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Multiple Choice Questions on Nano Science

By J.R.Ansari, Ph.D., PDM University

Section I

31. For constructive interference

(a) The phase difference should be constant
(b) The phase difference should be zero
(c) The two waves should be out of phase
(d) None of the above

Ans: b. c is the condition of destructive interference

32. Interference is
(a) the addition of two waves
(b) superimposition of two waves
(c) disturbance of a wave using another wave.
(d) All the above.

Ans: d

33. Which of the following method is used to produce the sound of

frequency more
than 20 kHz?
(a) Magnetostriction method
(b) Piezo-electric method
(c) Inverse piezo-electric method
(d) Ultrasonic interferometer

Ans: a and c. The ultrasonic interferometer is not a method but an instrument.

Moreover, its main objective is not to generate ultrasonic waves though
generation of ultrasonic waves is a part of it.
34. In the magnetostriction method, a ferromagnet substance changes its
and size when placed in a
(a) magnetic field
(b) alternating current
(c) electric field
(d) all the above

Ans: a and b

35. Which of the following is true?

(a) In the magnetostriction method, magnetic dipoles make orientation
according to the magnetic field.
(b) In the piezoelectric method, electric dipoles align towards electric field.
(c) In the piezoelectric effect, an electric field produces mechanical vibrations.
(d) In the inverse piezoelectric method, mechanical pressure produces an
electric field.

Ans: a and b

36. In magnetostriction method of ultrasonic sound production

(a) a magnetic rod is used
(b) a magnetic cube is used
(c) a dielectric rod is used
(d) a conducting rod is used.

Ans: a

37. In the magnetostriction method

(a) an electric field should be perpendicular to the magnetic rod.
(b) a magnetic field should be perpendicular to the magnetic rod.
(c) a magnetic field should be parallel to the magnetic rod.
(d) none of the above.

Ans: c

38. A device which is used to convert electrical energy into ultrasonic

and vice-versa is called
(a) Ultrasonic interferometer
(b) Ultrasonic transducer
(c) Piezoelectric device
(d) All the above.

Ans: d. (a is not more accurate)

39. Which of the following uses ultrasonic sound waves?
(a) anemometer
(c) Ultrasonography
(d) Non-destructive testing
(e) All the above.

Ans: e

40. Absorption of ultrasonic waves results in the emission of

(a) light
(b) heat
(c) both light and heat
(d) electrical energy

Ans: b

41. Dispersion of ultrasonic waves occurs due to

(a) wavelength dependent variation of refractive index
(b) variation of density in the medium
(c) prism
(d) all the above

Ans: b

42. Which of the following method is used to detect ultrasonic waves?

(a) Piezoelectric method
(b) Sensitive tube method
(c) Kundt’s tube method
(d) all the above.

Ans: a and c, sensitive flame method

43. In sensitive flame method,

(a) a flame is produced by ultrasonic sound.
(b) a flame is used to produce ultrasonic sound
(c) a flame is used to detect ultrasonic sound
(d) all the above.

Ans: c
44. A sensitive flame can be used to detect ultrasonic waves because
(a) it is sensitive to mechanical pressure
(b) it is sensitive to density variation
(c) a and b
(d) none of the above

Ans: c

45. In sensitive flame method,

(a) the flame is on during the node of the sound wave
(b) the flame is off during the anti-node of the sound wave
(c) the flame is off during the node of the sound wave
(d) the flame is on during the anti-node of the sound wave.

Ans: a and b

46. In Kundt’s tube method,

(a) talcum powder is used
(b) a vertical glass tube is used
(c) Lycopodium powder can be used
(d) All are correct.

Ans: a and c. Horizontal glass tube is used.

47. In Kundt’s tube method,

(a) particle in powder makes displacement according to the pressure of
sound waves
(b) The displacement is maximum at the antinode of the sound waves.
(c) The displacement is in the horizontal direction
(d) The displacement is maximum at the node of the wave

Ans: a and b. displacement is in the vertical direction to the propagation of

sound wave.

48. The density of states gives

(a) The number of unoccupied energy states in a given interval of energy.
(b) The number of energy levels in a given interval of energy.
(c) The number of occupied energy levels in a given interval of energy
(d) none of the above.

