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01 Economic Relationships
Littering (Research Chart)
1. Explain how the issue you have chosen affects your community.
a. Littering is not something that can be taken lightly; the eyesore we call littering can
harm not only us, but the environment & the animals in the environment. Litter can
pollute the ground we use to grow crops & can kill animals we need, such as cows, deer,
& ducks, if they ingest it.
2. What do members of your family & community say about this issue.
a. Most of my community, including my parents & siblings, consider littering a repulsive
act. To them, a dirty ground makes dirty crops, making way to sickness if people
consume these dirty crops. Animals we love to see in ponds, like turtles & fish, can die if
they get stuck in a plastic ring or if they consume the litter.

1. How does this issue affect households & residents?

a. Littering will keep people from choosing a hotel to stay at or a place to rent.
2. How does this issue affect area businesses?
a. Litter on the ground will make people want to avoid the business. Because we have
small businesses, this is a big risk. Littering will keep people from entering our small
businesses, making the businesses to lose money, & in turn, more likely to lay of people
in the business in order to save money, or worse, make the business close.
3. How does this issue affect our government at the local, state, & national levels?
a. On all government levels, allowing littering to continue will make them look bad, as if
they do not care for the people who live here. The local government might have to use
their own money to clean up the litter. States could have an entire case of sicknesses if
they do not do anything. At the national level, people might start to voice their concerns
about the litter.
4. How does this issue affect the rest of the world?
a. This issue can affect the rest of the world in bad ways. China, for example, already has
some of the worst pollution there is. They have run out of places to put trash. When
people litter, this just escalates the issue of trash. Having this issue in multiple places at
once can cause an epidemic or a scarcity of certain foods or even make a species
5. How does the issue affect resources, goods & services, & finances?
a. Littering can affect farmers, restaurants, & grocery stores. Farmers might grow have to
their crops on littered ground, polluting the crops that are grown on said ground. This
can cause the farmers to either throw away the bad crops or play chance & hope the
foods do not make someone sick. If they choose the latter, local restaurants will not be
able to get their fresh ingredients anymore & will have to find elsewhere to get the
ingredients they need to cook. Grocery stores will have a shortage on certain vegetables
& or fruits, causing the prices of said goods to increase.
Government Spending Government: Set laws
to help reduce litter

Taxes Government Borrowing

Households: People feel Private Savings

cleaner around the area, &
Consumer Spending
possibly help clean the litter
as well

Business Revenue Financial

Product Market Goods & Services
Factors of Production
Factor Market Market

Goods & Services

Business Costs
Business Firms: Hire
Exports people to clean litter,
making the area healthier

Borrowing & Stock Issues by Firms

Foreign Borrowing & Sales of Stocks


Rest of the World: Set laws to

at least keep public &
touristic places clean Foreign Lending & Purchasing of Stocks

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