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Molecular Neurobiology

Copyright © 2005 Humana Press Inc.

All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved.
ISSN0893-7648/05/32(3): 205–216/$30.00

Stages of Motor Skill Learning

Andreas R. Luft* and Manuel M. Buitrago

Abteilung Allgemeine Neurologie, Hertie Institut für Klinische Hirnforschung,

Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Successful learning of a motor skill requires repetitive training. Once the skill is mastered, it
can be remembered for a long period of time. The durable memory makes motor skill learning
an interesting paradigm for the study of learning and memory mechanisms. To gain better
understanding, one scientific approach is to dissect the process into stages and to study these as
well as their interactions. This article covers the growing evidence that motor skill learning
advances through stages, in which different storage mechanisms predominate. The acquisition
phase is characterized by fast (within session) and slow learning (between sessions). For a short
period following the initial training sessions, the skill is labile to interference by other skills and
by protein synthesis inhibition, indicating that consolidation processes occur during rest peri-
ods between training sessions. During training as well as rest periods, activation in different
brain regions changes dynamically. Evidence for stages in motor skill learning is provided by
experiments using behavioral, electrophysiological, functional imaging, and cellular/molecular

Index Entries: Motor learning; plasticity; memory; electrophysiology; gene; functional imaging;
protein synthesis.

Introduction gains (2), learning to improve a reaction time

(3), learning a finger tapping sequence (serial
Motor learning is a model for procedural reaction time task [4]), or adjusting movements
learning. It is often studied to elucidate mecha- to external perturbations (5). Specifically,
nisms of cortical plasticity in general. In the lit- motor skill learning describes the acquisition
erature, the term motor learning is used for a of a complex movement sequence such as
variety of learning paradigms involving move- learning to weave or to ride a bicycle (6).
ment (e.g., conditioning that requires the asso- Learning these complex movements was also
ciation of a stimulus with a motor reflex termed segmental motor learning, because the
response [1]), learning the control of reflex movements are often decomposed into seg-
ments or chunks (7).
Received February 28, 2005; Accepted April 29, 2005. Motor skills are learned slowly over several
*Author to whom correspondence and reprint requests training sessions. Once a skill is mastered, it is
should be addressed. E-mail: aluft@jhu.edu retained for long periods of time, with minimal

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206 Luft and Buitrago

Fig. 1. Schematic summary of evidence suggesting that motor skill learning progresses through separate
stages in which different mechanisms of acquisition and storage predominate (see text). A sample motor learn-
ing curve is presented at the top.

decay. Conversely, declarative knowledge that only retained for a brief period. The long mem-
enables the recognition or identification of a orization of motor skills is intriguing and sug-
thing can be acquired in one exposure but is gests a very efficient storage mechanism.
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Stages of Motor Skill Learning 207

