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10/11/2009 Learning JavaScript - Object Hierarchy …

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Object Hierarchy and Using Objects

(Lesson 11)

Well, we have gone about as far as we dare without introducing you to the
JavaScript object hierarchy. Try not to become too confused by the fact that this
model does not seem to be consistent. It varies depending on whose book you
are reading or whose web page you are on.

We will also talk about the Location Object, the History Object, and show you
how to automatically put a revision date on your pages using one of the
properties of the document Object.

Object Hierarchy
Take a look at the Netscape version of the object hierarchy shown in the figure

It is obvious that the majority of this diagram involves the document object. The
good news is that most everyone basically agrees with hierarchy of the
document object as it is shown here. There seems to be a disagreement on the
location that some of the other objects fall in the hierarchy between books and
web pages however. For instance, Danny Goodman does not show a separate
frame object in his JavaScript Bible. He treats it synonymous with the window
object. I tend to agree with his approach.

Remember the d o t s y nta x that we discussed in lesson 7. The object hierarchy

is supposed to help us determine the right dot syntax for relationships between
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objects, and for the most part it does. In lesson 7, we referred to the text box on a
form using the following dot syntax.


You can easily follow the path to the text object of the form using the object
hierarchy shown above.

We have already discussed some of the properties and methods of the

document and form objects. I will try to cover most of the more popular
properties and methods of the other objects during the remaining lessons.
Hopefully, this will give you adequate know how to research any additional
properties and objects that you might want to use.

Location Object
The Location object deals with the URL of the current window object. It contains
properties and methods to allow you to analyze and change this URL. The
Location object contains 8 properties and 2 methods as summarized here:

P ro p e rty S um ma ry fo r Lo c a tio n Ob je c t
hash Specifies an anchor name in the URL.
host Specifies the host and domain name,
or IP address, of a network host.
hostname Specifies the host:port portion of the URL.
href Specifies the entire URL.
pathname Specifies the URL-path portion of the URL.
port Specifies the communications port that the server uses.
protocol Specifies the beginning of the URL, including the colon.
search Specifies a query

Me tho d S umma ry fo r Lo c a tio n Ob je c t

reload() Forces a reload of the window's current document. N3+, IE4+
replace() Loads the specified URL over the current history entry. N3+, IE4+

The hre f property contains the complete URL and the remaining 6 properties
allow you to get various portions of this URL. The href property is the most
commonly used one and will be the one that is discussed here.

Using document.write(window.location.href), I can determine that the

URL of this page is:

h t t p : / / w w w . ja v a scrip t ma ll. co m/ le a rn / le sso n 1 1 . h t m

I can also load a new page using the location object. Shown below are three
ways that you can do this:

window.location = "http://www.JavaScriptMall.com"
window.location.href = "http://www.JavaScriptMall.com"
location.href = "http://www.JavaScriptMall.com"

The top method is the recommended one. This is one case where it is best to
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use the window in the dot syntax statement. The reason is the document object
also contains a location property and JavaScript will sometimes use it instead
of this location object when the window keyword is omitted as shown in the third
example (The location property of the document object is being phased out by
Netscape who no longer documents the property.). Netscape's documentation
says that the first two statements are identical but gives no explanation as to why
the first method works best. Danny Goodman's JavaScript Bible pointed out that
the first statement will work in Internet Explorer 3 where the second is not always
dependable. So the bottom line is to use the technique show in this example to
load a web page into a single window.

window.location = "http://www.JavaScriptMall.com"

If you are using frames then you will need learn to use the keywords p a re nt or
to p , both essentially mean the same thing. The parent keyword refers the frame
that contains the <FRAMESET> tags. It is the top most frame. To get the URL of
the top frame, or to load a page into it, you use the parent keyword in place of
window, parent.location. You can also load refer to one of the frames
provided that you have named the frame in your <FRAMESET> tag. You refer to
a specific frame by using parent.nameOfFrame.location. Two of the
problems in this lesson's Assignment deal with frames and demonstrates how
information stored in the parent frame can be used by all the frames in the set.

History Object
The browser maintains a list of the most recent URLs visited. This list of URLs is
represented in JavaScript by the the History object. The History object contains
4 properties and 3 methods as summarized here:

P ro p e rty S um ma ry fo r H is to ry Ob je c t
current Specifies the URL of the current history entry. N4+ only
next Specifies the URL of the next history entry. N4+ only
previous Specifies the URL of the previous history entry. N4+ only
length Reflects the number of entries in the history list.

Me tho d S umma ry fo r H is to ry Ob je c t
back() Loads the previous URL in the history list.
forward() Loads the next URL in the history list.
go() Loads a URL from the history list.

You can find out more about the these properties and methods by reading the
Netscape Guide on the History object.

I find the back() method to be very useful as a tool for navigating web pages.
The back() method acts like your back button on your browser and allows you to
return to the previous page. This is real handy when you have links to a
particular page from several pages and want to return to the page that called it.
Here is how you would set this method up using a button on a form.

<FORM name="myForm">
<INPUT type="Button" name="myButton" value="Back"

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A Little more about document Object

We talk more in depth about the document object in the next lesson. Since I
have mentioned several other simple JavaScript techniques that can be used to
enhance your pages, I would like to talk about the lastModified property of
document object. The lastModified property allows you to automatically inform
your visitors when you modified a particular page at your site. All you need to do
is include the following code:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write("Page Updated: " + document.lastModified)

Here is how it renders:

Pa g e U p d a te d : T ue , 21 Oc t 2008 11:39:22 GMT

The results shown above is the default display you will get from using the
lastModified property. You can easily change it to a format that you want.

Take another look at the results show above for our last modified date. The
data and time should look very realistic if you are using a Microsoft Internet
Explorer browser. However, this will not be necessary true if you are using a
Netscape browser. The date and time shown will probably be that for which the
count started for the date Object (you may want to review this in lesson 8). Why is
this? The problem is that this property does not work on all servers. It worked
fine on my previous server, but not this one. So, you need to test make sure it will
work on yours if you want to use it. I think you will find that it always works on your

1. Write a script using the lastModified method that displays the results in a
date format that is common in your area of the world. You can include the
time if you want, that is optional for this problem.
Solution Source

2. Setup a simple page that contains two frames, one which acts a menu
and one that displays the contents. Make two simple content pages. The
first should contain a form where you can enter some information, such as
your name. Store this information in variable(s) located on the parent
frame. Retrieve the information from the variable(s) and display it when
the second frame is called.
Solution Source - Frameset Menu Enter Info Results

3. Here's a challenge for you. Modify problem 2 so that it appears to be in

one frame. See if you can find a use for the back() method of the history
object in your solution.
Solution Source - Frameset Enter Info Results Notes

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