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Planning and Curriculum Goals

Submit 4 learning experience plan summaries, each plan will support a different developmental domain
from WMELS. Include the following information in each learning experience plan summary:

*For the remaining domain you will write and implement one full (long) activity plan.

Observation Domain Language/Communication

Name and type of learning experience _The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.

I will show a video of The Very Hungry Caterpillar being read by Eric Carle. Miles will have a copy of the
book to hold and look at while listening/watching the book being read. Miles will turn the pages of the
book and match pictures with the book on in the video.

In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity supports
child development specific to the developmental domain.

I choose this learning experience for language and communication because Miles will understand the
concept that the alphabet represents the sounds of spoken language and the letters of written language.
Miles will also show appreciation for books and understand how print works.
Observation Domain Social/Emotional

Name and type of learning experience: I Can Share

In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.

I would read the book I Can Share. The children would use the props I have made to show how to share
while I am reading the book. I will bring the children over to the block table and have 1 child build a
tower of blocks and have another child knock it down. We would repeat this until everyone has a turn.
We would talk about sharing blocks and other toys.

In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity supports
child development specific to the developmental domain.

I choose this learning experience to help Miles understand how to share and why he should share.
Sharing his possessions and toys with peers and how to express anger verbally rather than physically are
items on the social developmental checklist Miles could use some help with. This activity supports Miles
development in the social emotional domain by helping him demonstrate understanding of rules and
social expectations and helping him engage in social problem-solving behavior and learns to resolve
Observation Domain Cognitive and General Knowledge

Name and type of learning experience _Setting the Table

In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.

I would read the book Manners at Mealtime. I would show the children a place setting and tell them
some manners while we eat including leaving their dishes still while waiting for their food and keeping
their hands on their own plate. I would then have a couple place settings set up in the dramatic play
area for the children to practice setting the table.

In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity supports
child development specific to the developmental domain.

I chose this activity because it supports Miles development in Cognitive and General Knowledge. It
expands on his knowledge of setting the table and adds some manners to what he already knows. It will
help him understand new meanings as his memory increases.
Observation Domain Approaches to Learning

Name and type of learning experience Wash Your Hands

In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.

I will teach the children the Wash Your Hands version of Baby Shak. I will sing and show them how to
wash their hands, grab some soap, rub their hands, rinse their hands, dry their hands. They will sing and
do the actions of washing their hands with me.

In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity supports
child development specific to the developmental domain.

I choses this activity to teach the children how to wash their hands correctly and how long they should
wash their hands. Miles enjoys learning through music so I thought this version of Baby Shark would be
a fun way to teach handwashing to the children. This activity allows Miles and the other children to
express themselves creativity through music and movement.

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