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Rules To Write RestController :: Path and Method Type

Date : 20/04/2020
1. Every RestController must have Path at class level.
It must be unique.
Path (URL) is case-sensitive.

class EmpRest{ } -- Valid

class AdmRest{ } -- Valid

class PrtRest{ } (Invaild, it has no @Path )

class TestRest{ } (Invaild, it is already exist at EmpRest class)

class OneRest { } -- Vaild

2. Every Java Method must have one Http Method only.

Path at Method level is optional for only one Method Type one time.

class EmpRest{ -- vaild
void show(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Invaild. Two methods found with same Type(GET)
@GET without Path.
void show(){ }
void find(){ } ** At Max we can define one JavaMethod without Path
} with one Http Method Type.

class EmpRest{ -- Vaild
void show(){ }
void find(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Vaild
void show(){ }
void find(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Vaild
void show(){ }
void find(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Vaild.
void show(){ }
void save(){ }
void update(){ }
void remove(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Vaild. One Method can exist without path for @GET
void showA(){ }
void showB(){ }
void showC(){ }
void showD(){ }

class EmpRest{ -- Invaild. One Java Method only one MethodType.
void show(){ }
====================Producer code=================================
1. pom.xml
<!-- Container Servlet -->

<!-- HK2 -->



2. RestController- Employee
package in.nit.controller;

import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;

public class EmployeeRestController {

public String showA() {
return "GET-EMP-SHOWA";

public String showB() {
return "GET-EMP-SHOWB";

public String showC() {
return "POST-EMP-SHOWC";

public String showD() {
return "POST-EMP-SHOWD";

3. RestController -- Product
package in.nit.controller;

import javax.ws.rs.DELETE;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.PUT;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;

public class ProductRestController {

public String showA() {
return "PROD-SHOWA-GET";

public String showB() {
public String showC() {

public String showD() {
return "PROD-SHOWD-PUT";

4. web.xml

========================= Consumer App==========================

1.pom.xml (same as producer app)
package in.nit;

import javax.ws.rs.client.Client;
import javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation;
import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;

public class ConsumerTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String URI="http://localhost:2019/Jersey2PathMethodProducerApp";
//String path="/rest/prod";
//String path="/rest/emp";
//String path="/rest/emp/b";
//String path="/rest/emp";
//String path="/rest/emp/d";
String path="/rest/prod";

try {
Client c=ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget wt=c.target(URI).path(path);

Invocation.Builder builder=wt.request();

//Response resp=builder.get();
//Response resp=builder.post(Entity.text("NONE"));
//Response resp=builder.put(Entity.text("NONE"));
Response resp=builder.delete();

} catch (Exception e) {

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