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“PATIENT 2828”

Name: BUCOT, MARIA ALIZAH L. Time: WF 10:00am – 11:30am


1. The culture and values of the Filipino people in terms of responding the crisis.

Howie himself, may be very courages in the outside, but he seems to be also nervous not only for himself
but also for his family. The frontliners were so selfless. They have every choice not to work for their safety, but
they still opted to go through those dangerous measures to fight the said disease and end this pandemic. It’s
very usual for Filipinos to treat each other, may it be someone they totally don’t know, as a family or friend,
especially at times like this. Being hospitable and caring are one of the traits of the Filipinos which I am really
proud of. Filipinos have a very strong heart. One of the frontliners with Howie endured every day without his
family. Even when he has a very little kid waiting for him at home. The frontliner chose to save lives when he
can’t even save time for his own family.
But again, there are still people who seemed to be selfish and they discriminate some health workers. They
think that the frontliners are with high risk, but it should not be that way. What the frontliners need now is
support and understanding from their fellow Filipinos. Filipinos are also very patient. Since there are no
transportation vehicles due to lockdown, some would even walk many kilometers just to serve their country.
Truly, Filipinos may lack in some things as a community, but when things like this happen, the camaraderie
between all of them are indeed unbreakable. Not to mention, their undying faith to God who gives everyone
hope in this crisis they face.

2. The culture and values of the government officials in terms of responding the crisis.
The government may be a bit late to responding or addressing the problem but now they are really trying
their best to be able to beat COVID 19 as one. All agencies that are co-equals became one. All families whether
poor, in middle class or rich ones became united to heal as one. I am also in awe with our government officials
who are truly sincere in relaying important news for the country. They have been very patient and calm when it
comes to addressing nationwide issues.
The government imposed a lockdown to all areas affected which entails that thay are more concern on the
welfare and health of the Filipinos. The economy will surely rise again soon, but now lives of many are more
important than earning profits. Money is without worth without life. Many corporations affiliated to the
government showed their social responsibility for their fellow Filipinos. Some helped in kind, some helped by
giving donations, and some have helped voluntarily even if there’s a high risk of danger.
There may be times when people in the government disagree to a certain issue, but now, wherein it is the
lives of the Filipinos who are at sake, we can say that they are actually doing the best that they can.

3. Your own personal assessment and evaluation about how Howie Severino succeed in
fighting for COVID19.
Howie, upon showing symptoms, did not hesitate to go to the hospital. His fever is not getting any better
that’s why he promptly let himself be checked. It was very unusual for him since he was very careful when the
outbreak comes.It may be hard for him but he understands very well that he should be isolated even with his
family. Howie didn’t directly say that he was scared but according to his wife he’s been saying things that his
body is already very weak and that he’s almost having a hard time eduring the pain. Howie is not just depending
himself to the frontliners. He may be suffering a lot but he wants to help himself to be able to survive the disease.
Indeed, we cannot just depend ourselves to people who are also at risk at times like this. We have to help
ourselves in order to recover faster and be of help to those who sacrifice a lot just to help others as well.

4. What ethical principle you adopt in your assessment and evaluation? And why?

ü Concern and care for others/Responsibility to other people
One of the most vital ethical principle that must be present now to the Filipinos is being
concerned and responsible for other people. The urge to help others at times like this is one of the best
principles a person has to hold. Even if people have different beliefs, different perception in life, they
become one when its the lives of many are put into sake.

ü Honesty
Being honest is also important especially those who have been suspected with the corona virus
disease. It will help the frontliners to detect its source and to stop the possible passing of the contagious

ü Law abiding
There is a Bayanihan Act: To Heal as One law that has been imposed now which entails all cities
and provinces that are affected with the disease to impose a lockdown or a quarantine. Also, the social
distancing and wearing of mask as part of its implementation. Many people have been obedient to the
rules. But some people are just so selfish and still go against the laws. It must be strictly obeyed if we
want to end this pandemic.

ü Fairness
The government officials who are giving aids to the people affected by this pandemic should be
fair when it comes to allocating their resources. Also when it comes to testing due to a probable disease,
there should not be VIP testings. Treatment for all people should be equal and should be available for
the all people whether you’re poor or rich..

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