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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования
«Башкирский государственный педагогический университет им. М. Акмуллы»
(ФГБОУ ВО «БГПУ им. М. Акмуллы»)


Утверждено на заседании кафедры

Протокол № ___ от « » июня 2019 г.


по английскому языку



Разработчик: старший преподаватель КИЯ Вахитова И.А.

Курсы 3-4, семестры 6-8
Количество терминов – 30
Количество заданий – 130
Дидактические единицы: КОПР №14 англ.яз_термины_информатика
№ ДЕ (Тип задания) Кол-во Кол-во Кол-во
КОПР_англ.яз_термины_информатика заданий заданий заданий
(в ИКТ (в ИКТ (ИКТ
13) 14) 15)
Контрольная точка №2
(Вторые 30 терминов словаря)
середина февраля
Найти эквивалент термина с 10 5 2
Тест 1_англ.яз._ английского языка на русский
информатика (единичный выбор)
Найти эквивалент термина с русского 10 5 2
языка на английский (единичный
Подобрать соответствующий русский 15 3 1
эквивалент дефиниции к дефиниции
на английском языке (единичный

Подобрать к английскому термину 15 3 1

соответствующую дефиницию на
английском языке (единичный выбор)
Соотнести дефиниции на русском 10 3 1
языке с дефинициями на английском
языке (единичный выбор)
Выбрать подходящее по смыслу 15 3 1
пропущенное слово
/профессиональная лексика
(единичный выбор)
Итого 75
Тест 2_англ.яз_ Соотнести термины на английском 15 3 1
информатика языке с дефинициями на английском

Вставить подходящие пропущенные 10 1 1

слова в текст (единичный выбор) /из
Текстов для дополнительного чтения.

Определить, верны ли утверждения (3 10 1 1

утверждения – два из них верные)/
множественный выбор (из Текстов
для дополнительного чтения)

Дописать соответствующий термин 20 3 2

на английском к дефиниции на
английском языке (открытое задание)

Итого 55

ИКТ_14_англ.яз. Формируется из заданий к тестам №4, 130 30

_информатика №5, №6 и №7, №8, №9

Бланк для формирования теста

Название теста – КОПР_англ.яз_термины_ информатика
Автор – ст. преподаватель КИЯ Вахитова И.А.
Контактная информация 89191408762
Описание – Данный тест предназначен для студентов 3-4 курсов неязыковых факультетов
Перемешивать ответы – да / нет (по умолчанию да)
Ограничение времени тестирования – минут

Экспертиза зав.каф.ин.яз, д.ф.н., проф. Гарипов Р.К..

Экспертиза специалиста
группы технической поддержки компьютерного тестирования ФИО
соответствие или несоответствие

Уфа 2019
Словарь терминов по информатике
(Английский язык в профессиональной коммуникации)
public cloud общественное облако, a service offered for any users on the Internet
услуга, предоставляемая
для любых пользователей
automation автоматизация - the use of programmed machines to perform
использование tasks without human assistance
машин для выполнения
задач без участия человека
interoperability совместимость the ability to easily send or combine
-способность объединять electronic health data from one system into
электронные данные о another
состоянии здоровья
пациента и отправлять их
из одной системы в другую
cyber criminal преступник, человек, a person who uses computers and the Internet
который использует to commit crimes such as identity theft and
компьютеры и интернет для fraud
совершения преступлений,
таких как кража личных
данных и мошенничество

security программа для обеспечения software that keeps a computer safe from
software безопасности threats such as computer viruses and cyber
deployment размещение, внедрение introducing new software into a group of
нового программного hardware

micro robotic крошечные пинцеты very tiny tweezers that allow a doctor to
tweezers operate in extremely small or delicate areas
coding шифрование, кодирование the programming language that makes up a
PACS (Picture архивация изображений и a system that captures and stores medical
Archiving and системы связи (это система, images from different sources
Communication которая фиксирует и
s System) сохраняет медицинские
изображения из различных

implanted имплантированный a tiny device in a person’s body that releases

microchip микрочип specific amounts of medicine
EHR (Electronic ЭМК (электронная a computerized version of a patient’s health
Health Record) медицинская карта) - record
версия истории болезни
CDSS (Clinical это система, которая a system that helps doctors diagnose problems
Decision помогает врачам
Support System) диагностировать болезни
private cloud частное облако, услуга, a service offered to specific users who have
предоставляемая для purchased it and isn’t available publicly
конкретных пользователей
optic scanner оптический сканер - a device that reads and records identification
устройство, которое labels on medications
считывает и записывает
этикетки на лекарствах

integrated интегральная схема a small chip that has several electronic

Тест 1_англ.яз_информатика
ДЕ 1. Найти эквивалент термина с английского языка на русский (единичный выбор)
(10 заданий из общего числа)
Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term



Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Integrated circuit
интегрированная система
интегральная схема
интегральная цепь
интегрированная схема
Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Axioms of probability
аксиомы вероятности
аксиомы возможности
аксиомы постоянной величины
аксиомы условной вероятности
Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

десятичное число
смешанное число
целое число
натуральное число
Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Address bus
адресная шина
адресный накопитель
адресный автобус
адресная помощь
Choose the Russian equivalent for the English term

Speaker system
система говорения
акустическая система
разговорная система
система прослушивания
Е 2. Найти эквивалент термина с русского языка на английский (единичный выбор) (10
заданий из общего числа)
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Услуга, предоставляемая для любых пользователей интернетом

public cloud
private cloud
cloud computing
public computing
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

trust logo
type logo
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Встроенные системы
embedded systems
imbed systems
open systems
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Тип компьютерного вируса

root directory
bar coding
root kit
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

База данных
conventional memory
basic input/output system
basic software level
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Бесплатное программное обеспечение

free software
unpaid software
toll-free software
public-domain software
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term

Интеллектуальная карта
credit card
ID card
smart card
flash card
Choose the English equivalent for the Russian term
ДЕ 3. Подобрать соответствующий русский эквивалент дефиниции к дефиниции на
английском языке (единичный выбор) (15 заданий из общего числа)
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A type of computer virus that is created to gain total control over a computer system by
overwriting parts of its operating system
тип вируса, который создаётся, чтобы получить частичный контроль над различными
компьютерными системами
тип компьютерного вируса, который создается, чтобы получить полный контроль над
компьютерной системой путем перезаписи части своей операционной системы
тип компьютерного вируса, который создаётся для записи определённой операционной
тип компьютерного вируса, который создаётся, чтобы получить общий контроль над
компьютерной системой путём сканирования всех операционных систем
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A person who uses computers and the Internet to commit crimes such as identity theft and
человек, который использует компьютеры и интернет для совершения преступлений, таких
как кража личных данных и мошенничество
человек, который использует компьютеры и интернет в своих преступных целях
человек, который использует компьютер и интернет для совершения преступлений,
связанных с кражей личного имущества
человек, который использует компьютер и интернет для совершения преступлений, таких как
подделка и кража документов

Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A service offered for any users on the Internet

услуга, предоставляемая для определённых пользователей интернетом
услуга, предоставляемая для любых пользователей интернетом
услуга, предоставляемая для пользования электронной почтой
услуга, предоставляемая для конкретных пользователей
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Gradient fill
однотонная закраска изображений плоских графических форм
заполнение замкнутой области части изображения непрерывным цветом
разновидность вируса, который поражает загрузочные сектора дисков
сектор, на котором хранятся так называемые загрузочные записи соответствующего диска
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Loadable font
загружаемый шрифт
загрузочный вирус
загружаемый модуль
загрузочный сектор
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Analog-to-digital converter
электронное устройство, преобразующее аналоговый сигнал в цифровую форму
электронное устройство, преобразующее цифровой сигнал в аналоговый
устройство, помещаемое между двумя другими устройствами для согласования их
параметров или обеспечения асинхронного режима работы
измерительные устройства с системой специальных аппаратно-программных интерфейсов
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Digital video recorder

записывающее устройство небольшого размера
разновидность портативной цифровой видеокамеры небольшого размера со встроенной
разновидность видеокамеры большого размера
разновидность цифровой видеокамеры без встроенной памяти
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Graphic tablet
сопроцессор, предназначенный для улучшения обработки графики
средство бесклавиатурного ввода данных и графических изображений в ЭВМ
элементарный графический объект
файл, в котором хранятся любые типы устойчивых графических данных (изображений)
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A combination of hardware and software designed to perform a specific task

Сочетание аппаратных средств и программного обеспечения, предназначенного для
выполнения конкретной задачи
Сочетание аппаратных средств и программного обеспечения для выполнения различных
Сочетание аппаратных средств и программного обеспечения, предназначенного для
выполнения различных вычислений
Сочетание аппаратных средств и программного обеспечения, предназначенного для
выполнения индивидуальных задач
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Devices that convert mechanical information into electronic signals

