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Jayvee R.


1. What is Corona Virus? Explain.

Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause
disease. A newly identified type has caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness now
called COVID-19 that started in China.
COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever and shortness of breath. COVID-19
can be severe, and some cases have caused death.
The new corona virus can be spread from person to person. It is diagnosed with a
laboratory test. There is no coronavirus vaccine yet. Prevention involves frequent hand
washing, coughing into the bend of your elbow and staying home when you are sick

2. How coronavirus destroy human beings?

For most patients, COVID-19 begins and ends in their lungs, because like the flu,
coronaviruses are respiratory diseases.
In the early days of an infection, the novel coronavirus rapidly invades human
lung cells. Those lung cells come in two classes: ones that make mucus and ones with
hair-like batons called cilia. That’s because the earliest studies on COVID-19 have shown
that many patients develop pneumonia in both lungs, accompanied by symptoms like
shortness of breath.
That’s when phase two and the immune system kicks in. aroused by the presence
of a viral invader, our bodies step up to fight the disease by flooding the lungs with
immune cells to clear away the damage and repair the lung tissue.
When working properly, this inflammatory process is tightly regulate and confined
only to infected areas. But sometimes your immune system goes haywire and those cells
kill anything in their way, including your healthy tissue.
During the third phase, lung damage continues to build-which can result in
respiratory failure. Even if death doesn’t occur, some patients survive with permanent
lung damage.

3. How can we avoid getting infected by this virus? List ways and prevention from
*Wash your hands frequently
Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or
wash them with soap and water.

*Maintain social distancing

Maintain at least 1 mater (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is
coughing or sneezing.
*Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands
can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your
body and make you sick.

*Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This
means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or
sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

*If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing,
seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health

*Stay inform and follow advice given by your healthcare provider.

Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given
by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your
employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

4. WHO meaning.
World Health Organization.

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