Growing evidence suggests that motor skill within-session performance. With gradual
learning progresses through stages. Identifi- improvement of mean session performance,
cation of separable stages may be conceptu- “warm-up” becomes less likely, reflecting a
ally useful, allowing experimental designs ceiling effect of performance. If within-ses-
with higher specificity for certain aspects of sion improvements are not accounted for,
the process. The evidence for stages in motor learning curves may be misinterpreted. For
skill learning across different experimental example, consider a case in which perfor-
domains—behavior, electrophysiology/brain mance drops back to baseline in response to
activation, cellular and molecular—is schema- an intervention; mean session performance
tized in Fig. 1 and reviewed here. following the intervention may then be lower
than mean performance in the first session
but may be identical to performance at the
Behavior very beginning of session one (11).
Walker and co-workers (12) found that when
Time-Course of Motor Learning subjects learned a finger-tapping sequence and
slept between training sessions, additional per-
Anyone who has studied a musical instru- formance gains occurred during the rest phase.
ment knows that simple pieces can be learned This suggests that the motor system is capable
quickly, often in one training session. How- of some form of “self-rehearsal” during sleep.
ever, more complex pieces require repeated Functional improvements without practice
training over several days. Which elements were also reported for mental rehearsal of the
are simple and which elements are complex movement (13,14).
depend on the level of experience. Trying to Recent evidence suggests that within- and
force a complex piece by practicing all day intersession improvements have discernable
(“massed training”) is usually unsuccessful. neural mechanisms (see Functional Brain Sys-
Many behavioral studies have confirmed that tems). Within-session and intersession learning
training with breaks (“spaced training”) is has been documented in many different
more efficient (8,9). human and animal motor skill learning para-
A common feature of spaced training para- digms (15–17). Figure 2 presents two examples.
digms is that improvements in performance Another feature of the motor learning time-
are already observed within single training course is that different elements of a move-
sessions (Figs. 1 and 2). End-session perfor- ment are learned at different rates. Flanagan
mance often is not retained over the break and colleagues (18) asked subjects to move a
and subjects begin the next session at a lower handle on a straight line between two points.
performance. For example, a player improves The movement was externally perturbed by a
in playing a piano piece during 1 h of prac- motor that pulled the handle off the move-
tice. The next day, the player will begin at a ment trajectory. Deviations from the straight
lower level of performance and will require line and changes in grip force were measured.
some initial training to regain previous levels. As subjects learned to compensate for the
If training then continues, the player will external perturbations, grip force was ad-
improve further. Based on these observations, justed five to seven times faster than the
within-session improvement was regarded as movement trajectory. Grip force adjustments
a “warm-up” phenomenon (10). Many studies may be accomplished by an “internal model”
do not measure within-session improvement; of motor control (the encoding of the forces
rather, they use mean session performance required by the task) that accounts for the
when plotting learning curves over several object (handle to be moved) as well as the
training days (referred to as “intersession desired trajectory. The actual trajectory is
learning”). Naturally, mean session perfor- irrelevant for grip force. The desired trajec-
mance improves much slower compared with tory is communicated to the neural grip force
Molecular Neurobiology Volume 32, 2005
208 Luft and Buitrago

Fig. 2. Two exemplary learning curves for two motor skill learning paradigms in rat. Both learning curves
demonstrate within-session learning as well as a gradual improvement of mean sessions performance (interses-
sion learning). (A) Maximum running speed mastered on an accelerating rotarod (cylindrical rod with a 7-cm
diameter accelerating at 1 cm/s2) is plotted over time. Twenty running trials are performed per session. Sessions
are separated by vertical dashed lines. (B) Success in reaching for a food pellet located outside of the cage (in
percent of total number of reaching trials) is plotted over time. Each session consists of 100 reaching trials. Ses-
sions are separated into quintiles of 20 trials to capture within-session performance gains.

controller by sending a copy of motor com- Hikosaka (19) suggested a model of staged
mands, which are intended for the arm to motor learning, in which two types of informa-
accomplish the desired trajectory. In the study tion are being processed: a “spatial processing
by Flanagan and colleagues, improvement of stream” that encodes the visuospatial coordi-
the trajectory was observed only after several nates of the novel movement and a “motor pro-
trials, which allowed for gathering of suffi- cessing stream” that encodes the motor
cient sensory (somatosensory and visual) program that enacts the muscles. Experimental
feedback information to improve the motor evidence stems from the observation that lead
commands determining the trajectory. This to this hypothesis were that early in training,
observation has led to the hypothesis that when information about the movement was
subjects can learn to predict the behavior still spatially encoded and motor programs had
before they master its motor control. not yet been formed, monkeys were able to

