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Post task - Final activity

Individual work


Group 100108_35
Identification number 12436989



In this activity everything studied in units 1, 2 and 3 of this course will be applied, so we have to
remember the concepts worked on in the previous units. An important concept to keep in mind is
that electromagnetic waves are the phenomenon physical that allows radio communication.
A wave is a disturbance, a momentary irregularity, that moves through space. This movement is
known as wave propagation and can have different shapes and patterns.
Unit two and three introduce us to the essence of electromagnetic fields and their characteristics.
The concepts of electromagnetism, absorption, reflection, diffraction, refraction and interference
are briefly introduced. The topic of free space propagation is discussed along with the concepts of
free space loss, line of sight and multiple trajectory.
Application exercises:

For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the group number and
CCC to the first 3 digits of the identification number.
Group 100108_35
Identification number 12436989

1. An electromagnetic wave of f =124 MHz is transmitted from the bottom of a ship to a

receiver located at p=1 Km depth. The wave is emitted with an advance angle of
a=( 5+35 ) °=40°. Determine the time it takes for the wave to reach the receiver.
For development, follow the following steps:
a. Calculate the tangent of losses tan(δ).
σ σ
tan ( δ )= =
ω ε 2 πf ε r ε o
σ (4)
tan ( δ )= =
ω ε 2 π (124 MHz)( 80)(8.8542 x 10−12 C 2 /N m 2)
tan ( δ )=7.248
δ =tan−1 (7.248 )=82.14 °
b. Classify the behavior of the medium.
Media tan ( δ ) δ [° ]
Dissipative (Dielectrics with
0,1<7.248≤10 6 ° <82.14 ° ≤84 °
dielectrics losses)

c. Calculate the propagation parameters of the wave γ , α and β .

Parameter Dielectrics with losses

 √ jωμ(σ + j ωε)
 ℜ¿)

 ℑ()

 √ jω μ/( σ+ j ωε)

¿ √ jωμ( σ + j ωε)
¿ √ j(2 π∗124 x 10 )(1.2566 x 10−6 )(4 + j(2 π∗124 x 106 )(8.8542 x 10−12∗80))

¿ 41.3094 +47.4001 i
¿ 41.3094

¿ 47.4001 i
¿ √ jω μ /(σ + j ωε)
j ( 2 π∗124 x 10 6 )( 1.2566 x 10−6 )
√ 4+ j ( 2 π∗124 x 106 ) ( 8.8542 x 10−12∗80 )
¿ 11.7388+10.2304 i

d. Calculate the propagation speed of the V p wave.

w 2 π∗124 x 106 6
V p= = =16.43 x 10 m/ s
❑ 47.4001
e. Calculate the distance between the ship and the receiver d.
tan ( 40 ° )=
1000 m

x=1000 m∗tan ( 40 ° )=839.09 m

2 2
hip= √( 1000 ) + ( 839.09 ) =1305.4 m

f. Based on V p and d determine the time t of the route.

Figure 1: wave propagation in open media.

vp 16.43 x 106 m/s
t= = =12590.0 seg
d 1305.4 mts
2. From an airplane, which is 1250 m high, a communication signal f =771 MHz is emitted to a
submarine that is 800 m deep, the angle of incidence of the signal on the sea surface is
a=( 5+35 ) °=40°. Determine the time it takes for the signal to reach the submarine.
Group 100108_35
Identification number 12436989
Sea watter=n2=1.33

For development, follow the following steps:

a. Calculate the distance between the plane and the point of incidence at sea d 1.

