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Money Matters

1 .allowance money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing

выплата, пособие

2. cash dispenser a cash machine

3. cost of borrowing ECONOMICS, FINANCE interest and other charges that have to be paid when you
borrow money

4. earnings per share a company's profits over a particular period divided by the number of its shares

5. excise

a tax made by a government on some types of goods produced and used within their own country

6 . income  money that is earned from doing work or received frominvestments

7. inheritance money or objects that someone gives you when they die

8. property an object or objects that belong to someone

9. tax (an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods
or services you have bought

10. expenditure the total amount of money that a government or person spends

11. fare the money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus or train

12. fee an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service

13. fine an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law

14. save/keep money for a rainy day - to save money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly

15. loss a situation in which a business spends more money than it earns:

16. merger an occasion when two or more companies join together to make one larger company

17. mortgage an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization,
especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself

18. pawnshop a shop where a pawnbroker operates his or her business

19. penny-pincher a person who is unwilling to spend money

20. prosperous successful, usually by earning a lot of money

21. salary a fixed amount of money that you receive from your employer, usually every month

оклад, заработная плата

22. wage the amount of money a person regularly receives for their job зарплата
24. scholarship an amount of money given to a person by an organization to pay for their education,
usually at a college or university стипендия

25. total shareholder return

a calculation of the profits earned by a company's shares based on the rise or fall in their price and the
dividends paid to shareholders over a particular period

26. wealthy - rich

27. well-off having a lot of money состоятельный

28. windfall an amount of money that you get that you did not expect непредвиденный доход
29. Due expected or planned ожидаемый

30. to be heavily in debt быть по уши в долгах

31. be in the blackexpand_moreиметь положительное сальдо (баланса)

32. to be in the redexpand_moreбыть в долгу, иметь задолженность, работать с убытком, быть


33. to fritter awayexpand_moreрастрастрачивать по мелочам

34. invest to give money to a bank, business, etc, or buy something, because you hope to get a profit

35. levy a charge/fine/tax, etc

to officially demand money взимать плату/налагать штраф/взимать налог и т. д.

36. live off sb/sth to use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need to live:

37. on a shoestring

If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money:

38. owe

to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for
something they have done for you

39. pay off

If something you have done pays off, it is successful

40. redistribute

to share something out differently from before, especially in a fairer way:

41. squander

to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage

42. to tighten one's beltexpand_moreпотуже затянуть пояс


1. balance sheet

a statement that shows the value of a company's assets (= things of positive value) and its debts
2. bank charges

amounts of money paid by a customer for a bank's services

3. benefit

] a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

4. bond market

the activity of buying and selling bonds

5. branch

a part of something larger

6. client

a customer or someone who receives services

7. commercial bank

a bank with branches in many different places that offers services to people and businesses, for
example, keeping money in accounts and lending money

8. consolidation

the situation in which two or more things, for example companies or organizations, are joined together

9. cost base

all the costs, especially the fixed costs, that are involved in making a product, providing a service, etc

10. accounts payable

[ plural ] also uk creditors, also us payables ACCOUNTING the amounts in a company's accounts that
show money that it owes, for example to suppliers (= companies that have sold them things):

11. current

an opinion or a feeling that a group of people have:

12. deposit

to leave something somewhere:

13. savings account

an account in a bank or similar financial organization that earns interest

14. current asset

an asset such as cash, raw materials, parts, or products that are still being made, which a company will
use up or sell during the same year

15. liability

the fact that someone is legally responsible for something

16. deposit slip

→ depository receipt

17. depreciation

the process of losing value

18. dividend

(a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it:

19. fixed asset

→ capital asset

20. rate

the speed at which something happens or changes, or the amount or number of times it happens or
changes in a particular period

21. investment bank

a bank that helps companies sell and buy shares, or helps them buy other companies or merge (= join
together) with each other

22. bank( legal) mandate

a written instruction from a customer to a bank asking the bank to open an account, make regular
payments from the customer's account, or do some other service for the customer

23. margin

the amount by which one thing is different from another

24. niche

a job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like

25. operating cost

also operating expense a cost relating to producing a company's goods or services:

26. overdraft an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to
the bank, or the agreement that allows this:
27. parent company

a company that controls other smaller companies

28. provision

the act of providing something

29. recession

a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad:

30. reserve

to keep something for a particular purpose or time

31. retail

the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops

32. share capital

money invested in a business in the form of shares rather than bonds or other forms of lending

33. shift

to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one position or direction to another,
especially slightly

34. transfer

to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person, or group to another

35. transmission

the process of broadcasting something by radio, television, etc., or something that is broadcast

36. turnover

the amount of business that a company does in a period of time:

37. unit cost

the cost of producing one single product, calculated by dividing the cost of producing a group of
products by the number produced

38. withdrawal

when you take money out of a bank account:

39. overdrawn

having taken more money out of your bank account than the account contained, or (of a bank account)
having had more money taken from it than was originally in it:

40. ensure

to make something certain to happen

41. expand

to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way

42. implement

to start using a plan or system

43. outmanoeuvre

to cleverly get an advantage over someone, especially a competitor

44. electronic funds transfer

a system of moving money from one bank or bank account to another electronically, using computer

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