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Stages of Motor Skill Learning 209

transfer motor tasks learned with one limb to Interference

the opposite limb. Once the movement has
Interference denotes the observation that
been trained for longer periods, transfer
training of a new task leads to forgetting of a
between limbs is no longer possible. The pro-
previously learned task. It is assumed that
cessing streams are likely implemented by dif-
interfering tasks compete for the same infor-
ferent functional brain systems (see Functional
mation-processing resources in the brain.
Brain Systems). Typically spatial encoding pre-
Interference phenomena provide insight into
cedes motor encoding, but the opposite may
the time-course of motor learning.
also be true, as in the “serial reaction time para-
digm”. In this paradigm, subjects press one of Learning to track a moving object with the
four buttons with fingers two through five. finger while vision is inverted by prism glasses
Pressing the correct button leads to a reward is affected differently by preceding tasks that
signal on the computer screen. The computer require different processing resources (23).
knows the sequence of correct buttons (which Attention-dependent tasks interfere with the
is typically 10–12 items long and then repeats early phase of learning, whereas visuospatial-
itself). Initially, the subject is not aware that a transformation-dependent tasks interfere with a
repeated sequence is presented. Eventually, the later phase. These findings indicate that learn-
subject realizes this, but movement latencies ing the finger-tracking task initially depends on
decrease long before. Because latencies are a attention. Only later does the ability to perform
measure of motor performance, this observa- visuospatial transformations become important.
tion indicates that motor (implicit) knowledge Interference experiments have also been
develops before explicit knowledge of the used to explore the time-course of consolida-
sequence (20). tion of a motor memory. Consolidation of a task
For complex movements, it may be essential can be disrupted if a secondary task is learned
that both motor and spatial encoding streams immediately after the first task (5). If training of
operate in parallel. Because spatial encoding the secondary task begins 4 to 5 h later, there is
depends on visual input, one part of the no interference; during these 4 to 5 h, inter-
neural circuitry for spatial encoding may be ference is gradually reduced (24). Walker and
the “mirror neuron system.” These are neu- co-workers (14) provided evidence for further
rons that fire in response to visual presenta- dissection of the consolidation process. A first
tion of a movement; they have been identified phase of consolidation (between 10 min and 6 h
in primates (21). It is unclear whether this con- following the end of training) renders the mem-
cept is applicable to rats or mice, in which mir- ory resistant to interference. Further consolida-
ror neurons have not yet been identified. Also, tion occurs during subsequent sleep and leads
it is unknown whether lower species spend to performance gains.
time watching each other, with the exception
of when they are being threatened or sexually
attracted. Functional Brain Systems
Besides visuospatial and motor encoding,
Sakai (22) emphasized the central role of tem- Motor skill learning accesses brain circuits
poral rhythms (timing patterns) for motor skill that are different from those that control already
learning. Novel movements may be learned acquired movements. Activation of these cir-
by splitting them into chunks (segments [7]) cuits changes during the course of motor skill
that are performed with certain rhythms. learning. From the behavioral evidence pre-
Gradually, chunks are combined to form the sented earlier, one may hypothesize that associ-
entire movement sequence. Chunking is a ation areas are preferentially activated in the
common training technique employed by early stages, when visuospatial to motor associ-
piano players. ations need to be formed. Later, cerebello- and

