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Observation Task 4: Development of Early Writing Skills

Table 4: Development of Early Writing Skills

Developmental Supporting Activities Links to the ADEC Curriculum Comments
Writing Stage

Strings of Link the letter with the sound

letter “orange, ovil, octopus”
Learn to write letter “O”
by using colors

Link the letter with the sound

Learn to write letter “A” “Apple, aunt”
using shaving cream
Suggestions for the further development of early writing skills

Reflections on Observation Task 4: Development of Early Writing Skills

1. What developmental writing stages are the majority of the students in?

String, some of the students were not able to write the letter in exact way some of them were
having problem with lower and upper case

2. Describe and explain two (2) suggested strategies that the teacher can use to help the majority of
the students within their developmental writing stage.
Teacher can let the students write the letter of the sound for the first letter when they hear the
word either they say it and keep repeating it or write it down
Break down the word so that they can know the words and the letter of the sounds

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