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Monday, April 20, 2020

Today, I got used to getting up early and now I also have my daily new routine which is
teaching Mathematics to a boy whose house is next to mine for 1 hour per day. He is a boy who
studies in grade 5. I think that he is easy to teach because he has good basics which are
guaranteed by passing the exam to study in military school when he was in grade 4. I am very
excited about this because it is the first time I teach others who are not my friends and I am
really excited while preparing a sheet and content to teach him the next day. Teaching other
people makes me more patient and more cool-headed because when he doesn’t understand
some things, I have to tell myself to calm down and clarify to him until he understands.
Other things which I usually do during quarantine is exercising. I just search “T25” on
YouTube and go along with the clip. It burns a lot of calories and makes me very exhausted. I
do it every other day but I have to confess that I don’t do diet plans together with it. I think that I
just exercise because I want to reduce my guilty feeling when I eat a lot but now I start to plan
my diet so my exercise will be more effective to my shape and have a good result for my body.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I have online learning this week. I have to sleep early at night to wake up in the morning.
My mom cook food for me for every meal instead of my cooking because I don’t have time to do
for myself. In the evening, I play games with my friends and do the exercise. I try to take care of
myself and lose weight. Moreover, I have time to teach my tutee only the weekend because he
also has online learning the same as me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Since the government unlocked some policies, people can go outside to do more
activities such as walking at the park, getting hair cut, and eating in the open restaurant. In my
opinion, I think I feel more panic because everyone can go outside so germs can spread out
cause anyone can not find the vaccine that kills them or protects this virus. I stayed at home
with my family. My dad is the only one who goes out for work and my mom always cooks for us.
Last weekend my brother and I told my mom that we want to have shabu. so, she ordered my
food for me and a lot of dessert from after you. I was very happy and hope everyone who has to
go outside is protecting yourselves.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Fist week that I had an online class, many teachers use zoom applications for teaching. I
think this application is useful I can see the teacher and his slide at the same time. And, I can
choose my own background I think it was very fun. Some of my friends’ background is very
excited. But the bad thing is zoom has limited time. My class has 55 minutes but zoom gives us
only 40 minutes for each. We have to waste the time to log out and log in again. Moreover, it
has an announcement from the school said that the zoom application is not allowed for teaching
and many teachers have to use google meet instead. In my opinion, both of them are almost the
same because I have many problems with these two applications. For zoom, it always asks for
my laptop password and I don’t know that others faced this problem or not. This application is
lack of security everyone can join if they have a link. During class time, some friends from other
classes join in and interrupt the teacher that makes everyone has to stop and find who joins in.
My internet always lacking. When the teacher asked me the question but due to the internet, I
can not hear the question and also the teacher can not understand my answer. Thus, the online
class is not effective that much as other thought.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today, there is more than one month that I have to stay home because of the
government lockdown. People suffer from economics in this situation. So, some people that
have enough food create a project called “tu pun suk” for sharing. I think it was a great idea but
some people so selfish, they pick all the stuff in the cabinet and others who came back would
have nothing to eat. This is a hot issue in Thailand now. The government blamed people who
did like this but they didn’t come up with another idea to help each other. During this quarantine,
I watched TV with my family and thought about how our family can help each other. I started to
learn how to cook and help my mom. We planed that we will share the food and something
needed for daily life such as masks and face shields in this weekend.

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