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210 Luft and Buitrago

striato-motor-cortex loops may improve move- The representations of body parts involved in
ment efficiency (25). the trained movement enlarge. In activity-con-
Using functional imaging techniques, several trol animals using the same body part with
studies have characterized brain activation pat- comparable intensity, the representations
terns during motor skill learning. Most of these become slightly smaller (31,33), contributing to
studies have employed tasks that were learned significant between-group effects. In rats, these
over one session (1 d). Few studies have com- between-group effects are significant only after
pared within-session and intersession activa- 10 training sessions but not after 3 or 7 (34),
tion changes using the same task (26,27). indicating that modifications to somatotopy
Dynamic recruitment of primary motor cor- evolve slowly.
tex (M1) has been identified during within-ses- Various other brain regions are differentially
sion and intersession learning. Within one activated during motor learning and are sum-
training session, habituation effects (i.e., the marized in Table 1. Most studies—with the
reduction of M1 recruitment typically ob- exception of two (26,27)—employ single-day
served when movements are repeated) dimin- learning paradigms. Activation in the rostral
ish. Hence, the area of cortex that is recruited portion of the supplementary motor area
for trained finger-tapping sequences maintains (preSMA) was reported to decrease during
its size, as opposed to a random sequence for learning of a visuomotor sequence task (35).
which habituation occurs. Over the course of Monkeys showed less activity in preSMA neu-
several training sessions, the area of motor cor- rons when performing overlearned sequence
tex recruited during execution of the sequence movements compared to novel sequence
grows and remains enlarged for several movements (36). Neurons with these charac-
months (11,27). Intersession effects are not teristics were rarely found in the caudal por-
merely related to greater performance (e.g., tion of SMA (SMA proper). The preSMA may
faster movement) but seem to reflect the be involved in the separation of a sequence
encoding of the motor program (26). In another into chunks (see Time-Course of Motor Learn-
study, M1 activation was reported to increase ing): preSMA neurons fire at the beginning of a
during single-session learning of a serial reac- chunk (36,37). Inactivation of preSMA by
tion time task (28). The opposite was reported repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
for visuomotor learning (26). The mechanism impairs chunking (38).
by which M1 is recruited during motor learn- Several studies have demonstrated a de-
ing may also depend on prior experience: crease in the activation of the dorsolateral pre-
training of a finger-tapping task leads to frontal cortex (Brodmann area [BA] 44–46; refs.
greater M1 recruitment in piano players than 26,28,37,39–42). This area (especially BA 44) is
in inexperienced controls (29). also active during observation of movements
Costa and co-workers (30) investigated (43). BA 44 is a possible homolog of the monkey
within-session and intersession learning using area F5, where mirror neurons (see Time-Course
an acrobatic locomotor task in mice. The of Motor Learning) can be found (21). This area
authors simultaneously recorded from M1 and may be important for the observation of move-
the dorsal striatum. During the first training ments, a function likely to be relevant for early
session, they observed fast recruitment of task- stages of motor skill learning.
related neurons. Over subsequent sessions, The anterior striatum, which may contribute
refinement in these neurons occured such that by attaching a motivational value to a skill
striatal neurons became more velocity-specific (44), is preferentially activated early in finger
and M1 neurons gained task specificity. sequence learning (40,42,45). Direct recording
Re-organization of the somatotopical map in in monkeys supports this finding and also sug-
M1 during several days of motor training has gests that the posterior striatum is more
been reported for monkeys (31) and rats (32). strongly involved in later stages (46).