Ans: a
49. The current produced due to an externally applied potential is called
(a) drift current
(b) diffusion current
(c) eddy current
(d) All the above

Ans: a

50. Which of the following phenomenon could not be explained by

(a) Photoelectric effect
(b) Black body radiation
(c) Specific heat of solids
(d) All the above

Ans: d

51. Classical mechanics fails because

(a) it is based on macroscopic observations
(b) it does not fail
(c) it considers physical quantities as continuous variables
(d) none of the above

Ans: a and c

52. The photoelectric effect can be explained by quantum mechanics by

(a) by observing the phenomenon using a microscope
(b) assuming emission and absorption taking place in a discreet manner.
(c) using wave theory
(d) all the above

Ans: b and c

53. Which of the following phenomenon asserts light can have particle
(a) Compton effect
(b) Photoelectric effect
(c) Black body radiation
(d) All the above

Ans: d
54. Which of the following phenomenon asserts particles can have wave
(a) Interference of light
(b) interference of electrons
(c) both (a) and (b)

Ans: b

55. Which of the following exhibits dual characters?

(a) light waves
(b) sound waves
(c) particles
(d) air

Ans: a, b, c (Sound waves can behave like particles called phonons.)

56. What are the conditions for a physical entity to be eligible for the
(a) it should have momentum
(b) it should have mass
(c) any one of its variables should be discreet.
(d) all the above.

Ans: d

57. De-Broglie’s wavelength is applicable to

(a) electrons
(b) photons
(c) matter waves
(d) All the above

Ans: a

58. Which of the following is a function of temperature?

(a) Fermi level
(b) Density of states
(c) No of free electrons
(d) All the above.

Ans: b and c
59. In P-type semiconductor which of the following is (are) charge
(a) holes
(b) electrons
(c) ions
(d) all the above.

Ans: d

60. An intrinsic semiconductor is

(a) free electron free
(b) defect free
(c) dopant free
(d) all the above.

Ans: d

Section II
1. Nanomaterials are the materials with at least one dimension measuring less
than ___________
a) 1 nm
b) 10 nm
c) 100 nm
d) 1000 nm
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Answer: c
Explanation: A material with at least one of its dimensions measuring less than 100 nm
(1 to 100nm) are classified as nanomaterials.
2. A material with one dimension in Nano range and the other two dimensions are
large is called ___________
a) Micro-material
b) Quantum wire
c) Quantum well
d) Quantum dot
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Answer: c
Explanation: Such a material with one dimension in Nano range and other two large is
called quantum well. A material with two of the three dimensions in the nano range and
third large is called quantum wire. When all the dimensions are in nano range, it is
called quantum dot.
3. The colour of the nano gold particles is ___________
a) Yellow
b) Orange
c) Red
d) Variable
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Answer: d
Explanation: The colour of the nano gold particle varies with the size of the particles. It
shows different colours like orange, red, purple, or greenish.
4. The melting point of particles in nano form ___________
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same
d) Increases then decreases
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Answer: b
Explanation: For the particles in the nano form, the melting point reduces significantly.
Other chemical properties are also changed as the dimensions of the object comes in
the nano range.
5. The first talk about nano-technology was given by ___________
a) Albert Einstein
b) Newton
c) Gordon E. Moore
d) Richard Feynman
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Answer: d
Explanation: In 1959, Richer Feynman gave a speech in which he spoke of nano-
science and nano-technology. He talked about the possibility of manipulating individual
atoms and molecules.
6. Which of the processes of materials was not described as Nanotechnology?
a) Separation
b) Creation
c) Processing
d) Consolidation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Nanotechnology, as defined by Professor N. Taniguchi, consists of the
processing, separation, consolidation and deformation of materials by one atom or by
one molecule. It is used exclusively for the nanomaterials.
7. The initial tools used to help launch the nanoscience revolution were
a) Binoculars
b) Microscope
c) Scanning probe instruments
d) Interferometer
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Answer: c
Explanation: Scanning probe instruments were the initial tools used by the scientist. In
these instruments, the probe slides along the surface of the specimen.
8. When semiconductors are reduced to nanometres they become pure
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: When semiconductors are reduced to the nano form their chemical
properties change significantly and they become insulators, as there is no more space
for free electrons to move.
9. The major difference between the nano materials compared to the bulk form is
the big fraction of the total number of atoms on the surface.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the bulk material is changed into nano form, the number of atoms on
the surface turns out to be a large fraction of the total number of atoms present in the
material. Due to this, the whole physical/chemical properties of the material changes.
10. The size of atoms is nearly ____________
a) 0.01 nm
b) 0.1 nm
c) 1 nm
d) 10 nm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The size of the atoms is nearly 0.1 nm. The smallest naturally occurring
atom, helium, is 0.1 nm in size. Thus, nanotechnology can be used to study their
characteristics and properties or even control them.
Section III
Some more MCQ on Quantum Dots

1. "There is a plenty of room at the bottom." This was stated by

A. Issac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Richard Feynman
D. Eric Drexler

2. 1 nanometre= _______ cm.

