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Name​: Jessica Eaton 

Title​: High School English Teacher 

School District/Campus (or Employer)​: Our Redeemer’s Christian School 
Blog or Website​: h
​ ttps://kafkaandcoffee.weebly.com  
Twitter Handle​: @Mrs_Eaton209 


Name of Learning Experience​: Creating Fables with CoSpaces 
Grade Level(s)​: 9th/10th Grade 
Content Area(s)​: English 
Length of Learning Experience​: 1 week 
Summary​: This lesson will occur as a summative project at the end of our fables unit. At 
this point, the students have studied multiple fables from various cultures. Students have a 
firm grasp on the elements of a fable, analyzing fables, and how to write a fable. For this 
project, students will be tasked with choosing a moral to teach, writing a fable using specific 
and symbolic animals to help teach that moral, and animating it through CoSpaces.  


Learning Outcomes​: (Include as many outcomes as needed) 
● The learner will be able to integrate their knowledge of fables to write their own 
● The learner will be able to effectively use CoSpaces to animate a created fable 
● The learner will be able to use problem solving skills to troubleshoot technical 
problems within CoSpaces 
Content Area Standards​: North Dakota State Standards: 
● W.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, 
style, and format are appropriate to a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences 
● SL.5 - Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and 
interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, 
reasoning, and evidence and to add interest 
ISTE Standards for Students​:  
● Empowered Learner 
○ 1a - Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies 
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process 
itself to improve learning outcomes 
● Digital Citizen 
○ 2b. Students demonstrate an understanding of an respect for the rights and 
obligations of using and sharing intellectual property 
● Innovative Designer 
○ 4c. Students develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design 
● Computational Thinker 
○ 5c. Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, 
and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate 
● Creative Communicator 


○ 6b - Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital 
resources into new creations 
○ 6c - Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating 
or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or 
Which of the ​4 C's​ did students use and cultivate?​:  
● Critical Thinking 
● Communication 
● Creativity 
Please explain how the 4 C's chosen above were integrated in this learning 
The students will use and cultivate critical thinking by creatively solving problems that they 
will encounter. CoSpaces is a new platform for them and they will need to be able to 
analyze the complex platform, use their reasoning skills, and analyze new approaches to 
solve difficult coding problems. When needed, they will be required to do outside research, 
synthesize that information and apply it to their context.  
The students will communicate with one another to help troubleshoot problems with a 
peer expert. They will also communicate through the technology. They will use the scene 
that they have built on CoSpaces to communicate a specific moral to their peers. They will, 
finally, communicate through speaking and presenting when they present their final 
product and discuss the process, problems, and victories that they encountered along the 
The students will use creativity by creating something new in CoSpaces and being 
innovative in their approaches to the learning task. The students will use their failures as a 
time to analyze what they have done and apply that knowledge to approach the task in a 
new and creative way. Finally, students will use their creativity as they design the CoSpace 
and build a scene and world for their fable. They will be able to express their learning in a 
way that is unique to them.  


Which “​Beyond​” ways will this learning experience be DYNAMIC?  
● Beyond the Grade Level and Subject Area 
● Beyond the Tools 
Explain your each of your "Beyond" selections above:  
The students will move beyond the grade level and subject area because this is an 
interdisciplinary learning experience. CoSpaces requires students to use coding skills, so 
they will be moving beyond the English classroom and integrating the knowledge that they 
gained in their multimedia course. They will also be able to transfer their learning from the 
Art classroom because they will use their creative computer skills to design a setting and 
characters for their CoSpace.  
The students will move beyond the tools because they are using a unique platform to 
demonstrate their learning. Rather than having them simply write a paper or illustrate their 
fable, the students will use a novel digital tool. The students will be able to use this 
interactive learning experience to bring their fable to life and share their work with their 

Required Materials, Equipment, Digital Tools & Resources for the Learning 
● Computer with internet access 
● Log-in information for CoSpaces account 
Instructional Plan (Step-by-Step):  
● Large Group 
○ Review the elements of fables 
○ Analyze a variety of fables for each of those elements 


● Individual 
○ Students choose a moral that they would want to teach 
○ Students choose a setting and appropriate animals 
○ Students draft their fable 
○ Students refine and revise their fables 
○ Students use CoSpaces to bring their fables to life 
○ Once done, students will present their fables and reflect on the learning 
● I will walk around the room and be available for students to ask questions 
● I will have students work with fables in a variety of ways: large group discussion, 
reading fables, watching videos of fables, etc. to accompany the various learners in 
my classroom 
● I will provide my students with additional resources for them to consult, if needed 
(i.e., tech help, CoSpaces guide, etc.) 
Facilitation Strategies: 
● Large group discussions will occur in a circle in order to facilitate discussion among 
the students 
● I will walk around the classroom to ensure that students are on task and check-in 
with each student 
● I will identify peer experts to help collaborate with struggling students 
● Students will practice the ask three, then me strategy when working individually 
Assessment (may not be a test/quiz):  
● Formative:  
○ Discussions about fables: I will assess students’ understanding of fables and 
their elements based on their discussions and analysis of the fables that we 
discuss in class 
○ Rough drafts of fables: I will assess students’ rough drafts to ensure that they 
are able to synthesize their discussions and previous learning to create their 
own fables 
● Summative: 


○ CoSpaces creation: I will assess student creativity, problem solving, and 
fables based on their finished product created through CoSpaces 
○ Verbal presentation: I will assess the students’ ability to present their projects 
to the peers and reflect on the learning process.  
Additional Links and Resources, including an example of a finished product you 
created using your technology:  
The Official CoSpaces Guide: ​https://cospaces.io/edu/CoSpaces-Edu-Pro-Guide.pdf  
Example of teacher created project: h
​ ttps://edu.cospaces.io/HYT-PLG  

To be completed when you actually teach the lesson, nothing to be completed now for this 
Please share a brief reflection about the implementation of this learning experience? 
What went well? What would you change?  


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