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1. As part of your systems analysis project to update the automated

accounting functions for Xanadu Corporation, a maker of digital
cameras, you will interview Leo Blum, the chief accountant. Write four
to six interview objectives covering his use of information sources,
information formats, decision-making frequency, desired qualities of
information, and decision-making style.

Interview objectives

1.1 The input/output can be standardized.

1.2 The speed and respective reliability for information can be


1.3 The style to make decisions can become more flexible.

1.4 The decision support can be improved by efficient decision


1.5 The information gathering system becomes more efficient.

a. In a paragraph, write down how you will approach Leo to set

up an interview.

For setting the interview, first of all, I will make a phone call to
Leo in order to ask his acceptance to get interviewed. If he
agrees, then I will ask for his availability day and time to conduct
the interview. I will explain and specify the general objectives and
expected outcomes to Leo. A day before the interview, I will
reconfirm the time and place with Leo.

b. State which structure you will choose for this interview. Why?

Diamond-shaped structure. Because diamond-shaped structure

is a combination of funnel and pyramid structure. Using this
form, I can begin with very detailed, often closed, questions.
Then I can expand the topics by allowing open-ended questions
and more generalized responses. This is where I can discuss the
objective of the interview. Finally, a conclusion can be formed
related to all the objectives obtained.


c. Leo has four subordinates who also use the system. Would
you interview them also? Why or why not?

Yes, i would interview them also. This is because there are only
four subordinates. But most importantly, all users play a very
important role in the development of a system. Thus, they should
be interviewed. Apart from that, the complete requirements of the
system can be understood easily by interviewing all the four

d. Write three open-ended questions that you will email to Leo

prior to your interview. Write a sentence explaining why it is
preferable to conduct an interview in person rather than via

Open-ended questions:

1. How can the information quality of received information

can be improved?

2. What are the problems currently facing in order to

receive the information?

3. What type of information is required in order for Leo to

make the decisions?

It is better to have an interview rather than via email because

a face-face interview can steer the story. I may have a list of
questions to ask, but as the interview progresses I may find
out new information by listening carefully which can lead to
more questions to be asked and it can steer the interview in
interesting direction. Another reason would be because face-face
to interview is more professional. By conducting interviews in
person, I am respecting my own profession. It also shows my
interviewee that I am professional and I value them as I am
willing to take time to meet them.


2. Examine the interview structure presented in the sequencing of
the following questions:

2.1 How long have you been in this position?


2.2 What are your key responsibilities?


2.3 What reports do you receive?


2.4 How do you view the goals of your department?


2.5 How would you describe your decision-making process?


2.6 How can that process best be supported?


2.7 How frequently do you make those decisions?


2.8 Who is consulted when you make a decision?


2.9 What is the one decision you make that is essential

to departmental functioning?

a. What structure is being used? How can you tell?

The structure being used is diamond-shaped structure. It started

with closed questions, followed by open-ended questions and
finally ended with closed questions.

b. Restructure the interview by changing the sequence of the

questions (you may omit some if necessary). Label the reordered
questions with the name of the structure you have used.

Pyramid structure.

1. How long have you been in this position?

2. What are your key responsibilities?


3. How would you describe your decision-making process?

4. How frequently do you make those decisions?

5. Who is consulted when you make a decision?

6. What reports do you receive?

7. How can that process best be supported?

8. What is the one decision you make that is

essential to departmental functioning?

9. How do you view the goals of your department?

3. A sample question from the draft of the Powhatan Power

Company questionnaire reads:

I have been with the company:

20 years or upward
10 to 15 years
5 to 10 years upward
Less than a year
Check one that most applies.

a. What kind of a scale is the question’s author using?

Nominal scale

b. What errors have been made in the construction of the question,

and what might be the possible responses?

Missing interval. No number at the side of the scale for the

respondent to choose the answer.

c. Rewrite the question to achieve clearer results.

I have been with the company:

20-upward years
10-15 years upward
5-10 years upward
Less than a year
More than 20 years


d. Where should the question you’ve written appear on the

Below the question

4. Also included on the PPC questionnaire is this question:

When residential customers call, I always direct them to our Web site to
get an answer.

Sometimes Never Always Usually

1 2 3 4

a. What type of scale is this one intended to be?

Interval scale

b. Rewrite the question and possible responses to achieve

better results.

How often do you direct residential customers to our Website

to get an answer when they call?

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5

5. Cab Wheeler is a newly hired systems analyst with your group. Cab has
always felt that questionnaires are a waste. Now that you will be doing a
systems project for MegaTrucks, Inc., a national trucking firm with
branches and employees in 130 cities, you want to use a questionnaire
to elicit some opinions about the current and proposed systems.

a. Based on what you know about Cab and MegaTrucks, give three
persuasive reasons why he should use a survey for this study.

1. It is an information-gathering technique that allows

system analysts to know the requirements of the users
for the new project that is going to develop and get to
know the problem facing by the users with the existing

2. To measure the ideas or opinions about the

community issues related to initiative.

3. A large number of people using the system so survey will


make it easier to get their input and to tabulate responses.

b. Given your careful arguments, Cab has agreed to use a

questionnaire but strongly urges that all questions be open-
ended so as not to constrain the respondents. In a paragraph,
persuade Cab that closed questions are useful as well. Be sure
to point out tradeoffs involved with each question type.

Reasons why closed questions are useful

1. Data obtained will be appropriate for generation

precisely and reliable data can be obtained

2. A large number of people and when a large amount of

data is to be collected. Thus, closed questions will help
cover the large area of respondents quickly.

3. Easy to compare interviews.

4. Obtain relevant data

Trade Offs

Open-ended Closed questions


Fast Speed compilation Slow

High Breadth and depth Low

Easy Ease of preparation Difficult

Difficult Ease of analysis Easy


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