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Equation of a Straight Line ( y = mx + c ) m = gradient, c = y-intercept

x y
2.1 10
3 4
m= -6.67 Given y = mx + c and
y-intercept = 24.00 ( y  y1 ) m= 5
m  2
x-intercept = 3.60 ( x 2  x1 ) c= 3
Hence, y = -6.67 x +24.00 If x = 8
then y = 43
If 2 lines are perpendicular,
If m1 = 6
then m2 = -0.17

Given y = mx + c and Given y = mx + c and

x= 2.4 x= 7
y= -12 y= -2
m= -2 c= -5
Then, c = -7.20 Then, m = 0.43
Hence, y = -2 x -7.20 Hence, y = 0.43 x -5

x y gradient
point 1 1 1
point 2 2 3 2.00 1
point 3 7 13 2.00
Point 1, 2 and 3 are collinear
If y = 43
then x = 8
Solving Quadratic Equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
If a is +ve : Minimum Point
if a is -ve : Maximun Point
Based on your equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0
a= 1 1.00
b= 1 0.50 0.5 + -0.5
c= -2 -2.25 -2.25 -0.50
x1 = 1.00 x2 = -2.00 x1 and x2 are the roots of the quadratic equati

Completing the Square Formula

ax2 + bx + c = 1.00 ( x +0.50)^2 -2.25 Rewriting the quadratic equation into Comple
Min. Point ( -0.50 , -2.25 ) The Max. / Min. point coordinate can be found using formula
Line of Symmetry
d d
The distances between Point A and B to the Line of Symmetry are the same
Point A Point B
(x1 , 0) (x2 , 0) 𝒅= (𝒙_𝟐−𝒙_𝟏)/𝟐
𝒙_𝒔= 𝒙_𝟐−𝒅=𝒙_𝟏+𝒅= (𝒙_𝟐+𝒙_𝟏)/𝟐

Given Given
x1 = -0.33 x1 = -1
x2 = -1 xs = 1
xs = -0.67 x2 = 3.00
roots of the quadratic equation

quare Formula

adratic equation into Completing the Square form

can be found using formula

ne of Symmetry are the same

Note: Key in the numbers in the yellow boxes. The green boxes are the answers.
General Form Completed Square Form

a b c
y = 2 x² + -10 x + -14 ↔ y = 2 ( x + -2.5 )² + -26.5


Note: Key in the numbers in the yellow boxes. The green boxes are the answers.
General equation: ax2 + bx + c = 0
a -100
b 900
c -425

Solution 1 x= 0.50
Solution 2 x= 8.50

minimum or maximum turning point x value at turning pt. min y-coordinate

minimum 2.5 -26.5
co-ord of
max y-coordinate turning pt.
(2.5, -26.5)
Solving Simultaneous Equation
2 unknown with 2 unique equations
1 2 x 11
3 4 y 12
x= -10.00
y= 10.50

3 unknown with 3 unique equations

1 2 3 x 3
4 5 6 y 3
7 8 9 z 3
x= Err:502
y= Err:502
z= Err:502

4 unknown with 4 unique equations

1 2 3 4 p 4
5 6 7 8 q 4
9 10 11 12 r 4
13 14 15 16 s 4
p= Err:502
q= Err:502
r= Err:502
s= Err:502

If the answers show "NUM!" --> Not enough equations for solving the problem
x + 2y = 11
3x + 4y = 12

x + 2y + 3z = 3
4x + 5y + 6z = 3
7x + 8y + 9z = 3

p + 2q + 3r + 4s = 4
5p + 6q + 7r + 8s = 4
9p + 10q + 11r + 12s = 4
13p + 14q + 15r + 16s = 4
Base, b = 10

x= 8
Logb x = 0.90

xy = 400.00
Logb xy = Logb x + Logb y = 2.60 〖𝑳𝒐𝒈〗
_(𝒃 ) 𝒙/𝒚
k= 3
xk = 512.00
Logb xk = k Logb x = 2.71

