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● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Chrome Music Labs Rhythm Application:
● Slips of paper with “Monkeys (3),” “Blue Rhinos (4)” “Space Devils (5)” “Owls (6)” written
on them
● Percussion equipment


● Students will be able to explore and create music in 3, 4, 5, and 6

● Students will be able to identify if music is in 3, 4, 5, or 6


● Students will: explore the Rhythm Application on their own for five minutes
● Discuss what they noticed about the app
○ “How does it work?” “What can you create with it?” “What are the different
sounds you can make?”
● If not mentioned: ask about the significance of the number of vertical lines in each
pairing of animals
○ Looking for: the number of lines is the number of beats
● Teacher will explain that the app is like a looped measure, and each animal pairing has
a different number of beats in each measure
● Students will: discuss what time signature they believe each animal pairing represents
and why
○ At 5/4, if there is confusion, explain that there can be five beats in a measure and
have the students conduct 2+3 and 3+2 while counting out loud
● Split the class into groups of three and have each group select a piece of paper with one
of the animals on them
○ Students should keep it a secret from the other groups
● Groups will spread out and create a loop in their assigned time signature. The teacher
will be floating around to check on progress and help with any questions or concerns
● Once groups are done, they can select three percussion instruments to perform their
composition with
● Groups will have five minutes to practice their compositions
● Assessment​: Each group will present their composition to the class on their chosen
instruments. The class will listen and write down what time signature they believe the
composition is written in. This will be turned in at the end of class. After every group has
performed, they will reveal their assigned time signature.

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