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PRACTICAL practice 45 minutes 40 MARKS

1. Create a folder on the desktop and name it using the following format/structure:
STUDENTID#_Group. For example: 999999-1111-4444_BS
2. Download and save the database file provided to the created folder on your desktop
3. Right-Click and Rename the Database File in your folder using the format/structure - STU-
DENTID#_ Group. For example: 999999-1111-4444_BS [2m]
4. Open the renamed database file in your folder.
5. Create relationships between the tables and enforce referential integrity. Figure 1 [3m]

Figure 1 - Table Relationships

6. Create the following queries:

a. What are the products that cost more than a hundred dollars? Name this query
Q1Product100. Display only the Products’ names. Name this query Q1Prod100.
b. What are the category 6 items that are supplied by Ma Maison? Display only Category
ID, Company Name and Product Name. Name this query Q2MaCat6 [8m]
c. Create a parameter query that when given a reorder level, it displays Product Name and
Unit Price of that item. The Reorder Amount is not required in the results. Name this que-
ry Q3ParaReOrd. [3m]
d. Produce a query with a new field called INCPRICE that shows the increased Unit Price
of all categories 1 or 2 items by 10%. You should show all products along with the old
and new Unit Prices. Name this query Q4UpdateCat. [6m]
e. Show the maximum stock value greater than zero for all suppliers of products. Name this
query Q5MaxStckValue. [5m]
7. Create a FORM (Figure 2) with a sub-form that shows the Suppliers’ information and all the
products that they provide. [3m]
Figure 2 – An example / Sample of Required Form

8. Create a report that shows the Company names and Contact person (i.e. First Name and Last
Name) of the Suppliers for all products (i.e. Product Id and Product Name) grouped and sorted
by Category. [ 6m]


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