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't l/. x 'l' A Nr ) An'r $Y W , lt , t , IAM J()vcr: I

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, l'r' ' If "." t book?
1,"'7'l"c. '' Looks? Do
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'l'"1' .n ^.t ueople ,
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4 tL. Gurrara'.'
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A GE 5
A GE 11

j 'fl' i 'l

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Sor-ctir'.csI'r. unl.rppyuritl. e
finislcJ paintinT rnJ strrt ovcr
fror". scrltcl., like ritl. tl.csg
pictures fro'.- Sstb Ctlls

. I usurlfy paint usinT very n'^tery

laTers.First I Jo yellorr,,tl.en
reJ, tl.cn Ll,re, at'J tl.sn Lrou,r,
Lla"[. UsitT tl,ese{ou,
"r "olors,
I can r.ir rn7 color tl.cre is.
Tl.c first [ook tl.rt I Lotl. r"rotc rr'J Jrcw tl'e pi"turcs
for urrs GcorTe Sl.ri;ks. Evcr sit'"c I uresa httlc l.;; I
loveJ storics aLout peoplcrtrl.oureretle rrronT sizc. KinT
Kot'7 urrs ur;r too Li1 f", evcr7tl.inl, rr.J Sturrt Littlc
urrs ura)rtoo snrll. Ot'e Jry I found sor".cof ny olJ toys
in e Lor. MircJ ug rrritl rll tl.e Jir.osaurslt'J lrl.y r'.en
rls r littlc airplar.e tl.rt I'rd r tiny jilot, enJ t[.rt 7ot
r-c tl.inkir'7.

Wf'at if a boy nrl.ed Geor1elGeorTe is ny

DrJ's r-iJJ fc t er'.cI sl.rar,k one day rrrl,ilc l.is
prrents r'rereerrey?Wl.at t"oulJ I,c Jo? Would it
Le fun? WoulJ it Le s"try? Wl.et ,rorrlJl.c cat?
So tl.et's r"l.at I r-aJe GeorTeSlrinks rbout-
[or, fun rnd scrry and ncrt it uould [c if,
. psl f or e Jry, you rrcre tl.c slr..c size ts )rour
toys.AnJ o{ .oursc I l.eJ GcorTefly in tl.et
toy airplene.
Brrt I Jon't ;tke ev<rytliry u7. I uscd sor,.e
rcAl to/5 in tl.c Lookliltc r-y oU teJJy bcer-
Lc'son tl.c title pe7e.I cven useJsor..eof r..y
reel LooksanJ otl.er stuff lilc r-y desker,J e
table fen ahJ a pottcdplAht.
flow nany tecny tiny Georgec can
GEO R GE I S SHRINI(ING . . you 4ind, etarfirrgi on the nert pagiei
find the.utrsirer orr page 48. . . .
S H R ,IN I ( I NG .
RI NK I NG . . .

. 'i . '



& I

Sit'"c I'd rlureys likeJ Jrrr,rinT Jinoslurs, I dccided

war'teJ to Jo r Jinoslur Look.Wl.e" I wls r, l.i.
I uisl.cJ dinoslurs trqr€r,'t extit'ct anJ tl.rt | "orrlJ l.av
ot'e of r.'y v€r), ourr\,l;ke r rcally bi7 pet do7. S
I t[or7l.t I'd u,rite r sto1r url.cree frr.-ily fit'Jr
not r stray Jo1, but a strr/ dirroslur


, i;",-;
l:-r -. l:-r

::-. j:i..
.li4. .



I tl,ou7l.trbout KinT KonTrnJ t[.c Ar".ericrn

trll trles l;ke "Prul Bunyln,"u,l..i"l.
sto.yof r, 7irnt, rnJ "MiTLty Cr,seyr,t t[.e Brt,
rrrl,i"l'rrrasrLorrt r br,sebrll plryer. I sort of "or.LineJ
tl.es, rll ahJ ctrr.c rrp witl. I Jinoslr.rrnrr.'eJ BoL urLo
plry Lrsebrll r,nJ tl.e t.,*.pct
lr,J Jlnce tl'e Hokcy Pokey.t . t

