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CHS Portfolio 2019-2020

Personal Growth: Interests

Who am I now?

1. Describe a hobby or interest, either in school or outside of school, that you have spent time
developing this year. (​Some examples: gaming, art, music, dance, writing, photography,
construction, building engines, hunting, having your own YouTube channel, etc.​ )
A hobby and interest I have been spending time on outside of school is art and photography.

2. What do you like about this particular hobby or interest?

In photography I like to capture moments in time or with family and we can always remember
that moment it was taken. Sometimes you are able to remember that day that led up to the
photograph. Then with art I like to just paint or sketch. I like to paint and see what color contrast
I can do or just sketch for fun to show my family.

3. What kinds of skills have you developed or practiced via this hobby/interest?
I have learned more about the colors I use and learned more about shading and learned more
about the paints I used, like which ones dry quicker and which ones you have to use less paint
because its very pigmented. With photography I have learned most of the settings on the camera
and how different angles can lead to different results in photos. I learned that you can use almost
anything in the pictures to add a small or big effect.

4. How has this hobby or interest challenged you to grow?

Painting has shown me to be patient with having to wait for it to dry where some paints can take
minutes, hours, or even days depending on what type paint and the amount of paint used.
Photography has also showed me patience since some people need time to get used to the camera
and having to deal with those that have a little trouble standing or sitting in the right position.

5. If someone else told you they were interested in pursuing the same hobby or interest, what
advice would you give them? I would just advise them with if they want to paint the expensive
paints aren't always the greatest and even some of the cheapest paints work a lot better but there
are many that are not pigmented enough or could barely work and will need a solution to fix it.
Same thing with photography, the best equipment isn't always the most expensive ones. You can
even use very cheap props for great photos.
CHS Portfolio 2019-2020

6. What connections can you make between this hobby/interest and the life you want to have for
yourself in the future? In other words, do you see this hobby or interest continuing? Is it related
to any career interests? Ten years from now, do you think you’ll still be engaged in this hobby or
interest? Explain.
I do see this hobby/interest continuing. I do hope when I'm older that I will get some type of job
in any of these things.

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