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Task A4 | D

​ esign brief 
🔎 What? 
Develop a design brief, which  You have to make a decision at this point in the project: What will you design and create, 
presents the analysis of relevant  for whom and why. You want your decision to be based on sufficient background 
research.  research.  

⚙ How? 
Research results summary 
● Present​ the main results of your research (from A2) in a concise list of bullet points. This must be in your own words! 
● Illustrate​ your take-aways with imagery wherever you feel this reduces the amount of writing needed. However, don’t 
add images for the sake of adding images. Cite any images that you use. 
● Cite​ (in-text) from the sources that you found your answers from. Use the proper MLA format. 

DEFINITIONS  By consulting sources, I have found out: 

● Fabric​: a piece of textile that is used for garments and felt like interlocking fibres. 
There are three ways to make fibres: weaning , knitting and non-woven. 
● Textiles​: Textiles are mostly used for bags or baskets and are made from many 
● Garments​: Garment is made out of fabric and textiles which is for human’s 
clothes or decorating. 

MANUFACTURING  By consulting sources about manufacturing cotton, I have found out: 

● Cotton textiles​: The fibre is spun into yarn or theatre to make breathable textiles. 
Cotton is cleaned and spun into yarn, interlocking for spinning. 
● Joining fabircs​:Using hemming or seaming as sewing technology to join pieces 
of fabrics together. 

TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS  By consulting sources such as, I have found out the following information that I can use for 
FOR MAKING  designing and creating my product: 
● I learned that large head pins are useful to help to fix the fabrics in place when 
● Needles and threads are necessary for my project. 

CLIENT INFORMATION  By consulting sources such as, I have realized the following considerations should be 
taken into account when designing and creating my product: 
● I’m going to design the garment for myself. 
● I want my final design to be an ugly one which has its own style. 
● Control the size of the garment, try not to make an oversize garment. 
● The garment is going to be made out of 100% cotton. 
● How to tie a knot at the end of sewing 

PRACTICAL SKILLS  By completing the practical skills tasks, I have learned the following skills (list & explain): 
● Seaming: Seaming is sewing with small gaps between and is above the fabrics. 
● Hemming: hemming is different from seaming. This is joining the two edges of 
the clothes together. 
● Sewing the buttons onto the clothes:  
● Braid: Braiding is to make  
● How to tie a knot when finish sewing. 
The skills that will be useful for my project are (list & explain why): 
● Sewing is useful to my project as I would use most of this sewing when doing 
● I learned that sewing buttons onto the clothes for my project. 
● Learning how to tie a knot in when finishing sewing is really important and 
extremely important for my project. 
The skills that I still need to practice or want to learn more about are (list & explain): 
● I need to practice my running stitch skill because I could hardly sewing in a 
straight line and it looks messy. 

Works cited 
● List​ any sources of information used in this section. Present in-text citations in your r​ esearch summary​ section to the 
references listed in this section. 

Web Site Martin, Mary J. "What is garment?" ​Quora​, 1 Oct. 2019,

Web Page www.quora.com/

View live web page What-are-garments. Accessed 8 Mar. 2020.

Contributors, WIkipedia. "Textiles." ​Wikipedia​, Wikipedia, The

Web Site Free

Web Page Encyclopedia, 1 Mar. 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile.

View live web page Accessed 8 Mar.


Web Site "Cotton." ​How Products are Made,​

Web Page www.madehow.com/Volume-6/Cotton.html. Accessed

View live web page 8 Mar. 2020.

Project commitment 
● State​ what type of product you are going to develop in your project in this unit and ​outline​ the direct practical purpose 
of this product. 
● Outline​ the bigger picture purpose of the product. 
● Describe​ the client or target audience for whom you will develop the product. 

Product and Purpose   In this project, I will create a stuffed toy unicorn which is recycled from a 100% cotton 
The purpose of my product is to avoid fast fashions when people throw away clothes due 
to fast fashion. 

Design Goal  My product will address the design problem of -textiles being quickly sent to landfills- by 
telling people about the bad consequences of fast fashion which pollute the environment 
on the earth. 

Intended   My product is intended to be used by children. They can do some artworks by reusing their 
Target audience  unused clothes and making some stuffed toys for themself. This helps to avoid people 
throwing away recyclable clothes. 

Target audience representative  I would describe my client as children. 

Their needs and wants for the product are recycled clothes into a stuffed soft toy. 

A4 Assessment 
Level  Descriptor  Typical features of student work 

0  The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 

1-2  The student ​states some​ of the  ❏ Summary contains little credible, factual information. More evidence of 
main findings of relevant  relevant research was needed. 
research.  ❏ Sources are not cited (in​text or footnote). Review the MLA format for 
❏ Works Cited is not complete. Use Noodletools. 
❏ The project commitment identifies the product and client in a limited way. 
More explanation of the needs & wants of the client are needed. 

3-4  The student ​outlines​ a basic  ❏ The report includes some credible, factual information about the issue. 
design brief, which ​outlines  More explanation of your findings and more varied sources were needed. 
some​ findings of relevant  ❏ Some sources are cited (intext or footnote). Review the MLA format for 
research.  citations. 
❏ Works Cited - Student attempts some sort of listing of texts but in an 
improper and incorrect way. Use Noodletools. 
❏ The project commitment describes the product and the client. More 
explanation of the needs & wants of the client is needed. 

5-6  The student ​describes​ a design  ❏ Summary effectively recaps relevant and credible information about the 
brief, which ​describes​ the  issue. A greater variety of sources would prepare you for further for the 
findings of relevant research.  next stage. 
❏ Sources are cited properly (intext or footnote). 
❏ Works cited is correct. 
❏ The project commitment explains the product and client.  

7-8  The student ​develops​ a design  ❏ The report effectively synthesizes relevant and credible information about 
brief, which ​presents​ the  the issue. 
analysis​ of relevant research.  ❏ Sources are always properly cited (intext and footnote). 
❏ Works cited is correct and includes an appropriate number of texts. 
❏ The project commitment explains & justifies the product and client.  

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