FA=. !-
Ni"Iolx Cri.kct is e story eLout r brrTniTl.t"luLtl.rfs
[y r, cricket nrr-eJ Nicl.olr,s.All tl.e inse'ts 7o to Ni"['s
ple"e to sinT and dlrrce lnd l.rvc r sr"ell til.e.
Wl.e" I u,esJoirT tl,is bookI kept tlinlinT
eLout turo olJ r'.ovies:orr€call€J
CtstLltn"a, LrrJ onc a aertoon aelleJ
Hopyity Goes to lorrr', r"l.i"l. urrs rh rll-
sin7in7, rll-Jrn"in7 bu? o.trrvrtrhzr.
A7ein, r-y olJ toys hke tl,;s windupbirJ Teve
r.c iJcas for tl.e pictures. I r-rJe sor,.cof tl.c
eatcrs look like r,y favorite r'.ovie lctors. Ni.["lrs
Cri"ket i5 | cross Lctrrccn Hur,.pl.reyBotart rhd
FrcJ Astrire. Tl'erc's ln or,l wl.o looks like SydncT
Grecr'strect, enJ e trce fro7 wlo looks likc Petcr Lorre.
i o u
Hi N ] i I i I J : J
A Dry u'itl WilLu, RoLinsonis rLout r lot of
tlinTs tlrt r,ctuallyl.appet'eJto r,.c url.enI rrresa kiJ.
My Jed u,as alura),sfir'din7 rcrlly stuff u,itl, lis
r.ctal Jctc"tor; r..y ur."le toU se l.e urrs fror'. orrter
sprcci rn),TranJfetl.er I,ed frlse tcetl. tl,at r"cre
rhurys TettinT lost; ny sister priJ ne to
fccJ |,cr 7'r,pcsrl.ile sl.c telkeJ to I'et
[oyfrier'd on tl.c plone; Lnd our aol
wes blind ll Tavcl.e' Tlesscsin
tl.e bookl.
Tl'e L;l dourntl.e strect fror.. hc livcJ in e bi7 TrenJ l.ouse.His far-ily l.rd a purple
srlir'.r..in7pool end prrgle tl,cir kit"l.cr' uras prrplc, tl.cir furniturc rvrs purplc, rnJ
tl.cir trro pooJleswere AyeAprrpf e. His |,ouscwts reill fun to visit.
So I r-ired ell tl'ese tl'in7s up rritl. sor-c of r-y favoritc r..ovicslilc lerzeh at d lle S{riss
Ftnily Robirsort''.A BritTinT Up B*y lnJ Earfl vs. TIe FlyitT S*"ers, r,r.J r.,l.et I
enJed up r',itl. urrs e [ook rf,out a hor]nll L;J r"[o spenJstl.e ni7l.t at tl.is r,r..ezir'7 |,ouse
f;llel r,itl. roLots anJ enir*rls end rerlly irterestirrTpeople.
Anytir-e you spenJ tl.e ni7l.t at e frier.J's l.ousc,
anytl.it'7 tl.at tl.cir far.ily does tl.rt's Jiffcre nt frol..
rlne --:-,i 6,*, rrl'rt yorrrfasily Jocsseens rcally
O r.e of
[ 'rr"tcJ O strAhtc. ln A Dry uitl, WilLur {?
4 RoLir,son 1 psl e*r.11erltstl.et
lo urle" I
feelinTr lot.
urb5 L
kiJ o'rs
of t\c
Ut'Vw I |,rve tu,o kiJs, r Lo7 and r
7irl. Je"k is e lrr7e, r,uJ-
dr'rcllinT lJ - l.c cspc"ially
likes to trkc off rll I'is
rnJ u,rllou,in tl.c dirt. Hc rlso
spenJsa lot ti r*e rutrninT
lround tl.c l.ouset ritl. l.is
Mrts Attr"ls ra/ ?rrh,
* ir",rTinrry t';lJ tl,in7s. My
l, g Jar.'7[tcr, Mrr;r Katl.erine,

uscJ to bc Tl'c Wor'dct
I "allcJ
Brby until sl,e Lc.rr'c too Li7.
Sl.c likcs to I'unt for fsirics
u,itl, I,cr flasl.l;71.t.| 7et lots
of story iJers froL tl.cse
littlc 7uys.

/, .-

' t1

' *L

il \,,
,:, '

My lovelywifc, Elizr,bctl.["' Lizl, is in r".ost of

r..ybooks.You'llfit'd |,cr it tl.c rutl,or sclf-portrrits
frob. tl.e ba"k fhps of ny bools. Sl.e'sTinr-y in Ienr.7 arrJ
f|e Gi7t,*i. FisI, xs r',cll es Wilbrr RoLir,sorJsr".or,".
Mrs. Clr,rs.