A. 10(-9)
B. 10(-8)
C. 10(-7)
D. 10(-6)

3. The size of E.coli bacteria is ______ nm

A. 75000
B. 2000
C. 200
D. 5

4. The diameter of human hair is _______ m

A. 75000
B. 75
C. 7.5 x 10(-5)
D. 7.5 x 10(-9)

5. The most important property of nanomaterials is

A. force
B. friction
C. pressure
D. temperature

6. The diameter of a bucky ball is about ______

A. 1 Ao
B. 100 Ao
C. 1 nm
D. 10 nm

7. A bucky ball is a molecule consisting of ___ carbon atoms

A. 50
B. 60
C. 75
D. 100

8. The cut-off limit of human eye to see is _____ nm

A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. 10000

9. 1 meter = ______ nm.

A. 109
B. 10(-9)
C. 1010
D. 10(-10)

10. The diameter of a bucky ball is about ______

A. 1 Ao
B. 10 Ao
C. 100 Ao
D. 1000 Ao

11. The diameter of hydrogen atom is ______ nm.

A. 10
B. 1
C. 0.1
D. 0.01

12. The size of a quantum dot is ______ m.

A. 5
B. 5 x 10(-9)
C. 5 x 10(-10)
D. 5 x 10(-11)
13. 20 micron = ______ nm

A. 20 x 10(-9)
B. 20 x 109
C. 200
D. 20000

14. 1 mm = ______ nm

A. 106
B. 10(-6)
C. 107
D. 10(-7)

15. The hardest material found in nature is ______.

A. steel
B. topaz
C. diamond
D. quartz

16. ______ are the extentions of bucky balls.

A. Geodesic domes
B. Hexagons
C. Carbon nanotubes
D. AFM and STM

17. Nanotechnology, in other words, is

A. Carbon engineering
B. Atomic engineering
C. Small technology
D. Microphysics

18. The width of carbon nanotube is ______nm.

A. 1
B. 1.3
C. 1.55
D. 10

19. The diameter of fly ash particles is _____ μm

A. 5-10
B. 10-20
C. 20-30
D. 100

20. The tensile strength of a carbon nanotube is _____ times that of steel.

A. 10
B. 25
C. 100
D. 1000

21. The ratio of thermal conductivity of silver to that of a carbon nanotube is


A. 100 : 1
B. 1 : 100
C. 10 : 1
D. 1 : 10

22. In a bucky ball, each carbon atom is bound to _____ adjacent carbon

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

23. The size of red and white blood cells is in the range of _____μm.

A. 2-5
B. 5-7
C. 7-10
D. 10-15


(1) C (2) C (3) B (4) C (5) B (6) C (7) C

(8) D (9) A (10) B (11) C (12) B (13) D (14) A

(15) C (16) C (17) B (18) B (19) B (20) C (21) D

(22) C (23) A
Section IV

1. Who coined the word "Nanotechnology"?

ANS: K. Eric Drexler coined the word "Nanotechnology".

2. Who wrote the book "Engines of Creation"?

ANS: K. Eric Drexler wrote the book "Engines of Creation".

3. What is the meaning of the Greek word "Nano"?

ANS: "Nano" means "dwarf".

4. What is the meaning of "Technology"?

ANS:"Technology" is a process of using scientific principles and techniques to
design new materials, devices, and systems for prosperity, comforts, betterment
and enhancement of human life.

5. What is Atomic Engineering?

ANS:Atomic Engineering is the science involving manufacture of products with
different properties by rearrangement of atoms.

6. Define: Nanotechnology.
ANS:Nanotechnology is atom-by-atom or molecule-by-molecule building of
structures that will be helpful in manufacturing new devices and systems.

7. How much is 1 micron in meter ?

ANS:1 micron is equal to 10-6 meter.

8. What is the size of an integrated circuit transistor?

ANS:The size of an integrated circuit transistor is 90 nm.

9. What is the size of a virus?

ANS:A virus is 50 nm in size.

10. Mention the width of a DNA molecule.

ANS:A DNA molecule has width of about 2 nm.

11. What is the diameter of the hydrogen atom?

ANS:The diameter of the hydrogen atom is 0.1 nm.

12. What is the full form of MEMS?

ANS:"MicroElectro Mechanical Systems" is the full form of MEMS

13. What is the size of red blood cells?

ANS:The size of red blood cells is 5000 nm.

14. What is the size of a quantum dot?

ANS:The size of a quantum dot is 5 nm.

