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hey guys welcome to lingo marina we live

in a very strange time when people go

from you know being in the office from

9:00 to 6:00 every day interacting with

colleagues having in-person meetings to

just staying at home and trying to

figure out how to make money while

you're at home

fortunately I'm here for you to talk

about different jobs that you can do

from home without any special skills

because of course you can't become a

social media specialist in a day you can

become an internet marketing specialist

in a day but there are some jobs that

require you to just being attentive to

details being able to figure out what

you need to do and follow the

instructions today we're going to talk

about those jobs and about places where

you can actually find clients

now some of these jobs would require you

to find the company that is looking for

independent online contractors and other

jobs would require you to look for

clients so other jobs would be sort of

Micra entrepreneurial jobs they would

require you to kind of establish your

small practice online and I think it's

really exciting because I know you're

forced to make the switch but sometimes

you make the switch and then something

amazing happens this is how I started on

YouTube I had some time outside my

company and I was like wow maybe I

should try vlogging and you know this

became my second full-time job okay

let's get right into it let's talk about

jobs that you can do right away sitting

from home from your couch from your desk

the first shop is transcriptionist and

this is when somebody sends you an audio

and you need to send them back a text

and I know there are a lot of apps out

there that can make this for you but

believe me I use those apps all the time

for my videos and they are nothing

compared to a human being

so anytime I order something from an app

you pay like a dollar to get something

from an app I then hire somebody to

transcribe what an app has already

transcribed because what a machine test

sounds like a machine it doesn't sound

like a human being and transcriptionist

is something that youtubers need is

something that bloggers need something

that people who are responsible for

content creation need a lot and talking

about salaries I'm gonna talk about us

salaries in this video if you're outside

the US you might be getting less because

US is an expensive country but if you're

a transcriptionist in the United States

with basic skills but really good

English you get around $15 an hour if

you're a professional transcriptionist

then your payments would range from 25

to 30 dollars an hour the next job is

actually a very interesting job it's

called search engine evaluator now you

know how search engines work so for

example when you type something on

Google they would give you a list of

websites and you would need to choose

the website that suits you the most and

this is all automated on the

back-end of Google but they are

constantly looking for people who could

actually go there type a word into

search and see what's going on and

evaluate the results because sometimes

they show the websites that aren't

really relevant to the search term that

you were using and this is why search

engine evaluator is actually a job these

day a big company like Google will

provide you with the guidelines you will

follow those guidelines and you will

search something by using this search

and give them feedback whether the

results you're getting irrelevant or not

and these people get around $15 an hour

but again if you're a professional

search engine evaluator and you

understand technical stuff you can go up

to thirty nine dollars an hour customer

service agent whenever I call my bank or

whenever I call anything that has a

customer service I'm always wondering

like who is that person that I'm talking

to sometimes I can hear that maybe they

have a baby in the background sometimes

I hear that they're kind of relaxed

sitting at home I know that a lot of

customer service representatives have

been working from home and now almost

every customer service agent is working

from home under currents

shelter-in-place in quarantine and there

isn't anything special you need to know

in order to be a customer service agent

they would provide you with the

guidelines they would tell you how to

work with their software and then you

just start working and start helping

clients navigate through other people's

services depending on the company you're

working for you could get up to $14 an

hour now you would be like marina

everything sounds really exciting I get

it but where do I find companies that

are looking for freelancers and if I

want to become a micro entrepreneur how

do I do it now first there are

gazillions of platforms out there where

bigger companies are looking for online

workers indeed at work

fibre LinkedIn like a lot of platforms

but if you feel that you're more excited

about becoming a micro entrepreneur

there's a platform called trova page and

we've partnered for this video and they

are a peer-to-peer platform where you

list yourself as a micro entrepreneur


of micro-entrepreneur is you know

photographer graphic designer whatever

profession we're gonna talk about in

this video can be done as a micro

entrepreneur kind of thing so you have

this one-person company that does

services for either other companies or

other people a lot of platforms charge

upfront fees for you to start your own

kind of small business like freelance

recom would charge you some fees but

