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The Use of Triangulation Methods in

Qualitative Educational Research

Triangulation involves the carejit! reviewing ofdata collected through different meth- By Maria Oliver-Hoyo
ods in order to achieve a more accurate and valid estimate of qualitative results for and DeeDee Allen
a particular construct. This paper describes how we used three qualitative methods
ofdata collection to study attitudes of students toward graphing, hands-on activities,
and cooperative grouping techniques using the triangulation method.

he significance of qualitative included 55 sets of interviews, 116 different teaching techniques,
research comes from the role sets of survey responses, 90 journal • effectively monitor attitudes toward
it plays in investigating the entries, and 38 field note entries. We both objective (graphing activities)
reasons and processes lead- were interested in finding ways to: and subjective constructs (teaching
ing to certain results. Qualitative techniques), and
research has been described as work • discern if difFerent qualitative data- • validate qualitative data by com-
done to understand "meaning that is collection methods would expose paring interpretations of results
socially constructed by individuals different meaningful issues regard- from different data-collection
in interaction with their world. The ing attitudes of students toward methods.
world, or reality, is not the fixed,
single, agreed-upon. or measurable FIGURE 1
phenomenon that it is assumed to be
in positivist, quantitative research" Triangulated design for data collection
(Merriam 2002). Data-collection
methods of qualitative research com- Interviews
monly include field notes, student
journals or documents, surveys, and
interviews. Although large volumes
of data may be collected using
qualitative methodologies, drawing
conclusions from a wide range of
information often becomes a chal-
lenging task. This was our case when
we collected data to monitor atti-
tudes of students toward our general
chemistry class format. These data

Oliver-Hoyo (maria_oiiver@ncsu.
edu) is an associate professor in the De-
partment of Chemistry at North Carolina
State University in Raleigh. DeeDee Ailen
(daallen@waketech.edu) is a chemistry
instructor in the Natural Sciences Depart-
Journals/ Surveys
ment atWakeTechnical Community College
Field Notes
in Raieigh, North Carolina.

