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Life Rhythm as a Symphony of Oscillatory Patterns:

Electromagnetic Energy and Sound Vibration Modulates
Gene Expression for Biological Signaling and Healing
David Muehsam, PhD, Italy; Carlo Ventura, MD, PhD, Italy

Author Affiliations Introduction—Biological Rhythms: Music beats through time to form rhythms, music is an apt
Visual Institute of
Developmental Sciences,
Meeting Science metaphor for this carrier of life-information. And the
Bologna, Italy All life exists within a sea of vibration, and notion that music can touch the core of our being and
(Dr Muehsam); rhythm is fundamental to all of life. Diurnal, season- is as old as human consciousness. Plato grappled with
National Institute
al, lunar, and solar cycles, and the resonant electro- the powers of music in The Republic, stating that the
of Biostructures
and Biosystems,
magnetic field (EMF) oscillations of our planet make various Greek modes convey specific qualities: “Then
Visual Institute of up the symphony of rhythms in which life on Earth beauty of style and harmony and grace and good
Developmental Sciences, exists. As life evolved amidst these natural rhythms, rhythm depend on simplicity—I mean the true sim-
Bologna; Department of
they were integrated into many basic human biologi- plicity of a rightly and nobly ordered mind and char-
Diagnostic and Specialty cal responses, which coincide with diurnal and sea- acter.”10 And though Shakespeare has been famously
Medicine, University of sonal cycles1 and the many aspects of human and quoted as referring to music as the “food of love,” he
Bologna (Dr Ventura). animal behavior and physiology that are correlated went much further, writing that music has the power
with the phases of the moon.2 From the basic activi- to create: “Orpheus with his lute made trees, And the
David Muehsam, PhD ties of daily life to our relationship with the animals mountain tops that freeze, Bow themselves, when he
davmumu@yahoo.com on Earth,3 human society is structured around the did sing,” and the power to destroy life: “In sweet
moon’s rhythm, and deeply rooted monthly circadian music is such art, Killing care and grief of heart, Fall
Global Adv Health Med. rhythms govern human sleep patterns, persisting asleep, or hearing, die.”11
2014;3(2):40-55. DOI: even in isolation from our conscious awareness of the Music has been shown to modulate several car-
10.7453/gahmj.2014.008 lunar phase.4 Our lives contain a seeming infinity of diac and neurological functions and to trigger mea-
Key Words
rhythms, with vibrations at the atomic and molecular surable stress-reducing pathways, 12 to modulate
Biological rhythms, levels and within biochemical reaction rates. The blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, EEG measure-
electromagnetic fields, physiological correlates of the rhythms of the breath, ments, body temperature and galvanic skin response;
EMF, gene expression,
heartbeat, and brain have been extensively studied alter immune and endocrine function; and amelio-
complementary and
and shown to be intimately related to our emotions, rate pain, anxiety, nausea, fatigue, and depression.13
alternative medicine, thoughts, and psychospiritual state. For example, Significant correspondence has been found between
yoga, meditation respiratory output is coupled to a complex interac- specific musical tones played to the skin through
tion between the brainstem and higher centers con- speakers and traditional Chinese descriptions musi-
The authors completed necting the limbic system and cortical structures, cal tones associated with the acupuncture meridi-
the ICMJE Form for thus creating a basic link between breathing and the ans.14 The notion that one “hears” sounds not only
Disclosure of Potential emotions.5 A substantial body of research has demon- through the ears but rather through the whole body
Conflicts of Interest and
had no relevant
strated the fundamental interconnectedness of mind is echoed in the words of the Sufi musician, healer
conflicts to disclose. and emotion, brain and heart rhythms,6 variations in and mystic, Hazrat Inayat Khan:
circadian heart rhythms have been shown to corre-
late with psychiatric disorders,7 an emerging lan- A person does not hear sound only through the
guage for interpreting brainwave electroencephalo- ears; he hears sound through every pore of his
gram (EEG) rhythms is now allowing a deeper under- body. It permeates the entire being, and accord-
standing of the relationships between EEG rhythms, ing to its particular influence either slows or
cognition and neuropsychiatric disease,8 and pulsa- quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it
tile dynamics in genetic circuits is essential for the either wakens or soothes the nervous system. It
temporal organization of cellular stress response, arouses a person to greater passions or it calms
signaling, and development.9 The thread that con- him by bringing him peace. According to the
nects these various studies is the impact of rhythm sound and its influence a certain effect is pro-
and the notion that rhythms can communicate bio- duced. Sound becomes visible in the form of radi-
information that governs a wide variety of functions, ance. This shows that the same energy which
including that of guiding living beings towards goes into the form of sound before being visible is
health and well-being. absorbed by the physical body. In that way the
Rhythm is the fundamental characteristic of physical body recuperates and becomes charged
music. In frequencies, timbres, and the passage of with new magnetism.15