Trevor page doesn't charge any upfront

fees and they're waiving their ten

percent fee on every transaction for the

first six months for people who come

from my video so the link is below

go ahead click the link sign up as a

micro entrepreneur create your page

start selling your skills online and

you're gonna save 10% on every

transaction for the next six months

because you learned about trova page

from this video by the way another great

feature about trova page is that they

have all the tools that you need already

there for you to communicate directly

with a client like a CRM system so you

can track when you contacted them what

their request was how soon do you need

to contact them again so you can manage

the whole deal flow from trova page

itself and all these tools are free and

this is an amazing all-in-one platform

for you to become a micro entrepreneur

today so hit the link below and start

your business your micro business right


video game PR manager this is something

relatively new as an influencer I once

advertised a game and I know that apart

from me they've been reaching out to

hundreds of influencers out there

because when a game is launched they

wanted to appear on every single

influencer screen so they could

broadcast this game to their audience

gaming companies need people who can

actually go out there and research

different influencers and come up with a

list of people who can advertise the

game you would also need to contact

those influencers ask them for price ask

them for terms and you don't really need

education for that you just need to be

good at doing research video game PR

managers earn around $14 an hour on

average fundraising representative

and I remember actually hiring somebody

like that back in 2015 when we just came

to Silicon Valley and we were taught to

have at least 17 meetings with investors

and in order to have 17 meetings you

actually need to reach out to about 200

or maybe 250 investors so I hired a girl

up through a freelance platform I paid

her I think it was $80 and she worked

for a couple of days she was from

Thailand and she created a list of

investors who invest in education and

tech in Silicon Valley and asked her

specifically to you know research

companies that are similar to linguae

trip and she came up with that list and

then I just emailed everyone from that

list because if I started doing that

myself that would take me in a couple or

three days and I draw the concentrate on

building the product and this girl was

basically my fundraising representative

she was looking for investors for a

company and on average people like that

get $14 an hour by the way a lot of you

might say well Marina you know with

these huge unemployment rates are people

actually looking for other people and I

would tell you absolutely a linguist rep

is currently hiring for example because

our Travel part yes it's you know zero

it's negative in terms of revenue

however our online part is growing

really fast and we've been looking for a

new t-shirt for almost three weeks now

and we can't find the right person

so still some markets are really really

competitive in terms of finding a job so

don't be upset if you think you're not

gonna get anything you know people who

are looking for jobs people who are

willing to invest their energy people

who are willing to you know send 100

resumes they're gonna get what they want

so be one of those people and be

positive and stay enthusiastic because

you know money is just that in in

different places now and you have to

look for them photo editor now I can

give you some tips because I also use a

person who edits photos sometimes when I

need help and she charges me around $10

a photo and I also bought presets for a

Lightroom from another photographer and


I can edit as a professional

photographer myself so if you're not

that good at editing but do you have

good taste

I would actually if I were you I would

go to Peter MacKinnon's website or find

a photographer that you like and see

whether they're selling presets for

Lightroom and you would need like a

couple of hours to figure out how librum

works how presets work but basically a

preset is just one button that you click

and then your photo looks amazing and

you just need to make some edits and

then you know that's it you have the

result that is ready and again people

are willing to pay $10 per photo $5 a

photo and this is something you can do

really really fast again if you have

good taste so this is something you need

to research and another thing one of my

photographers who lives in San Jose but

she's back and forth between San

Francisco and San Jose she offered me to

do a photo shoot online and I guess the

way works is I connect my camera to

computer and she kind of directs me on

how to pose and she takes pictures you

know that's amazing how everything is

evolving these days and if you are

excited about change and if you are

willing to learn you're gonna thrive on

the new market if you you know learn how

to do remote jobs professional coach I

know a lot of people have jobs that

require in-person meetings every single


like if you're a massage therapist like

how do you work from home as a massage

therapist if you're a hairdresser how do

you work from home as a hairdresser you

know my hair really needs cutting and

today I'm gonna teach my mom how to do

that and I have actually found a YouTube

video where a professional hair dresser

teaches how to make a haircut at home

you see this is the transition I know if