Our investigative interests in as- Undergraduate Programs (Beich- in an interview and 15 of those stu-
sessment methods led us to the use ner et al. 2005; Oliver-Hoyo and dents participated in two interviews.
of triangulation methods. Trian- Allen 2004, 2005; Handelsman et The same interviewer conducted
gulation compares information to al. 2004). This format is ideal for all interviews. In addition to these
determine corroboration; in other the collection of these data because one-on-one interviews (interviews
words, it is a process of qualitative it emphasizes the teaching and 2. 3, and 4), all students participated
cross-validation (Wiersma 2000). learning techniques represented in a general interview (interview 1)
Preferably, each method would in our triangulation scheme. For conducted during class where stu-
measure the same construct while example, students worked in groups dents answered questions and three
having a different error type inher- of three that were formed accord- instructors walked around tables to
ent in that method. The deficiencies ing to cooperative grouping guide- answer questions and guide the inter-
of each method would then average lines (Felder and Brent 1994) and view process. These interviews were
out. leaving a true estimate of a class time was driven by hands-on conducted during the second week of
single result (Brinberg and Kidder activities with mini-lectures of classes (interview 1). second and third
1982). Therefore, triangulation 15-20 minutes interjected into the month into the semester (interviews
yields a more accurate and valid es- sequence of activities. Graphing 2 and 3. respectively), and during the
timate of a result when each method was introduced when laptops were final two weeks of classes (interview
of measurement actually converges used to collect data using probes. 4). Therefore, we were able to monitor
on the same answer (Mark and The data were then used to con- changes as the semester progressed.
Shotland 1987). However, complete struct graphs and interpret results. Survey data included a standard
convergence may not always oc- Even though we did not focus on departmental end-of-semester survey
cur in qualitative data. The result the individual assessment of these in addition to pre- and postsurveys
then becomes a range of possible teaching techniques, it is important developed specifically for the course.
estimates that includes the actual to note that the attitudinal data were Students also made entries into re-
answer. The defining ofthe range collected from a setting that pro- fiective journals on a regular basis,
is known as bracketing (Mark and moted these techniques, therefore responding to a wide variety of ques-
Shotland 1987). providing valuable data to be used tions. The journal entries relevant to
in our triangulation method. the triangulation study were obtained
This article presents how we approximately halfway through the
used the triangulation method semester. Graphical data came from
to monitor change in attitudes Data collection homework, survey questions, and the
of students toward cooperative For the interview process, a random interview process. Data on attitudes
grouping, hands-on activities, and stratified sampling procedure was toward cooperative grouping and
graphing activities over the course used to assign every student to one hands-on activities were collected
of a semester. The triangulation of three one-on-one interviews con- via interviews, journals, and surveys.
scheme used data collected via ducted during the semester. Approxi- For the attitudes towards graphical
three different qualitative research mately 18 students were assigned to skills, field notes were used instead of
methods {interviews, surveys, and each interview. In order to achieve journal entries. The field notes were
reflective journals or field notes). samples that were representative of collected while observing student
A schematic representation of our the class, the samples were stratified behavior as they graphed certain data
triangulation design is shown in based on major, gender, and ethnicity. during segments of interviews 3 and
Figure 1. Each vertex ofthe triangle For instance, the student population in 4. Behavioral patterns were identified
produces results that are compared this course consisted of 51% physi- and occurrences of these patterns
and weighed against the results of cal science and engineering majors. tabulated.
the other methods. therefore, 8 to 10 students out ofthe
18 randomly chosen to participate in a
Instructional setting particular interview had to be physical Results
Data were collected during a sec- science majors. The selections were Results are grouped by the construct
ond semester general chemistry then evaluated based on gender and being measured and tabulated by
course taught in a format designed ethnicity requirements for the sample, method of data collection.
to foster cooperative grouping making the three interview samples as
and hands-on activities known as similar as possible. Students were re- I. Cooperative grouping
cAcL2, or concept Advancement quired to attend these interviews and (Tables 1-3)
through chemistry Lab-Lecture, received three extra-credit points on In monitoring attitudes toward co-
which is a dissemination project an exam grade in return for their par- operative grouping, interview and
of SCALE-UP. Student-Centered ticipation. A total of 40 people out of journal entries results suggest that
Activities for Large Enrollment the final enrollment of 45 participated student attitudes became more posi-

tive over the course of the semester. activities as a means to "learning the same results, then greater valid-
However, no conclusions can be well." On the other hand, interviews ity exists in the conclusions drawn
drawn from the survey data on coop- and journal responses point out the and triangulation is achieved (Mark
erative grouping. contrary. and Shotland 1987). This is the case
with the attitudes of students toward
II. Hands on activities ill.Graphical skills graphing activities and their ability to
(Tables 4-6) (Tables 7-9) construct and interpret graphs.
Again, survey data do not match inter- Results on attitudes of students toward
view and journal results. The survey graphing activities converge. When Discussion
results show a significant decrease the data from at least three methods Triangulation was achieved only
in positive attitude toward hands-on of qualitative data collection indicate in the case of monitoring attitudes
toward graphing skills. On the
other hand, bracketing of a possible
TABLE 1 range of results for the other two
Cooperative grouping: Interviews
constructs, cooperative grouping
and hands-on activities, was ob-
Interview Question tained. How can we draw accurate
#1 What do you think would 0 out of 45 said/'Explaining concepts to others.' and valid conclusions from these
be the best way(s) to 2 out of 45 (4%) said,"Working in a group." data? One option is to take these
prepare for an exam in results, modify, and repeat the
chemistry? procedure until the results converge
#2 What are your opinions 4 out of 17 (24%) said,"Different, not used to groups." (Mark and Shotland 1987).
about the structure of 3 out of 17(18%) said,"Groups are cool." or "I like A second option is to weigh
this class? groups." results, taking into consideration
#4 Has this class helped you 8 out of 17 (47%) stated that, prior to taking the multiple issues, including how
discover anything new class, they did not like group work or did not realize the data were collected and under
about the way you learn? how beneficial it was. what circumstances, as well as the
nature ofthe qualitative method of
data collection. The divergence of
the survey results suggests a need
TABLE 2 to investigate the use ofthe survey.
Cooperative grouping: Reflective journal entries
A survey makes one-dimensional
measurements of many constructs,
ExarriDles while various forms of data col-
How does the 30 out of 45 (67%) "Allows us to know people from class
lected through interviews and jour-
structure expressed positive and encourages us to learn from peers." nals provide rich detail that adds
of this class benefit responses to depth to the information collected
"Makes my life easier."
your chemistry cooperative (Kidder and Fine 1987). Surveys
learning experience? grouping. "What a person doesn't know, chances work well to collect factual data on
are the other two have an idea." the demographics of students (i.e..
class, major, gender, and so on)
(LeCompte, Millroy. and Preissle
1992). However, using surveys to
gather information on attitudes
Cooperative grouping: Surveys is much more complicated. In a
survey, there is no way to identify
Results: mean values (standard deviations) possible misinterpretations of state-
Survey item
Likert scale: (5) strongly agree-(l) strongly disagree
ments that can be identified during
"I learn well by working in Presurvey: 3.53 (0.94) an interview. A specific example
a group." Postsurvey: 3.56(1.05) from our interview process is shown
p = 0.6794 (Wilcoxon test)* by the results on attitudes toward
hands-on activities where a student
"I learn well by explaining Presurvey; 4.00 (0.99) believed not to be learning, "but un-
concepts to others." Postsurvey:4.n(0.82)
derstanding better." For this student,
p = 0.5614 (Wilcoxon test)*
learning and understanding are two
"At p-0.05 significance level, these results are not significant. very different things.