Molecular Neurobiology Volume 32, 2005

Stages of Motor Skill Learning 211

Several studies have demonstrated higher trol is handled by different brain regions and/or
involvement of the posterior lobe of the cere- by certain brain regions differently. Some of
bellum during the early stages of motor skill these changes may be related to improvement in
learning (26,39,41,47,48). According to Sakai performance and not to learning per se, whereas
(22), these findings may reflect the evolution of others may reflect encoding or consolidation.
a rhythm for the movement sequence (see Activation patterns, their function, and their
Time-Course for Motor Learning). The poste- time-courses need to be further characterized.
rior lobe of the cerebellum and prefrontal cor-
tices are used for rhythm formation, a process
requiring associative (“cognitive”) circuits and Cellular and Molecular Evidence
attention. Later, when the rhythm has formed,
motor circuits consisting of anterior cerebel- Changes in neuronal structure and function
lum and premotor area become active. have been reported during motor skill learning
Whereas the earlier cited studies focused on and have provided evidence that learning
changes in activation during the training advances through separate stages.
process, Shadmehr and Holcomb (49) studied
the evolution of cortical activation during the
posttraining consolidation phase. They showed
Protein Synthesis
that with passage of time after the end of train- Protein synthesis inhibition (PSI) interferes
ing, the recall of learned movements is associ- with learning and memory in various non-
ated with greater activation of contralateral motor paradigms, mainly by impairing the
dorsal premotor, posterior parietal cortex, and consolidation of acquired knowledge. This
the anterior cerebellar lobe. At the same time observation led to the hypothesis that consoli-
activation of bilateral middle frontal gyri and dation requires modifications in neuronal cir-
prefrontal cortex diminishes. The authors cuitry—that is, plastic change in neuronal
hypothesize that these changes in task-related structure. De novo expressed proteins may be
activation patterns reflect the ongoing re-orga- used to build novel structure.
nization that leads to a stabilization of the Protein synthesis is also necessary for success-
motor memory. ful motor learning. When given systemically, the
Conflicting results from imaging studies protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide
(Table 1) may be explained by differences in impairs learning of an acrobatic locomotor skill
subject samples (e.g., in degree of motor experi- in rat (17). Learning between, but not within,
ence) and motor learning paradigms. A general sessions is disturbed. This suggests that protein
problem is that changes in brain activation synthesis is necessary for slow learning pro-
related to higher performance (e.g., faster move- cesses that require consolidation to maintain the
ment; it is known that movement rate influ- skill over intersession periods of rest. To further
ences the activation pattern; ref. 50) are difficult characterize protein synthesis during motor
to separate from learning-related changes. Few learning, a protein synthesis inhibitor (ani-
studies have attempted to improve this separa- somycin) was injected into motor cortex, parietal
tion by inclusion of conditions controlling for cortex, and cerebellum immediately following
performance (26,51). Further studies with larger the end of the training session. Only injections
samples sizes and different methodological into motor cortex impaired intersession learning
approaches (e.g., functional imaging plus repet- (52), suggesting that protein synthesis in motor
itive TMS to interfere with cortical function) are cortex after training is required for successful
required to elucidate the dynamic involvement motor learning. The effect of PSI was specific for
of brain regions in the learning process. the learning process—that is, overtrained ani-
In conclusion, there is sufficient evidence that, mals did not show a decline in performance
depending on the stage of learning, motor con- after systemic or intracortical injections.

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212 Luft and Buitrago

Table 1
Overview of Function Imaging Studies of Motor Learning

Reference Task Imaging Design Frontal

39 Finger-tapping PET New vs Higher in 9, 10, 32, 46, 47, 6 (premotor)

sequence overlearned new
Higher in SMA proper
58 Writing task PET New vs Higher
overlearned in new
Higher in 4, 6, SMA
27 Finger-tapping fMRI Intrasession “Ordering effects” in 4 (M1), see text
sequence Intersession (d) increase in 4 (M1)
48 Visuomotor task PET Nonlinear Decrease 6, 8, 9, 47
(over 4 blocks) Increase 4, 6, 24 (anterior cingulate)
51 Tracing task PET New vs overlearned Higher in new 6 (premotor)
Higher in 6 (SMA)
28 SRTT PET Correlation with Positive 6, 46
reaction time Negative 9
42 Finger-tapping fMRI Nonlinear Decrease 4, 6 (lateral), 6 (medial), 46
sequence (over 45 blocks) Increase
Increase–decrease 6 (SMA)
37 Visuomotor fMRI Three stages based Decrease DLPFC (8, 9, 46), pre-SMA, 24
sequence task on performance Increase (anterior cingulate)
criteria Increase–decrease
45 Simple finger- fMRI Early vs late Higher in early 8
thumb opposition
Higher in late 9

41 SRTT PET Linear Decrease 44

(over 14 blocks) Increase SMA proper, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 44, 46
47 SRTT fMRI Three stages based Decrease
on timing Increase 6 (SMA), 45
Decrease– 24 (anterior cingulate),
increase 6 (premotor)
40 Finger-tapping fMRI Early vs late Higher in early 4, 6, 10, 46
sequence Higher in late 4, 9, 43
26 Visuomotor fMRI Intrasession Decreasing 4, 24 (anterior cingulate), 46
adaptation Increasing
Intersession (d) Decreasing
Increasing 4 (contra-anterior)

SMA, supplementary motor area; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; HC, hippocampus; PET, positron emission tomography; FRMI, functional magnetic
resonance imaging; SRIT, serial reaction time task.
Brain region numbers represent Brodmann areas.
aInitial decrease followed by plateau.

