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Education in Bolivia

In all of life, there were several educational reforms by several governments; In fact, these
reforms have always led to a colonial, neoliberal, elitist and discriminatory education.

Education in our country permanently remains a progressive progress, not only in its true

The educational system becomes more and more for the actors of the educational fact, in
each phase of its expansion, the teaching becomes more mechanical, monotonous, obsolete
and irrelevant.

Students discover the irrelevance of their learning when the knowledge acquired in schools
does not serve to apply in their daily lives or simply learning has not been significant. In this
sense, it is deduced that education in our country is simply instructive, the cognitive part of the
student is not developed, the school is not creative until the moment, it does not motivate, it
does not investigate, it does not experiment, it questions us, it does not criticize, does not
draw conclusions.

Despite this bitter reality, the proposals for education reforms continue; Reformers can be
grouped into three categories:

1. Those who try to improve the classroom: methods, equipment or people.

2. The intention to release any bureaucratic imposition and the documents themselves,
parents and certain communities that will learn their children.

3. Try to transform the whole society into a classroom: the new technologies will replace the
closed space of the open market and in the middle of remote education.

In our country and around the world, education is promoted in the name of equality and
justice; It is presented as the best remedy to overcome odious discriminations, abuses,
injustices and inequalities.

However, if analyzed a little, it seems that education produces the opposite, that is, the
division of genders into people who create two groups: the "knowledge capitalists" and the
"dispossessed". The first are those who have all the opportunities and facilities to consume
more knowledge, this group is attributed more value, consideration and respect; and the
second, as always, are the marginalized, discriminated, deceived, who can barely attend basic

This crisis of education in our country can only be overcome and solved. In practice the new
Educational Law "Avelino Siñani - Elizardo Pérez", with the implementation of the new
educational model productive community partner with a praxis education: investigation -
action - reflection; Where children, youth and adults learn or build knowledge among us,
under the guidance of the teacher.

The triumph or failure of education is in the hands of all the actors of the educational act and
of the people as a whole.

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