40 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


Here, Khan reinforces the notion of a deep rela- levels, thus produces a dynamic, holistic biofield
tionship between music and neurobiology, indicating wherein our consciousness, emotional expression, and
that further understanding of how music can modify social behavior are intimately interwoven with our
nervous system activity could have implications for molecular and gene expression patterning.
developing mind-body-spirit therapies that are effec-
tive not only as adjuncts, but as central treatment Biological Clocks: Setting Life’s Rhythms
modalities in rehabilitation and therapy.16 The synchronization of multiple rhythms is an
Rhythms show up in many aspects of life. They essential manifestation of living processes. While it is
affect the way we feel day by day or throughout the well known that biological clocks located in the cen-
seasons. They affect our moods and attitudes deeply, tral nervous system drive our circadian rhythms,
even on a personal basis, so that some activities and there is now compelling evidence that the central
personal disciplines “click” with us while others don’t. nervous system also acts as a merging/integration
Even the language we use to communicate with each point of biorhythms emerging from self-sustaining
other is able to deliver multiple, between-the-lines, cellular and subcellular oscillators. For example, it
meanings according to the fine tuning of the sound of has been shown that the regulation of metabolism
voice. In our daily activities, we may sometimes find and energy production of the entire organism across
deep satisfaction while at other times we are simply the daily cycles of fasting and feeding is orchestrated
engaged in a boring routine, perhaps without realizing by subcellular transcriptional oscillations (clocks)
that at one time our activities are in tune with our controlling the basic dynamics of substrate biosyn-
natural life rhythm, and at another time we may be thesis and energy production (adenosine triphos-
forced to adapt to a different rhythm for reasons that phate, ATP) at the mitochondria.17
may not be fully natural. Another basic type of biological clock is made up
In this review, we will provide evidence that, from of the mechanisms governing essential biological pro-
the cellular level to the whole organism, every signal- cesses such as embryonic development, neuronal plas-
ing event is fashioned by rhythms—as vibratory pat- ticity, cell memory, and differentiation of various
terns—and that synchronization of coupled oscilla- types of stem cells. For these processes, calcium (Ca2+)
tors and dynamical systems is a crucial issue in the ions act as important messengers, for which intracel-
orchestration of essential processes of life. We will lular sequestration of Ca2+ by specific agents has been
show that changes in the rhythms and modes of inter- shown to modulate the above pathways. It is striking
action of subcellular oscillators can result in remark- that experimental evidence indicates that transient
able modulation of gene expression and cellular changes in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, rather than
dynamics, playing an essential role in states of well- occurring in a manner corresponding to diffusion and
ness and disease. Within this context, we will discuss passive transport (ie, increasing from a baseline to a
the use of EMFs and sound energy as tools for restoring stable long-lasting plateau and then declining again),
healthy cellular dynamics, reprogramming DNA is orchestrated in real-time by subcellular pacemaker
structure, and eliciting self-healing mechanisms. We sites producing Ca2+ waves and oscillations.18
will highlight how EMFs and sound energies can Accordingly, the rhythmic beating of stem cell–derived
“sing” with stem cells, and even with non-stem-adult cardiac cells is governed by dynamic coupling of cel-
somatic cells to reprogram cell gene expression and lular electrophysiology and cytosolic Ca2+ oscilla-
fate, activate natural repairing abilities, and counter- tions.19 Thus, Nature chose to create subcellular clocks
act cellular aging processes, paving the way toward to guarantee an exquisite regulation of the Ca2+
unprecedented strategies of regenerative medicine. dynamics essential for many processes.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the large body of Cellular oscillators also play a crucial role in
evidence demonstrating that cytoskeletal structures orchestrating embryogenesis and the patterning of
are dynamic modulators of subcellular, cellular, and differentiation in stem cells, which relies on the
intercellular information that coordinate biological timely proliferation of progenitor cells and their sub-
regulation across the atomic/molecular to organismic sequent differentiation into the multiple lineages that
levels, giving rise to the notion of a field of dynamic form different parts of the embryo. Modulation and
bio-information or “biofield.” While molecular and orchestration of the timing of cell differentiation and
gene expression rhythms affect the entire individual, cell fate choice are key issues for making organs of the
it has been shown that the reverse also occurs. To this right size, shape, and cell composition. To this end,
end, we will summarize how recent advances in neu- both during embryogenesis and throughout adult life,
robiology, psychosocial genomics, and research on the composition of secreted proteins that determine
yoga, meditation, and other mind-body disciplines the overall rhythmicity of multiple-cell networks has
have shown that emotional states, cognition, states of been shown to be dependent upon cell crowding.20
stress or relaxation and psychosocial factors can Starting from a single fertilized oocyte, up to the level
strongly affect genome function. This deep-seated bi- of the entire organism, cell proliferation and differen-
directional flow of information, branching between tiation are antagonistically regulated by multiple
the atomic/molecular, organismic, and psychosocial activator and repressor genes, whose activity is fash-

Review www.gahmj.com • March 2014 • Volume 3, Number 2 41


ioned according to specific oscillatory patterns in Underlying all of the above reported findings one
gene transcription.21,22 There is compelling evidence may see that the coupling of intrinsic oscillatory
that during embryonic development, during somite rhythms originating at the molecular and single cell
segmentation, for example, specific genes function as level is intimately related to higher-level structure,
biological clocks, acting through both short and long function, and the generation of a wide range of biologi-
lived oscillatory pathways often involving tonic feed- cal rhythms. At the cellular and subcellular levels,
forward and feedback mechanisms.23-30 The biomedi- oscillatory behaviors have been shown to emerge as a
cal implications of this are extremely important, as direct result of simple negative feedback loops and
the impairment of these biological clocks leads to coupled positive and negative feedback loops,40 and
premature or aberrant stem cell differentiation, or rhythms arise from stochastic, nonlinear biological
depletion of certain stem cell pools, resulting in dys- mechanisms interacting with a fluctuating environ-
morphic brain and heart structures incompatible ment41, indicating that oscillations are a natural out-
with post-natal survival. 27,31-35 come of a variety of essential cellular biochemical
In general, aberrant cellular oscillatory patterning interactions. Another concept central to the study of
is associated with severe disease. For example, genetic biological rhythms is the existence of coupling
defects in the assembly or rhythmic function of pri- between oscillators giving rise to collective behaviors
mary cilia, which are oscillatory sensory organelles, such as phase synchronization.41 An extremely large
give rise to developmental defects and diseases in body of research has examined the conditions under
mammals. One of these genetic disorders, known as which periodic behaviors, stochastic resonance (coher-
primary ciliary dyskinesia, most commonly arises from ent entrainment due to noisy signals), and chaotic
loss of molecular motors that power ciliary beating.36 behaviors can occur in dynamical systems and systems
The disease involves abnormal lung development and of coupled oscillators, and the results have been applied
function, infertility, and in some cases a condition to nearly every level of biological function, from the
called situs inversus, in which the internal organs (for subcellular to the organismic.41 For example, it has
example, the heart, stomach, spleen, liver, and gall- been clearly demonstrated that the generation of circa-
bladder) are in opposite positions from where they dian rhythms at the suprachiasmatic nucleus is the
would normally be located. In mice, embryos bearing a result of the coupling of oscillators across the cellular
mutation associated with lack of primary cilia develop and multicellular levels,42 and a general framework for
a severe cardiac disease, including ventricular dilation, the emergence of synchronization in circadian coop-
decreased myocardial trabeculation, and an abnormal erative systems employs non-linear coupled oscilla-
outflow tract.37 It is clear that impairment of the tors, resulting in phase-synchrony across large num-
molecular mechanisms that govern the circadian clock bers of cells,43 In neuronal networks, large scale simu-
at cellular level also play a central role in the so-called lations typically employ electrically phase-coupled
“metabolic syndrome” that represents a spectrum of systems that give rise to cooperative behaviors across
disorders whose incidence continues to increase across large numbers of neurons.44 Systems of genetic oscilla-
the industrialized world. Comprised of several meta- tors governing the synchronization of cells mediated
bolic abnormalities, including central (intraabdomi- by intercellular communication exhibit synchronous
nal) obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hyper- behaviors in spite of intrinsic parameter fluctuations
tension,38 this syndrome has become a major public and the presence of extrinsic noise.45 Several novel
health challenge worldwide, with an estimated 25% to behaviors have been noted, including phase synchroni-
40% of the population between 25 and 64 years of age zation within a system of weakly coupled self-sus-
affected. An essential distinctive trait of the syndrome tained chaotic oscillators, suggesting that even under
is the disruption of the fine tuning of cellular oscilla- chaotic conditions, phases between individual oscilla-
tors that compose the “mammalian circadian clock.”38 tors can tend toward synchrony,45 and there has recent-
This clock consists of a series of interlocking transcrip- ly been interest in the existence of “chimera states” in
tion/translation feedback loops, involving the syn- networks of coupled oscillators wherein a wide spec-
chronization of the availability of transcription factors trum of complex states emerge from the underlying
that activate the expression of downstream clock tar- dynamics of a system of weakly coupled oscillators
get genes. Recent evidence also indicates that disrup- containing both synchronous and asynchronous ele-
tion of circadian rhythms may play a pivotal role in ments.46 Thus, the progression toward rhythmicity
cognitive disorders associated with schizophrenia.39 In and complex behavior is a natural outcome of multi-
this disease, impairment may occur not only in the part, dynamically interlinked systems.
circadian master clock in the hypothalamic suprachi-
asmatic nuclei that is responsible for controlling circa- Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
dian rhythms but also at the level of local semi-auton- All life exists in a sea of EMFs. In the modern
omous oscillators capable of generating self-sustained world, we are constantly immersed in both natural and
circadian oscillations in individual cells in a number of human-made fields, including the geomagnetic field,
brain tissues, including the hippocampus, cerebral globally propagating waves in the earth-ionosphere
cortex, and cerebellum.39 cavity (Schumann resonances), the many EMFs pro-

