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nsfer option
Table of contents 


Checking the network ..........................................................................................4 

Transferring clips .................................................................................................4 

Adding clips to OnAir ........................................................................................5 

Sending clips....................................................................................................6 

Preventing transfer ...........................................................................................6 

Color indication ................................................................................................7 

Receiving clips .................................................................................................. 10 


Transfer is designe change off clips bettween slo
ed for exc omo.tv servers.
With th
his option
n the ope
erators ca eive clips and playylists overr a
an send and rece
local network.

The presence of licensed option will

T w be ind
dicated byy an activve <Send

n in Editing
g Control :

In the abssence of option

o license this button will
w be inac
ctive .

Checking the nettwork 

To checkk that the servers are
a prope
erly netwo
orked use
e standarrd Window
tools a
g serverss from ea
ach other. Make sure
s the files on each
e of the
serverr are available for writing and readin
ng (this action
a will require a login and
passw ccess the server).
word to ac
Transfeerring clipss 

The tra
ansfer ac
ction is co
ontrolled by
b <Send
d> button on the in
nterface. On remo

oller use buttton in com
n with <Altt>, <Ctrl>
>, <Shift>

To indica
ate the direction of
o transm
mission lett’s introduce the concept of
er" - this is the server to which the transfe
"maste er is mad
de. This iss a relatiive
ept, since when you
conce u start sending clip
ps from "m
master" to
o anotherr server, th
serverr becomes a "mastter."

C nsfer can be done only from

Clips tran m OnAir. To
T transfe
er a clip or a group of
o the entire playlistt, you must first pla
clips or ace them to OnAir..

Addingg clips to O

To add clip or playylist to OnAir use one of the following:


− Press butto
on in prog
gram inte
− Press Insert key on the keyboard

− Use Add
A ( ) on remo
ote contro

Sending clips 

In OnAir select clip or playlist for transfer and use one of the following:

Key combination Action

Send Transfers selected clip to CG/Paint (6) on "master" server.
The next clip becomes selected.
Alt + Send Transfers selected clip to CG/Paint (6) and to OnAir (8) on
"master". The next clip becomes selected.
Shift + Send Transfers all not transferred clips to CG/Paint (6) on "master"
Alt + Shift + Send Transfers all not transferred clips to CG/Paint (6) and to
OnAir (8) on "master"
Alt + Ctrl + Send Removes indication that the clip was transferred.
The next clip becomes selected..
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Send Sets up server as "master"

Preventing transfer 

To prevent transfer of selected clip use the following:

Key combination Action

Ctrl + Send Transfer of clip will be blocked.

Ctrl + Shift + Send Transfer of all selected clips will be blocked, including the clip
being transferred at the moment.

Color indication 

The color indication of clips in OnAir reflects it status:

Indication Description
Clip in the default (neutral) state.

Selected (active) clip.

Clop selected for transfer (in the transfer que).

Clip marked for transfer and selected at the moment.


Clip being transferred at the moment.

Clip being transferred and selected at the moment.

Already transferred clip.

Already transferred clip selected at the moment.

Below is an example of changing color indication in OnAir.

Initially the first clip was selected, then <Send> was pressed 5 times.
As a result of this action 5 clips, including the first one were selected for transfer.
Immediately after the start of the transfer indication of transferred clips will


Transferred and selected at the moment.


Transfer in process.

Awaiting transfer.

Awaiting transfer.

Default state – no action was selected.

Working with transmitted clips 

Deleting clip from OnAir stops transfer.

Deleting awaiting transfer clip removes it from transfer.

Transfer of clips is made in the order of their selection in OnAir. Clips

selected for transfer first will be transmitted first regardless of their place in

Switching to instant replay mode (pressing on the interface) will

stop transfer. The transfer can resume by selecting any awaiting transfer clip
and pressing <Send>.

The loss of network communication between the servers will suspend

transfers until communication is resumed.
An indication of this is not changing colors of clips in OnAir marked for transfer.

Receiving clips 

Transmitted clips are automatically placed in the tab CG/Paint (6) or, if
derected, in OnAir (8) on the "master" server:
CG/Paint (6) Tab OnAir (8)

Working with Transfer you should consider additional project space

occupied by received clips.

Deleting received clips from CG/Paint (6) will not result in their deletion
from the project.


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