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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Describe how you supervise children adequately—by positioning yourself to see as many children
as possible, how you are aware of children’s location always, how you monitor by sound when
children may be out of visual range (as when using the toilet, etc.).

To supervise children I will always walk around and listen carefully when having a classroom full of
kids. I would have a list of the children and keep track of who’s in the classroom and what section or
center each child is at. Listen for key sounds that indicate running, screaming, noises that also indicate
hitting or smacking when not looking at the children.

Describe the child tracking procedures you use when moving from one location to another (as in
when going from classroom to outdoor play area).

When in the classroom first I would get all the children to line up and count them to make sure I had
everyone there. Then I would get them to get dressed in the hall and line up when finished and call out
names this time to make sure I have every child accounted for and then we head out. As we’re walking
in the hall to the door that leads outside I will look back at the kids very frequently to make sure no one
walks away.

Describe your use of proper hand-washing procedures—list the times when you wash your own
hands and when you assist children in washing their hands.

My hand washing technique for the children is to wash thoroughly with soap for 20 seconds in warm
water then wipe with paper towels. I try to wash my hands every time I think what I’m doing could
spread germs and when done dealing with food, outside, bodily fluids from children or myself.

Describe a schedule for cleaning and sanitizing and what it means to use universal precautions—
including cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces, use of gloves and barriers to minimize contact with
body fluids, cleaning spills as they occur, cleaning and sanitizing toys that have been mouthed or
exposed to body fluids.

A schedule for cleaning a sanitizing would be after breakfast/before greeting kids, after work/free
time, before outside time, before and after lunch, naptime, and end of the day. Then to use gloves,
towels, and sanitizers.

Describe your process for being aware of children’s special health care needs, nutrition needs or
allergies, etc. Do you conduct daily health checks as children arrive? If yes, what do you look
for? If no, why not?

First off if its a new child I would have a meeting or talk with the parents about the child’s needs and
anything important that I would need to know. I would prepare the classroom while keeping in mind
what should be necessary for kids with allergies and special needs. I would have cleaning supplies and
keep the main allergens out of my classroom. Also to have the materials necessary.

Describe the process of administering medication or applying sunscreen or other products. What

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Health, Safety, and Nutrition
do you do to follow licensing requirements for administering and logging?

Administering medication or applying anything to a child is always with the permission of the parents
first, and with a required doctor’s note as well. For each child with medication should have their own
logging sheet to know that the child took their medication or was applied with any cream or other
ointments. Every ointment and medication should be labeled with the child’s name to know it’s only
for them.

Give some examples of how you use care routines such as toileting, meal and nap routines as
opportunities to build relationships, language, concepts (food classification, nutrition, healthy
living, manners, etc.) and to build a child’s self-awareness, social interaction, and self-help skills.
When doing any of the care routines I talk to the kids and try to make them feel happy when feeling
unsure. I always want to set out a good example and will help any of the kids when having difficulties.
If I see a child eating a banana at lunch I will say that I love bananas or talk a child throughgoing to the
bathroom if they have a hard time showing that I care and want the best for them.

Describe what you do during meal/snack times. Do you sit with children and promote children’s
feeding skills and social interactions? If yes, how do you? If no, why not?

During meal/snack time I sit with the children and talk with them as they are serving themselves. I also
have a plate to serve myself small portions to show children I eat my vegetables and eat what is on my
plate. I talk to each and every child individually and they usually talk to each other too. I also help the
children if they have difficulty with utensils and manners as well.

Describe what you do to handle and serve food using proper safety precautions and sanitary

What I do is wash my hands first before doing anything with the food. I make sure that the table has
been cleaned and prepared for the children to eat at. I give each child clean silverware, plates, and cups
and if any are dirty beforehand I will not give to the children at all. For all the kids and the teachers to
serve themselves we use utensils to grab the food and not our hands too.

Describe the clean-up routine—how do you encourage children to participate in daily clean up
and maintenance of the classroom?

To help children learn to clean up, I and other teachers can play songs to signal that it is time to clean
up and stop whatever they are doing. Or you can start singing yourself that all the children also have to
sing. Or make a fun game out of it too for the children to enjoy and make it easier to do when they see
other children and the teachers do it as well.

Describe the toileting routine—how do you help children use the toilet following good health and
hygiene practices?

Usually, when a child needs to go to the bathroom, at preschool age I let the children use the bathroom
themselves but with the door open if it is in the classroom. I only help them if they have trouble or are
still in pullups. When helping the children I ask them if they need help if they’ve been in there for a
while and will always wash my hands and wear gloves when handling any accidents or wiping the

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Health, Safety, and Nutrition
child then wash right after.

Describe the nap time routine—what do you do to follow licensing regulations and meet
children’s need for rest? What do you do if a child does not sleep at nap time?

All children will usually nap for at least 2 hours and will sleep on a cot with a sheet covering it and the
children have a blanket with a stuffed animal. When needed some children can have back rubs or will
be assisted when having bad behavior.

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