устройства, преобразующие механическую информацию в электронные сигналы
кодирующие устройства, которые преобразуют информацию в электронные сигналы
устройства, преобразующие информацию в электронные сигналы
устройства, преобразующие механическую информацию в электромагнитные сигналы
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A seal that appears on a web page and means that the security of information on that page is
assured by an accredited company
Знак, который появляется на веб-странице и означает, что безопасность данных
осуществляется определённой компанией
Спам, который появляется на веб-странице и означает, что безопасность информации не
может обеспечиваться аккредитованной компанией
Логотип, который появляется на веб-странице и означает, что безопасность информации на
этой странице обеспечивается аккредитованной компанией
Сайт в компьютерной сети, который предоставляет пользователю различные интерактивные
сервисы аккредитованной компанией
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Root directory
пропускная способность
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

A device that can be connected to a computer

устройство для подключения к интернету
вспомогательное устройство для подключения к интернету
вспомогательное устройство для подключения к компьютеру
современное устройство для подключения к компьютеру
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Pay as you go
модель оплаты клиентами использованных ресурсов
пропускная способность, измерение количества информации, которую компьютерная сеть
может отправлять или получать
способность получать или терять компьютерные ресурсы
услуга, где пользователи получают операционную систему вычислений и связанных с ним
компонентов через Интернет
Choose the equivalent of the Russian definition for the English one

Cyber criminal
человек, который пытается получить доступ к сети или к компьютеру без разрешения
человек, который использует компьютеры и интернет для совершения преступлений, таких
как кража личных данных и мошенничество
компьютерный вирус, который копирует свой код снова и разрушает файлы исходных данных
компьютерный вирус, который становится частью файла или диска и активируется при
ДЕ 4. Подобрать к английскому термину соответствующую дефиницию на английском
языке (единичный выбор) (15 заданий из общего числа)
Choose the English definition for the English term

the programming language that makes up a website
a system in which doctors scan medicines and match them to patients
a device that reads and records identification labels on medications
a device that converts mechanical information into electronic signals
Choose the English definition for the English term

Optic scanner
a device that allows the user to view the electrical voltage of a machine
a device that converts mechanical information into electronic signals
a device that reads and records identification labels on medications
a tiny device in a person’s body that releases specific amounts of medicine
Choose the English definition for the English term

A computerized version of a patient’s health record

EHR (Electronic Health Record)
CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System)
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
EMM (Electronic Materials Management)
Choose the English definition for the English term

a model for payment where customers pay according to how much they use a resource
a measurement of the amount of information that a computer network can send or receive
a computer system’s ability to gain or lose computer resources as a user sees fit
a computerized version of a patient’s health record
Choose the English definition for the English term

PaaS (platform as a service)

a service offered for any users on the Internet
a service offered to specific users who have purchased it and isn’t available publicly
a set of rules that must be followed for the sake of security
a service where users receive a computing operating system and related components over the Internet
Choose the English definition for the English term

Resident extension
a hidden way to get by security in computers and programs, sometimes internationally created
a flaw in a computer program
a piece of code that is used to fix a flaw in a computer program
an add-on to a computer virus that causes it to become a part of the host computer’s operating system
Choose the English definition for the English term

to make sure that something is legitimate
to prevent access to something
to place something in complete isolation where it cannot access or infect anything else
to discover something
Choose the English definition for the English term

to contaminate it with a computer virus
to make copies of oneself
to create a duplicate copy of data that is stored on a separate hard drive or computer system to
prevent the loss of the data
to become a part of something
Choose the English definition for the English term

to make room for new data
to delete files or data from a computer
to modify or arrange it so that it works in a certain way
to add a new component or program to a computer or system
Choose the English definition for the English term

a scripting language that is used to create dynamic web pages
a way to alter the look of text on web pages
a programming language that is used to encode web pages
a simple programming language with a graphical component
Choose the English definition for the English term
a group of commands to be carried out automatically
a program that is used to create and change files
a code for writing secret messages
someone who writes computer programs
Choose the English definition for the English term

Visual basic
a simple programming language with a graphical component
a programming language that is used to encode web pages
a scripting language that is used to create dynamic web pages
a type of computer program that gathers someone’s personal information without their knowledge
Choose the English definition for the English term