I sct up r.y r"itl. lasso r"itl. tl.c
tclepl.oncenJ LookenJsir. l.y stuJio to usc ls
r, r-odel for tl.c pr,intit l aLove.
f've alu,rys liLcJ tl'e sto.y of Hus,ptT-
Dunpty, so I Jo lols of e77prin,tinTs.I
evcn prirrt e77sxI Erstcr, Lut I'J nevcr
Jone r story witl. an c77 in it.
Onc day w[.er,,r.y wifs r',rs rLout to
l.lvc orr first brby, I r,,r,slookinTat l.or'
incrcJiLly bi7 rnJ rour.Jl.er stox,rcl.
[.rJ Le"oh.s.lt lookcJsort of likc r
7ir,nt e77.I u,asrlso ki"J of h€rvous
rbout Leir'7r drd, so I rrrorrisJrLout
wl.rt t'r"uld l,rppct' r,rl,cntl.is Tirnt belly
e77 I'rt"l'cJ. Tl.en out of notrl.crc I
tloulf.t of tl,is stoly aLout r tree froy
nrseJ Bently r,,l.olil.cs to print. His
bsst fricnd is a duak r,rl.ohys tl.is c77.
Bentfy is /crlous tle e77,Lut r,fter
[.e prints it l.c fcels
Hc Tets
rttr"l,cJ to tl,c A ,t f..s l l e N 4@Y o,k.,."\., or99r Tl ,e N .u Y ",k., Mrtrzi n., l h".
All rer*vcJ.
'i 7l ts
e77, rnJ orrce it
l.rt"l'cs l.c
l i k c si t .
Y1ywife finrlly JiJ
l.rt"l.. I JiJr"t cvcr
paint our JarrThter
Mrry Krtlerine, Lut
I'n prctty attaclcJ
to I'cr.

'r. :


I rlt"rts
like r
to Jrcss
,r"o"*".' , *"rn

r: , : , i: . , _,

r r I I
|l ltl

j rl
,..:{t i

t tIA [Q,t

Evcry Clrist*.rs Eve r".y.,epl,eu,s receiveA

tl.eseelrborrte letters fror...Sr,.,tr Claus.
Tl.eyI,lJ tl.cir ou,r,spc"irl envelopes rnJ
strr-ps postr-r,rkeJ"Nortl. PolePost"o, "Elf
Erptess."Tl.e lettcrs tolJ rborrt tl.c prcvious
yelr's rJventrrreslt tl.c Nortl Polc anJ Lor,
t[.in7s urere 7oin7for Srntr rnJ l,is pr,ls.
Tl.cre storiesrLout l.oryit rrrrsso
-ere "olJ
rll tl,e elvss froze, Srr,tr's trip to t[.e r..oon,
ot l.ou,tl'e elves snowcoursahJ ic€
I,i"kens,rr'J l.ou,Srntr's pet polrt Lert
l;keJsff p77|,i"7.Everyyex, u,elookeJ
forwxrAto Srntr's lctters.
Brrt onc yerr, no lctter 'l
:l -l
lrrivsJ. Tl.c ncxt Cl'ristnrs,
rh cxtrr-fet letter cai-c. lt
turncd out tlrt Sr"tr lad
Tivcn last ycar's letter to
LonJo, r novi"e Elf Express
i6€55€r\?cr, u,l'o zipped off in
I,is trrLo-sky-scooterto
Jeliver it. LonJo flcw fast at'd ' I a,

true, Lut l.e rrn into a lerd

of pohr bcrrs playinl : r' ., 1 1 r:

doJle-pctTuitrlnd urls
u,l.r"kcJ in tle l.crd by e
strr/ p€rr?u;h.His sky-s"ooter
spun out of and [.c
lnJ tle pcnTuintscrc tl.rown
orrto An iceLer7, wl.ere tl'cy
JriftcJ in tl'c Ar"ti" Ser for so
lonT tl.at Santr rnJ l.is elvcs Tavetl.er"' up I

for lost. Tl.c clvcs Jo notlin7 Lut

r^recp, rnJ no toys wsr€ hntJe.Cl"istnrs
r'ls in Jrt'7er! T[et', r r,-irrclc l.rppc"ed!
Tf.ree deys Lefore Cl.ristl".rs, arr i.eber7
rrrsl.ed asl.oreri7l,t nclr Srt tl's lcc
Prlr"c, rnJ tol.odo you tl.ink u,rs or' it?
LonJo rrrd tl.e TenTuinur€rc safc ar\J
soonJ.And uritl. notl.inT clsc to do tl.ey
I,aJ r-rJc r'illior.s of toys*7ooJ clvcs
rlrvays trrvclcJ rrritl.tl.eir €lnertchc) to/-
hakiht pr"[s. Clristhas {rrls srvcJ, anJ
LonJo rc"eivcd tlc Mcdal of tl.c MiTl'ty
Elf, tl.c elf t,orlJ's l.i7[cst [o''o'.