〖𝑳𝒐𝒈〗 _𝒚 𝒙=
( 〖𝑳𝒐𝒈〗 _𝒃
𝒙)/( x =𝑳𝒐𝒈〗0.53
Log 〖y
_𝒃 𝒚)

p= 2.72
ln p = 1.00

ln ( p q ) = ln p + ln q = 2.00

ln U = 2.5
U= 12.18

k= 3
n= 5
nk= 125
y= 50
Logb y = 1.70

� = 0.16
〖𝑳𝒐𝒈〗 /b y =
Logb x - Log -0.80
_(𝒃 ) 𝒙/𝒚 �
= �

Log10 100 = 2 Butterfly

10 2 = 100

( 〖𝑳𝒐 = 0.53
𝒈〗 _𝒃
𝒙)/( 〖𝑳
𝒐𝒈〗 _𝒃 q = 2.72
𝒚) ln q = 1.00

ln ( p ÷ q ) = ln p - ln q = 0.00

Logb W = 2
W= 100.00
Time Qty Growth Factor
0 50 -
1 100 2
2 200 2
3 400 2
4 800 2
5 1600 2
6 3200 2
7 6400 2
8 12800 2
9 25600 2
10 51200 2
11 102400 2
12 204800 2
13 409600 2
14 819200 2
15 1638400 2
16 3276800 2
17 6553600 2
18 13107200 2
19 26214400 2
20 52428800 2
From To Speed Total Distance Total
0 5 0 0
5 10 0
10 15 0
15 20 0
20 25 0
25 30 0
30 35 0
35 40 0
40 45 0
45 50 0
50 55 0
55 60 0
60 65 0
65 70 0
70 75 0
75 80 0
80 85 0
85 90 0

b h

h b b

a= 2 If A1 = 3.75 If A1 =
b= 3 a= 2 a=
h= 1.5 b= 3 h=
Area of Trapezium = 3.75 h= 1.5 b=

b= 5 If Triangle Area =
h= 4 b=
Area of Triangle = 10 h=


Mean = #DIV/0! Population Standard Deviation = #DIV/0!

Median = #VALUE! Population Variance = #DIV/0!

Mode = #VALUE! SAMPLE Standard Deviation = #DIV/0!

#VALUE! SAMPLE Variance = #DIV/0!
Permutation: nPr 720
Total Number for Arranging n= 10
Number that you want to Arrange r= 3
nPr means take r out of n for arrangement
Example: Take 3 students out of the 5 students for arrangement. 5P3.

Combination : nCr 53,130

Total Number for Selection n= 25
Number that you want to Select r= 5
nCr means take r out of n for Selection / Combination
Example: Select 5 students out of the 25 students. 25C5.

Factorial of n (n!) 6
n= 3

Note: ######## means number is too Big!

Permutation with Duplicate occurrence

For a group of n different objects with a number of type 1, b number of
type 2, c number of type 3 and so on, the number of possible arrangements
can be determined by:
"number of possible outcome"="n!" /"a!×b!×c!×..."

Example: n= 10
How many ways to arrange the a= 2
10 numbers 1122345555? b= 2
a = number of occurrence of "1" = 2 c= 4
b = number of occurrence of "2" = 2
"n!" /"a!×b!×c!" =
c = number of occurrence of "5" = 4 37800
n = Total number of numbers = 10
Answer = 37800
Average Number of occurrence per time unit, n= 2.1

P(Not occurring) = 0.1225


P(At least one occurrence) = 0.8775

1 - 1/e^2.1
Sample Means Distribution
Sample size, n =

Population OR Sample Size = 1 Sample Size, n = 100

Variance = 10 Variance =
Note: input either Variance or Standard Deviation value but Not Both !
Standard Deviation = Standard Deviation =

Sample size, n = 100

Sample Size, n = 100 Population OR Sample Size = 1

Variance = 0.10 Variance =

Standard Deviation = 0.00 Standard Deviation =

Variance = 0.45 Standard Deviation =

Standard Deviation = 0.67 Variance =

Sample Size, n = 100

ue but Not Both !

tion OR Sample Size = 1




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