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Baragona, Nur Sittie Rufaidah B.

April 8, 2020
ArchJour Assignment SAT 8:30 – 11:30

The Architectural Review February 2020

Table of Contents

1. The 2020 AR House awards February 3

2. Bushey New Cemetery February 3
3. The W Awards Shortlist in Conversation February 4
4. Event: W Awards 2020 February 4
5. The 2020 AR Emerging Architecture Awards February 4
6. Negenoord Observation Tower February 5
7. Earth Building in Europe and Africa February 5
8. Earthern Wear: Mud Cities in Daramut, Yemen February 7
9. AREA Announcement: Danish Ar. Dorte Mandrup February 7
10. Announcement February 7
11. AR House Awards February 10
12. Forum: The W Awards in Conversation February 11
13. AREA Announcement February 12
14. The Zoma Museum February 12
15. AREA Announcement: Danish Ar. Dorte Mandrup February 12
16. Announcement February 12
17. Soiled Goods February 14
18. Announcement: W Awards February 14
19. Announcement: The 2020 AR House Awards February 14
20. Architect Hassan Fathy February 15
21. Aflens an der Sulm February 15
22. Announcement: The 2020 AR Emerging Architecture February 15
23. Announcement: W Awards February 17
24. Muzeum Susch February 18
25. TAR: Sub-editor February 18
26. Photo Essay: The Lay of the Land February 19
27. Soil as Shuttering February 19
28. Announcement: The AR House Awards February 19
29. FABRICATE 2020 February 21
30. Rescued Earth Building February 21
31. Announcement: The AR House Awards February 26
32. The Masculinities + W Awards February 26
33. The Masculinities + W Awards February 26
34. Z33 Art House February 27
35. Diamond in the Rough February 27
36. Announcement: The AR Awards February 28
37. The Masculinities + W Awards February 28

The Architectural Review is a European magazine that has been published in London since 1896.
Its articles cover the built environment – which includes landscape, building design, interior design and
urbanism – as well as theory of these subjects. The online magazine hosts numerous events such as The
AR (Architectural Review) House Awards, The AR Emerging Architecture, The W Awards, and a lot more.
They keep people or participants updated with the event; I really appreciate their effort. What I noticed
in the architecture they post is the color palette, the building they post have neutral or earthy colors,
they somehow stick to that kind of color. What I really admire in their events is the W Awards, formerly
known as the Women in Architecture awards, which recognizes women’s contribution to the profession
around the world, promoting role models for young women in the practice and encouraging respect,
diversity, and equality in architecture. I appreciate the fact that they really emphasized this event to
recognize women in architecture, because we live, and we matter. In the month of February, they have
been constantly posting on their Facebook page however, they were not able to post anything for four
days from February 22 through February 25.
AJ – 9a Slideshow (slides 90-117)
AJ – 14 Slideshow

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