community

2. correlating the market needs to the 2.1 students must be able to correlate the
problems identified by the community market needs to the problems identified
by the community

3. determining possible products or 3.1 students must be able to determine

services that will meet the needs identified. possible products or services that will
meet the needs identified.

4. recognizing one’s role as part of the 4.1 students must be able to recognize
solution to the problem one’s role as part of the solution to the


(appendix 2)

Method : Discussion, Collaborative, Cooperative, Project Based

Learning (PJBL)


Media : Power Point Slides

Tools : Laptop and LCD projector

Learning Sources :

- Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition, pp.9-16, 48-58

Dr. Robert, D. Hisrich, Cartolina, and Dr. Michael Peters
- Internet

Activities Activities Description Time Allocation

Preliminary - The teacher says greeting by saying 30 minutes

activities greetings or other greeting sentences.

- The teacher checks the presence of


- The teacher gives questions about the

material in last meeting.

- After asking those questions, the teacher

will emphasize to the students that
there are those individuals who are
motivated to fulfill their dreams in life
because of their statu of living.

- The teacher explains about the objective

of learning to students.

- The teacher asks students a question

that related with last material

How you realize your dream?

Should you prepare the business plan for

Lesson Proper Pre- activity

- The teacher will introduce the topic and 70 minutes

present the objectives of the lesson
- The students will be asked about their
ideas on business plan base on the
motivational activity
- The teacher will ask the students with
the following questions:
 What is business plan ?
 What is concept of business plan?
 How to do it?

Activity Proper

- The teacher will divide students into

four groups.

- The teacher asks students to work

cooperatively in making brand product
to their business plan.

- The teacher will check the output of

each group.

- The teacher asks each group to present

their brand product complete with the

Post Activity

- The scored will be tallied.

- The teacher will give additional
information on the part which she
thinks was not fully understood by the

Closing - The teacher conclude learning outcomes 10 minutes

related to what was learned at this
meeting by asking question:

Is business plan important for us? Why?

- Students will write the short answer in


- The teacher provides information on

learning materials for the next meeting.

- Closing

H. Assessment

Assessment of Group Project

No Group Earnings Scores Amount Final
Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Score Score

Project Assessment Rubric

Criteria Score 4 Score 3 Score 2 Score 1

1 Ideas are self- Ideas are Ideas are Ideas given by
Originality of determined formulated with formulated with the teacher or
Ideas input from the help of other parties
teachers or teachers or
other parties other parties
2 Creativity in Cretivity is Creativity is Both the
Creativity making projects sufficient with lacking so that creativity and
is very variations in the display is content and
prominent with colors, lines and less attractive, the objectives
the composition shapes, but the but the contents of the project
of colors, lines, appearance is and objectives did not match
shapes and not very of the project those set
attractive and attractive while are still in
varied the contents accordance with
ornaments and objectives the stipulated
without of the project conditions
disturbing the are in
content and accordance with
purpose of the stipulated
making the provisions
3 Projects are The project was Projects are The project
Project completed in completed with completed with was not
Completion accordance with a little extra a maximum completed
Time the given time time, but did not additional time even though it
target exceed the of 1 day was given an
specified day additional 1
4 The project There are a few Most of the The project
Project fulfills all the conditions that conditions are does not
compatibility stipulated are not fulfilled not fulfilled comply with
with the task conditions the provisions
request at all
The calculation formula:
Total score = score obtained x 100%

maximum score

Information :
- The total score obtained by the group is the score obtained by students from
criterion 1-criterion 4
- Ideal or maximum score is the result of multiplying the highest score with the
specified number of criteria. ( 4 x 4 = 16)
So the calculation of the group final value can be exemplified as follows:
Group 1
12 x 100% = 75

Jambi, 2020


Izzatul Ulya, M.Pd

Educational Unit : Jambi English           
Class. : Intermediate Class          
Subjects : English
Main Material : Basic Concepts of Textile Crafts             
Sub Topic : Principles and design textile crafts             
Meeting To : 3rd meeting             
Time Allocation : 100 Minutes             

The course aim to train students to think and act creatively in order to create and
run a business unit relating to their study program or other field of work which
meets their major or minor expertise


1. Identifying the product of textile 1.1 By observing the display of

photographs of handicraft
works , students can explain the
meaning of textile crafts
2. Identifying designs in textile crafts 2.1Through presentation discussions,
students can explain the various
decorative designs found in textile crafts

C. Teaching Material
Basic Concepts of Textile Crafts - (Appendix 3)

D. Learning methods, Learning Approach and Learning Model

o Learning Method : Speech , assignment             
o Learning Approach : Scientific             
o Learning Model : Problem Based Learning             
E. Learning Tools and Resources
 Tools and Materials :
a. Power Point Application
b. Classroom Management Software

