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Quarantine Diary

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Today was my first day leaving home after a month of quarantine. I was thinking about
making some dessert at home so I went to the family mart near my house. My mom sends me a
video of an egg toast that used only bread, eggs, and cheese. Therefore, I went to the shop to buy
all those materials, but, I have to give up the idea because there was no bread. So, I bought some
snacks instead.
During quarantine, I think my relationship with friends is improving. Since we have more
free time, most of the day, we played games together and talked a lot. Also, I finished lots of
movies and cartoons. I have watched Money heist, Platform, Kuroko’s basketball, etc. I think
online learning is a new experience for me, but I think it makes me more comfortable and if I can
choose I want the school to use this kind of learning.

Wednesday, Aril 29, 2020

I wake up around 7:15 today, a bit early than usual. I was playing the phone on my bed
until 8:00 then go to take a shower. Today was a busy day, I spent most of the time in front of
my Ipad and MacBook. I did take a little walk after lunch and also have an argument with my
grandfather. I was very upset, we were arguing about my hamster that my friend took care of it
for me. I wanted to get it back but my grandfather did not allow me to bring it into the house.
I still have lots of conversation with my friends, we were talking about the elective we
will be choosing for next year. Because of the plenty of work we need to finish, so we did not
play games together as much as usual. Also, I got my first ice cream after quarantine from and
ice cream truck that passed through my house!.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I woke up before the alarm clock again. Last night, I feel worried about the university
after I was talking with a fortuneteller. However, I did not trust for a hundred percent but I think
it is something that warns me. So, I tried to prepare for the university more than usual. First, I
tried to delete all games I was playing with my friends so I can focus more on the IELTS test. I
also tried to manage my time more efficiently, I created a schedule about what I should do and
put a check after I have done it.
I think there were no problems with the relationship between me and my friends because
they understood me. We were still having a conversation through chat but not as much as the
first month of the quarantine.

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