L .
ea,*.$"t"^ : ]$ illr.",a-.-
*/1,.r'i^"7.*, ,dL.$nl+r,r,J
,y tr,"J"srU"' th;sS" ')
7"' -"t ' \-u
r /, \. .. ': L." " i.,l.i
i,i,, sx",,l, 1,'l r' Itl [' t"' h
CL,r*..ry ;. r.r^.
r".'0.,- o",L'".
,l.l l,hl,r 1".^
\,{i," .,"u'"1
b"-.*ro,r f.",r i: C,A tLt th."lw11,",
f."ri,t s"lJ I \6,v5rf,',3rf.y i.:i 1,/,"1,'
*l 1 .,p,"rl\31{ .0,€1l{e r{,.;t ,+ #",
h,lnilct !+ ).! ka* wh'
errt: \r b",/nt i{.er",I't
r,, hi s.l 'll
''{t '^r^a,/,i;t/'
yi.q.'t "t'"5-rf./
.1" th.t n.'1,^ '*" l,nl tl"' ,"t
1, x # orer: 7rs r'l(r w'll tr'1s"'r'

Srntr's lctters to h.), h€pl,€urstot

h'c tl.ihliht r,Lout r^,l.r,trroulJ
l.rppet'if Santr rerlly urrs in
nsed of l.elp. He r".i7l.tscnJ r
ln)rstcrious sulf'liohs to sor..e
.f ifdrcr', alonTu,itl. x flyiry
nr'l,ir'e tl.et woulJ crrry tl,er". to
tl.c Nortl. Pole.Tl,rt s€crscdl;[c
t^rn4 fhe
,16"r'lT' tle TrertcstlJvcnturc r [iJ ,oulJ
ever l.lve-7oin7 t" ToTlrnd rnJ
h.c€tih, Srr'tr. AnJ tl,rt's lou, I
c'rlf.€ up r',itl, tl.c iJee for Srnfa
Crlls. Iti':r 1.^a' -

\, ..

