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Why the weak nuclear force is not a force

i can easily imagine my last essay on Iam space was guffawed all the way to the bathroom (in
physics circles). It's so much easier to dismiss me as 'just another crank / crackpot / fringe / crazy
guy..' So much easier to dismiss than care .. Their version of 'care' is: sam should see a
psychiatrist.. And maybe call the police after this essay.. Why? Because i threaten their
livelihood and placid way of life .. Unfortunately, even so-called dissidents have trouble
organizing and presenting a united front toward conventional idiocy. Each dissident has their
agenda and priorities and therefore finds it difficult to cooperate with any other.

i realized yet again that i cannot simply declare the Standard Model "junk", 'wave a magic wand',
produce an alternative framework (one that stinks of ether to conventionalists), and expect
everyone to say "ooh ahh". ;) i must provide some kind of argument why the SM is garbage - in
the very least.

Please examine the first attached image. In it you will find a "Summary of interactions between
particles described by the Standard Model." In the next image, you will find the decay scheme for
a free neutron. Note the position of the W-boson in the diagram. Next, please examine the
website at:
This website illustrates the phenomenal success of one of the detectors at the LHC called CMS.
The main website for CMS is: http://cms.web.cern.ch/cms/ Next, please look at this website:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHC#Cost and you get an idea of what i'm trying to say..

Physicists are in the business of promulgating the business of physics.

In the first image, you see how all the particles of the SM interact and depend on each other (of
course, physicists have spent decades and billions of dollars proving this dependency; if there's
no need for the diagram, they've wasted all that time and money?) YES .. The Copenhagen
'school' of QM won the start and have held the reigns ever since.. Conceptual mistake after
conceptual mistake was added to the SM, of course providing internal consistency, but
compounding the initial error: elementary particles are not probability waves .. Back to the
argument .. Look again at the second image: the W-boson is an intermediate decay product of the
scheme - nothing more! All this theory is built on intermediate decay products???

Now we know why they guffaw all the way to the bank/bathroom.. 'Common folk' like us have
been played by con artists slicker than sh*t. Show me a car salesman that could get us to buy 'an
extra special one' that has so many bells and whistles - we couldn't hear ourselves think.. One
that costs at least 9 BILLION! 8| .. Look, i LOVE physics with my whole heart and soul .. It asks
the deep questions: how did we get here?, where are we going?, what IS this place??? But.. 9
billion US dollars equivalent to prove an intermediate decay product? That's sinful waste of

So what really is the 'weak force'? It's basically a trick, played by conventional physicists, to get
us to think the Standard Model has some validity. The complexity and interdependency, and
associated mathematical formalisms, are deep enough to woo us into thinking they must know
what they're talking about.. Right? Not this common-folk. Not me .. This common-folk happens
to have some tricks up his sleeves too.. It's called THE TRUTH .. The more you study
conventional quantum mechanics, the more holes you see in the theory .. All the required
constants and tricks such as renormalization .. It ends up being a house-of-cards (albeit held up
by: 1000s of man-years of research time, uncounted billions of dollars equivalent, and the most
tragic waste - human faith and inspiration).

What can you do individually to help stop this waste?

Write your elected officials to stop supporting any universities involved, directly or indirectly,
with the LHC. Do internet research yourself - dig until it gives. Find out what local schools are
supporting machines like the LHC. Look at their research results. Look at their objectives. If any
are tied to the Standard Model, write your elected officials to get them to stop the madness.

If you or your children are at university, study their science curriculums. See what courses are
required in physics. Investigate what they teach in those courses.. If any of the material has
anything to do with the Standard Model, contact the course administrators and complain.

The LHC is a 'pork belly' contract if there ever was one.. But it's also a call to arms for us
common-folk: get aware, take action, stop support,.. Please. Stop. The Madness.


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