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Gilberto Bea, CSJB Canon Law III – Matrimonial and Procedural Laws

1. Why marriage is not treated like in canon 844 where it treats sacramental sharing in the
reception of eucharist, penance and anointing of the sick?
- As we know that the sacrament of eucharist, penance and anointing of the sick are the
sacraments of healing that can be repeated in order to sustain the faithful in their journey
as follower of Christ. Unlike Marriage, it cannot be repeated since this sacrament has life-
long effect except if the spouse died and celebrating this as a sacrament is valuable in the
presence of the ordained minister. To support this claim, Canon 1055 paragraph 2 states
that “for this reason, a valid matrimonial contract cannot exist between the baptized
without it being by that fact a sacrament.

2. In the Middle Ages, what makes marriage?

- It is through Matrimonium non facit coitus sed voluntas which means in English translation
as “Sexual intercourse does not make marriage but the will. “

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