Identify theft
a process wherein thieves trick people into giving away their personal information over the phone
an action that results in the loss of another person’s property
the process of stealing another person’s personal information and using it for personal gain
a process wherein thieves reroute people to a fake website that appears to be legitimate in order to
trick them into giving away their personal information
Choose the English definition for the English term

a process wherein thieves trick people into giving away their personal information through email
a process wherein thieves trick people into giving away their personal information over the phone
a process wherein thieves reroute people to a fake website that appears to be legitimate in order to
trick them into giving away their personal information
the process of stealing another person’s personal information and using it for personal gain
Choose the English definition for the English term

a type of computer program that gathers someone’s personal information without their knowledge
any type of malicious, harmful software
a type of malicious software that replicates itself through emails
an action that results in the loss of another person’s property
ДЕ 5. Соотнести дефиниции на русском языке с дефинициями на английском языке
(единичный выбор) (10 заданий из общего числа)
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Человек, который использует компьютеры и интернет для совершения преступлений

Услуга, предоставляемая для конкретных пользователей интернетом
Крошечные пинцеты
Private cloud
Cyber criminal
Micro robotic tweezers
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Штрих кодирование
Имплантированный микрочип
Оптический сканер
Bar coding
Implanted microchip
Optic scanner
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

ЭМК (электронная медицинская карта) - компьютеризированная версия истории болезни

Система, которая помогает врачам диагностировать болезни
Система, которая фиксирует и сохраняет медицинские изображения из различных источников
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
EHR (Electronic Health Record)
CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System)
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones
Процесс преобразования закодированных текстов, цифровых и других данных в их
первоначальную или другую удобную для чтения форму
Графическое представление данных
Программа, созданная для целей рекламы основного программного продукта
Demo generation
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Неформализованный язык пользователя информационно-поисковой системы, являющийся

средством человеческого общения
Разновидность вирусов, которые поражают загрузочные сектора дисков
Однотонная закраска изображений плоских графических форм, имеющих четкие границы
Natural language
Boot sector viruses
Flood filling
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Запоминающее устройство
Защита от копирования
Storage unit
Copy protection
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Идентификатор пользователя
Классификация прикладного программного обеспечения
Applied software classification
User identificator
Notation system
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Интерактивный режим
Искусственный интеллект
Язык программирования высокого уровня, разработанный в конце 1950-х
Interacting mode
Artificial intelligence
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Транслятор, выполняющий преобразование программы, составленной на исходном языке, в
объектный модуль
Устройство, предназначенное для обеспечения доступа к удаленным ЛВС и Интернету
Match the Russian definitions with the English ones

Область деятельности, связанная с защитой информации

Конфиденциальная информация
Внедрение нового программного обеспечения
Sensitive information
ДЕ 6. Выбрать подходящее по смыслу пропущенное слово /профессиональная лексика
(единичный выбор) (15 заданий из общего числа)
Complete the sentence with the missing word(s)
The ________ is one technology already in place. _____ let doctors’ access patient data easily and
efficiently. ______ can also store data.

Complete the sentence with the missing word

_______ is another common practice. Here, doctors use optic scanners to match patient to their
bar coding
Complete the sentence with the missing word

___ ___ provides many businesses with affordable and customizable services and offers more
elasticity and scalability than normal computing. With ___ ___we can just access the software online.
cloud computing
private cloud
public cloud
utility computing
Complete the sentence with the missing word

Unauthorized programs may contain _____ that can do irreversible damage to our system. Please
consult the IT department for a list of authenticated programs.
home pages
Complete the sentence with the missing word

_______ is the ultimate security software, a combination of both of our software packages. It keeps
your computer completely safe from cyber criminals. And it also comes with our computer backup
service. This means that the data on your computer’s hard drive will be backed up on our company’s
Complete the sentence with the missing word

Installing a _______ is a local form of cloud that will increase bandwidth. A _____ designates
computers on a network for storage. Instead of all computers clogging one server to retrieve data,
each user accesses data on nearby ______ storage computer.
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
GIS (Geographic Information System)
CDN (Content Delivery Network)
LSIC (Large-Scale Integrated Circuit)
Complete the sentence with the missing word

Other technology has also become popular. Many doctors use ________systems. These reduce
handwriting and communication errors.
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System)
EHR (Electronic Health Record)
CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry)
Complete the sentence with the missing word

Many doctors often use ________. These dispense drug dosages, which can reduce dosage errors.
Many hospitals use EMM (Electronic Materials Management) systems. These keep track of drugs
and other medical supplies.
CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System)
EMM (Electronic Materials Management)
ADMs (Automated Dispensing Machines)
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
Complete the sentence with the missing word

World industries' system uses _________ programs. Our integrated system of hardware and software
allows for completing computer integrated manufacturing.
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
EMM (Electronic Materials Management)
CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry)
Complete the sentence with the missing word

Equipment at World Industries is designed to work fast and hard. All of our machines have the
lowest possible __________and a high fault tolerant. Our software is protected from priority
inversions that could lower production.
latency time
real time
free time
great time
Complete the sentence with the missing word