42 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


duced by power transmission lines, microwave com- onances has been supported by theoretical modeling,
munication relays, and fields from a wide variety of with the results of current models corresponding well
commonly used devices, including mobile telephones with experimental data.49,50,68,85,86 Both theory and
and radiofrequency Wi-Fi stations. Because life on this experimental evidence show that resonances in
Earth evolved in the ambient geomagnetic environ- this amplitude range often occur at frequencies at or
ment, of particular interest to the question of possible near integral multiples of the Larmor and cyclotron
coupling with natural geomagnetism are weak EMFs, frequencies,49,50,85,86 which lie in the 5 Hz to 50 Hz
ie, those with strength on the order of the Earth’s 50 μT range for the most common biological ions in µT-range
field. The existence of bioeffects for EMF signals of this fields.50,86 Interestingly, the constant component of
strength has been firmly established, and the mecha- Earth’s magnetic field averages approximately 50 µT
nisms by which constant and extremely low frequency worldwide, and the time varying components in the
(ELF) μT-range magnetic fields can directly influence pT-nT range due to the Schumann resonances consti-
biological processes have now been more clearly eluci- tute the principal components of the natural back-
dated.47-50 In addition to a significant amount of litera- ground of the EMF spectrum in a similar frequency
ture on bioeffects due to geomagnetic-range field range from 6 Hz to 50 Hz.87 Because of the ambient-
strengths,51 a growing body of evidence has shown range amplitudes employed, the above results suggest
that effects can also occur at much lower field the possibility of functional interactions between liv-
strengths, on the order of nanoTesla, including effects ing creatures and Earth’s magnetic field. In addition to
on development in chick embryos,52,53 in vitro breast the substantial literature on animal navigation via
cancer cell proliferation,54 in vivo tumor growth,55-57 Earth’s magnetic field,88 recent experiments report a
planarian fission and regeneration 58,59; allergic functional role for the ambient geomagnetic field in a
encephalomyelitis in rats60; gravitropism of plants,61 variety of biological processes. Bioeffects have been
MCF-7 breast cancer cell growth,62 and an Alzheimer’s reported due to attenuation or shielding from the
model in mice.63 A significant aspect of these extreme- Earth’s magnetic field, including modulation of neuro-
ly weak EMF bioeffects is that the energies of interac- nal spike frequencies,89,90 reduction in stress-induced
tion are substantially lower than the average random analgesia,91,92 induction of amnesia in mice,93,94 inhi-
thermal energy due to Brownian motion,48 suggesting bition of tumor cell growth,95 reduction in ability to
the existence of a more subtle level of bioinformation survive ionizing radiation in drosophila,96 and an
transduction operating at extremely low energies. increase in pain threshold in humans.97

Resonances Observed for Weak EMF Solar-Geomagnetic Rhythms and Life

Bioeffects on Earth
Resonance produces enhanced effects when the The earth’s magnetic field is also highly depen-
frequency and/or amplitude of an applied EMF match- dent upon solar activity, including changes due to
es specific values for which cells or tissues have solar storms and sunspot indices. Changes in solar
increased or decreased sensitivity. In recent years, it radiation directly affect Earth’s magnetic field, with
has been firmly established that amplitude and fre- effects that can be strong enough to disrupt communi-
quency resonances can occur for µT-range EMF expo- cations and power distribution networks. Solar-
sures in a variety of in vitro and in vivo systems, such induced fluctuations in the ambient geomagnetic field
as brainwaves and neuronal calcium efflux,64 mem- have been correlated with a wide range of biological
brane transport,65 45Ca incorporation in human lym- effects, including changes in ultrastructure of cardio-
phocytes,66 calcium flux in bone cells,67 liposome per- myocytes, temporal changes in blood pressure and
meability,68 calcium signal transduction in the lym- heart rate and heart rate variability,98,99 changes in
phocytes,69 neurite outgrowth in PC-12 cells,70,71 myo- power in the gamma (>30 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) brain
sin phosphorylation,72 calcium efflux though lipid wave frequencies in humans,100,101 coherence of
vesicles,73 glutamic acid currents in aqueous solu- human EEG oscillations,102 pain perception in mice103,
tion,74-78 IGF-II expression for human osteosarcoma and mortality due to limbic seizures in rats.104
bone cells,79 survival curve for mice infected with Importantly, changes in solar/geomagnetic activity
Ascites Ehrlich carcinoma,80 and cytokine release from have also been shown to impact human health in a
osteoblasts in response to different intensities of EMF clinically-relevant manner. Increased solar activity has
stimulation.81 In addition, recent experiments have been correlated with a substantially increased rate of
shown that specific combinations and temporal myocardial infarctions,105,106 decreased survival of
sequences of weak subthreshold EMFs can alter neuro- acute coronary syndromes,107 higher mortality from
logical activity.82-84 For these experiments, the EMF acute myocardial infarction, higher diastolic arterial
amplitudes and frequencies were below the thresholds pressure in healthy subjects and in treated hyperten-
required to evoke nerve firing, suggesting that the spe- sive patients, higher prolactin and 17-corticosteroid
cific rhythms and patterning of weak EMFs are detect- levels in the peripheral blood, more severe migraine
able by the nervous system at this more subtle sub- attacks and more admissions for cerebrovascular acci-
threshold level. The above evidence for weak EMF res- dent and cerebrovascular insufficiency in male