every hairdresser would create a video

on YouTube then there would be so much

competition but the thing is not

everyone is watching this video not

everyone is willing to make that extra

step not to wait for you know quarantine

to be over but if you're willing to do

something while we're still at home you

know make this video and transition from

being an offline professional to being

an online professional and maybe you

start coaching online maybe you start

teaching people how to do something that

you can do yourself you know there is

many opportunities so I would say I'm

mentioning two jobs here it's either

professional coaching if you were a

doctor you can do online meetings and

this is what I've done already with some

of my doctors and if it's something you

can do through camera like cut

somebody's here then you can start

making tutorials on how people can make

their hair look nice at home with their

it with the help of their relatives the

next job is a lead generator every day I

get emails from different bloggers and

different companies who are asking me

whether I want to purchase an ad from

them and if I reply they would then

forward my lead to a sales person within

a company so basically this job is

called lead generator so your job would

be to go out there in the market reach

out to thousands of people and companies

and offer them the services of a company

that you're working for and once those

people get back to you you will then

sell or transfer this qualified lead to

a company and people who do this job are

called lead generators and they make

around 10 to 15 dollars an hour

proofreading is also something you can

do from home and this is a higher paying

job because people make around twenty

five dollars an hour but the thing is

you need to be perfect in English so for

example we have fluent Express we're

native speakers instantly correct your

text and we don't hire every single

native speaker who comes and wants to

work for us because we really need to

bet them we need to make sure that they

are axel and proofreaders so your

English needs to be really good you need

to be really attentive to details in the

text and you need to be willing to be

for example fluid Express you need to be

willing to be online almost every day

you know at least close to your computer

because texts come every five minutes

and people need to take them but yeah

but if you're an advanced proofreader

you can make up to thirty six dollars an

hour which is exciting

the next job oh my god video editing

everything is moving online like

everyone is recording a class everyone

is recording new courses I've recorded

maybe like 10 hours worth of courses in

the past two weeks I've recorded

worth of content in the past two weeks

and you know who I always need video

editor and for a person like me I would

need a professional video editor for a

person like my dad for example who just

started making his recorded online


he needs a person who could basically

cut videos and insert photos and you can

learn that in two hours if you have

iMovie on your laptop if you have access

to Internet you can google any free

video editing software you can learn to

do that in two hours and then you can

sell your skill to people who are less

tech savvy you can become this micro

entrepreneur who edits videos too for

people who just don't have time for that

or maybe if they just don't want to you

know learn a new skill but this is

something you can do right away again

I'm talking from my own experience

because when I just started on YouTube I

edited every single video myself using

iMovie and I learn that scale in 15

minutes you know you I opened an app and

I was like okay well this makes sense

it's an easy app so you can totally do

it video editors in the US with charge

from 15 to 20 dollars an hour if they

are you know medium level very good

video editors can take up to $75 an hour

$100 an hour but I would say this is

more like Hollywood /el a great video

editor so you can start with like 10 to

$15 an hour

data entry agent is another job that you

can do from home and a lot of companies

need a lot of data to you know make

strategical decisions about how their

company how their company's gonna evolve

for example let's say I make computers

and I want somebody who would go out

there and Google every single computer

that's similar to mine and would enter

their price point would enter their

features and then I would analyze them

and decide whether my computer is

expensive or a less expensive on the

market now this is a very basic example

but you get an idea so again you need to

collect data and arrange it in a way

that other people can analyze it and

this is called data entry agent there on

the lower end in terms of payment they

make around 10 dollars an hour but if

you become an advanced data entry agent

you can make up to 23 dollars an hour

guys thank you so much for watching this


the very end I really hope that you

would be able to find the job that's

right for you

that you will come out of this crisis as

a professional as a person who's willing

to take risk as a person who's willing

to learn new things and this would be a

great experience for the rest of real

life and again thank you so much

watching this video if you're not yet

subscribed to this channel then this is

one of the biggest mistakes that you're

making the red button is below thank you

so much

like if you have enjoyed this content

and I will see you very soon in my next


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