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WEEE / E-waste Management

Capacity Building Activities by IETC

Mushtaq Ahmed Memon

United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
E-waste Generation Rates
 It is projected that 3 billion electrical and electronic
equipment will become obsolete till 2010 (average
WEEE/E-waste generation rate of 400 million units a
year till 2010).

 Globally, about 20 to 50 million metric tons of WEEE/E-

waste is disposed each year, which is 5% of all municipal
solid waste (Basel Convention).

 Considering 3 percent E-waste growth rate in

developed countries and 8.8 percent growth rates as per
market scenario, the two expected E-waste generation
scenarios shows that E-waste generation will reach 40 to
70 million tons per year by 2015.
United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Management Challenges
1. Most of the countries do not have appropriate WEEE/
E-waste management plans or capacity to implement
plans covering:
- Collection and Transportation
- Dismantling/ Recycling
- Disposal
2. There is a lack of awareness and institutional responses
on resource efficiency and 3R (reduce, reuse and
recycle) for WEEE/E-waste management
3. Quite a few countries still do not have specific WEEE/E-
waste management policy framework and/or capacity to
develop and implement interventions
United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Key Areas for Capacity Building
1.Data collection – technical capacity, cost and time

2.Development and implementation of WEEE/E-

waste management plan based on 3R approach

 Identification of appropriate policies (regulatory

and fiscal) and development of a policy framework

 Identification and implementation of

environmentally sound technologies (EST)

 Risk management, especially for informal sector

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Key Areas for Institutionalization

1.Inventory Cell – Due to dynamic nature of data

2.Implementation of WEEE/E:

 Coordination among various departments

managing different waste streams

 Stakeholders’ participation (waste generators,

service providers, regulators/government, recyclers
and community)

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre


Capacity building of local partners on

E-waste Inventory and Management:
Training and application of manuals
through pilot projects
United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
WEEE/E-waste Inventory
1. E-waste/ WEEE Definition
2. Guidelines for Assessment of WEEE/
E-waste Market
3. Guidelines for Selection of
Methodology for WEEE/ E-waste
4. Guidelines for WEEE/E-waste
Inventory Assessment
5. Case Study 1: WEEE/ E-waste
Inventory Assessment in Cambodia
6. Case Study 2: E-waste assessment
methodology and validation in India
Guidance Notes

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
WEEE/E-waste Management
1. Perspectives of WEEE/E-waste
2. Current Practices of WEEE/E-waste
3. Stages and Technologies for
WEEE/E-waste Management
4. Financing Mechanism of WEEE/E-
waste Management
5. Case Study
Guidance Notes

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Capacity Building Projects
1. Awareness raising on E-waste
2. Capacity building and institutionalization of E-waste
3. Capacity building and institutionalization of E-waste
4. Demonstration project on E-waste management
First Project:
WEEE/E-waste Management in Phnom Penh
United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Awareness Raising
1. Government (National & Local) – All relevant departments
2. Stakeholders (waste generators, service providers, informal and
formal businesses)
3. Civil society and academia
4. Project Team

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Capacity Building
Project team consists of:
• National government (Environment, Industries, Customs, etc.)
• Local government (provincial and local government)
• Local experts from academia and non-profit organizations

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Data/Information Collection
1. WEEE / E-waste Inventory
2. Current management system for WEEE / E-waste
(Policies/Regulations, Institutions, Financing Mechanisms,
Technology and Stakeholders’ role)

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Capacity Building through Fieldwork and Deskwork

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Major EEE Markets in PP

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Mapping of Trade Value Chain

