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Enachescu Simina

First group



Unit 44


1. Experiments
2. Animal rights
3. Widespread
4. Blood sports
5. Activists
6. Tested
7. Consumers
8. Vivisection
9. Opposition
10. Climate
11. Entertainment
12. Cruelty
13. Free-range
14. Battery hens
15. Factory farming
16. Livestock


Book worm

Crocodile tears
Zebra crossing

Puppy eyes

Dog whistle

Pigeon hole

Dark horse

Wolf whistle


1. Fly
2. Frog
3. Butterflies
4. Bird’s
5. Parrot
6. Dog
7. Dog
8. Horse
9. Wolf
10. Rat
11. Whale
12. Sardines

1. I believe many of the existing cosmetics do not need to be tested anymore because
they are made from already known substances and with old, safe recipes. Testing is
needed only when it comes to innovation and I think there are people who would
accept to do this for a sum of money.
Testing on animals for medical purposes is not the ideal situation because humans are
very different from rats for example (they are the most used animals in the labs) and
what works for them may not work for us and vice versa. However, I agree that
sometimes animal-testing is needed, but many industries (such as the cosmetics one) is
overdoing it unnecessarily.

2. I strongly believe we should respect animals and allow them to have their integrity.
They are not here for our amusment and we should interfere in their lives as little as
possible. Zoos and circuses can be reallly cruel places for animals because many
times, they are not provided with the proper habitat and nutrition and they end up
having miserable lives for our amusement. The only acceptable situation would be
when the species is endangered and when the conditions are optimal.

3. I have been a vegetarian for almost 5 years now and my main reasons were ethical.
Now I also understand that it is also healthier for me and for the environment (the
farming industry is one of the most polluting).

4. I believe the main reason is the rising level of well-being and education – when
people are living in proper conditions, they become more empathic and start caring
about others around them. Access to information also helps us realize that we can
actually live healthy without animal products and many people around us are doing it.
Moreover, the meat industry is much more cruel than it used to be. A few decades
ago, most people raised animals in their homes and ate meat only a few times a month.
Now the production is happening at a much larger scale and in worse conditions. Most
of the animal-products we consume come from animals crowded in cages, never in the
sunlight and fresh air, stuffed with antibiotics and treated like mere objects. This
unfair treatment made people raise awareness and take action.
Translation 1

Ai fi cautat indelung drumurile largi sau pajistile linistite datorita carora Anglia a devenit mai
tarziu faimoasa. Erau in schimb mile intregi de pamant dezolant, necultivat; ici-colo mai era
cate o poteca amarata peste dealurile stancoase sau peste mlastina mohorata. Majoritatea
drumurilor lasate de romani se stricasera deja sau fusesera napadite de buruieni, deseori
disparand in salbaticie. Ceturi inghetate atarnau deasupra raurilor si mlastinilor, fiind
folositoare capcaunilor care erau inca bastinasi in acele locuri. E posibil ca oamenii care
locuiau in imprejurimi – te poti intreba ce disperare i-a facut sa se aseze in acele locuri
posomorate – se temeau de aceste creaturi, ale caror gafaieli puteau fi auzite cu mult inainte
ca trupurile lor deformate sa iasa din ceata. Dar astfel de creaturi nu provocau nicio uimire.
Erau aparitii comune pentru oamenii de atunci, iar pe vremuri erau multe alte motive de
ingrijorare. Cum sa obtii mancare din pamantul dur; cum sa nu ramai fara lemn de foc; cum sa
opresti boala care omora o duzina de porci intr-o singura zi si provoca eruptii verzui pe obrajii

In orice caz, capcaunii nu erau atat de rai, daca nu erau provocati. Trebuia sa accepti ca din
cand in cand, probabil in urma vreunei dispute obscure in randurile lor, o creatura
neindemanatica vine intr-unul dintre sate cuprins de o furie teribila si in ciuda strigatelor si
fluturatului amenintator de arme, va face taraboi si va rani pe oricine nu dispare imediat din
calea sa. Sau ca din cand in cand, vreun capcaun va lua un copil in negura. Oamenii de pe
atunci trebuiau sa fie stoici cand venea vorba de astfel de atrocitati.