Molecular Neurobiology Volume 32, 2005

Stages of Motor Skill Learning 213

Brain region

Parietal Temporal Occipital Basal ganglia Thalamus Cerebellum Other

7 (precuneus) 40 Thalamus Vermis,

posterior lobe
40 20, 21, 28, 38 17, 18 post. insula, HC

3 19 Anterior lobe,

39, 40 Posterior lobe

Putamen insula
7 (precuneus), 40 tonsil

7 (precuneus), 40 Thalamus
39 22, 41, 42
1, 7 (precuneus) (Caudate, Vermis, contra-
40 (IPS) putamen)a anterior Lobe
Ipsi-anterior lobe

40 (IPS)
7 (precuneus)
7 (precuneus, contra-anterior) 39 Putamen Bilateral Anterior lobe
7 (ipsi-anterior), 31 (cingulate) 21 19 Contralateral Posterior lobe
thalamus dentate
40 20, 21 18 Posterior lobe HC
7, 31, 23 (postcingulate) 40 21, 27 Putamen Thalamus
Posterior lobe
7 (precuneus), 40 Putamen
Dentate nucleus

7 (precuneus), 40 Caudate Anterior lobe

3 30, 36, 37 19 (bilateral)
5, 7, 23 (postcingulate) Putamen Thalamus Posterior lobe
(ipsi-anterior) Dentate

1, 2, 3 (contra-anterior) Putamen

Molecular Neurobiology Volume 32, 2005

214 Luft and Buitrago

Kleim and co-workers (33) suggested that pro- Expression of the immediate early gene c-fos
tein synthesis is necessary for stabilizing M1 coding for the transcription factor Fos peaks
somatotopy. The forelimb representation in rat early in learning and remains elevated in the
shrinks upon intracortical injection of a protein plateau phase of the learning curve relative to
synthesis inhibitor. If administered to animals control animals (56).
before training, learning is reduced. This finding An approximately linear increase in synaptic
is in agreement with our findings of learning density was demonstrated in motor cortex
impairment when PSI is induced during train- during training of a skilled reaching task (34).
ing (52). Additionally, the former study showed In an acrobatic locomotor task, an increase in
that performance is lost in animals that receive synapses per Purkinje cell was observed in the
anisomycin following a recall session of the cerebellum (57).
trained movement. At first, this observation
seems contradictory to our finding of stable per-
formance in animals receiving PSI during the
plateau phase of the learning curve (52). Our Behavioral, functional imaging, electrophysi-
animals were continuously trained, whereas the ological, and cellular/molecular studies pro-
animals in the study of Kleim et al. rested for a vide evidence that motor skill learning is a
week before they were retrained, then received staged process. Different mechanisms appear
anisomycin (same dose and injection technique to be active at different times. During training,
as in our study), and were trained again. Assum- there is sequential demand for different cir-
ing that a breakdown of M1 representations in cuitry. Consolidation (i.e., stabilization of novel
response to PSI is responsible for the loss of skill motor memory) occurs both during and after
in Kleim’s experiment, either the breakdown or training. Task complexity may be an important
the loss of skill must have been prevented by determinant of how “staged” or segregated the
training the animals continuously in our experi- process is. Complex motor tasks require several
ment. Alternatively, the memory in Kleim’s training sessions interspersed with periods of
experiment may have been turned labile by the rest and sleep. For these tasks, acquisition and
recall (before PSI) and may then be rendered consolidation processes are interlocked, form-
sensitive to PSI again, a phenomenon termed ing a complex sequence of events. To better
“reconsolidation” in other learning and memory understand this process, future studies need to
paradigms (53). Reconsolidation also occurs in detail the time-courses of brain re-organization
human motor learning (12) and likely represents during motor skill learning.
and intermediate stage of memory consolidation
(54). Reconsolidation may have been prevented
by continuous training in our experiment. References
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