15. Who invented STM(Scanning Tunneling Microscope)?

ANS:Gern Binnig and Heinrich Rohre of IBM Research Lab invented STM in 1981.

16. What can be considered as a loose atom or molecule floating in space?

ANS:Anything smaller than a nanometer can be considered as a loose atom or
molecule floating in space.

17. What made it possible to study atoms and their manipulation in developing
new structures ?
ANS:The invention of Scanning Tunneling Microscope(STM) made it possible to
study atoms and their manipulation in developing new structures.

18. What is the full form of AFM?

ANS:The full form of AFM is Atomic Force Microscope.

19. Which two types of fundamental molecules find wide applications in

ANS:Bucky balls and carbon nanotubes are two types of fundamental molecules
that find wide applications in nanotechnology.

20. Why does nanotechnology play by different rules ?

ANS:Nanotechnology plays by different rules because of larger surface area
relative to the volume of nanomaterials.

21. Who discovered Buckminsterfullerene(bucky ball)?

ANS:Robert F. Curl,Jr.; Harold W. Croto; and Richard E. Smalley discovered the
buckminsterfullerene in 1985.

22. What does a bucky ball comprise of?

ANS:A bucky ball comprises of 60 carbon atoms in the architectural configuration
of a soccer ball(sphere).

23. Who designed the famous geodesic dome?

ANS:American architect Buckminster Fuller designed the famous geodesic dome.

24. What are carbon nanotubes? OR What are fullerenes?

ANS:Carbon nanotubes are long tubular structures formed by joining bucky balls
without their ends closing so that spheres are not formed.

25. Who conceptualised carbon nanotubes?

ANS:Richard Smalley conceptualised carbon nanotubes.

26. What is a bucky tube?

ANS:A bucky tube is a carbon nanotube derived from bucky balls.

27. Mention the types of carbon nanotubes.

ANS:The types of carbon nanotubes are:(1) Single Walled Nano Tube (SWNT)and
(2)Multi Walled Nano Tube (MWNT)

28. List out the areas of nanoscience.

ANS:The areas of nanoscience are:(1)nanotubes (2)nanofabrication
(3)nanomaterials (4)nanocomposites

29. Who photographed nanotubes for the first time ?

ANS:Sumio Tijima of NEC Laboratory photographed nanotubes for the first time.

30. Why do carbon nanotubes have very high tensile strength ?

ANS:Carbon nanotubes have very high tensile strength due to carbon-carbon
bonds and the fact that each carbon tube is a very large molecule.

31. How do carbon nanotubes conduct heat ? OR Why do carbon nanotubes

have high thermal conductivity ?
ANS:Carbon nanotubes have high thermal conductivity because they conduct
heat by vibrations of covalent bonds between carbon atoms.

32. How is nanotechnology useful in destroying tumours of cancer ?

ANS:A nanoshell of 100nm diameter floating through the body will be able to get
attached only to cancerous cells which upon excitation by a laser beam will
dissipate heat and destroy the tumour.

33. How can the melting point of materials be tuned using nanotechnology ?
ANS:The melting point of materials can be tuned by controlling their particle size
in the range of nanoscale.

34. How can collateral damage be minimized during explosion using

nanotechnology ?
ANS: The collateral damage during explosion can be minimized by varying the
size of nanoparticles in munitions.

35. What is the use of nanocrystals ?

ANS:Nanocrystals can be used to transform electricity into light without excessive
loss of energy due to heating.

36. Which fields of science will be affected by the progress of nanotechnology

ANS:The fields like nanotubes, nanofabrication, nanomaterials and
nanocomposites will be affected by the progress of nanotechnology.

37. Mention two phenomena which are dominant and important at

nanoscales(as compared to larger dimensions).
ANS:Sticking and friction are dominant and important at nanoscales.

38. How can the mapping of DNA of a newly born baby be useful ?
ANS:The mapping of DNA of a newly born baby can help obtain information about
future potential problems, enabling to curtail diseases at an early stage.

39. Mention the range of wavelength of visible light in nanometer.

ANS: The range of wavelength of visible light is 400 to 700 nm.

40. Who outlined the "Vision and Prospects of Atomic Engineering'?

ANS: Richard Feynman.

41. What is the diameter of human hair?

ANS: The diameter of human hair is 75000 nm.

42. What is the full form of GPS?

ANS: The full form of GPS is Global Positioning System.

43. What is the size of MEMS?

ANS: The size of MEMS is 10-6 to 10 -4 m.

44. What is the size of a nanoshell?

ANS: The size of a nanoshell is 100 nm.


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