Intr-una din zonele acestea, la marginea unei mlastini vaste, in umbra unor dealuri crestate,
traia un cuplu in varsta, Axl si Beatrice. Probabil ca acestea nu erau numele lor exacte sau
complete, dar pentru convenienta, ma voi referi la ei astfel. As putea sa spun ca acest cuplu
traia o viata izolata, dar in acele vremuri, putini erau „izolati” in sensul pe care il cunoastem
noi. Pentru caldura si protectie, taranii traiau in adaposturi, multe dintre ele sapate adanc in
coasta dealului, conectate una de alta prin pasaje subterane si coridoare acoperite. Cuplul
nostru varstinc traia intr-o asemenea vizuina incapatoare – „cladire” ar fi un cuvant prea maret
– cu aproximativ inca saisprezece alti tarani. Daca ieseai din vizuina lor si mergeai 20 de
minute in jurul dealului, ai fi ajuns la urmatoarea asezare, si pentru privirea ta, aceasta ar fi
aratat la fel ca cealalta. Dar pentru locuitori, ar fi fost multe detalii care le diferentiau si de
care ar fi fost ori mandri, ori rusinati.
Nu doresc nicidecum sa las impresia ca asta era intreaga Britanie in acele vremuri; ca intr-un
timp in care civilizatii magnifice infloreau peste tot in lume, noi eram nu departe de Epoca de
Fier. Daca ai fi avut vreodata ocazia sa cutreieri tara fara grija, ai fi gasit probabil castele cu
muzica, mancare aleasa, excelenta atletica; sau manastiri cu locuitori cufundati in invatatura.
Dar nu putem sa nu admitem. Chiar si calare pe un cal puternic, in conditii de vreme bune, ai
fi galopat zile intregi fara sa dai de vreun castel sau manastire conturandu-se din vegetatie.
Mai degraba ai fi gasit comunitati asemeni celei pe care am descris-o si, in afara cazului in
care ai fi adus cu tine cadou mancare sau imbracaminte, sau daca erai inarmat feroce, nu ai fi
fost primit cu caldura. Imi pare rau sa descriu in astfel de culori tara noastra din vremurile
acelea, dar asta-i adevarul.

Translation 2

It was during war time. People would walk around restlessly, as if always waiting for a
catastrophe. Sanda would fight often with her husband, besides they even split after the war.
Our young man arrived on an afternoon with no luggage and asked for a room at the last,
second floor of the hote. That’s how he wanted it, he said while laughing that he enjoys being
as high as possible. He seemed in good humour even tough very uptight, as if waiting for an
event which would change his life, but a good number of boys are uptight and in good
humour. He took the money out and paid on the spot, saying he will leave early. Because the
clients ask often for a last floor room, especially the young ones and enough of them pay on
the spot, there was nothing unusual. ”Are you a student?” the receptionist – Sanda’s husband
– asked, the one who wrote his name in the register. ”No, but I have been, I have studied
medicine for an year, now my occupation is playing the piano and writing and in fact, I don’t
have a profession”, and he laughed again. The receptionist asked these questions because of
the war. ”What is your name?”, ”Emil” something. ”Date of birth?”, he asked according to the
procedure. ”8 August 1921”. ”8 August! Just like my wife! Your birthday is soon” the
receptionist politely remarked.

Sanda, who was killing time around there, calculated fast that the young man was only 22, 5
years younger than her. He liked him as soon as she saw him, he had a face with finely
outlined features, even although not beautiful, had a penetrating look, hands with long fingers
and cultivated speech, he seemed intelligent and, because she was very angry on her husband,
only to make him jealous, she was ready to spend the night with this young man and she even
started to approach him. But Emil acted as if he did not understand her flirting. He only got to
say, before he went up in his room, a very strange thing which Sanda clearly couldn’t have

He looked her straight in the eyes and asked with a very passionate tone: ”Are you good at
dreams, madam? Last night I dreamed a narrow straight street with houses on both sides,
turned with the backs at each other. As if they were upset and turned their back at the street.
What can this possibly mean?” The receptionist noticed rather bored – he was always made
part of clients’ weirdness – that this was caused by reading too many books, but Sanda felt a
cold shiver on her back, she saw it as a very bad sign. The second day she learned that the
young man jumped off the window. And Sanda was sure this wouldn’t have happened if she
had went upstairs with Emil, this thing wouldn’t have happened.

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