Hands-on activities: Interviews

Interview Question
#1 What do you think would be 0 out of 45 said,"Hands-on activities."
the best way(s) to prepare
for an exam in chemistry?
#2 What are your opinions about 3 out of 17 (18%) said,"Like not having straight lecture"
the structure of this class? 1 out of 17 (6%) said/'Not used to activity instruction."
1 out of 17 (6%) said,"l hate activities.You must come prepared for class, otherwise, it is very frustrating.'

#4 Are you learning from 9 out of 17 (53%)said."Yes."or "Always learn something if you are doing something."
activities? 2 out of 17 (12%) said,"l am not learning, but understanding better."
6 out of 17 (35%) said,"l think so."

#4 What learning methods help 11 out of 17 (65%) chose hands-on activities from an extensive list of choices.
you learn in most situations?


Hands-on activities: Reflective journal entries

Question Examples
How does the structure of this class benefit 16 out of 45 (36%) expressed positive "Hands-on activities give us a chance to see
your chemistry learning experience? responses toward hands-on activities. chemistry up close as opposed to taking a
professor's word for it."

It is important to note that most

of the positive responses obtained
from interview and journal data Hands-on activities: Surveys
came from questions formulated
with no bias toward the teaching Survey Item Results: mean values (standard deviations)
strategies. For example, to the Likert scale:(5i strongly agree-(l) strongly disagree
journal question, "How does the
"I learn well by doing Presurvey: 4.39 (0.69)
structure of this class benefit your
hands-on activities." Postsurvey: 3.97 (0.88)*
chemistry learning experience?" p = 0.0186 (Wilcoxon test)*
67% of students expressed posi-
tive responses specifically toward *At p = 0.05 significance level, these results are significant.
cooperative grouping and 36%
toward hands-on activities. These
journal results added validity to sponded to the journal question (93%) ent the construct in an appropriate
the interview results. For example, and 40 students were interviewed context to measure actual student
47% ofthe interviewees specifically (89%). Therefore, the number of re- perceptions. A specific example
mentioned the benefits of coopera- sponses from the different qualitative was obtained when one student
tive grouping when asked, "Has this methods was comparable. expressed, "I hate activities " How-
class helped you discover anything It is also known that students ever, the reasons for such a strong,
new about the way you learn?" (dur- generally give low scores to new negative feeling were very positive
ing interview 4). instructional approaches in which in terms of our instructional goals,
We also consider the number of they are required to become more "You must come prepared for class,
responses a weighing factor. In this responsible for their own learning otherwise, it is very frustrating."
case, Wilcoxon testing was conducted (Felder and Brent 1996). This could
on the responses of 36 students, com- be another issue that might affect Conclusions
pleting both pre- and postsurveys, out survey results, whereas personal This article has presented how a
of a total enrollment of 45 (80%). in interaction in interviews and the triangulation scheme revealed that
addition, a total of 42 students re- open-ended journal questions pres- the most common data-collection