_________ monitor all of our hardware to ensure that any problem will be repaired immediately by
our trained engineers.
micro robotic tweezers
optic scanners
Complete the sentence with the missing word

The new production line employs embedded systems and integrated circuits, allowing the hardware
to work together. These devices are connected through a high-speed Ethernet network. _______ in
each device send mechanical information to the network through device drivers.
Optic scanners
Complete the sentence with the missing word

We can create a ________ for employees or customers to log in to. We build and maintain root
directories. Create keywords so that your site shows up on multiple search engines. We mask credit
card numbers and customer information to ensure secure interface. We allow customers to use natural
language to navigate and search your site.

web portal
security software
public cloud
Complete the sentence with the missing word

This position involves several other duties as well. When it is necessary, the administrator will install
_______ for our operating systems and software.
Complete the sentence with the missing word

He or she will also perform weekly _______. These _______ prevent critical files and data from
becoming lost or damaged. The administrator will also be responsible for regular file archiving. In
addition, the administrator will regularly purge old data to protect client information.
message boards
Тест 2_англ. яз_информатика
ДЕ 7. Соотнести термины на английском языке с дефинициями на английском языке (15
заданий из общего числа)
Match the English terms with their definitions
Color matching
The ability to easily send or combine electronic health data from one system into another
The ability to create colors as you see them on the screen
Clinical Decision Support System
Match the English terms with their definitions
A system that captures and stores medical images from different sources
Introducing new software into a group of hardware
A personal website that is maintained by an individual
Match the English terms with their definitions
Natural language
Trust logo
Micro robotic tweezers
A seal that appears on a web page and means that the security of information on that page is assured
by an accredited company
The use of phrases from normal speech in search engines
Very tiny tweezers that allow a doctor to operate in extremely small or delicate areas
Match the English terms with their definitions
Card scanning
An action that results in the loss of another person’s property
The practice of capturing the personal information stored on credit cards, debit cards, or passports
A type of computer program that gathers someone’s personal information without their knowledge
Match the English terms with their definitions
Trojan horse
A computer program that appears to be beneficial but is actually malicious
A process wherein thieves trick people into giving away their personal information over the phone
A type of malicious software that replicates itself through emails
Match the English terms with their definitions
A kind of baseband video, where the whole signal is carried on one wire
To make a deep, clear noise that lasts for a long time
A voltage-variable capacity that helps to control tuning
Match the English terms with their definitions
A visual presentation of information
Anything that enters a system
Anything that a system produces
Match the English terms with their definitions
Regulation system
Power supply
A device that provides electrical energy to at least one electronic load
A system’s ability to make sure that voltage is constant, or near constant
Electronic device inside a computer that allows it to work
Match the English terms with their definitions
Linear power supply
Hard switch
A switch that must cut off the load current in a certain amount of time, while coping with high
voltage and current
A device that lets some things pass through, while blocking others
A type of electronic power supply that uses a linear regulator in order to set the voltage and protect
the power supply
Match the English terms with their definitions
An electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge
To make an object match or be on the same level as a particular standard
It’s made of more than one part or section
Match the English terms with their definitions
Look up
To mark or identify something so that it is clear what the thing is
To search for information about something
One of a series of things distinguished by or marked with numerals
Match the English terms with their definitions
An alternate name or title for something
A device designed to introduce resistance into an electric circuit
To change something into something different
Match the English terms with their definitions
To store sounds or images, so that they can be listened to or watched again
To use electronic equipment in order to organize it
To use electronics in order to make sounds, music or speech
Match the English terms with their definitions
Take in
Small scale
Play back
To listen to or watch a message or video that has already been recorded
To receive something, such as information
It is not as big as other similar objects
Match the English terms with their definitions
Bus speed
RAM (Random Access Memory)
To access information that is stored, in order to use it again
A form of computer data storage
A computer’s bus speed measures how many times the CPU can access a group of bits per second
ДЕ 8 . Вставить подходящие пропущенные слова в текст (единичный выбор) /из Текстов
для дополнительного чтения (10 заданий из общего числа)
Complete the text with the missing words
Every _______ (1) needs some kind of power supply. An obvious example is a battery. In some
instances a regulation system is also needed to keep the _____ (2) constant. If you need to find a
device's regulation system, keep an eye out for inductors and transformers. They are generally made
from a dark, matte metal. They can be round or square and often have_______ (3). You could also try
to spot the electrolytic capacitors. They are usually congregated near the power supply area.
electronic device
toroid cores
Complete the text with the missing words
Meanwhile, PCs are noted for their fast _______ (2) and adaptability. Users can ________ (3) a PC
to their needs. Additionally, their video subsystems are more powerful. This makes PCs desirable for
game designers and others who need advanced ______ (1).
processing speed
Complete the text with the missing words
The input section is responsible for the ________ (1) of the signals. The typical method of
accomplishing this uses coils that resonate at a specific frequency. Analog and digital tuners ______
(2) signals using different techniques. With ___________, (3) a mechanically variable capacitor
alters the frequency. In digital tuning, this is achieved by the varactor.
analog tuning
Complete the text with the missing words
_______ (1) is similar to phishing but is often done over the phone. ________ (2) occurs when a
hacker redirects someone to a site operated by them. The site looks legitimate and tricks people into
giving away personal information. If you believe you may be the victim of_________, (3) contacts us
immediately. We will take steps to ensure that your assets are safe.
identity theft
Complete the text with the missing words
I am seeking a talented _________ (2) to help me build an interactive website for my company. Must
be well-versed in languages like PHP and Java and have the ability to create _______ (1) for web
pages. I’m already familiar with HTML and am learning _____ (3), so I’ll handle the text portions of
the website.
web developer
Complete the text with the missing words
Create ________ (3) so that your site shows up on multiple search engines. We _____ (2) credit card
numbers and customer information to ensure secure interface. We allow customers to use natural
language to navigate and search your site. We assure that you are in PCI compliance, and can place a
________ (1) on your site so your customers know it!
trust logo

