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The fact that I am standing here does not mean that I am smarter, more brilliant or more

admirable than you guys. The truth is that because of my sacrifice and effort I have received
the honor, and more than the honor, the responsibility of giving you a farewell message.
But, admirable and brilliant are all of us, the 28 students who graduate today. Admirable
and brilliant are each of you, the 27 students with whom I’ve lived, learned and shared
these last 4 years.

Distinguished directives and staff, teachers, parents, relatives, friends, and graduating class
of 2018, it fills me with joy and gratitude to have your attention at this moment. Today, we
are not only celebrating the closing of this significant stage. We also commemorate all our
achievements and triumphs both as a promotion and as a school.

We were a strong group, innovative, creative, and above all authentic. Within the meaning
and description of our name, it says; "We are Rebellion, and with ambition and drive we will
reach our most desired aspirations, leaving our mark and leading the way towards a greater

Based on this idea, as a group we achieved everything we aspired this school year, some will
even say that we did everything we wanted. But, leaving school behind, my longing and
hope for each one of you is that you take this idea and apply it every day of your lives. Live
with the purpose of reaching your goals and while doing so, leave a better mark in every
place you step on, every person you meet and every soul you touch.

I hope that you grasp this moment and appreciate it, value it. Because from this precise
moment, you have the opportunity and responsibility to create your own destiny. It is no
longer the work of our teachers or our parents, now it is our turn. Each decision that you
take, determines the direction you are headed. And I trust that you will know how to use
your potential and reasoning to make the right decisions that will take you to the doors of

The teachers who accompanied us during this period, our triumphs are and will continue to
be the result of the work you undertake daily. You have satisfactorily fulfilled your role with
us, and now we must know how to use and apply everything learned inside and outside the
classroom. As a student, I ask you to continue with the mission of teaching, instructing and
motivating all the following promotions, and I leave you the task of understanding,
accepting, and appreciating each student you have, give each one the opportunity of feeling
important, that sense of belonging can cause a great difference.

To our parents, who have made us the center of their lives, this day is also for you. As a
daughter, I thank you for defending us, for seeking and wanting our happiness at all time,
for protecting and guiding us even when we do not understand your reasons, for loving us
unconditionally. As a daughter, I ask you now to trust the parenting you have given us, give
us the opportunity to become independent and learn how to assume our duties and
consequences. I leave you with the task of remembering and understanding that we also
need to make mistakes, and you will not always be here to take control and guide us.
Therefore, as a daughter, I tell you that you should have your conscience calm for
everything you have done.
Rebellion 2018, the best of all these years in school was to be part of this promotion. I thank
you for giving me so many moments and experiences, so many lessons and teachings. You
are part of me. As a friend, I ask you to know yourselves, understand your mind, take care of
your body and spirit, and love yourselves completely. I ask you to accept yourselves as you
are, and remember that you create your own limits. As a sister, I leave you the last
assignment to show the world all you’re capable of achieving. There are going to be people
who doubt your abilities, who underestimate you, and I leave you with the commitment of
dazzling those people with your strength and demonstrate the opposite.

Remember that it is essential to dream, but from the dream to the realization there is a
great journey with many obstacles. And that self-love, that set of dreams and goals within
each one of you, is what will give you the impulse to overcome any adversity and any
situation that you may encounter in your life.

To the CIS community, which has seen me grow and develop so far, infinite thanks for
having me for so many years, I will always remember Cathedral as my second home. And I
hope that every student who integrates can feel as special as I have felt.

Finally, to all people present, I ask you as a daughter, sister, student and friend, to maintain
your aspirations high and your concerns minimum. Live, enjoy, learn and love. Because in
the end, the only thing that matters is the satisfaction of knowing that you have enjoyed the
journey and that you devoted mind, body, and soul to the things that make you truly happy.

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