Review www.gahmj.com • March 2014 • Volume 3, Number 2 43


patients, changes in many blood coagulation cellular transient NO signaling is underscored by the observa-
gradients (platelet count, basophils in the peripheral tion that Nature has evolved a remarkable sensitivity
blood), a rise in platelet aggregation, fibrinogen level to subcellular, subsecond (100 ms) NO transients in
and a drop in leukocyte adhesiveness,108 increased the low picomolar range, as demonstrated in human
mortality due to a wide range of factors,109 decreased embryonic kidney HEK 293T cell lines.120 A growing
human lifespan,110 and increased rate of clinical body of literature has demonstrated that NO signaling
admissions for convulsive seizures.111 In addition, it plays a significant role in biological EMF transduction,
has been reported by the US Federal Reserve Bank of and effects on NO expression and NO-dependent path-
Atlanta, Georgia that high geomagnetic activity has a ways have been reported for a wide variety of nonther-
negative, statistically and economically significant mal EMF amplitudes, frequencies, and signal
effect on the following week’s stock returns for all US shapes.121-137 Thus, modulation of NO signaling has
stock market indices.112 Also, a correlation has been been established as one means by which cells and tis-
observed between both the US gross domestic prod- sues can respond rapidly to changes in the EMF envi-
uct and Dow Jones Industrial Average and the num- ronment and could interact with nuclear DNA through
ber of sunspots,113 and a majority (80%) of the most modulation of chromosome folding dynamics.119
significant historical events from 1749 to 1926 Because all biochemical reactions require the
occurred during solar maxima, which correlate with transfer of electrical charges, a wide variety of EMF
the highest periods of geomagnetic activity.114 These sources exist within all biological systems, and obser-
results show that in addition to diurnal and seasonal vations that EMFs can be involved in intercellular
solar rhythms, biological coupling with transient communication also raise questions as to the role of
solar storm activity and the 11-year solar cycle also those EMFs that occur naturally within the body.
occurs, with clinically and socially significant effects. These endogenous EMFs and electrical currents are
essential for a variety of activities, such as controlling
Cell-Cell Communication and Endogenous ion transport and cell membrane electrical potential,
EMFs coordinating cell migration and wound healing, and
From the above discussed findings, a picture regulating ionic triggers modulating cellular activi-
emerges wherein, from the micro to macro levels, life ties.138 In addition to these endogenous EMFs, arising
is intimately connected to a wide variety of natural mainly from ionic gradients and transport, there are
rhythms. As we described above, each biological cell is other sources of endogenous EMFs. For example,
embedded within an interconnected environment of microtubules are important, highly dynamic struc-
oscillatory patterns and widespread intercellular syn- tures in the cytoskeleton that regulate cell shape and
chronization with resonating rhythms with large transport processes, and it has been demonstrated that
numbers of other cells that help determine the long- the endogenous electric fields generated directly by
range functional assembly of tissues, organs, and the the intracellular network of microtubules, centro-
entire individual. Intercellular communication is criti- somes, and chromosomes play a fundamental role in
cal for normal embryogenesis and development, neu- regulating the dynamics of mitosis and meiosis,139 and
ral activity, gamete production, endocrine function, the high-frequency radiation characteristics of the
immune function, cardiovascular function, and the microtubule network have been described mathemati-
regulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differen- cally.140 Also, the recent characterization of the nearly
tiation,115 and defects in cell-cell communication are ubiquitous network of telocyte cells (TCs) again sug-
associated with a wide variety of diseases, including gests a fundamental role for intercellular communica-
diabetes, autoimmune disorders, atherosclerosis, can- tion played by networks of microtubular structures:
cer, neuropathy, and infertility, among others.116 Also, TCs have very small cell bodies (consisting of a nucle-
activation of intercellular signaling mechanisms has us and a small amount of cytoplasm) and extremely
been shown to be a key mechanism underlying the long and thin tubular processes called telopodes (up to
therapeutic effects of EMFs, and a review of electric 100 micrometers long, yet only 20-200 nanometers
field therapies concluded that “a study of many in vitro wide), forming a dense convoluted network linking
and in vivo reports revealed that the beneficial effects TCs with one another and with many other cell
can be attributed to the activation of membrane pro- types.141 TCs thus form an extensive, dynamic cyto-
teins, and specifically proteins involved in signal- skeletal network containing abundant microfilaments,
transduction mechanisms.”117 Of particular interest to microtubules, and the filament protein vimentin41
cell-cell communication with regard to EMF sensitivi- and could play a fundamental role in EMF signaling at
ty is the messenger molecule nitric oxide (NO). NO the cytoskeletal level. Of particular relevance, a recent,
diffuses freely and rapidly across cell membranes, comprehensive review details substantial experimen-
plays key roles in the rapid regulation of microcircula- tal evidence and theoretical support for the notion that
tion, inflammation, and the cell growth and repair electrical signaling activity within the cytoskeletal
process,118 and has been demonstrated to regulate framework of neurons may carry information and
chromatin folding dynamics, and thus gene expres- could be essential in order to explain the “very fast and
sion, in human endothelial cells.119 The importance of complex changes of functional neuronal connectivity

