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Fourteen Petals Cap

Fourteen petals form the crown of this small cap. The bamboo yarn shown in the photo is very inelastic, and
my pattern is a reflection of those properties. This cap is a wee on the “short” side. If using a fiber with
memory, such as wool or acrylic, you may need to work another lace repeat.

Size One size

Gauge: 16 sts and 24 rows = 2 1/2” in lace pattern, unblocked
Double-Pointed Needles 16” circular
No. 6 (4 mm), No. 7 (4.5 mm)
No. 7 (4.5 mm) Double pointed needles
Yarn 130-150 yds. Worsted/ aran weight
Shown in Yarn Bee Hint of Silk Solids
[85% bamboo, 15% silk,130 yds. per 85 g. skein]
Color: Oriental Teal

The cap is knit in the round beginning with a folded brim; a series of rapid decreases form a
fourteen-petaled flower at the crown.


If using a less elastic fiber, such as cotton or bamboo, you may wish to insert a band of elastic
before closing up brim. To add more slouch, work extra repeats of the chart. Each repeat
should add about 1 ¼ inches.

Garment Care

Soak cap in tepid water with a little mild soap or shampoo. You may also add a splash of
vinegar to soften the fibers. Gently swish the hat in the soapy solution, then rinse in water of the
same temperature. Squeeze out water, roll in a towel to remove excess; slip over a large dinner
plate to block. To prevent the brim from overstretching, run a length of yarn through the brim,
and draw to slightly smaller circumference than desired. Remove after blocking.

Folded Brim

With smaller needles, loosely cast on 85 sts. Join (taking care not to twist sts) by passing the last
stitch over the first. Place a removable marker though the passed stitch to mark beginning of
round. (84 sts) Knit two inches of garter stitch (knit one rnd, purl one rnd). Weave in the tail from
the cast-on edge.

Holding elastic band along the inside edge, fold the brim over (encasing the band), pick up the
first stitch from the cast on edge and knit together with the first stitch on needle. Continue in this
manner, picking up the next cast on stitch and knitting together with the next stitch on the
needle all the way around.

Regular Brim

With smaller needles, loosely cast on 85 sts. Join (taking care not to twist sts) by passing the last
stitch over the first. (84 sts). Knit one inch of garter stitch.

Increase Round

*K3, m1; rep from * around – 112 sts.


Switch to larger needles and knit one round.

Work rounds 6-12 of lace pattern. Work two repeats of lace pattern, then rnds 1-7.

Shape Crown

Work two decreases (every other rnd) per pattern repeat, spacing evenly until 4 sts remain.
Break yarn, leaving a 12” length. Pull tail through live sts; use a crochet hook to chain 10. Secure
and weave in end. Block cap over a large dinner plate.

2 3 Fourteen Petals Cap © Cricket D 2016 Cricket’s Corner


12 Knit
O ▲ O 11 k2, yo, cdd, yo, k3
10 Knit
O / \ O 9 k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k2
8 Knit
O / \ O 7 yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k1]
6 Knit
/ O O \ 5 ssk, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, k2tog, k1
4 Knit
/ O O \ 3 ssk, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, k2tog, k1
2 Knit
/ O O \ 1 ssk, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, k2tog, k1
Lace Pattern Chart
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Knit / k2tog = knit 2 together O yo = yarn over

\ ssk = slip, slip, knit (slip 1 knitwise, slip 1 knitwise, put 2 slipped sts back on LH
needle and k2tog through back loops)

▲ cdd = centered double decrease (slip 1 purlwise, knit 2 together, pass slipped
st over)

Shape Crown

10 Draw yarn through 4 sts, ch 10, secure.

▲ 9 cdd
8 Knit
/ \ 7 ssk, k2tog
6 Knit
/ \ 5 ssk, k2tog
4 Knit
/ \ 3 ssk, k1, k2tog, k1
2 Knit
/ \ 1 ssk, k3, k2tog, k1
8 Knit
Crown Decrease Chart
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

3 3 Fourteen Petals Cap © Cricket D 2016 Cricket’s Corner

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