Complete the text with the missing words
The IT department removed the _______ (2), and the software supplier is releasing a patch that will
fix this error. We will inform you when this patch becomes available. However, this provides a good
opportunity to remind you of the _______ (3) we must take to make our network safer. Remember,
you must keep the ___________ (1) as strict as possible on your computer. This prevents attacks
from hackers and keeps certain types of malware out of the system.
firewall settings
Complete the text with the missing words
You can also increase your computer’s ___________ (2). This temporarily stores data on a paging
file on the computer’s _______ (1). To add virtual memory, click on the “My Computer” _____ (3).
Under “Properties”, increase the maximum memory amount.
virtual memory
hard drive
Complete the text with the missing words
Cloud computing offers more ______ (3) and scalability than normal computing. Businesses have
_____ (1) to many resources from both the private and public clouds. Computers can easily switch to
a new OS with PaaS (platform as a service). They can also _____ (2) to a new server with IaaS
(infrastructure as a service).
Complete the text with the missing words
The ________ (2) is one technology already in place. EHRs let doctors’ access patient data easily and
efficiently. They also enable _______ (3) functions. These alert doctors to harmful drug interactions.
EHRs can also store data from ________________ (1). Interoperability is a key aspect of EHRs. It
lets physicians in different clinics easily share records.
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System)
EHR (Electronic Health Record)
CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System)

ДЕ 9. Определить, верны ли утверждения (3 утверждения – два из них верные)/

множественный выбор (из Текстов для дополнительного чтения) (10 заданий из общего
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Every electronic device needs some kind of power supply. An obvious example is a battery. In some
instances a regulation system is also needed to keep the voltage constant. If you need to find a
device's regulation system, keep an eye out for inductors and transformers. They are generally made
from a dark, matte metal. They can be round or square and often have toroid cores. You could also
try to spot the electrolytic capacitors. They are usually congregated near the power supply area.
Nowadays, power switches have been replaced by transistor switching. Microprocessors control
transistor switching. This method is also used in some AC-powered devices. However, other such
devices use hard switches. Switching supplies are now the norm, except with some audio products
that continue to use linear power supplies. If you look inside a switcher, you will notice that the AC
line travels through a line filter. From there, it passes through many different parts before reaching
the electrolytic filter caps. It is common for people to confuse the switching supply components with
a voltage inverter. The latter resembles small switching supplies. However its job is to convert low
voltage to high voltage.
A regulation system manages voltage
Inductors and transformers have square cores
Every electronic device needs some kind of power supply
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Creating a website can seem like a daunting task. Where do you start? Whether you’re building a site
for business or creating a blog for friends and family to enjoy, we can help you! We can create a web
portal for employees or customers to log in to. We build and maintain root directories. Create
keywords so that your site shows up on multiple search engines. We mask credit card numbers and
customer information to ensure secure interface. We allow customers to use natural language to
navigate and search your site. We assure that you are in PCI compliance, and can place a trust logo
on your site so your customers know it!
We admit customers to use natural language to navigate and search your site
We do not build and maintain root directories
We disguise credit card numbers and customer information to ensure secure interface
Decide if the following statements are true or false

