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Many organizations are losing capable and experienced employees due to HIV and
AIDs .this reduces the workforce thus lowering the productivity level of the
organization .HIV AIDS then poses a challenge of having to train new employees long
before they have served the organization long enough to cover for the recruitment and
training cost incurred on them. Making turnover costly; especially in an industry where it
is hard to replace the employee.
Ethics is the study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right
or wrong and outcomes are good or bad.
Importance of values and ethics
Rise of globalization leads to a multitude of different values and ethics in the workplace.
Old command-and-control system of direct supervision is not congruent with today’s
more independently-minded workforce. This has seen so much change in terms of what is
and what isn’t acceptable behavior especially in the workforce where we have people
from different cultures and beliefs; agreeing amicably on an issue as constant yet delicate
as norms and believes is continually a headache to today’s manager who has to ensure
that amid this difference profits are made and everyone’s happy and feels catered for.
This occurs when an employee has to do more than the tasks in their job descriptions .this
is whereby an employee has to do more tasks than those in their job descriptions.
Employees are required to learn more or new skills so as to remain in employment .This
are now called employability. This is evident in organizations that are just starting up
.they tend to head towards specialization as they become middle sized enterprises. This
affect organizational behavior since it is rather clear that the relationships in the
workplace are not defined.
The following are some of the various employment relationships emergent from
Contingent work: any job in which the individual does not have an explicit or implicit
contract for long-term employment or one in which the minimum hours of work can vary
in a nonsystematic way.
Telecommuting: working from home usually with a computer connection to the office.
Virtual teams: cross-functional groups that operate across space, time, and organizational
boundaries with members who communicate mainly through electronic technologies.
Information Technology
Lead to rise in telecommuting and virtual teams.
Creates opportunities to connect people around the plant.
Allows small businesses in developing countries to compete in the global market place.
Technology has also led to many people loosing jobs. This is one of the negative impacts
of technology. It was one of the most significant and most embraced changes in the
workplace. This so many retrenched .this led to the need for managers to learn how best
to manage this changes that are mandatory in the changing times .they have to strike a
balance since they need employees to drive this change ,to realize organizational and
personal goals of its an employees. It’s a win -win situation for as all.
1. Centre and underline the headings
2. Change the first heading to size 26,Bold ,red and Arial
3. Change the first and second paragraph to font Tahoma, size 14,colour blue and
double spacing
4. Change the fourth heading i.e ‘,Emerging Employment relationship ‘to
size30,New Times Roman,bold-italicand title case.
5. Copy the last heading and last paragraph to the end of the document.
6. Underline words only of the copied text.
7. Spell check your document and saveit.

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