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Tiburcio 1

Mayelin Tiburcio

Doulos Project Written Defense

Skill of Scholar Seeker of Christ

April 28, 2020

Daughter of God

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God

prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10. As I have grown up I believe I have been

called by Jesus to be different and created for a purpose. I consider the Skill Of Scholar: Seeker

of Christ as an area of growth for me; I have been working on understanding God's plan of

salvation, learning the truth and putting my faith into actions.

In October of 2012, for our expedition as a class we went to Spirit Mountain, Manabao.

In this trip I and others classmates took the step to start following Christ as our only Savior after

a talk with the Spanish teacher Mrs. Malave; I remember as if it were right now that I decided to

accept Jesus in my heart as other classmates as well. I was sure that God was calling me to open

my heart and accept that I am His daughter. This was an opportunity to start understanding God's

plan for salvation. Since then, I have become more interested in discovering the truth behind the

plan of Salvation. The book of Romans in the Bible was the second book I read. This book has

been one of my guides to believe what salvation really means. I can tell that it was not easy to

believe at first, but by attempting to go to church, reading the Bible and praying to God to reveal

the truth I believed in Him. Furthermore, as a Christian who sins, makes mistakes, and most of

the time just has doubts, it has been a process of understanding God’s plan. Thus, I can describe

His plan as happiness because it is a plan to save and redeem us.

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Learning the truth of the Bible is the way of having the desire of discovering what is

really true about life. I personally consider that God is the truth. A reference to this is in the

Bible in John 14:6: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to

the Father except through me.”” This verse explains perfectly that God is the truth. No one can

go to Him if it is not through Jesus His Son. It may seem confusing, but God has sent Jesus to die

for us and save us. Knowing the truth of the Bible also includes learning what's right in the eyes

of Him. I have been working on being a Christian who does what's right but I am a sinful girl

who makes mistakes. I have failed so many times; however, I am aware that it is true what the

Bible says, that God is always with me. I have tested so many times the fact that He will be there

and will always be my guide to life.

The most challenging of all of this is putting my faith into actions. This has been the most

difficult to me through my years as a Christian. It can be pretty easy to just say “I am Christian,

I believe, I have faith”. But the true way to see if you have faith is through actions. Faith is

evident by actions, people can tell if my faith is real through what I say, what are my actions and

the way I deal with a situation. As years have passed I have grown in my faith but I still consider

I need to grow more. I have been through hard and difficult situations where God tested my

faith. An example of a time where I consider that my faith started growing was when I had an

emergency surgery. I had my doubts of why God let me go through that situation where I was in

danger. It was difficult to stay positive in time where I was going through pain. In the end, I was

safe and everything went well, thanks to God. However, I ended by praying and saying sorry to

God just simply because I was mad at him and didn't trust him from the beginning.
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In addition, sometimes I can constantly be wasting time on other things rather than

investing my time on developing this skill of the Seeker of Christ. Seeker of Christ means to

understand salvation, learn the truth and put faith into actions. Therefore, I have set some goals

to implement my faith in my daily routine. My first goal is to pray more throughout my day. I

usually just pray three times a day, in the morning and in meals. I have concluded that praying is

very important because it is one of the ways to be communicating with God. Due to this I will

pray in the morings, in meals, at night and anytime I consider I need to talk to God. Secondly, I

am very bad at taking time to read the Bible besides in church and in Bible class. I often replace

that time by being on my phone, have extra sleep or just simply waste time on necessary things.

So, I will take time to read my Bible more and read devotionals using the Bible app YouVersion.

Thirtly, I love worshiping and listening to positive music, however I have been tempted a variety

of times to listen to not-encouraging and non-Christian music. This is a goal I am currently

working on since quarantine.

To finalize, I consider the Skill of a Scholar: Seeker of Christ as an area of growth for

me. It has not been easy to follow what God commanded due to being around worldly people.

Thus, I have been working on doing my best and staying focused on understanding God's plan of

salvation, learning the truth and putting my faith into actions. I understood that God was calling

me to open my heart and accept that I am His daughter since the day I accepted Jesus in my

heart. God has sent Jesus to die for us and save us. I will implement my faith into actions

because the true way to see if you have faith is through actions. I will invest time in developing

this skill of the Seeker of Christ by keeping understanding God’s plan, learning the truth and

putting my faith into my actions.

Tiburcio 4


Holy Bible. BibleGateway,


Accessed 28 Apr. 2020.

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