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1. Multiple Choice Questions.

a) The base which is insoluble in water is
(i) Cu(OH)2
(ii) KOH
(iii) NaOH
(iv) Ca(OH)2
b) Which of the following mixture is known as aqua-regia?
(i) Nitric acid and Sulphuric acid
(ii) Sulphuric acid and Hydrochloric acid
(iii) Nitric acid and Hydrochloric acid
(iv) Carbonic acid and nitric acid
c) Name the acid present in grapes and tamarind
(i) Citric acid
(ii) Ascorbic acid
(iii) Tartaric acid
(iv) Tannic acid
d) The colourless indicator, which changes its colour to magenta in a basic
(i) China rose extract
(ii) Phenolphthalein
(iii) Litmus
(iv) Methyl orange

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2. Write the differences between acids and bases.
3. What are neutral substances? Give one example.

4. Write the chemical formula of

(a) King of Chemicals

(b)Caustic Potash

(c) Baking soda

(d)Caustic soda

5. Give reasons:

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a) We should never add water to acid while diluting a strong acid.
b) Bee stings should be treated with baking soda while wasp stings
should be treated with vinegar.
c) All alkalis are bases, but all bases are not alkalis.

6. Answer the following

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a) Describe the process of neutralization with the help of an
b) Is distilled water acidic /basic/neutral? How would you verify
c) Mention any two neutralization reactions from your daily life.
7. Ramesh was having a test tube containing a natural indicator. On
adding two drops of solution ‘A’ in this indicator the colour

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changes to green. On adding two drops of solution ‘B’ to the
indicator the colour changes to dark pink (magenta).
a) Identify the natural indicator.
b) What is nature of solution ‘A’ and ‘B’?
c) Name a synthetic indicator and what results it will show with
solution ‘A’ and solution ‘B’?
8. Give reasons:
a) Liquid waste from industries is treated with slaked lime.

b) The working tables in laboratories are not made up metals and


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9. What is the chemical name of
(i) Vinegar
(ii) Milk of Magnesia
(iii) Slaked lime
(iv) Washing soda

10.a) Write the chemical formulae of the following :

(i) Ammonium hydroxide (ii) Calcium hydroxide
(iii) Nitric acid (iv) Sodium chloride


b) Name the acids present in the following:

(i) Spinach: ___________________________________________

(ii) Ant’s sting: ___________________________________________

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11.What is an indicator? Name the indicator (A and B) used in the
following cases:


1. Multiple Choice Questions.

a) Name the process by which common salt is obtained from sea
(i) Freezing
(ii) Evaporation
(iii) Condensation
(iv) Rusting

b) Which of the following is false when milk changes to curd

(i) Its state is changed from liquid to semi-solid
(ii) It changes colour
(iii) It changes taste

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(iv) The change cannot be reversed
c) Galvanisation is a process used to prevent the rusting of
(i) Zinc
(ii) Aluminium
(iii) Copper
(iv) Iron
d) Chemical reactions where heat is absorbed by the substances
are known as
(i) Chemical change
(ii) Physical change
(iii) Endothermic reaction
(iv) Exothermic reaction
2. Is crystallization a chemical change? Explain your answer
3. Differentiate physical and chemical change.

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4. a) Define rusting. Write the chemical reaction for rusting.
b) Give four ways to prevent rusting.

5. Write the chemical reaction when:

(i) Magnesium oxide is added to water

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(ii) Copper sulphate solution is treated with iron.
(iii) Magnesium ribbon burnt in presence of air.
6. Identify the given reactions as Decomposition, Displacement
and Double Displacement reaction
(i) NaOH + HCl ------> NaCl + H2O
(ii) CaCO3 CaO + CO2
(iii) Mg + 2HCl ------> MgCl2 + H2

7. Answer the following

a) On adding baking soda to vinegar, a gas ‘A’ is produced with
hissing sound. Identify the gas ‘A’. Also write the chemical
equation for the above reaction.

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b) On passing the gas ‘A’ through lime water, it turns milky.
Name the compound formed.
8. Write a short note on
a) Formation of a precipitate
b) Saturated and supersaturated solution

9. (i) Give an example of a chemical change in which there is a

change of colour that takes place.

(ii) Write any two methods to prevent the colour change.

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10.What is physical change? Give examples.

11.Classify the changes involved in the following processes as

physical or chemical changes: Photosynthesis, dissolving sugar
in water, burning of coal, melting of wax, digestion of food


1. Multiple Choice Questions.

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a) Loamy soil is a mixture of
(i) Sand
(ii) Silt
(iii) Clay
(iv) All the above
b) Deforestation causes
(i) Soil pollution
(ii) Soil Erosion
(iii) Water pollution
(iv) Rainfall
c) The amount of water present in soil depends on its
(i) Percolation rate
(ii)Water holding capacity
(iii) Moisture content
(iv) Texture

d) Sandy soil is
(i) Smooth and sticky
(iii) Gritty and loose
(iv) None of these
2. Name any two minerals present in soil.

3. Which is the best type of soil for growing crops? Why?


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4. Define soil erosion. Write any two methods to prevent soil


5. a) Calculate the rate of percolation (ml/min) when 6 liters of

water goes through the soil in 1 hour.
c) When 100 ml of water poured in a sample of soil, it takes half
an hour for water to seep through the given soil sample.
Calculate the percolation rate of the soil.

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6. Answer the following
a) Which type of soil has the highest and lowest water retaining

b) Arrange the Loamy, Clayey and Sandy soil in the increasing

order of water holding capacity.
7. Write any two causes of soil pollution and soil erosion.

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8. What is soil profile?

Label the figure given above and also write one feature of each.

9. What is weathering?

10. Differentiate between sandy, clayey and loamy soil.


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11.Give reason
a) Cotton is grown in black soil.
b) Farmers add slaked lime to acidic soil.

12.What are the components of soil? Explain with the help of an


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1. Multiple Choice Questions.

a) Which of the following is a product of waste water treatment?
(i) Biogas
(ii) Sludge
(iii) Both biogas and sludge
(iv) Scum

b) The system of a network of pipes used for taking away waste

water from homes or public buildings to treatment plant is
known as
(i) Sewage
(ii) Sewarage
(iii) Sewer
(iv) Screening
c) Open drain system is a breeding place for which of the
(i) Flies
(iii) Disease causing organisms
(iv) All the above
2. Answer the following
(i) Differentiate between sewer and sewage.

(ii) In which stage of water treatment is sewage treated with

useful bacteria.
3. Define

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a) Sludge and scum
b) Eutrophication
c) Contaminants and pollutants
4. Write short notes on
a) Vermicomposting
b) Incineration
c) Sewage system

5. Fill in the blanks in given flowchart.

6. Explain the three stages of primary sewage treatment.


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7. What are the different sources of water pollution? Give two
examples of each.
8. Explain the importance of bacteria in waste water treatment.
9. Why is chlorine gas passed through treated sewage?
10. Write down the uses of treated water and sludge.

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11. How is landfill used to generate electricity?

12. Write any four steps to prevent water pollution.


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