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Iribarren Mansur 1

Domingo Iribarren Mansur

Mrs. Tubbs


12 May 2020

Impact from Composition II

School is a very divisive topic, some people like it and their time there was the of their

lives in their eyes, and for other its something that they’re not interested in or they just didn’t

enjoyed it. I’m going to focus specially in my experience in composition two. There were many

things that I enjoyed about the class, some of those things things would be the content, I found

very interesting the ways authors can reflect parts of their life in the stories and poetry and how

every part matters and means something. Another thing that I liked was, our teachers teaching

still, I could it very interesting, engaging and interesting. In general I found the class very

interesting and fun, I was interested in the material and in what we leaned in every class.

There were a lot of things that I was able to learn and get out of this class with every class

that went by. Something that I learned, that I had never known about was how to make and

modify an e-portfolio, which was something that I had never done before this class, but as the

classes tased I started learning how to make it and at a certain point I began learning by myself

how to make it look better. Something that I was able to learn was, how to interpret poetry. I was

never really into poetry, and I still believe that is not something for me, but in this class I was

able to see poetry from different angles, and learn about it from a critical view and not just as

another piece of writing. This class helped me improve in many aspects of my academic life with

different things that I learned along the semester.

Iribarren Mansur 2

Something that I found really interesting was making a research paper, which by it self

wasn’t something that I had not done before, but what made it more interesting and somewhat of

a challenge was that the theme was something own of my realm of knowledge, something that

was very unfamiliar to me. The theme for the research paper was poetry, and as I said before I

was never into that kind of writing. Some of the most challenging parts of assignment were the

research and finding the correct way in which I should tackle, but with some help and by

researching more and more about the specific poems that I was going to be focusing on in that

paper it because easier and more manageable. This assignment helped me improve many things

such as my writing skills, my research process and my ability to see things from a critical stand

point taking into account the opinion s and research of others.

In conclusion, this class not only helped me improve the skills that I already had, but it

also allowed me to learn new things that I had no idea I would ever learn. That contributed to my

success in this class and that will help me grow in different aspect of my life. I found this class

very helpful in different ways, for example, to improve my english and my abilities to write

better papers. In this class I met good people that helped me grow and that taught me new things

that were definitely be useful not only in this course, but also in my other classes, and that I’m

sure will still be useful in the future.

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