 Learning Resources :
- Internet      
F. Learning Activities
Activity Description Allocation Time
prelimina  The teacher gives 10 minutes
ry an opening greeting
 The teacher checks student
 The teacher displays pictures of
textile handicraft products, then gives
students the opportunity to observe
 The teacher forms work groups
 The teacher writes the learning
Core Observing : 70 minutes
 Students observe the display of
pictures of textile handicraft products
 Learners mem read the content of
teaching the basic concepts of
craft textiles
Asking :
 The teacher questions and answers
with students , for example :
- What are the principles that must be
met so that textile handicraft
products can be referred to as the
embodiment of artwork ?         
Reasoning :
 The teacher provides basic
concepts , instructions, references
needed in learning
 Students browse the internet
looking for pictures of flannelette craft
Networking :
 Se each
student express opinions , ideas and
feedback freely
Closing  Students make conclusions learning 20 minutes
material with the help of the teacher
 Evaluation to measure indicator of
 Students reflect on the
implementation of learning
 The teacher conveys information
about the task of
making various clippings of
flannelette craft products
 Deliver information about
the material that will be delivered at
the upcoming meeting
 The activity ended with greetings

H. Assessment Process and Learning Outcomes

1.       Technique : test and non-test
a. Test
Essay Questions:
1) Are all products made from textile raw materials can be categorized as
works of art, why?     
2) What is the difference between a textile handicraft product of a decorative
group and an object group?     
3) Briefly explain the difference between structural design and decorative
design in textile craft products!     
4) What are the uses of the main ingredients and supplementary materials in
the manufacture of textile handicraft products?     
5) Briefly describe the group and the names of the tools used in making textile
craft products!     
Answer key:
1) Not all products made from textile can be categorized as works of art,
because they must meet the requirements, namely the existence of unity in
the product, complexity and seriousness (intensity).     
2) Ornamental textile handicraft products are created as decoration on houses,
household goods and other objects. Products made of textile handicrafts
used as home goods.     
3) Structural design involves the arrangement of lines, shapes, colors and
textures complete with size descriptions, while the decorative design is
more to the touch of visual effects on the surface of the textile in order to
beautify its appearance.     
4) The main material is a type of textile that will be used as a staple in the
manufacture of the textile handicraft product, while the supplementary
material is an additional material that functions to beautify the
appearance of the textile handicraft product to be made.     
Assessment Guidelines:
 Per item score: 5
 Total score: 20
 Value:  (score per item x 5) = 100
Assessment criteria:
 90-100 : Very good             
 85 - 90 : Fine             
 75 - 84 : Enough             
 <75 : Not enough             
 Non-test
 Project
Making picture clippings / photos of flannelette craft products that are
published in print or internet media.
No Group Earnings Scores Amount Final
Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Score Score

Project Assessment Rubric

Criteria Score 4 Score 3 Score 2 Score 1

1 Ideas are self- Ideas are Ideas are Ideas given by
Originality of determined formulated with formulated with the teacher or
Ideas input from the help of other parties
teachers or teachers or
other parties other parties
2 Creativity in Cretivity is Creativity is Both the
Creativity making projects sufficient with lacking so that creativity and
is very variations in the display is content and
prominent with colors, lines and less attractive, the objectives
the composition shapes, but the but the contents of the project
of colors, lines, appearance is and objectives did not match
shapes and not very of the project those set
attractive and attractive while are still in
varied the contents accordance with
ornaments and objectives the stipulated
without of the project conditions
disturbing the are in
content and accordance with
purpose of the stipulated
making the provisions
3 Projects are The project was Projects
The are
Project completed in completed with completed with
was not
Completion accordance with a little extra a maximum
Time the given time time, but did not additional time
even though it
target exceed the of 1 day
was given an
specified day additional 1
4 The project There are a few Most of the The project
Project fulfills all the conditions that conditions are does not
compatibility stipulated are not fulfilled not fulfilled comply with
with the task conditions the provisions
request at all

The calculation formula:

Total score = score obtained x 100%

maximum score

Jambi, 16 April 2020


Izzatul Ulya, M.Pd


Appendix 1

1. Entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes a venture with some profit potential and
involving a considerable amount of risk and therefore, entrepreneurship is the venture
undertaken by the entrepreneur. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the
starting of a new business. Entrepreneurship can be of varying degrees and is not
necessarily alike. It can be categorized into various subcategories, starting with small
and home businesses to multidimensional industries that were started from the
ground level.

2. Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

Ideally speaking, anyone who has the capacity to start a venture and undertake risks
can become an entrepreneur. But not all entrepreneurs are successful. There are
certain characteristics of entrepreneurship that make for a successful venture. So let us
talk a little about these traits that an entrepreneur must possess in order to be
successful. While there can be as many characteristics of entrepreneurship as there are
people in this world with opinions, there are some characteristics that are considered
indispensable or necessary in an entrepreneur. These are listed here as follows.

a. Ability to take Risks

This is the first and foremost trait of entrepreneurship. Starting any business involves
a considerable amount of risk of failure. Therefore, the courage and capacity to take
the said risk are essential for an entrepreneur.

b. Innovation

In a world, where almost everything has been done, innovation is a priceless gift to
have. Innovation basically means generating a new idea with which you can start a
business and achieve a substantial amount of profits. Innovation can be in the form of
a product, i.e., launching a product that no one is selling in the market. It can also be in
the form of process, i.e., doing the same work in a more efficient and economical way.
An easy example of product innovation could be the launching of touch screen cell
phones when the world was still using a keypad on cell phones.

Process innovation can be seen in capital-intensive industries that have to replace

manual labour with machines, therefore, increasing their production and reducing
their costs. Another type of innovation can be the one concerned with usage. For
examples, cell phones are now used for various functions such as viewing, creating
and editing various files and documents, thus, eliminating the need for computers to a
large extent.

c. Visionary
Every entrepreneur needs to be a visionary. Without a vision for the future of his
venture, he or she would just be working aimlessly without reaching any point of
d. Leadership
An entrepreneur has a vision. However, it takes a lot of resources to turn that vision
into reality. One of these resources are the people that the entrepreneur hires to
perform various functions like production, supplying, accounting, etc.
A single person cannot perform all the tasks and therefore it is important to bring
some more people to do it. This also makes leadership very important as a leader
provides the required direction to the efforts of the employees. Without proper
leadership, everyone would be working independently without achieving the desired
e. Open Minded
A good entrepreneur realizes that every situation can be a business opportunity.
Thus can be utilized for the benefit of the organization. For example, Paytm realized
the significance of demonetization and recognized that the need for online
transactions was more than ever during this time and so it utilized and grew
massively during this period.
f. Confident and Well Informed
An entrepreneur needs to be confident about his ideas and skills. This confidence
also inspires the confidence of the people working for him as well as the other
stakeholders involved in his business.
g. Learn more about Stakeholders and their Information Requirement
This confidence comes from being well informed about the industry and
environment. Various legal and political policies enhance business and trade
opportunities, while some hinder them. Having knowledge about these can really
help an entrepreneur make the right decision at the right time.

Appendix 2
Teaching Material
1. Business Plan Definition
The business plan is a document describing what a business does, who the key
players are in the company, the market it serves and the financial model that leads to
profits. At its core, it is a roadmap about how the business will do what says it will do.
Although the business plan serves as the roadmap and foundation, business planning
doesn't stop when the business plan is finished. It is a fluid document that needs to be
adjusted for changes in key management, marketing, industry trends and
demographic information.
The business plan consists of key sections. The first section is the executive
summary which is the overview of other sections. The other section includes a
company description, management bios, marketing strategies, product descriptions,
and financial estimates. Each of these extrapolates data from industry trends,
demographic information and business leader insights to develop the plan for the
company's success.
2. High-Level Concept of Planning
Business planning should always start with the high-level concepts. This means that
company leaders need to identify the core product line, the most likely demographic
and a mission and vision for the company. The mission is what the company will do
daily to achieve success in accomplishing its future vision goals. The vision is where
the company will be in the future, such as perhaps five years from now.
High-level strategies rarely look at the details of operations and fulfillment. These
are the concepts that are used to design the company brand, image and corporate
culture. For example, a vet opening a new office provides animal care on a daily basis.
But the high-level concept for his company might be to serve an exotic animal
community where he works with breeders or rare species to ensure their existence.
- Digging Into the Details
Once a business leader has the high-level concepts created, he can delve into
the details of executing his plan. This includes how big his staff must be, where the
resources for products will be sourced from, costs and delivery systems. Where
high-level concept planning is more creative and is perhaps considered even
esoteric at times, the operations planning requires looking at every detail. Business
planning needs both the high-level view as well as the details that explain how to get
A business leader must have a handle on costs, where costs can be saved and
to develop a plan for scaling his business up, as the demand increases. As he sells
more products, his resource costs might go down, because he can buy in bulk. That
cost saving offsets the cost of hiring another sales person, who then increases
revenues with sales. Details involve looking at the pennies of utilities, interest, taxes
and shipping.
- Preparing for Plan Execution
When the plan is written from its high-level concept right down to the details, then
you will have a comprehensive roadmap for success. Use the plan to hire the key
people who will execute the plan. Review the plan frequently, to make sure you stick
to the budgets and strategies. Keep track of what works and what doesn't. When
something isn't working, it's time to go back to the business-planning table and find
a new solution or strategy. Change your plan as the market changes, as you grow or
simply when something isn't as effective as you'd like it to be.
Appendix 3
Teaching Material
Basic Concepts of Textile Crafts
A. Principles of Art