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Scenario Analysis
Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario
Scenario 1: 2: 1: 2: Scenario 1: Scenario 2: 1: 2: 1: 2: 1: 2:
Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory
Year (TV) (TV) (PC) (PC) (MP) (MP) (Ref) (Ref) (Air Con) (Air Con) (WM) (WM)
2006 104907.47 69142.10 111858.79 106781.85 83200.00 19851.35 16464.02 18736.18 26440.24 24058.47
2007 109310.61 85977.85 110495.94 109228.35 138543.96 20821.86 18676.82 19741.84 27718.14 25221.26
2008 144272.21 104907.47 120616.08 111858.79 189756.39 83200.00 21609.34 19851.35 20699.28 18736.18 29057.81 26440.24
2009 179260.95 109310.61 122996.01 110495.94 269227.20 138543.96 26471.10 20821.86 23524.00 19741.84 30462.22 27718.14
2010 215480.22 144272.21 125514.78 120616.08 330980.65 189756.39 25950.54 21609.34 23968.12 20699.28 31934.51 29057.81
2011 251974.02 179260.95 128093.01 122996.01 380627.75 269227.20 27263.19 26471.10 25276.98 23524.00 33477.96 30462.22
2012 277661.25 215480.22 130672.39 125514.78 412976.40 330980.65 28494.58 25950.54 26592.70 23968.12 35096.00 31934.51
2013 306104.71 251974.02 135884.57 128093.01 474922.86 380627.75 30575.25 27263.19 28336.24 25276.98 36641.73 33477.96
2014 327659.82 277661.25 139911.21 130672.39 546161.29 412976.40 32580.81 28494.58 30095.06 26592.70 39244.08 35096.00
2015 347328.58 306104.71 143862.16 135884.57 628085.49 474922.86 33905.56 30575.25 31600.06 28336.24 40882.70 36641.73
2016 361299.89 327659.82 148877.13 139911.21 722298.31 546161.29 46184.10 32580.81 54556.21 30095.06 42764.64 39244.08
2017 454964.75 347328.58 154096.04 143862.16 775737.80 628085.49 65124.09 33905.56 76763.43 31600.06 43713.90 40882.70
2018 501110.51 361299.89 159528.23 148877.13 851637.30 722298.31 68420.98 46184.10 84878.56 54556.21 45971.00 42764.64
2019 548561.95 454964.75 165183.52 154096.04 929820.20 775737.80 71143.02 65124.09 88542.52 76763.43 47835.54 43713.90

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Implementation of the Plan

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Regional Workshop for Asia
1. To provide training on WEEE / E-waste Manuals

2. To Identify the core challenges for Asian countries

3. To facilitate interactive dialogue among major partners

(donors, governments, institutions and private sector)

4. To discuss the focus areas and modalities for capacity

building in Asia-Pacific region countries

5. To discuss the project proposal for “Capacity Building on

WEEE / E-waste Management” in Asia-Pacific

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Project Proposal for Asia-Pacific
Capacity Building:
• E-waste Definition
• E-waste Inventory
• Institutional Arrangements
• Policy Framework / Regulations
• Financing Mechanism
• Technology for Collection, Storage, Recycling & Disposal
• Role of Stakeholders

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Timetable for Project Activities
Activities Duration (months)
1-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
1. Selection of Pilot Countries & Project XX
2. Definition of E-waste and Policy on
Inventory XXXX
3. Draft Policy Framework E-waste XXXX XXXX
4. National Capacity Building XXXX XX
5. Regional Capacity Building XXXX
6. Project Closing and Evaluation XX

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
Modus Operandi for the Project
• This project is in line with UNEP GC Decision 25/8 and Basel
Convention’s Bali Declaration on waste management
• UNEP IETC will be working in partnership with donor governments and
institutions, other UNEP offices including Secretariats for UNEP
administrated Multilateral Environmental Agreements (e.g. Secretariat for
Basel Convention), multilateral and bilateral agencies (e.g. JICA and
ADB), national and local governments, civil society and private sector
• UNEP IETC is pursuing donors to get funding for this project and the
scope and scale of the project will be finalized based on the funding
• To achieve higher resource efficiency for the project activities, UNEP
IETC would mainly develop an in-house project team, including staff of
partner institutions, with minimum outside support from consultants. This
would also ensure capacity building of project team and long-term
commitment and backup support for project partners

United Nations Environment Programme

2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre
ietc@unep.org Thank You…
United Nations Environment Programme
2010/7/12 Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
International Environmental Technology Centre

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