44 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


necessary for cognition.”142 Electrical activity in the EMF-dependent endogenous regulatory mechanisms
cytoskeletal matrix could thus modulate a variety of through microtubules and the cytoskeleton,138,142 sug-
behaviors, including voltage-gated ion channels and gest a new paradigm wherein the concept of regulation
the phosphorylation status of binding molecules (eg, via a biofield of dynamic information transfer may
MAP2, CaMKII), which in turn affects cytoskeletal become central to biology.156
structure and connectivity.41 These recent results
regarding endogenous EMFs suggest that we may be in Using Electromagnetic Energy and Sound
the nascent stages of a revolutionary development in Vibration to Modulate (Stem) Cell Gene
the understanding of the role of EMF signaling through Expression, Potentiality, and Fate
a bioinformation network essential to the real-time In the past several decades, a large number of
coordination of the astronomical numbers of bio- experiments have reported EMF effects on cells in
chemical activities necessary to maintain life. vitro, demonstrating conclusively that nonthermal
Also, in 1923, the Ukrainian histologist Alexander field exposures can indeed produce clinically rele-
Gurwitsch made his famous discovery of ultraviolet vant bioeffects at the cellular level.138 For these data,
(UV) light emission during cell division in onion field strengths and frequencies were below the
roots.143 Gurwitsch subsequently found that UV light threshold for which heating could occur, indicating
could stimulate cell division, and posited the exis- that cells themselves possess the ability to directly
tence of “mitogenic rays” governing basic processes of detect nonthermal EMFs. The rapidly growing body
growth and repair. In recent years, the body of research of literature regarding EMF effects on cellular gene
based upon the observations of Gurwitsch and others expression is too large to summarize here, so we shall
has led to contemporary biophoton research,144,145 restrict our discussion to reports within the last
and cell-cell communication via coherent biophoton decade of stem cell research yielding effects directly
emissions has been demonstrated in several stud- upon or immediately relevant to gene expression due
ies.146 Further work reported that biophoton signal- to nonthermal EMFs. Even within this narrow catego-
ing can modulate many regulatory functions,147 ry, a large number of effects have been observed over
including cell-cell orientation detection,148 secretion a wide range of nonthermal EMF amplitudes, fre-
of regulatory neurotransmitters,149 respiratory activi- quencies and waveform shapes, and the current rate
ty in white blood cells,150 and acceleration of seed of progress is rapidly increasing. Recent reports of
germination by biophoton exposure.151 Thus, biopho- such effects are displayed in the following list.
ton research has shown another means by which
endogenous EMFs generated by living cells can play •• Decreased proliferation, upregulation of neuronal
fundamental functional roles in cellular function and differentiation marker (MAP2)157
intercellular communication. •• A decrease in filament protein Nestin in bone
Finally, all of life occurs with the aqueous medi- marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells157
um of highly electrically polar water molecules, them- •• Increased filament protein NF-L, MAP2 and
selves generating significant fields and creating NeuroD1 in human bone marrow derived mesen-
charged aqueous coordination structures surrounding chymal stem cells158,159
proteins. Functionally important protein molecular •• Induction of rat bone mesenchymal stromal cells
dynamics are slave to the thermal fluctuations of the to differentiate into functional neurons160
aqueous medium,152 and hydration has been shown to •• Significant up-regulation of early and late neuro-
play a fundamental role in conformational dynamics nal differentiation markers and significant down-
controlling protein function,153 suggesting that EMF regulation of the transforming growth factor-α
interactions within the aqueous medium itself could (TGF-α) and the fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4)
modulate protein function. Along these lines, theoreti- in NT2 pluripotent human testicular embryonal
cal work has suggested that liquid water is an ensem- carcinoma cells161
ble of phase-correlated molecules kept in tune by an •• Increased osteogenic gene expression, alkaline
endogenous EMF generated within the ensemble.154 phosphate activity in adipose-derived stem cells162
This endogenous EMF governs the interaction among •• Enhanced chondrogenic gene expression (SOX-9,
biomolecules suspended in water and is in turn affect- collagen type II, and aggrecan) in adipose-derived
ed by the chemical interactions of molecules, suggest- stem cells163
ing a holistic framework for energetic/informational •• Modulation of early (such as Runx-2 and osterix)
regulation of the complex dynamics of biochemical and late (specifically, osteopontin and osteocal-
events. In a similar direction, in vivo observations of cin) osteogenic genes in adult human mesenchy-
electric field absorption and emission suggest endoge- mal stem cells164
nous EMFs as an indicator of the physiological state of •• Up-regulation of insulin factor genes, peroxisome
living organisms.155 Taken as a whole, observations of proliferative activity, calcium channel gene,
the sensitivity of biological systems to weak EMFs genes for mitochondrial ribosomal protein S, and
summarized here, including the existence of ampli- uncoupling protein 2, down-regulation of tumor
tude/frequency resonances, and the demonstration of necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 in human

Review www.gahmj.com • March 2014 • Volume 3, Number 2 45


embryonic stem cells165 expression of stemness-related genes, including

•• Enhanced expression of the collagen I gene in Nanog, Sox-2, and Oct-4 in adipose-derived stem
mouse bone marrow stromal cells166 cells.183 Recently, we have also observed direct repro-
•• Increase in genetic markers for differentiation in gramming of human dermal skin fibroblasts into car-
human osteoprogenitor cells167 diac, neuronal and skeletal muscle lineages.184 The
•• Increased expression of Osterix and IGF-1 genes effects occurred at the transcriptional level, enhanc-
in rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells168 ing gene expression of a set of cardiogenic/neurogenic
•• Increased expression of osteogenic regulatory genes, including Mef2c, Tbx5, Gata4, and prodynor-
gene cbfa1 in human bone marrow mesenchymal phin, and also the transcription of neurogenin1 and
stem cells169 myoD, essential for neuronal and skeletal muscle lin-
•• Up-regulation of cardiac markers such as tropo- eage specification respectively. Also, a biphasic action
nin I and myosin heavy chain, decrease in angio- on pluripotency genes was observed, enhancing the
genic markers such as vascular endothelial expression of Nanog, Sox2, Oct4, and cMyc during the
growth factor and kinase domain receptor in car- first 6 to 20 hours, while persistently downregulating
diac stem cells170 this gene program after 24 hours.184 These results sug-
•• Up-regulation of expressions of Bmp1, Bmp7 gest that human non-stem somatic adult cells can be
mRNA and down-regulation of Egf, Egfr in reprogrammed to a pluripotent state without being
murine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells171 “frozen” in such an intermediate condition but rather
•• Altered gene expression in human mesenchymal becoming rapidly committed to a high yield of fates
stem cells and chondrocytes172 that are crucial for the development of regenerative
•• Alterations in transcript levels of the apoptosis- medicine. Our more recent studies have also shown a
related bcl-2, bax, and cell cycle regulatory reduction in expression of senescence-associated beta-
GADD45 genes in embryonic stem cell-derived galactosidase, a persistence of fibroblast-like morphol-
neural progenitor cells173 ogy typical of human adipose-derived stem cells,185
•• Up-regulation of c-jun, p21 and egr-1 mRNA and downregulation in beta-galactosidase expression
gene expression levels in pluripotent embryonic and the senescence mediator genes p16INK4, ARF,
stem cells174 p53, and p21(CIP1).186 The results could suggest a new
•• Alterations in gene expression through an EMF- method to counteract in vivo aging of tissue-resident
activated free radical mechanism and175 or transplanted stem cells playing an important role
•• Increased expression of p21(WAF1/CIP1), cdk5 in clinical treatment of age-related processes.
and cyp19 genes, involved in neuronal differen- While it is clear that EMFs can have significant
tiation176 effects on stem cell gene expression, the mechanisms
•• Increased ALP gene expression and other osteo- of action remain unclear, and much further work is
genic markers in bone marrow-derived human needed to identify the conditions for which specific
mesenchymal stem cells175 genes might be expressed or inhibited. Importantly,
•• Enhanced expression of ACTN2, alpha-actin and the EMF effects on stem cell gene expression summa-
TNNT2 in rat bone marrow-derived mesenchy- rized here were observed for many different nonther-
mal stem cells178 mal EMF amplitudes, frequencies and waveform
•• Induction of differentiation of mesenchymal shapes, yet only two experiments sought to methodi-
stem cells into cardiomyocyte-like cells179 cally study the effects of altering the EMF exposure
•• Differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesen- conditions.168,179 It should be noted that one such
chymal stem cells into chondrocyte-like cells180 study reported optimal effects at a specific ampli-
•• Increased expression of GATA-4 and Nkx-2.5 car- tude,168 in accord with theoretical suggestions that
diac lineage-promoting genes in embryonic resonance amplitudes and frequencies are likely to be
stem cells181 interrelated.49,50,85,86 One set of trials was able to opti-
mize the ability for rat bone marrow mesenchymal
Notably, in the past 2 years, several groups have stem cells to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells
reported that EMF exposure could coax mesenchymal by selecting the appropriate EMF treatment dura-
stem cells toward cardiac myocite-like and chondro- tion.182 Related results reported that 6-hour EMF expo-
cyte-like gene expression,179,180,182 suggesting the pos- sures yielded significant effects on gene expression,
sibility of reprogramming stem cells toward specific whereas 48-hour exposures produced no effects, sug-
destinies different than their native fates. Experiments gesting “compensatory mechanisms at the transla-
from our group found similar results, using a 2.4 GHz tional and posttranslational level.”173 In light of the
electrode directly immersed in the cell culture medi- current state of knowledge of amplitude and frequency
um. For these exposure conditions, we observed resonances/windows for nonthermal EMFs in general,
enhanced transcription of prodynorphin, GATA-4, these results collectively suggest the possibility of
Nkx-2.5, VEGF, HGF, vWF, neurogenin-1 and myoD, designing specific EMF signals and dosing regimens
indicating commitment toward cardiac, vascular, neu- targeting specific gene expression. Clearly, much fur-
ronal and skeletal muscle lineages and alteration in ther work is required to determine if there is an EMF