fr, -

,G( Sohctihcs tl.c neatcst, r.ost uncrpccteJ tlin7s |,eppenrfter you

finisl, r, Lo"[. Not lo',7 rfte, Su,b Crlls urs puLlisl,cJ,lTot r
fron tl,e sryor of A[ilcnc, Terrs, rtd I tl.orr7l.t,yeal,
ri7lt, Ot .c I,e
"onvin.sJ l".c l.e r,ls ,etll7 tle nlyor, l.e tolJ
r-c tl.at lc l,rd lrrst cor",cfror. orrc of tl,c elcnentrly s"l.ools,
r,,,letc tl,c tcr"l,cr hJ Tiven |,ir- Sanfa Ctlls to real to tl.c
As l.e real tl.c first pate, l,€
"lrss. "ouldr,'t believe lis eycs,fo,
tl.c first pt1c of tlc Loo[ says tl,rt Art At"l.it,sor, Air".cst,ortl.
"livcJ in A[ilc"e, Tcrls. . . ."
ItolJ l.;r.,,I'J ncvcr Lcen to A[ilcnc, r,nJ |,rd tl,e nr].,e
bc"luse it sounJeJ So I r'eht to visit
tl'ch. Abilen€ahs rrc tl.c niccst Lun"l. of -yrt{
people.Tl,ey''e [uilJinT r, Nrtional ] , '''
Centcr for ClilJrct's lllustratcJ . ,- i
., -.
Litcrrture-tl.c first r,trJ
or'ly r.rscu* in tle
"out try
solc 17Jedi.atcJ to
literaturc. Tl.cy even built
r turelvc-foot-trll Irot ze I
on .$anfa Cel/sl
Slks Fiftl. Avc.,re,r, rer,lly
Li7 Jeprrt*,entstorein
Ncr', Yo'k Cit/ tl,at l.rs t[e
r.ost rr.rzinT Cl.ristr.rs
it' t[e worlJ, rct lly
l;kcJ Sr"fr Crlls.Tley
r-rJe l.u7er.,ccl.rnical
puppetsot t of s"enesftol'.
l".y Look.T[cy rlso I'lJ r-.e
JesiTn r but'"[. of onrl]r.€hts
rnJ Tifts brseJ on Srntr-
it r',rs7rert. I fclt l;ke
Srt,tr l;i.',self-r...rkin7 toys.
Sohctil.cs I finJ sonctl.inT
tl.rt I r"ant to urrite alout,
but it trlcs i^e r rrrl,ilcto
tl.inl of lust tl.e ri7l.t story.
Yearsr7o I borTl.ttl,is l;ttlc
nctrl r-rn rt ar. antilue toy
storc. I uranteJto Jo r Loo[
r L o u t l.ir -,Lut I'oul Jn't
tl,inl of I TooJ lJvcnturc
fot |,ir., to l.avc. So I pr,t
l.ir., r,rrrr,yon r sl,clf.
One day r'.y deuTl.terenJ
I r.rerc in our tarJ€h, errd sl,c
askcd l.,e to tcll l'.cr r stor7. I
rvrr'tcJ to tcll a stor; about
f*ries r,nJ ToblinshJ
turcs of r,,ootli7[t. AnJ I rrr,s
feeli"T l.it'J of slJ Lec,lusc
ny Lest frio.J urrs very si"k,
so out aahc tl,is trlc rbout
tl.c r-etel r-rn, tl.c r",r7ic
Lcaf Men, lnJ sor".cLrave l
little brTs anJ |,or, tl,ey sr,vc
a si"k o lJ
laJy ar'J l.er
T a r Je nOf
. r ll
tl.e LooksI'vc
Jonc so flr,
TIe Le{ Me"
is t"'y favoritc.
As I wr-s TvowitT up, sy frvorite h.ovic wts KirT
Kor'7.Alnost rll of ny Lools |,rvc little refersn"es to
Kon1. GeorTeSlrinl<ssnd Ber,tly& e77 es"l [.evc l;ttle
KinT KonTJolls |,idJcnir, tl.cn. In Sloes e picturc of
Kor'7 is on tl.c fror't yx1eof a ri€uspaper,rnJ in Wilbu,
RoLirsot, WilLrr's sister is Jressed es I,cr frvoritc r'.ovie
fo, le, s"l.ool pror...Tl.e l.ovis? Kiry Kory, of
"oursel llf
you7o to tl.c Hall"ucch prtcs of tl,is [ool.,you'll seetl'rt
sl.e'su,elrinl rn Er.pirc State BuildinT l.rt r";tl. r littlc
rirplane anJ e little KinT KonTor, top.l
A rt,l.ile Lr,'[ | r,,,r,s
eslcd to oritc e r.ovie aLout a zoo. Wl,cn
I rrrr,sl"o[in7,rp LooksaLout zoos, I forrndtl.e truc story of a
ruor.trr ner",eJGertruJc Lirrtz url.oraiscJ rll sorts of cre^-
trrrcs in l.cr |,ousc,
ou,ls,tropieal LirJs, raLLits, r-.i.e, fisl., Lr,ttcrflies,
leoparJslou nrr-e it, sl.e rriseJ it. But l.cr fevoritc
rnir-rls u,cre l.er Torillas.S[.etaJ all tl€ir
"lotl.cs trilor-
r'.rJs ih Net, Yot[ City; sl.etool tl.cn to tl.e hovies;sl,e
trr,7l,t tl.en l.ou,to crt rt tl.c te[le, phy croluet, J, lirl.t
l.orseurorl,lnJ play susicrl instrur".ents. Tl,e7urcreevcn
strrs of tl.c t933 WorlJ's Fair. So l.,srcr,ls tl.is true sto17,
eLouta laly r,nd a 7orillr,, tl.et l.appcncdin tl,c srnc tir,c
pcrioJ rnd in tl.c sar.'c
"ity es Ki,'7 Kor,7.I nevcr tl.ou7l,tI'J Lasca [ook on r, rcel-lifc
story, [ut tl,is oh€ uras too r.u"l, fun to pass up.
1-, 1
i {L
s 'r . ,
r 5 -':Il
!_ :1
r- r .4'''
it::, ..

ill .':
o,ltl 'i1\'t I

&"2"; 8"- @
Tl.is is e slory of r l;ttlc snourl,.an!t tl.c Nortl. PolenrneJ
Sr,r-. He rerds rLout Hunpty-Dunpty enJ urantsto l.eI p put
l.in Lr,"k toTetl.er



sot\rt's:"t :l-'*lil i"*,t' I

I ao *'^-
.f \ou,
lr Lu' Lll
to' ' ...
....t likc
i .lt at il
I -
-"- . --..- Lnour
tJl tle -l.qtt a"-
giA lou ''"e t n.y dcsK, :ll trke t.c,
rtc ,""n")-n\ ylpcre Ib'r..r- r
i\q"e '" r l rl t r-ccr,-n ^,.ylnrt
',r 'o Ol , U rl :Y
wc ts{'o
^ -.
an ot

Q% ^ *i"^i"" ..
t4^r. T I{ E
"4, or,

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