One of the input section's jobs is to collect signals. After that it feeds the signals to the processing
section. With radio and TV equipment, the input can be via cable or antenna. In addition, televisions
can receive baseband video, such as composite and S-video. Input can also come from a transducer,
like a microphone. If you ever need to access the video input circuitry, just follow the lines from the
input jacks. The input section is responsible for the amplification of the signals. The typical method
of accomplishing this uses coils that resonate at a specific frequency. Analog and digital tuners
amplify signals using different techniques. With analog tuning, a mechanically variable capacitor
alters the frequency. In digital tuning, this is achieved by the varactor. Output stages ready the signal
for display, or for its end purpose. This is done through current amplification. This gives a signal the
power to do things like driving an audio speaker or operating a motor. If you ever need to find the
output stages, they are easy to spot. They are almost always bigger than the surrounding components.
Televisions can receive more types of input than radio
Analog tuners use a capacitor to amplify signals
Coil is a type of input
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Recently, a series of identity thefts has affected our customers. Unfortunately, this led to several
instances of fraud occurring at our bank. The best way to avoid these events is to be informed. Please
take a moment to familiarize yourself with some common ways that criminals steal personal
information. Card scanning is one simple form of identity theft. This is when someone uses a card
scanner to record the information stored on credit or debit cards. Card scanning can be used to collect
passport information as well. Email also presents opportunities for cyber thieves. Spam, or
unsolicited emails, can contain malware. This malicious software includes spyware, Trojan horses,
and worms that can infect one’s computer and steal information. Phishing is also conducted over
email. This occurs when thieves trick people into giving them information by pretending to represent
a legitimate business.
Spam or unsolicited emails comprise malware
A series of identity thefts has affected our customers lately
Card scanning cannot be used to collect passport information as well
Decide if the following statements are true or false

One of the input section's jobs is to collect signals. After that it feeds the signals to the processing
section. With radio and TV equipment, the input can be via cable or antenna. In addition, televisions
can receive baseband video, such as composite and S-video. Input can also come from a transducer,
like a microphone. If you ever need to access the video input circuitry, just follow the lines from the
input jacks. The input section is responsible for the amplification of the signals. The typical method
of accomplishing this uses coils that resonate at a specific frequency. Analog and digital tuners
amplify signals using different techniques. With analog tuning, a mechanically variable capacitor
alters the frequency. In digital tuning, this is achieved by the varactor.
If you ever need to access the video input circuitry, just follow the lines from the input jacks
One of the input section's jobs is to distribute signals
The input section is accountable for the amplification of the signals
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Ribbon cables are wide and flat, with many wires running parallel to each other on the same flat
plane. They are very delicate and complex pieces of electronic equipment. So, if you need to remove
one, you must be extremely careful. To remove a ribbon cable take the following steps. First, draw a
small line on the cable with a permanent marker. Do the same thing on the socket. This will help you
remember exactly where the ribbon cable goes. Next, study the connection. Most of the time, there
are latches at the end of ribbon cables. These latches connect the conductor to its socket. If the cable
has a latch, there will be reinforced tabs on the socket. Always make sure to unfasten a latch before
tugging on a cable. If you don’t, you may destroy the cable or it could become crooked. And because
they are custom made, cables are usually impossible to replace. How you should unfasten the latch
depends on the type of latch. For a slide latch, pull on both tabs at once. For a flip-up latch, grab the
edge of both tabs and lift them up together very gently. However, some ribbons don’t have latches. In
this case, grab the tabs on the end of the cable. Then, carefully tug on them.
Use a permanent marker or a pencil to mark a ribbon
All ribbon cables have latches
Make sure to unfasten a latch before tugging on a cable
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Repair item: An older model stereo system with radio, CD, and cassette components. Location: The
stereo was dropped off at the Front St. branch. It has been sent to the main repair center. Time
Parameters: The client is hosting a party on Wednesday. She will need to use the stereo for this event.
The repair must be completed by Wednesday morning, at the latest. Assessment: The stereo
combines analog and digital functions. The CD player affectively converts digital signals to analog
ones for output. The cassette player is able to record and play back music without incident. However,
the radio seems to have a hard time taking in and processing signals. As a result, reception is
extremely poor. The radio’s tuning appears to be in good working order. The radio can synthesize
sounds and signals appropriately. Action Taken: I opened up the radio and looked at the small-scale
components. After a full examination, I concluded that the radio couldn’t retrieve signals. All the
interior components were in good shape. But the antenna was damaged. I replaced the antenna with
the new one. Outcome: The client will pick it up tomorrow before 10 a.m.
The customer needs the item back by Saturday morning
The work order is mostly about repairing a broken stereo
The antenna is not working
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Recently, a series of identity thefts has affected our customers. Unfortunately, this led to several
instances of fraud occurring at our bank. The best way to avoid these events is to be informed. Please
take a moment to familiarize yourself with some common ways that criminals steal personal
information. Card scanning is one simple form of identity theft. This is when someone uses a card
scanner to record the information stored on credit or debit cards. Card scanning can be used to collect
passport information as well. Email also presents opportunities for cyber thieves. Spam, or
unsolicited emails, can contain malware. This malicious software includes spyware, Trojan horses,
and worms that can infect one’s computer and steal information. Phishing is also conducted over
email. This occurs when thieves trick people into giving them information by pretending to represent
a legitimate business. Pretexting is similar to phishing but is often done over the phone. Pharming
occurs when a hacker redirects someone to a site operated by them. The site looks legitimate and
tricks people into giving away personal information. If you believe you may be the victim of identity
theft, contacts us immediately. We will take steps to ensure that your assets are safe.
Pretexting occurs on telephones
Pharming relies on the use of card scanners
The site looks legal and tricks people into giving away personal information
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Every electronic device needs some kind of power supply. An obvious example is a battery. In some
instances a regulation system is also needed to keep the voltage constant. If you need to find a
device's regulation system, keep an eye out for inductors and transformers. They are generally made
from a dark, matte metal. They can be round or square and often have toroid cores. You could also
try to spot the electrolytic capacitors. They are usually congregated near the power supply area.
Nowadays, power switches have been replaced by transistor switching. Microprocessors control
transistor switching. This method is also used in some AC-powered devices. However, other such
devices use hard switches. Switching supplies are now the norm, except with some audio products
that continue to use linear power supplies. If you look inside a switcher, you will notice that the AC
line travels through a line filter. From there, it passes through many different parts before reaching
the electrolytic filter caps. It is common for people to confuse the switching supply components with
a voltage inverter. The latter resembles small switching supplies. However its job is to convert low
voltage to high voltage.
At present power switches have been replaced by transistor switching
Inductors and transformers have square cores
A voltage inverter converts low voltage to high voltage
Decide if the following statements are true or false

