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 Jainism is a philosophy or can be referred as an equisite religion that was founded by
Vardhamana in India near 6th century BC. It also believes in karma, reincarnation and in avoiding
violence whereas Buddhism is a philosophy or can be referred as an elegant religion that was
founded by Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism explains the ways to avoid the sufferings and to
accomplish happiness.
Jainism and Buddhism are indistinguishable in many ways and different in many ways.
Thus, to best understand the difference, one must firstly understand the beliefs of these religions.

Jainism is one of the elder religions of India. The last great saint of Jains is known by Mahavira.
He is regarded as the twenty-forth and last of the Tirthankara (ford-makers), belonging to this
age. The two main sects of Jains are known as ‘Digambaras’ and the ‘Svetambaras’. It is a
religion that teaches a path to spiritual purity through a disciplined mode of life that is based on
the principles of non-violence to all living creatures. The name Jainism derives from the Sanskrit
verb ji, meaning “to conquer.”

Jain philosophy is based upon eternal, universal truths. Jainism philosophy believes that no
supreme divine creator, owner, preserver or destroyer exists.

Buddhism is centered upon the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha; it is a tradition of
practice and spiritual development. Buddhism is a polytheistic religion and it's main aim is to
empower enlightenment. It can also be considered as a religion that is marked by a complex
history, and is known to be based on a system of various beliefs. Buddhism believes in change,
and considers it as a very important ingredient of life. The consequences always reflect the
actions. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

Buddhism is a tradition of practice and spiritual development. It can also be considered as a

religion that is marked by a complex history, and is known to be based on a system of various
beliefs. Buddhism believes in change, and considers it as a very important ingredient of life. The
consequences reflect the actions. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

Place of Buddhist monasteries, temples, shrines. Temple


Place of Indian subcontinent India.


Practices Meditation, the Eightfold Path; right view, Five vows of Truth, Non-violence, Non-stealing,
right aspiration, right speech, right action, Non-attachment, control over desires and senses.
right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, Greater emphasis on non-violence and truth. Also
right concentration follow 3 jewels of Right Perception, Right
Knowledge and Right Conduct

Use of Common. Statues are used as meditation Common.

statues and objects, and revered as they reflect the
pictures qualities of the Buddha.

Goal of To attain enlightenment and be released from To gain liberation and be released from cycle of
religion the cycle of rebirth and death, thus attaining rebirths, adopt a path of non-violence towards all
Nirvana. living beings.

Founder The Buddha (born as Prince Siddhartha) Rishabhdev- 1st Tirthankar in this era, Further
revived by Vardhaman Mahavir- 24th and final
Tirthankar of this era

Belief of The idea of an omniscient, omnipotent, Jainism does not believe in a Creator God.
God omnipresent creator is rejected by Buddhists.
The Buddha himself refuted the theistic
argument that the universe was created by a
self-conscious, personal God.

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