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Crystals – A Conscious Shift

I am a crystal therapy practitioner and I’ve been working with crystals for over twelve years now and
I have several books on crystals and have read many more;-

The Crystal Bible – Volume’s I, II & III by Judy Hall

The Book of Stones by Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons
Love is in the Earth by Melody
Healing with Crystals by Simon Lilly
The Encyclopaedia of Crystals by Judy Hall
Crystal Energy – Mary Lambet
Healing Crystals – Michael Gienger

Scientifically, crystals differ in physical properties, i.e., chemical composition, colour, shape, size,
rarity, mineral class, in hardness, cleavage, optical properties, heat conductivity and electrical

Energetically/spiritually/metaphysically, each and every crystal is defined to have certain unique

energy signatures/vibrations/frequencies and healing properties, they are aligned to certain
chakras/elements/compass points/astrological or zodiac signs, numerical vibrations, human
issues/ailments and parts of the human body.

So what is the ‘Conscious Shift?’

Some say "The properties of a crystal are determined by the individual who is working with the
From my point of view, ‘Who are we to determine the properties of a crystal, labelling or defining
something limits its potential.’

Each and every living thing has its own, unique energy signature/vibration/frequency. No two
signatures are alike, no vibration is the same at any given time. The crystals change according to a
variety of stimuli (environment, other people, experiences, challenges, vibrations, frequencies, etc).
So the connection to a crystal, is a very personal one, even two identical crystals will not have the
same signature/vibration/frequency.

The conscious shift for me, is that I no longer refer to the books I have or rely on the knowledge I
have gained/learnt. I now just trust what I intuitively feel, either a crystal resonates with me/my
client or it doesn’t. For me, the crystal aligns itself to what it needs to be and what it does, it is not
defined to have certain unique energy signatures/vibrations/frequencies and healing properties, it is
not aligned to certain chakras/elements/compass points/astrological or zodiac signs, numerical
vibrations, human issues/ailments or parts of the human body.

It’s when we program a crystal that we then restrict/define its properties and limit its potential so
that it behaves how we need or want it to be.

So I how do I select a crystal for myself or a client, I get myself or ask the client to focus on the
area/issue to be worked on. Intuitively I will then select a crystal and see whether it resonates with
me or my client. It will either go cold, get warm or get hot, sometimes there will be an electrostatic
sensation a buzz or even goose bumps from head to toe. If nothing happens then we will select
another crystal.

Sometimes more than one crystal may be needed, I use the same method above to select each and
every crystal.

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