Every part of your device is labeled with a call number. These call numbers are all unique.
Furthermore, they are unrelated to other component numbers. Because they are combinations of
letters and numbers, call numbers look complicated. However, our brand has an easy-to-use method.
The first "number" is always a letter, such as "C" or "R." This letter is a quick and easy identifier. It
identifies what kind of component it is. For instance, a component with a "C" designation is a
capacitor. Likewise, a component with an "R" designation is a resistor. After the letter, there are a
few numbers. Each of these numbers stands for something different. For example, the first number
specifies the component's location inside the device. Therefore, two components starting with 4 won't
be far away from each other. The beginning letter will be the same on almost every device. The
electronics industry has worked hard to standardize this. However, the numbers are not standardized.
They differ depending on the manufacturer.
The purpose of the passage is to give information on using call numbers
The first letter of a call number tells a technician what kind of part it is
What the first number stands for is not mentioned in the passage
ДЕ 10. Дописать соответствующий термин на английском к дефиниции на английском
языке (открытое задание) (20 заданий из общего числа)
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
List all previous jobs on your _______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
Get the new software and _______ it to the system
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
Fixing the network is the manager’s _________
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
We install ___________ filters to prevent spamming and scamming
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
Create ________ so that your site shows up on multiple search engines
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
_________________ will let doctors operate in very small areas
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
________________ will measure and release drug dosages precisely
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
________ let doctors’ access patient data easily and efficiently
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A system that helps doctors diagnose problems is ________
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A computerized version of a patient’s health record is ________
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
_____________ provides many businesses with affordable and customizable services
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
___________is a service offered to specific users who have purchased it and isn’t available publicly
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
This software _______ the types of websites that you decide are unsafe
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
Unauthorized programs may contain ________that can do irreversible damage to our system
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A piece of code that is used to fix a flaw in a computer program is _______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
An attempt to get through computer security is ______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A type of Trojan virus that tracks what keystrokes are entered into a computer is ______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
To create a duplicate copy of data that is stored on a separate hard drive or computer system to
prevent the loss of the data _______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A device that reads and records identification labels on medications is______
Complete the definition with the appropriate English term
A small chip that has several electronic devices attached to it is________

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