46 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


“language” that would enable EMF signals to be config- Just as EMF sensitivity in cells is coupled to the
ured to upregulate or downregulate specific genes. existence of endogenous EMF fields, mechano-sensi-
Notably, the majority of the reports summarized here tivity observed in cells might be tied to an endogenous
were published in the last 3 years, reflecting the cellular language of vibration wherein cells express
remarkably rapid progress currently being made in nanovibrational signatures of their health and differ-
laboratories around the world. The ability to repro- entiating potential. The developing field of “sonocy-
gram or determine cell fate using EMFs has several tology” refers to the use of atomic force microscopy
distinct advantages over conventional biological (AFM) to record audiofrequency nanomolecular
approaches. For example, cell reprogramming could be vibrations at the cell surface,199 making it possible to
achieved without potentially risky viral vector-mediat- gain information on the integrity and local nanome-
ed gene delivery or protein transduction.187 Moreover, chanical properties of living cellular membranes
this strategy avoids the persistence of stray cells that under a variety of metabolic conditions.199 This tech-
haven’t fully differentiated and might have the ability nique can image biological samples with sub-nanome-
to turn into an unwanted cell type, like a tumor or a ter resolution in the natural aqueous environment,
cell that doesn’t fulfill the desired requirement(s) for a detecting and applying small forces with high sensi-
targeted tissue repair. tivity, and changes in vibrational frequencies observed
using AFM have been shown to be dependent on cel-
Cell Reprogramming with Sound Vibration lular metabolism.200 In yeast and bacterial cells, cel-
The cytoskeleton plays an important role in lular activity, metabolism, growth, and morphoge-
defining the mechanical and functional features of netic changes are associated with specific nanome-
cells, regulating transport and governing a variety of chanical patterns of vibration observable at the cell
cellular processes, including mitosis and meiosis. The surface,199,200 and differentiation in cardiac myocytes
intrinsic dynamic properties of the cytoskeleton and has been observed to correspond to changes in audio-
the role it plays in cellular regulation through ampli- range vibrations that may be detected using AFM.199
tude and frequency modulation of spontaneous oscil- Also, stem cells directed to cardiac myocyte differen-
latory patterns (eg, by fluctuations in intracellular tiation begin to beat at a particular point in differen-
calcium homeostasis described above) also make tiation. This beating motion requires a major reorga-
cells exquisite detectors of mechanical vibrations.188 nization of the cell cytoskeleton and in turn a signifi-
For example, recent studies have reported that spe- cant change in cellular nanomechanical properties.
cific in vitro human mesenchymal stem cells form Other examples of cellular processes that can be mea-
multicellular structures in response to applied cyclic sured with AFM include activation of platelets, exocy-
strain mechanical signals,189 and the mechanosens- tosis, movement of cells, and cell division, as a spectro-
ing apparatus of stem cells is different from that of scopic measuring tool for chromosomes, chromatin,
differentiated cells,188 suggesting that innovative and DNA,201 and as “nanocytology,” ie, employing
strategies based on targeted modulation of stem cell AFM as a possible means of detecting cancer cells and
mechanosensors could be selective for tissue repair. other pathologies.202
Importantly, there is now ample evidence that Along these lines, we have demonstrated and pat-
mechanical forces and audiofrequency stimulation ented the use of AFM to detect and interact with cells’
can alter gene expression, determine cell fate, and audio-range nanomechanical signatures as an indica-
promote the healing of injured tissues, as evidenced tion of their health and differentiating potential.199
by reports of osteogenic differentiation in mesenchy- We are currently developing the hypothesis that appli-
mal stem cells,190 enhanced expression of osteoblas- cation of information using nanoprobes or nanopat-
tic genes involved in bone formation and remodeling terned substrates may inhibit, enhance, or direct cel-
in human periodontal ligament stem cells,191 modu- lular differentiation via modulation of cellular nano-
lation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation,192 mechanical activity. Previous suggestions of an intrin-
increased expression of extracellular matrix proteins sic relationship between protein allosteric transitions
type I collagen and decorin and enhanced myotube and their low-frequency motions203 could thus be
formation,193 regulation of mesenchymal stem cell expanded to include a wide range of bioinformation
fate using treatment regimen to target rapid cellular “sounds” from cells/tissues/organs, suggesting the pos-
adaptation,194 differentiation of umbilical mesenchy- sibility of applying such sounds or “biomusic” toward
mal stem cells into neural cells,195 differentiation of targeted outcomes from suitable cell populations.199
adipose tissue–derived mesenchymal stem cells into These strategies may represent a new tool to allow
neural cells,196 differentiation of human adipose– selective tuning of cell/tissue/organ homeostasis, pav-
derived stem cells (hASCs) into osteoblasts,197 and ing the way for the use of sound physics and music for
differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells toward optimization as a cell therapy in regenerative medi-
bone-forming cells.198 This suggests a rationale for cine. Also, it is interesting to note that parallels have
using mechanical vibrations and sound as a tool to been drawn between traditional Chinese medicine
modulate the rhythm of cellular mechanics and affect (TCM) and sonocytology, with the suggestion that
cell growth and fate. nanotechnology may shed light upon the acupuncture