method, surveys, was the most unre- and journals. In educational studies amounts of data in a short period of
liable for two ofthe three constructs, there is a tendency to rely heavily time (Wiersma 2000). However, sur-
giving results that were inconsistent upon survey data since surveys are veys and interviews are associated
with those obtained from interviews very efficient at collecting large with higher possible sources of error
than would be found when taking
more quantitative measurements in
TABLE 7 part due to the response effect, the
Graphical skills: Interviews tendency to give inaccurate or incor-
rect information (Wiersma 2000;
Interview Question Affirmative Struening and Guttentag 1975).
Our use of the triangulation
#2 Can you graph a set of data? 100% method showed that relying on only
17 Can you read and interpret graphs as well? 100%
one or two methods of qualitative
students Can you graph in Excel? 94%
data collection could lead to the
#3 Has your graphing ability improved as a result of taking this class? 5% misrepresentation of the results,
21 Has your ability to read and interpret graphs improved? 24% especially when considering survey
students Has this class helped you feel more comfortable using Excel? 38% data only.
In response to our original
#4 Has your graphing ability improved as a result of taking this class? 59%
Has your ability to read and interpret graphs improved? 41%
questions, the conclusions are as
Students Has this class helped you feel more comfortable using Excel? 82% follows:

• Different qualitative research

methods exposed different
meaningful issues, such as the
Graphical skills: Field notes case in which a negative attitude
actually reflected the positive
intent of a sound pedagogical
Interview Question Results Successful* Examples of field notes 1
#3 Confident behavior 6 (29%) 6 No hesitation at • Triangulation was obtained on
21 performing the task. Knew attitudes toward a more objective
Students exactly what to do. construct (graphing activities) as
Neutral behavior 10(48%) 4 "1 am trying to remember compared to the subjective ones
what 1 did last time." (teaching techniques). However,
this aspect should be further
Lack ofconfident 5 (23%) 0 Tried many different ways
behavior to perform the task.
documented in order to be able
to generalize this statement.
Confident behavior 10(59%) 10 Performed task correctly • Triangulation or bracketing
at first try. I may be proved invaluable to
17 Neutral behavior 6 (35%) 5 Tried something, deleted avoid gross errors when drawing
Students it, and tried a different conclusions, especially when
approach. surveys are used.
Lack of confident 1 (6%) 0 "1 really have no idea what
behavior 1 am doing." Based on our results we suggest
the use of multiple methods of
'Successful in terms of being able to construct an appropriate graph. data collection in order to develop


Graphical skills: Surveys

Survey Item
"This course has given me more confidence in interpreting/ 17 out of 43 (39%)agreed that the course gave them more
explaining scientific graphs." confidence in interpreting graphs.
"This course has given me more confidence in preparing graphs 22 out of 43 (51%) agreed that the course gave them more
and tables." confidence in preparing graphs.


a full picture ofthe situation. The courses: Procedures, pitfalls, and gram evaluation. In Multiple
development of more integrated payoffs. (ERIC Document Repro- methods in program evaluation,
assessment strategies can create a duction no. ED 377 038) eds. M.M. Mark and R.L. Shot-
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Enrollment-Undergraduate Pro- Stewart, S.M. Tilghman, and W.B. 2004. Effects of an active envi-
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impact: Building excellence in Science 304 (14): 521-22. at a research I institution. Jour-
undergraduate science, technol- Kidder, L.H., and M. Fine. 1987. New nal of Chemical Education 81
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(STEM) education, 61-66. Wash- In Multiple methods in program Oliver-Hoyo, M., and D. Allen. 2005.
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Brinberg. D., and L.H. Kidder. 1982. cisco: Jossey-Bass. Journal of Chemical Education 82
New directions for methodology LeCompte, M.D., W.L. Millroy, (6): 944^9.
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Felder, R.M., and R. Brent. 1994. Mark, M.M., and R.L. Shotland. in education: An introduction. 7th
Cooperative learning in technical 1987. New directions for pro- ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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