Not all products made from textiles can be called works of art, because they must meet
the following principles:

a. Unity (unity) , an object that is said to have aesthetic artistic value, must be a

unity and a combination of its constituent elements in a good and perfect way. 

b. Complexity (complexity) , an object that has aesthetic value is basically not

simple, in the sense that it contains elements combined with a certain complexity
as conflicting, opposing and balancing each other 

c. Intensity (seriousness) , an object that is said to have aesthetic value is not an

object that is empty, but has a prominent quality in appearance. That value can
be gentle or rough, happy or sad, gloomy or cheerful that is shown seriously.  

B. Understanding Textile Crafts

Textile crafts are works of art or crafts that are made or use textiles as the main
material .

C. Types of Textile Crafts
Types of textile craft products are divided into two groups, namely: decorative objects
and disposable items or a combination of both. Types of products included in decorative
objects include: wall hangings, seat cushions, textile handicraft products including
disposable items including: bad cover, pillowcase, curtains, aqua gallon cover,
refrigerator cover, dining table cloth, food hood cover, etc.

D. Textile Craft Design

K erajinan textiles that will translate into works of art will be realized to the greatest if
through a stage of product manufacture craft textiles. Design is the first step in realizing
a work of art, and design is a design that will facilitate the achievement of goals or
creation of art. With such designs can be interpreted as a draft drawing that will be held
with the specific purpose to be an array of lines, shapes, colors, and textures. Design can
be applied to various objects that exist in our environment.

To get a good textile handicraft product requires a plan in which there is a unity

between the material used with the function and type of object made, the complexity in
the process is a balanced, opposite, or conflicting combination that produces aesthetic
value on the object.

A good design will show an orderly arrangement of materials - materials that are used

to produce a beautiful thing and can be used. In this case there are two kinds of design,
the structural design (design structures) and decorative design (design garnish)

a. Structural Design

Structural Design (structure design) is the arrangement of lines, shapes, colors,

and textures of an object in the form of objects that have space or a picture of an
object. Examples of structural design: a description of an object to be made
equipped with a description of its size, color, and shape.

b. Decorative Design (garnitur)

Decorative Design (garnitur) is a touch / treatment given to the surface of the

clothing that gives a visual effect to beautify the appearance. Garnitur can be a
decorative / decorative element or as a functional element.

There are three ways to arrange decorative designs , namely: By the color

and pattern, By construction deductions, By decorative trims . (Davis in Mila
Karmila, 2006: 27)

i. By the color and pattern, the colors and motifs arranged in a textile

material in clothing, indirectly also functions as a decorative design.

ii. By construction details, i.e. forming certain decorative details on

clothing here usually done by making stitches / stitches on fabric / textiles.
iii. By decorative trims, which is a technique that is usually in the form of
cloth patches on the fabric surface by adding other complementary
elements to the fabric surface.

Manufacture of craft textiles is done by determining the types of objects to be made

(decorative object or objects to use), a product design, create ornate design on the
product, preparing materials and tools as well as work steps manufacture of products
k erajinan textiles.

E. Materials and Equipment for Making Textile Handicraft Products

Materials that can be used in making textile craft products are classified into two parts,

namely: the main material and supplementary materials. In
the manufacture of textile handicraft products the material used must be adapted to the
type of object to be made, the function of the object, and the techniques to be used.

In general, the main materials that can be used in making textile craft products

are textile materials made from natural fibers or polyester fibers in the form of woven
fabrics, knitting, felt, or in the form of yarn / ropes, examples of textile materials that
can be used in manufacturing products craft textiles are cotton fabrics, satin fabrics ,
cotton yarns, nylon yarns, choir ropes, flannelette, and ribbons.

In the manufacture of textile craft products complementary materials have the function

of beautifying or perfecting the appearance of the object being made. The use
of supplementary materials is the same as the main ingredient, which must be adjusted
to the type of object made, the function of the object, and the manufacturing technique
used. Complementary materials commonly used are textile materials made from natural
fibers or polyester such as upholstery / hardener, upholstery foam, dacron, furing cloth,
lace, ribbon and retsluiting.

Tools that can be used in making textile craft products are grouped into two parts,

namely: the main tool and supporting tools. The main tool consists of: sewing machines,
sewing tools, scissors, measuring tape, a foundation board and the other - the other. As
for the supporting tools consist of: eye ducks, glue, wax fuel, p e midangan, needles T
and others.
F. Get to know Flannel

Flannel (felt) is a type of fabric made from wool as well as not woven . Flannel is one of
the main materials used in textile crafts. There are plain flannelette and patterned

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