Review www.gahmj.com • March 2014 • Volume 3, Number 2 47


meridian system and contribute to the modernization structures and thus regulating specific cellular activi-
of TCM techniques, including those that traditionally ties. Specific epigenetic modifications of chromatin
use musical tones for preventive treatment of dis- regions would thus relay specific chromosome rear-
ease.204 Cumulatively, the results found using AFM rangements to upstream signals, resulting in altera-
techniques support the hypothesis that cell decisions tions of both sub-nuclear chromatin and chromosome
are not restricted to biochemical effectors, but can be structures. The recent identification of the ubiquity of
orchestrated though nanomechanical regulators, and the TC network141 provides further support for the
exposure to specific acoustic-range vibrational modes existence of a system of EMF-vibratory intercellular
or “music” may represent a worthy field of investiga- regulation via a dense and highly convoluted dynamic
tion for “informative reprogramming” of cellular cytoskeletal complex containing abundant microfila-
behavior. If such nanomechanical bioinformation can ments, microtubules, and the filament protein vimen-
be identified, then nanomechanical/EMF patterns tin.41 Such intercellular regulation is also reflected in
orchestrating stem cell commitment and differentia- the suggestion that electrical signaling activity within
tion might be retained and stored as an informative the neuronal cytoskeletal framework may be essential
“nanomechanical signature” of the “sounds” or “music” for understanding the rapid changes of functional neu-
emitted and functionally received by cells and organs. ronal connectivity necessary for cognition.142 These
Such sounds might communicate the informational dramatic findings strongly suggest that the cytoskele-
memory of the biofield and be used to enhance regula- ton provides synchronization, coordination, and rec-
tion of a variety of processes including differentiation, ognition patterns across multiple sources of vibration.
stem cell reprogramming, and the maintenance and A picture continues to emerge wherein molecular
manipulation of homeostasis. EMF vibrations and sounds, or “biomusic” oscillations,
communicate a symphony of regulatory bio-informa-
Bioinformation: Towards a New Language tion, governing activities from the atomic and molecu-
of Vibration lar to cellular and multicellular levels. Thus, the con-
In this article, we have presented a portion of the cept of a field, borrowed from physics, may be the most
large and extremely rapidly growing body of evidence appropriate means of describing the dynamic bio-
suggesting the existence of a vibrational bioinforma- information network, or “biofield,” intimately involved
tion regulation system operating across the subcellu- in regulating many vital biological processes.
lar, cellular and organismic levels. To reiterate, it has One fundamental aspect of the concept of biofield
been clearly demonstrated that the microtubular cyto- regulation is the move from a mechanical, chemistry-
skeleton has functional electronic properties beyond based view of biology in which all significant activity
the stabilization of cellular shape, that endogenous results from reaction rates driven by chemical concen-
EMFs generated by the intracellular network of micro- trations, to an information-based view, wherein bio-
tubules, centrosomes and chromosomes play a funda- chemical activity occurs in resonant modulation with
mental role in regulating the dynamics of mitosis and EMF-related cytoskeletal vibrations. This new, bio-
meiosis,139 and that endogenous EMFs in the nuclear field-based view also reflects the more information-
DNA-containing chromatin also play a key role in based findings of weak, nonthermal EMF resonance
chromosome packing during the mitotic cell-cycle interactions, wherein effects occur in specific ampli-
phase.205 EMFs thus play a fundamental role in the low tude/frequency windows determined by the overall
audiofrequency asymmetric oscillations forming the structure and function of the system, rather than
basis for translational movements and configurational through the linear deposition of energy.49,85,86 Thus,
changes in nuclear chromatin domains (ChDs).206 The the concept of biofield regulation suggests a view on
mechanisms by which weak nonthermal EMFs’ bioef- biology wherein even very weak, or “subtle” signals
fects can occur have been more clearly elucidat- and energies of interaction can have significant effects.
ed,49,50,85,86 and the demonstration that NO modulates This is supported also by the existence of the pT-nT
chromatin folding in human endothelial cells, sug- EMF effects summarized above, the remarkable pico-
gests one pathway by which exogenous EMF- molar sensitivity observed for NO signaling and the
modulated NO activity could play a direct role in the clinical significance of the wide range of correlations
regulation of gene expression. with solar and geomagnetic activity. Sensitivity to
The cytoskeleton acts as a dynamic bioinforma- such subtle sources of information may also shed light
tion “track,” promoting molecular and information upon the growing number of reports of nonlocal neu-
transport in and out of the nucleus, and across the cell, ral correlations between spatially separated human
enabling regulation of the expression of transcription- subjects207-209 and human neurons adhering to printed
al regulators and transcription factors. Through the circuit boards.210 Experiments performed with shield-
mechanism described above, ChDs may cluster togeth- ing suggest that these effects are not mediated by
er if they share appropriate oscillatory patterning, and EMFs207,210 and thus might involve some form of
thus the vibratory information contained in ChD quantum entanglement.211 However, a comprehensive
dynamics could function as an organizer, determining biological theory of nonlocal connections would
the shape and dynamics of higher-order chromatin require the existence of a “subtle” biofield system

48 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


capable of responding in an informationally meaning- psychosocial genomics has been introduced to describe
ful manner to extremely weak inputs to yield corre- the developing field of inquiry into the modulating
lated higher-level EEG activity. A link between the effects of human experience on gene expression.218,219
cytoskeletal biofield system and brain activity is sup- A review of successful psychotherapeutic methods
ported by the suggestion of biologically “orchestrated” identified five areas of biological change that are
coherent quantum processes in collections of microtu- directly dependent upon precise shifts in gene expres-
bules as a possible source of the observed EEG corre- sion220 and it has been shown that human emotions
lates of consciousness.212 This suggests the possibility such as loneliness are correlated with down-regula-
that the cytoskeletal biofield information system tion of genes bearing anti-inflammatory glucocorti-
described here may be merely a narrow glimpse of a coid response elements and up-regulation of genes
much larger view of the role of mind and body in the bearing response elements for pro-inflammatory
connections between individuals, society, our planet, NF-kappaB/Rel transcription factors.221
and the Cosmos. Ample evidence already exists that psychological
and psychosocial factors do in fact influence gene
From a Functional Genomic Perspective to expression. Growing interest in the clinical benefits of
Human Well-Being yoga, meditation, tai chi, and relaxation practices has
Biological regulation requires multilevel, multi- brought forth a flood of new studies, and is beginning
directional information processing. For example, the to show that mind-body disciplines can also modulate
nervous system uses both afferent and efferent activi- gene expression.220 Of particular interest to the topics
ty in sensory and activatory feedback and feed-for- we have presented above, one study considered two
ward mechanisms, and actions as diverse as enzymatic psychological states in opposition to each other: threat
activity, gene expression, phosphorylation, and cyto- awareness and mindfulness meditation.222 This study
kine activity employ simultaneous excitatory and examined the effects of these two psychological states
inhibitory actions to create robust systems capable of on effects on cellular aging, with one measure of aging
generating temporal activity and detecting relative, being telomere length (a measure of longevity at the
rather than absolute, changes in activity.213 In gene chromosomal level), finding that mindfulness medita-
expression, such positive and negative feedback and tion can reduce telomeric shortening, decrease stress
feed-forward loops have been shown to produce regu- arousal, and upregulate hormonal factors that may
latory systems of astonishing complexity, rendering promote telomere maintenance.223 Genetic profiling in
understanding of the function of regulation pathways whole blood from subjects practicing deep relaxation
difficult or impossible, and complicating the interpre- has shown significant alterations in cellular metabo-
tation of experimental data.214 A “systems biology” lism, oxidative phosphorylation, generation of reactive
approach has been suggested as a means of obviating oxygen species, and response to oxidative stress that
some of these difficulties,215 suggesting a more holis- may counteract cellular damage related to chronic psy-
tic perspective integrating mathematical modeling chological stress.224 Other studies of yoga and medita-
with experimental and clinical results to better under- tion practices have provided a large body of evidence
stand complex problems in biology.216 In a similar for psychological and physiological effects,225 and a
vein, the evidence we have presented for bioregula- recent review has summarized changes in gene expres-
tion via rhythms and oscillatory patterns extending sion from yoga and meditative practices222 and in
from the single-cell to the organismic levels suggests peripheral blood lymphocytes,226 lending further sup-
also that a reverse flow of information may occur, port to the notion that yogic/meditative practices can
from the macro to micro levels. This is supported by modulate gene expression at the molecular level. Other
observations that emotions are intimately correlated genetically relevant observations associated with yoga
with physiology, and in particular, that cultivation of and meditative practices are a reduction in inflamma-
positive emotions can produce beneficial changes in a tory cytokine IL-6 in regular practitioners of yoga227
wide variety of physiological, neurological and psy- and a reduced sense of loneliness and decrease in the
chological parameters.6 Thus, human feelings, loneliness-correlated pro-inflammatory NF-κB-related
thoughts, psychological attributes, and perhaps even gene expression in older adults.228 A study on the
life choices may resonate with the molecular cellular effects of laughter and meditation found that laughter
level and affect even these most subtle processes of decreased markers for progression of diabetic complica-
life.217 Although the idea that higher-level activities tions, with concomitant changes in the expression of
such as thoughts and feelings could affect gene expres- relevant genes, and meditation altered the expression
sion may seem radical, substantial evidence exists of genes associated with cellular metabolism and oxida-
supporting just such a confluence of psychology, neu- tive stress, suggesting the inhibition of cell injury due
roscience, and molecular genetics. For example, to chronic stress.229 In addition, genomic profiling of
numerous investigations of neuroplasticity have neutrophil transcripts in Falun Gong Qigong practitio-
shown that the adult brain can continue to form new ners showed enhanced immunity, downregulation of
neural connections and grow new neurons in response cellular metabolism, and alteration of apoptotic genes
to learning or training even into old age, and the term in favor of a rapid resolution of inflammation.230

