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Derived from the latin worf “communicare = to share, to give. Communication is the process of
transfering or exchange of information from one source/person to another. It includes ideas,
facts, thoughts, emotions, values and feelings.
Communication is a continuos proces there may be a time gap but it never stops.
Communication is a process of exchanging verval and non-verbal messages.
It is continuos procces, pre-requisite of communication is a message, this message must be
conveyed through some medium to the recipen it is essential that this message must be
understood by the recipien in the same terms as intended by the sender.

Defination of Communication
 William Newman
Communication is exchange of facts, ideas, opinion, or emotion by two or more persons
 George and terry
Communication is continuing and thingking process dealing with the transmission and
understanding of ideas, facts and courses of action.

Characteristics of Communication are given below

1. Communication is an ongoing process when communication is absent human activity
seizes to exist.
2. Communication is estentially a two-way process information has not only to be sent but
also to be received and understood.
3. Communication is essential in all type of organizations and at all levels of management.
It pervades all human relationship.

Characteristics of Communication
1. It consists not only of facts but ideas and emotions too it can be verbal or a nonverbal.
2. It is result-oriented. It can be effective if the sendeer and receiver both are aware of
the goal of communication.
3. It is a dynamic process.
4. It is an interdisciplinary science. Knowledge derived from several sciences is used in

Importante of Communication
Communication is important for the following purpose :
1. To present yourselves in a better way
2. To develop good interpersonal relation
3. To prove yourself the best amongst all in a highly competitive environment
4. To transfer the information
5. To deal with growing diversity of the business world
6. To deal the complexity of technical information
7. A toll to get a job
8. Essential to job sucess
9. For motivational counseling
10. To impart education
11. To improve discipline
12. To adjust to environment and surroundings
13. To receives messages
14. To provide advice
15. To issue order and instruction
16. To facilitate coordination
17. To establish effective leadership
18. For job satisfaction

summary tasks on pages 104-107 on the topic: communicating with

other health professionals
-Collaboration is to use the principles of joint planning and decision making, sharing advice,

togetherness, accountability, expertise and shared goals and responsibilities

-Criteria for collaboration

1. should involve experts with different fields of expertise, who can work together reciprocally


2. group members must be assertive and willing to cooperate and

3. the group must provide services that are unique from the combination of views and expertise

provided by each team member.

-obstacles in collaborating between nurses and doctors

• Power Domination

• Differences in Education / Knowledge Levels

• Communication

• Ways of Viewing
-Objectives of communication between health workers

• Communication between health workers aims to 1. increase awareness of health problems,

problems, or solutions. 2. influence attitudes to make support for independent action or

collaboration 3. show or describe skills; 4. increase demand for health services; 5. provide

information or strengthen knowledge, attitudes, or behavior.

- Health Team Communication Standards

• Caring and professional

• Active listening

• Trying to understand each person's uniqueness

• Behavioral models in collaboration

• Recognizing other people's experiences and feelings

• Pay attention to your own ideas and what you offer to the group

• cooperative.

• Be direct

• Identify common, shared goals and concerns

• Express your feelings using "I" statements.

• Don't take things personally.

• Learn to say "I'm wrong" and "You might be right." • Don't feel pressure to agree directly.

• Think of all possible solutions before the meeting, and be willing to adapt if more creative

alternatives are presented

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