1250 mts
tan ( a )=
x= =1489.6 m
tan ⁡(40 ° )
2 2
d 1=√ ( 1250 mts ) + ( 1489 ) =1944.1 mts
b. Calculate the velocity of propagation of the wave V p 1 in the air (V p=Co /n)
Co 3.00 x 108 6
V p= = =299.91 x 10 m/s
n 1.00029
c. Using Snell's Law, calculate the angle of refraction of the wave in the sea.
n 1 Sen(θa)=n2 Sen(θb)

1.00029 Sen( 40)=1.33 Sen (θb)

1.00029∗Sen ( 40 )
Sen(θb)= =0.4834

θb=se n−1 ( 0.4834 )=28.9=29 °

d. Calculate the distance between the point of incidence in the sea and the submarine.
tan ( 29 ° )=
x=tan (29 ° )∗800=443.44 mts
2 2
d 2= √ ( 800 ) + ( 443.44 ) =914.67 mts
e. Calculate the propagation speed of the wave V p 2 at sea (it is V pfrom exercise 1).
Co 3.00 x 108 6
V p 2= = =225.56 x 10 m/s
n 1.33

f. Based on V p 1 and d 1 determine the time t 1of the first path (t 1=d 1 /V p 1).

d1 1945 mts
t 1= = =8.45 μseg
V p1 299.91 x 106 m/s
g. Based on V p 2 and d 2 determine the time t 2of the second path.
d2 914.67 mts
t 2= = =3.04 μseg
V p 2 299.91 x 106 m/s

h. Calculate the total time of the route t=t 1+ t 2.

t=t 1+ t 2.
t=8.45 μseg+3.04 μseg=11.49 μseg
Figure 2: wave propagation in bounded open media.
Image recovered from https://byjus.com/physics/

3. A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of Z 0=75 Ω, a length of L=5 m

and is excited by a signal of f =500 MHz. The line is connected to an antenna with load
impedance Z L =( 45+ j 45)Ω. Taking into account that V p=3 x 107 m/s, calculate:

Figure 3: Transmission line.

Group 100108_35
Identification number 12436989

a. Wavelength λ.
v p =λf
v p 3 x 107 m/s
λ= = =0.06
f 500 MHz

b. Electrical length l.
L 5m
l= = =83.33
λ 0.06
c. Input impedance Z¿ .
Z 0∗z L∗j Z 0∗tan ⁡(2 π∗l)
Z¿ =
z 0∗j Z L∗tan ⁡(2 π∗l)
Ω∗( 45+ j 45 )∗j 75 Ω∗tan ( 2 π∗83.33 )
Z¿ =75 =75 Ω
75 Ω∗ j ( 45+ j 45 )∗tan ( 2 π∗83.33 )

d. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).

Z −Z 0 45+ j 45−75
Γ= L = =−0.0959+0.4110 i
Z L +Z 0 45+ j 45−75
Γ =|0.4220|1.8 °
VSWR=1+ ¿ Γ ∨ ¿ ¿
1−¿ Γ ∨¿= =2.4602¿

f. Check the results c, d and e with the Smith 4.1 software.

g. Using the Smith 4.1 software, get an input impedance that is only real.

In this activity, the concepts of physics and electromagnetism were applied to determine the
behavior of electromagnetic waves when propagated in delimited open media, using mathematical
methods to solve application exercises.
The modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves were determined through exercises. And how
these are propagated in delimited open media.
In addition, the fundamentals of Wave Reflection and Refraction were studied and applied.
Snell's Law was used. (also called Snell-Descartes law) to calculate the angle of refraction of light
when crossing the separation surface between two means of propagation of light (or any
electromagnetic wave) with different refractive index.

It was concluded that the multiplication of the refractive index by the sine of the angle of incidence
with respect to the normal is constant for any ray of light incident on the separatist surface of two
media. That is, the component of the refractive index parallel to the surface is constant.

We could also conclude with the elaboration of exercise number three that the operation of a
transmission line depends on many factors, such as the material of the conductor, as well as the
material of the dielectric that covers it, the thickness of the cable and its length.

We can also conclude that a transmission line is any system of conductors, semiconductors, or the
combination of both, that can be used to transmit information, in the form of electrical or
electromagnetic energy between two points.
They are circuits at very high frequencies where the wavelengths are short, they act as resonant
circuits and even as reactive components at frequencies of VHF and UHF and microwaves.

 Paz, A. (2013). Ondas en medios abiertos acotados. Electromagnetismo para ingeniería
electrónica. Capítulo 7, 8, 9. (p.280).
Recovered from
| C.H. Papas Dover Publications Inc.; Edición: New edition (1 de agosto de 1989) Theory of
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Chapter 5,6.

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