Review www.gahmj.com • March 2014 • Volume 3, Number 2 49


Also, a remarkable study recently found that the explain the data presented here, and is essential also
human body is able to distinguish at the molecular for a deeper understanding of Life. While science has
level between two different internal states: eudai- made extraordinary technical progress in recent years,
monic well-being, derived from “striving toward it has thus far provided only a fragmented picture of
meaning and a noble purpose beyond simple self- the living world, often with little or no connection
gratification,” as compared to hedonic well-being, that between closely related fields. As scientific knowledge
which is derived from “positive affective experi- has become more detailed and specific, this has forced
ence.”231 Although hedonic and eudaimonic well- researchers to focus upon smaller and smaller domains.
being produced similar subjective feelings of happi- This growth in specialization has created numerous,
ness, they were found to engage distinct gene regula- highly specialized scientific journals, often reaching
tory programs. In particular, the CTRA gene expres- only very specific groups of researchers. Although this
sion profile is characterized by increased expression of trend toward specialization is a necessary result of the
genes involved in inflammation, decreased expression tremendous growth in scientific knowledge we are
of genes involved in type I IFN antiviral responses, now experiencing, it has also made it more difficult for
and decreased IgG1 antibody synthesis, and is associ- scientists from different fields to communicate, and
ated with inflammation-mediated cardiovascular, has created a fragmented picture of the living world
neurodegenerative, and neoplastic diseases and resis- that ironically has made some scientific analyses more
tance to viral infections. In this study, the CRTA pro- removed from life itself.
file was down-regulated in subjects evincing a eudai- The data point toward a new paradigm that recon-
monic pattern and upregulated in subjects with a ciles this disconnected situation. Such a new paradigm
hedonic well-being profile,231 suggesting a distinct would be capable of unifying a variety of disciplines
change in gene expression with deep emotional con- and revealing the interconnections between the living
tent. Hence, not only chemicals and physical energies world, the social world, and the physical universe.
like EMFs and sound vibrations, but even our emo- Such a paradigm, based on interconnectedness, implies
tions, thoughts, beliefs, and the way we develop our a deep transformation of the human-nature relation-
intentions and life rhythms can deeply transform our ship, holds the promise of imbuing science with a
gene expression patterning at the cellular level. This greater sense of meaning, and is likely to help bring
finding may disclose unexpected chances to develop about a significant shift in medical and therapeutic
self-healing processes based on further utilization of approaches. One example is the clear evidence from
this remarkable human potential. psychosocial genomics that gene expression can be
modulated not only by nonthermal EMFs and sound
Conclusions: Time for a New Paradigm in vibrations, but also through the activities of mind,
Science emotion, music, art, ritual, culture, and spiritual life.232
In this review, we have drawn upon several new That these factors can alter gene expression—an action
discoveries in biophysics, biology, epigenetics, neuro- occurring at the most basic level of living existence—
science, psychology, and psychosomatics. Although also holds great promise for the development of medi-
many pieces of the puzzle have yet to be elucidated, we cal therapies that account for each person’s unique
suggest that taken together, these findings point to the emotional, physical, and social needs. Indeed, this
existence of a subtle “biofield” information processing development is already well underway and is evi-
system that is intimately involved in the regulation of denced by a deepening understanding of the efficacy of
basic biological processes, from the molecular to “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM)
organismic levels. We also note how these connec- practices232 and growing acceptance within the bio-
tions suggest an essential link between the heart and medical community that CAM practices can be effec-
the mind, between emotions and cognition. We have tively integrated into mainstream medicine.”233
noted how these connections extend even to the inter- In order to encourage a medical tradition that
personal and cosmic levels, with the development of incorporates understanding of the patient’s mental,
psychosocial genomics and the growing body of evi- emotional, and interpersonal life, sensitivity and com-
dence for correlations between individuals and the passion are needed on the part of the healer. Such a
natural geomagnetic environment of the Earth and medicine crosses the boundary of Science and Art, as
Sun. The paradigm emerging here moves from a pure- the doctor’s own sensitivity, clear understanding, and
ly biochemical viewpoint, based solely upon physical capacity for pathos would play an important role. And
concepts of energy and momentum transfer and their just as music can have the capacity to touch our deep-
implications for biochemistry, to a holistic, informa- est sentiments, and evoke feelings across the entire
tion-based paradigm. Much as a whisper might carry spectrum of human emotion, as scientists begin to
more gravitas than shouted words, science may now be understand the language of health, emotions, and
uncovering the basic principles of a more subtle infor- heart rate variability,6 and begin to decode the lan-
mational biology in which specific signaling behaviors guage of cellular vibrations and biofield information,
can carry the power for healing. it may be possible to develop new forms of healing. As
We suggest that such a holistic view is required to healers have used music for therapeutic purposes for

50 Volume 3, Number 2 • March 2014 • www.gahmj.com Review


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